//------------------------------// // (1) Jinxes lead to missing boxes // Story: Achievement Hunter and the Battle Against the Sirens // by Blacksmith //------------------------------// It was bright, sunny day at canterlot high. There were birds soaring above, whilst the students were clearing out of the building for the day. One student in particular with crimson red hair complemented with yellow orange highlights was making her way out as one of the last students. She was clad in a short leather jacket, a small orange skirt, and black boots with a purple flamelike decal on the toe side of these boots. Her demeanor radiated apologetic, and unsureness, which would make sense considering not too long ago she zombified most of the students and tried to take over the human world. So many students aren't exactly fond of her at the moment. In her arms is a box containing a couple of unused electronics from the computer lab. The items in said box were a laptop of high value and a router that had such a fast speed she wondered why it was given away. Then again the school did get a lot of support money because of some mysterious happenings. As this student was walking she heard a very ecstatic voice from behind ear her growing closer by the second, " Sunset, Sunset, SUNSET!" Screamed the classmate who's frazzled and wild pink hair stood out like a sore thumb that was then repeatedly beaten with a hammer forged from a magically enchanted titanium. "What is it Pinkie?" She questioned with a look one could only describe as a parent listening to a child's ridiculousness. The words flying out of the bubbly Pinkie were so fast they were almost impossible to comprehend. "IwasonmywayhomeandithoughtofanamazingideawhereIwouldthrowamassivepartyandinviteeveryoneatschoolsothatmaybethey'llwantto befriendswithyouagain!" Whilst doing this, Pinkie's crazy arm movements, and lack of spacial awareness caused her to whack the box in Sunset's arms completely out of her reach and right by the Wondercolts statue. Which as always the statue of a triumphant horse on its hind legs stood. "Seriously Pinkie Pie, that stuff isn't cheap y'know, and it's not like the librarian is giving these to everyone. I only got it because no one in town is exactly jumping the gun to sell stuff to me." Sunset stated with a tiny glimpse of frustration and sadness peaking out of her seafoam green colored eyes. "Oopsies, my bad Sunset Shimmer," Pinkie zoomed over by the statue and knocked on it a few times, "at least the portal isn't open right now right?" Almost immediately after saying this, the statue started to glow a bright white around its rectangular prism shape blinding the two students. When they're eyes were no longer filled with the equivalent to a flash bang,(without the bang) they were greeted with the lack of Sunset Shimmer's box by the statue. "Seriously, you had to jinx it Pinkie," groaned Sunset Shimmer' "Well it doesn't matter now, it's not like we're getting it back any time soon." The two walked off, changing the subject to more pressing matters, which to Pinkie Pie was the party she intended to throw whether Sunset wanted to go or not. Normally this box would have gone to Equestria. The land of magical talking horses of pastel colors. Filled with unicorns Pegasi and Earth ponies. However since the portal to equestria is supposed to be closed for the time, a new one shall appear in another dimension. This would be fine as long as the items sent to this dimension aren't tampered with. Otherwise this could result in unexpected events such as the item and some of its surroundings to be sent back to where it came from. Meanwhile in another dimension with people of more presumably recognizable qualities like tan or peach colored skin, there is the location of the Roosterteeth offices. Located in Austin Texas of the United States of America. Home of Achievement Hunter, and many of Rooosterteeth's employees. One employee by the name of Jeremy Dooley, a short man of about five foot three with a beard just as short is about step in the office when he sees a bright flash in his peripheral vision. His head jerks to the left and he no longer sees a light. He follows where he saw this light until he rounds the corner of the building from where the flash originated to see a small box in its place. Inside the cardboard container is a mere two things. A simple laptop of average speed and supposedly normal storage, and a suspiciously expensive looking router of great quality. Looking left and right to see no one near the box he picks the stuff up and carries it into the Achievement Hunter office. Upon entering the office itself his co workers glance towards him in confusion then immediately get back to work. However one of his fellow Achievement Hunters decides to question Jeremy. His boss Geoff is the first to speak up, "Hey Jeremy, the hell are you doing with that stuff?" Upon hearing this Jeremy looks over at Geoff and answers the question plainly, "I found it lying untouched outside, it didn't appear to belong to any body so I grabbed it for the office." He then placed the computer on his desk and started it up. Jeremy found there to be not a single thing on the computer used. It was practically brand freaking new. When doing this Jeremy thought to himself that this stuff might actually come in handy. Frustrated with Jeremy's explanation a third Achievement Hunter by the name of Micheal Jones pops his head up from his desk and yells,"We don't need a fuckin' laptop and router we got a million of these in the office." Defensively Jeremy retorts,"Hey you never know when you'll need stuff, it's better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it." "Whatever Lil' J," replays Micheal snickering as he sits back down to edit his latest internet video installment of Rage Quit. The rest of the achievement hunter crew doesn't even pay attention due to them being glued to their screens editing videos of their own. These guys include Gavin Free, Jack Pattillo, and Ryan Haywood. At this point Geoff Ramsey has stopped paying attention to Jeremy's pointless stuff and continues his work as well. Jeremy walks over and places the box under his desk, "You guys will eventually see this come in handy...I hope...otherwise I'm gonna look really stupid."