It's Impossible!

by AlicornPriest

It's Impossible Finale

Celestia stood before Twilight. "Well... apparently you are disproving the nature of reality."

"No, ya think?" Rainbow Dash said.

"This will be a very delicate process, so be very quiet." She pulled out a large, thick book from her pack, then slowly lifted it over her head towards Twilight. She swung it at Twilight, who dodged out of the way at the last moment.

"What the hay are you doing, Princess?" she asked.

"Please don't fight, Twilight. I'm confident this will work."

"Why not just tell me what you're doing--aaah!" Celestia swung at her again, and she decided to just run away entirely.

They Benny Hill-ed like that for a while until finally, Twilight, who was a little overweight and a lot out of shape, gave up and just took the hit. Although as it turned out, Celestia didn't need to hit her so much as move the book right next to her. When the book swept by her, it picked up an ugly green-black aura and changed its cover to reflect that color. It was a decidedly disturbing-looking thing.

"It is as I feared," Celestia said. "You were infected by a powerful dark magic. Whatever you theorized, that manifested into reality. I believe it is called... 'Theorization Manifestation.' Yes, that should be right, considering what I just said."

"That wouldn't be related to 'Inspiration Manifestation,' would it?" asked Rarity.

"Why, yes. How perceptive," Celestia replied.

"...Was that sarcastic?"

"In any case," Celestia said, covering her lack of an answer with a cough, "I will store this in the Royal Archives to keep it safe from prying eyes."

"Does that mean... we can go home?" one of the nearby ex-pegasi from Cloudsdale asked.

"Yes, certainly. All of Twilight's changes should be undoing themselves as we speak. You should find yourself right as rain in no time."

As the crowds all headed out, Twilight had one last question. "So... wait. How does magic work?"

Celestia only smiled. "I believe that is a story for another time."