//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Gamer and The Princess // by Malice In Wonderland //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle was extremely excited. It was her favorite time of the year, Hearth’s Warming. And today was Hearth’s Warming Eve. She happily trotted down the dirt roads of Sweet Apple Acres to meet up with her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Well, howdy there Sweetie Belle.” Applejack called to her as she neared the barn. “Hi, Applejack!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, her voice filled with happiness and joy. She smiled at Applejack as she trotted past her, heading towards the Cutie Mark Crusader’s clubhouse. She trotted around and in between leafless apple trees. Her small hooves left little circles in the snow and leaves that littered the ground. She arrived to find her fellow crusaders outside the clubhouse putting up decorations. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!!” Sweetie Belle called to them. They turned around, only slightly surprised to see her. They threw their hooves into the air and waved at Sweetie. She trotted up the ramp to help them with their decorations. The pink scarf tied around her neck billowed in the wind as she trotted up the ramp. Scootaloo was hovering over the balcony, her small little wings flapping vigorously. She used her magic to help put up the decorations in the places that Scootaloo and Apple Bloom couldn’t reach on their own. Once they had finished with the outside, they hurried inside the clubhouse and began to decorate the walls and windows on the inside. “Great job girls! It looks great!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. The three of them stared up at their decorating job and smiled, admiring their work. They all hugged each other and then decided to sit down and talk. They pulled off their scarves and boots and huddled in a small circle in the center of the floor of the treehouse. “So what should we talk about?” Scootaloo asked. “I don’t know, what do you think, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked. Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turned to look at Sweetie Belle. “Well…. I’m not sure. Why don’t we all think of something together?” Sweetie asked. The girls nodded and they started to think of things they could talk about. They sat in silence for a number of minutes while they tried to think of something to talk about. “Do either of you have anything?” Apple Bloom asked. “We could talk about..… Ummmmm……. Colts?” Scootaloo suggested. “What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Don’t you guys have any crushes on any of the colts in school?” Scootaloo asked. A blush began to spread across Sweetie Belle’s face, and both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom noticed right away. “You do, don’t you?” Scootaloo asked her, a smile forming on her lips. “Well… Ummm… Maybe….” Sweetie Belle said, avoiding eye contact with them and trying to hide her red face. “Oh, come on, tell us.” Apple Bloom begged. “Yeah, who is it?” Scootaloo asked. “Well….. You guys know Button Mash, right?” Sweetie Belle said hesitantly. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “Yeah, you have a crush on him?” Scootaloo asked. “Well, yeah…. Is that bad?” “No, it’s just…. He’s so…. Weird. All he ever does is play those video games.” “That’s not all he does.” Sweetie Belle broke in. “Well what else does he do then?” Scootaloo asked. “Well… Umm…. I don’t… I don’t know exactly. But, whenever I say hi to him, he stops his game and says hi back. Doesn’t that mean something?” Sweetie asked. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both shrugged, and then a mischievous smile appeared on Apple Bloom’s face. “So, are you going to ask him out? Do you think he likes you back?” She asked. Sweetie Belle blushed and turned away from her friends. “I’m not sure…..” “Well you like him, don’t you?” Scootaloo asked. “Y-yeah.” Sweetie Belle said shyly. “Well then you should talk to him.” “Wh-what do you mean talk to him? Do you mean… Like… Become friends with him? Or ask him out?” Sweetie Belle asked. “No, no. What you need to do,” Apple Bloom started, “Is start talking to him, and become good friends with him. Then you need to turn on your best charm and get him to fall in love with you. Don’t ask him out. You need to get him to ask you out first. Make him be the stallion.” She finished. “Ummmm, right… Ok.” Sweetie Belle said nervously. They all heard knocking on the door and jumped up, all being startled. The door creaked open and Applejack’s orange freckled face appeared in the doorway. “Howdy ya’ll. Hearth’s Warming Celebrations are about to begin. Ya might wanna start headin’ into town.” She asid. The girls all stood up and donned their scarves and boots and then they left the newly decorated clubhouse to go and celebrate Hearth’s Warming Eve. