Ghost story

by mikele_11

11_Continuations joke.


"No Princess sausage, this cake tempted me." I said in my sleep. Don't ask, I don't know how I knew.

> Sleep Off

I opened my eyes and began to stretch. I began to scratch and after a while I heard a whistle. I looked at myself and ... I was plush-ghost?!?! "What the ..." I stopped when I heard my own voice. I sounded ... I can't describe, but I can say that annoyingly. My size was comparable to the plush Freddy. "I have a little problem." I said to myself.

> Hahahaha ... WHAT?! <Laughed a voice similar to the DG, but it sounded like to me. > What have you done to me? <Asked panicking.

"I didn't do anything." I said. "Bill, why joke plant do affected to me ..."

> Ghmmm. <DG cleared throat.

"... Our voice?" I asked.

^ That's the only thing I don't know. ^ Replied Bill, also with a different voice.

} Ha! {Yelled GG, but in his normal voice. } That's just me and the reason have a normal voices. {He said. I just did pout. } And what about the girls? {

"Oh yes. I almost forgot." I said. "And I sound stupid." I said.

> I don't advise to go out in such a state

"Why?" I asked.

> Enter data
> Cores magic: 1/4 efficient
> Power: 32%
> Physical damage: major changes
> System Errors: 18
> The maximum speed now 0.5 mach
> Maximum speed Hard Drive: 2Tb / min
> Anti-gravity engines: disabled
> Control the magic 25%
> Night Vision: blocked
> Equipment: limited
> Motor reality: blocked
> Time to roaming mode: hold
> Information System completed

"You have updated data?" I asked. In addition to the Modified Hard Drive, I am given other things.

> Data updated
> Remote controller: limited
> Grapple: Deactivated
> Wings: unfinished
> The data contained
> Immediately
> You walked all the way when I say

= Answer for Ghost. Yes. =

"With Jetrex." I told. "And still I sound stupid." I said.

= You sound better than this fool. =

> You know that I hate you

= I hate you more. =

'knock, knock, knock.'

"Closed." Screamed panicked Twilight.

"It's me. Ghost." I said. A moment later the door opened and I saw how Twilight looks around. "Bottom." She looked at me and barely restrained laugh.

"Applejack. You see, not only do you have a little problem." Twilight said. I heard the other girls laughed.

"Can I come in?" I asked blankly. Twilight stepped in and waved a hoof like 'go'. When I was in the middle, the girls looked at me, like something sweet. "At once I warn you. Let me hug either try, and Celestia I promise I will not hesitate to use my claws." I told. They just giggled. "We're going to Zecora for medicine if we stand here?" I asked. They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding? She cursed us and to help us." Rainbow Dash said. I looked at her like 'seriously.'

"What makes you think she did?" I asked. Rainbow had to say something, but I cut her off. "And if I said I explored the mysterious blue flower of yesterday and discovered that it has magical properties that produce random effects as a joke. Joke plant." I said. "Be careful. Blue flower is not a joke." I said. They looked at me, not knowing what to say.

= Knocked Up. =

> Here I must agree

"Hello? Anyone? No? Then let's go after the antidote. And remember, be nice." I said. Then I went to the door and stood in front of them. "TWILIGHT" I shouted. She flinched, but then opened the door. I began to follow the path into the Everfree Forest and the girls went after me in silence. * I think I was too harsh? * I thought.

   When we got there we could see the wooden hut adorned masks. I went to the door and knocked. Girls have become uncertain, and at the same time ready to attack, if something was wrong. The door opened, revealing a Zecora. "Hello Zecora." I said. She looked at me and tried to stop a light laugh.

"You can see that plant Joke mark imprinted on your friends and you." Zecora said. "Come therefore my threshold and wait, as an antidote already is cooking." We did as she said. The inside was on its way nicely and I saw potions, boiler, Apple Bloom ... Right.

"Apple Bloom! What ya think that doing here?" Applejack asked. She looked up with a small smile.

"Leave her alone." I said. "Probably she, helped Zecora in making the potion." I said.

"Helping really was. I'm glad you helped me." Said Zecora. "Elixir is ready for consumption. Drink boldly." She gave the potion in our direction. The girls were uncertain. I would have no hesitation grabbed the spoon and drank. I felt a slight tingling and a sudden flash, I became normal. "Strange really is. Action had to be visible after a minute or two." Zecora said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have a faster metabolism." I replied as if it didn't matter. I gave the potion girls. They drank hesitantly but after some time their problems are gone. "I'm going to leave you so that you can talk. I'm going home." I told. Then I snapped claws and teleport back home.

"You move away from before my face." Goldy said, standing in front of me. I shifted to the left. "Thank you." He said walking to the exit. I watched for a while and when I made sure he was out of sight, I went into the room 'parts and machines' on 'secret room'.

"B3." Disharmony said.

# Mishit. G6. # Said Nightmare G.

"Sunk." Disharmony said exposing the white flag.

| Even the naval battles. | Commented Purple Ghost.

"We played all the games that exist."

# Not all. # Told Nightmare G.

"I'll tell you Twilight, it's been working on is pretty cool." I said. Twilight stood next to me, and I turned the crank of the door. When tightened the crank to the end, I opened the door showing the greatest monstrosity that could exist. Drag bazooka, 3000. She looked at it, then looked at me.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"This is ..." I looked into the room and immediately closed the door with an innocent smile. "Sorry. Not that door." I said. I went to the other door and opened it. On the other side was a device similar to a portal gun, but was reversed colors. "This is the extractor reality. Creates a breach between universes. It is under construction, but through to it I can travel anywhere." I said. Twilight looked at it with great interest. "But it's still not what I wanted to show." I interrupted her thoughtfulness and notes. "It's definitely the door." I said, pointing to the door right next door. I went up to them and opened them. In the middle was a strange command block.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"This Twilight is anticommand block. I created it mainly to confirm the theory. The theory being." I said in a professorial style, wearing dark glasses.