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith left Sweet Apple Acres and headed towards Ponyville to celebrate with their friends and family for Hearth’s Warming. They went to a play, drank apple cider, sang carols, and when it was all over, they each went home to their respective homes and slept with promises to meet the next day at the clubhouse. The next day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders met at their clubhouse. They talked about a random number of things and then they decided to take down the decorations. They spent the day undecorating the clubhouse, and then they spent the evening at the Apple family farm, drinking warm apple cider together. “So,” Scootaloo started when they were the only three in the room, “Have you made any decisions for what you’re going to do about Button?” “Yeah.” Sweetie Belle said, taking a sip of her cider. “Well, what?” “I’m going to do what you said.” Sweetie Belle said. “Really?” “Yes.” She nodded and took another sip. “Anyway, it’s getting late, I should get going.” Sweetie Belle stood and left Sweet Apple Acres. She walked through Ponyville to her parent’s house, and she was so tired that she just collapsed into her bed and fell asleep almost immediately as she thought of what she would do when school started again. Sweetie Belle trotted into the schoolhouse with her saddlebag tied to her back holding her lunch. She quickly spotted her friends and made her way towards them. They waved her over and she stowed her saddlebag in her cubby, which was next to Apple Bloom’s and under Scootaloo’s. They struck up a conversation and made their way into the classroom together where Cheerilee was waiting for the students to arrive. Once the classroom was full, it filled with chatter and then moments later the bell rang and Cheerilee hushed the fillies and colts. The chatter silenced quickly and they all turned their attention towards their teacher. “Welcome back from your break my little ponies.” Cheerilee said cheerfully. She started by asking everypony how their Hearth’s Warming had been. Most of them answered, but some stayed quiet. The tales of Hearth’s Warming continued until lunch time, where all the students left the classroom to eat their lunches outside. Sweetie Belle had decided that she was going to sit with Button Mash during lunch that day. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom supported her, and were going to join Sweetie and Button. The trio walked outside and spotted Button sitting alone at a table, his game in his hooves with a carrot sticking out of his mouth as he chewed slowly. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo giggled, but Sweetie Belle ignored them and started towards his table, leaving the others trailing behind her. She magically set her lunch box down on the table, “Hi, Button Mash.” She said with a smile. “Huh… Oh, hi, Sweetie Belle.” Button mumbled around his carrot. He mashed on a few buttons on the game device with lightning speed and then let out a small victory cheer as a happy dinging sound escaped the small device. He closed it and then finished eating his carrot. Seconds later, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined them at the table. “Would it be alright if we sat here with you today.” Sweetie Belle asked him. “Uh, yeah. That’s fine.” Button said, acting slightly introverted. He took a long sip out of his juice box. The girls opened up their lunches and began eating. “So, what game were you playing just now, Button?” Sweetie Belle asked him as she pulled the contents out of her lunch box. “Mario.” He answered quickly. He held in his hoof a large red apple that he had already taken a bite out of. He took another bite and chewed slowly. Sweetie Belle nodded and took a bite of the green apple that her parents had packed for her lunch. They four of them ate in silence for a moment, acting a little awkward around each other. “Button?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yeah?” Button replied. “Do you want to become friends?” She asked him. Button seemed surprised by the question. “Friends?” He asked. Sweetie Belle noticed that his dark brown cheeks started to get a reddish hint to them, but she didn’t say anything about it. Button smiled at her, and then nodded, “Yeah, sure. I’d love to be your friend.” Sweetie Belle smiled back at him, “Great!” She turned back to her food and then began eating again. When Button wasn’t looking at her, she turned towards her friends, smiling, and they smiled back, winking at her. “So, Button, would it be alright if we sat with you everyday at lunch?” She asked. “Yeah, that would be great.” He said. Sweetie Belle noticed him glance at his game system, but then he looked back up at her and smiled. She smiled back at him. “Thanks!” They smiled at each other a moment longer and then continued eating their lunches. When the bell finally rang they all went inside back into the classroom where Cheerilee was about to start class. A few weeks later, Sweetie Belle and Button had become close friends and today they were going to hang out together, outside of school. But of course Sweetie Belle didn’t consider it a date. They were only friends right now. Sweetie Belle tried to push down all her nervousness. After school today they were going to Sugarcube Corner