"Specifically, what to do?" Twilight asked. I gently smiled removing my glasses.

"It looks deep into you and look what is the desire of your soul." I replied. "Either it makes jokes. I don't know. I haven't tested it." I told.

"Why did you do something that isn't doing what it was created?" Asked Twilight.

"Want to know how it works, you see." I said something clicking in anticommand block. After a while, the light started flashing, and the block was emitting a strange energy. "Here you go. Touch." I said. Twilight hoof tentatively pulled into the machine and then touched them. Anticommand block began to shine brighter and brighter, until we couldn't see anything. Suddenly the light was gone and I could see that the machine is excluded. "Buck you anticommand block." I said. Moments later I heard the sound of static charge. I looked at the machine and I saw that anticommand block wall parted and circled around the ball of energy. With a sudden burst of white smoke, anticommand block became as before. Me and Twilight looked at each other, then back to the device.

"What happened?" Twilight asked hesitantly.

"You see, anticommand block has done his job, just we don't know what it was." I replied. "Maybe it's in your library." I suggested. Twilight immediately stopped wondering and started toward the exit. I closed the door and went for it.

   When we were there, Twilight opened the door to the Golden Oaks and ran inside. I quietly walked into the library and looked for every detail. My attention was one thing that shouldn't be here. Lever from minecraft. "Twilight. Since when have that lever?" I asked rhetorically.

"I don't have... any... lever." She said, looking on lever. Twilight used her magic and pulled the lever. Suddenly table in the middle of the room, began to hide in the floor.

"Come on Twilight." I said, going to the table. She joined me. After a while we were at the bottom. I saw a strange door, which wore strangely familiar character. "I don't know if ... Twilight no!" I cried when I saw that she opened the door.

"Relax. It's just some new room." She spoke calmly.

"The new room made by anticommand block." I said. She rolled her eyes and went inside, and I followed her. "You see. There's nothing here. Let's go." I told.

"I found something." Twilight said. I just did grimace going to her. Twilight stood at some tarp. "Interesting." She commented. When I was closer, only then I noticed that this material looks very old.

* You know how old the material. *

> Judging by the structure of the material ...

= Time what lay ... =

> moisture in the air ...

= And the quality of the material ... =

> estimate that is even before the era itself Equestria

"What?!" I shouted noting Twilight.

"Why are you yelling Ghost?" Asked Twilight.

"This thing isn't new, this is something survived the uprising Equestria!" I screamed.

"So it is older than herself Celestia?" Twilight asked with shining eyes. Not listening to my objections, she removed the cloth to reveal a dark ball on a metal pedestal. The bullet had open top, allowing you to see the interior full of cables, fuses and a switch. On the left side of the globe was written C.H.a.O.s. Twilight flipped a switch.

"What have you done?" I asked.

"I don't know what it is doing. It is worth to know." She replied. I looked at her in disbelief. Suddenly the upper part of the hatch closed, then nothing. But I was wrong, because a moment later there was light from the hidden devices. I watched in shock as farther appeared light. From my point of view, the room seemed to be on the kilometer long. When was the last government went off, the ball launched up and shone a red light.

"Red is the wrong color." I said quietly.

"No Ghost. Don't ..."

@ The red color in the culture Anticervian is the color of glory and salvation. Reason. They have blue blood. @ Said ball.

"Who you are?" I asked warily.

@ I'm Computerized Hyper and Other system. In short C.H.a.O.s. @ He replied in a monotone.

"C.H.a.O.s.C.H.a.O.s.C.H.a.O.s. Where I heard that?" I said to myself.

"WHAT?" I shouted aloud. "It's a huge amount, how it is all full?"

= Wait. What? =

> This question doesn't know the answer

} But I know someone who knows the answer to every question. And that ... {paused GG. } Ghrrr. {He growled.

"You started. You have to finish." I said with a hint of irritation.

} C ... c ... c ... C.H.a.O.s. {he stammered.


} ComputerizedHyperandOthersystem. {He said quickly.

"Ah. I remember now." I said to myself. "Is the theory of the multiverse is real?"

@ It is variable and fixed thing. But straight. Yes. @ He replied in the same tone.

"I know something about it. Listen Twilight. He knows the answer to everything." I said. Twilight immediately pulled out a pen and notebook.

"Tell me in chaos. Where did the idea for such a name?" She asked. I was like faceclaw. I stood there a minute or two, but I didn't hear an answer. I looked at C.H.a.O.s. and I saw that shoot sparks out of it. Suddenly he stopped, the sparks ceased to shoot and eye brightened on pure red.

@ Sy53m 3rr0r. 5ys ... 'crack' ... @ Nothing. "Uh. You see someone asked this question. Why my name? Maybe out of here!" Shouted the outbreak of the machines in the back. Suddenly black smoke surrounded the ball.


With the explosion, the pieces ball flew out, but black smoke was still there. Moments later, you could see some lights that formed in the face. "Much better. Now, excuse me. I have to spread chaos." He said. Then he made a hole in the ceiling and flew out of maniacal laughter.

"What I've done?" Asked Twilight.

"Freed chaos in its pure form." I replied.

> You're screwed. <Commented DG.