and then to his house to play some games and eat dinner, then she would go back home. School was already almost over, and she could see Scootaloo and Apple Bloom giggling together next to her. She tried to ignore them, but it was hard. Finally, she just laid her head down on her desk and she accidentally fell asleep trying to ignore them. She didn’t wake up when the bell rang, but when Button came over to her and tapped on her back. “Sweetie Belle? Hey, wake up.” Button said. She jerked her head up and looked around. “Button? Did I fall asleep?” “Yeah, but I know what will wake you up.” Button said with a smile. Sweetie Belle cocked her head at him, and then he answered her silent question. “Milkshakes! Come on!” Sweetie Belle followed him out of the schoolhouse and together they walked through Ponyville to Sugarcube Corner. They sat down at a table and Sweetie Belle ordered a vanilla milkshake and Button ordered a chocolate one. They sat and talked as they waited for their milkshakes. “Sweetie Belle? What made you want to be my friend in the first place?” Button asked. He seemed nervous as he asked her. “Well, you always seemed so lonely there at lunch by yourself, and I’ve never seen you talking with anypony else, and you’re always so nice to me, so I thought I could try being your friend.” Sweetie Belle answered, trying to hide her red cheeks from him. “Oh.” Was all Button said. A moment later their milkshakes were delivered to them from Mr. Cake. “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle said as she pulled some bits that her parents had given her to pay for her milkshake. Button stopped her and pulled out twice as many bits, holding them out for Mr. Cake. He took them and then left. “What was that for?” Sweetie Belle asked. “My mom told me that that’s what gentlecolts do. So, she gave me enough bits to pay for both of us.” Sweetie seemed confused by his logic, but just shook it off. “Well, thank you.” She said as she took a sip of her milkshake. Button smiled and nodded and took a large sip of his milkshake as well. “So, do you have a favorite video game?” Button asked her. “I don’t really play much. So no. Do you?” She asked. Button let out a small laugh and took another sip before he spoke. “No, I don’t have a favorite. There are just too many games and I like all of them. No, I love all of them. I’ve beaten every single game I have at least three times, and I never ever get tired of them. You might want to call it an obsession, but it’s not. I just really love video games, and I’m good at them too.” Button said. He seemed proud of his actions as he spoke, and Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but smile at him. They each took another sip of their milkshakes, talking and laughing together. Then, once they had finished, they left to go to Button’s house. They talked the whole way there, finding random things to talk to each other about, not caring what the subject was, just wanting to talk. They arrived at his house a little while later, Sweetie said hi to his mom and then she and Button headed towards his room. Sweetie Belle was surprised to see that it was clean, nearly spotless, save for a few gaming systems and a tangle of wires on the floor. She had always thought that he wouldn’t be able to keep a clean room, but she had just been proven wrong. They started up a game and then played for hours. Eventually Button’s mom came in with dinner, finding Sweetie Belle lying on the floor and Button glued to a screen with a controller in his hooves. “What happened?” His mom asked, trying to hold down her laughter. “I lost! 23 times!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Now she let herself laugh. “Well, dinner is ready, so, Button, you need to take a break and eat.” “Yeah, just a sec.” Button continued violently bashing the controls and moments later he won. He set down the controller and turned towards his mom. She set down their dinner and Button and Sweetie started eating. His mom left the room and came back a few minutes later with two juice boxes. “It’s starting to get late, so, Sweetie Belle, you should head home when you’re done eating.” Sweetie Belle nodded and then swallowed, taking a few sips of apple juice to wash it down. “I will. And thank you for dinner, this is really good.” She said, taking another bite and washing it down. She smiled and left the room again. Once Sweetie Belle had finished eating, she said her goodbyes and grabbed her saddlebag. Then she left to go back home. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school!” Button called, waving at her from the doorway. “Bye!” Sweetie called. She hurried off through Ponyville to get back home. She was tired, she hadn’t done that much in one day since the crusaders had gone seriously crusading. Before she and her friends had gotten their cutie marks. Remembering this, she looked down at her flank and smiled. She then remembered that Button hadn’t got his cutie mark yet, and that maybe she could help him get it. She decided, as she walked home in the near dark, that she would help her new friend get his cutie mark.