The Totally Tubular and Tremendously Tenacious and Turbulent Transplanted Teen

by Sparkle Fire

Chapter 10: A Winter Wonderland of Womanly Whims

February 3, 1989

The speakers crackled to life during lunchtime, and the caf fell silent.

"Attention... due to the approaching ice storm, which you may have heard about, all classes have been cancelled for this afternoon..."

A majority of the ponies cheered as soon as they heard. That meant we would get out of a big Home Ec assessment, and I couldn't help but get into the excitement myself.

As soon as our lunch period concluded, we were escorted outside. I looked to my right as soon as I got to the taxi queue, noting the ominous black clouds looming over the horizon and approaching quickly. I headed straight home.

When I reached the apartment, I threw my bags onto the couch and sat down on a nearby armchair, readying for a nap. I heard a knock on the door not too long after that; I hobbled over to the door to answer it.

Unsurprisingly, it was Gems and Rosie; they headed straight for my apartment. I knew they would. None of us could wait to be together in each others' embrace. They let themselves in, tossed their school bags onto the kitchen counter, and began nuzzling me while they stripped their clothes off.

It heated up from here. Gems pinned me against the back wall and fervently kissed me. I reached down and touched her flanks, gripping onto them, going near her filly parts at times.

Rose butted in and rudely shoved her tongue into my mouth. The unicorn was knocked down, and I could see her getting back on her hooves out of the corner of my eye. I wrapped my arms around her body...

"Ughhhh, bite me!" Gems screamed. Rose stopped, broke the kiss, and cocked her head the other pony's way.

"Fuck it," Rose whispered, and we kissed some more. The yellow one was in Kimberly's bedroom moping to herself.

Eventually, we began to starve, so that need would have to be attended to. We got dressed and headed out to eat.

For lunch, we stopped by a coffee shop along the moat for lunch. I had an Earl Grey since I wasn't a coffee drinker myself. After that, we commissioned a sleigh to draw the three of us around town - all along the moat, into the city centre, past all the shopping, entertainment, and retail co-operatives backed by foreign (especially Cosararan) investment. Canterlot, we concluded, is still a very swell place to live, even when it's covered in snow, slush, and ice.

We arrived back at the apartment, immediately tossing our winter gear on the counter and stomping the dirty snow out of our boots. Except, that is, for Gems, who kept her clothes on.

“I have to be home soon,” she told me before stepping out the door. “Take care,” I told her as she left.

On that bombshell, it was Rosie and I together in the living room, a slight tension between us. We were both soaked in sweat from being covered in layers of clothing.

“I feel dirty,” Rosie crooned. “Can you run us a bath?”

“Run… us a bath?”

Rosie winked at me. I couldn’t exactly pin down the strange mix of emotions that powered through me. She’s your friend, my conscience told me so, but my cock was saying, Let’s go!

“I’ll get it ready. You can wait in my bedroom.” I jogged up the staircase into my lofty sleeping quarters, the pink pegasus following me. I continued to have second thoughts as I opened the water faucet and closed the drain, testing the water temperature often as the tub filled to capacity.

I stripped off the rest of my clothing and tossed it into the corner of the bathroom. I laid a towel on the side of the tub and hopped into the warm water, then rolled my head to one side as I began to unwind and allow my troubles to melt into nothingness.

It was then that my friend nudged the door open with her nose and let herself in. I felt very much at peace since my soak started; my body was practically begging for company at this point.

“Come on in, the water’s perfect,” I mumbled softly. I sat up in the tub to give her ample room to enter. Once she was in the water, she snuggled up very close to my naked body. Normally, I would gently push her away; this time around, I welcomed it.

Using my hand, I collected some water in small amounts and tossed it onto her body and into her mane. Her eyes were burning into mine; she nuzzled my face from time to time.

“There’s some shampoo up there,” Rosie whispered sweetly, almost inaudibly. “You can shampoo me if you wanna.”

“I’d love to,” I said. I reached up for the bottle of shampoo. I screwed open the top and poured some into my hand, then held it up to my nose to take in its aroma. I delighted in the scent of lavender that flushed through my sinuses.

My hands traveled up and down Rosie’s delectable curves, making her shiver; moving in circles to work the shampoo into her coat seemed to exacerbate it further. I shampooed her mane in the same manner, working the soap into a lather. Her eyes were already closed from all the pleasure.

There was a plastic container for washing out shampoo and conditioner when either Kim or myself needed it. I filled it up with fresh water and let it cascade down her pink mane. I ran my fingers through it as we kissed.

If it was said that I had to resist the temptation to ravage her until dawn, right in the bathtub, with my hands on her flank as I thrusted inside of her, you'd be damn right. I successfully restrain myself, however.

We sucked tongues for a few more moments, moaning and groaning with delight.

She broke the kiss and said, "Can you dry me off, sweetie?"

I wriggled out of the tub, exposing the whole of my naked physique to the mare opposite me, who was stepping out onto the towel I had set out for her earlier; I grabbed two towels, wrapping one around my waist (therefore covering my bulge) and then drying Rosie with the other.

I dried her mane, then drifted down to her neck. I wiped her legs and hooves dry, going down her thigh and planting a kiss upon each one of her hooves as I finished, as a gentleman should. I was careful to not damage her wings as I reached her torso. I took care of her back legs, trying my hardest to not stare at her belly and teats, which were erogenous zones for this species. When I dried her flanks off, her hips swayed back and forth and she cooed softly to me.

"You're making me feel so much like a princess," she told me sweetly.

"Thanks," I replied. "Anything for a friend." I went into the closet and dug out a hairbrush out of one of the grossly unorganized compartments.

I brushed her mane using long, slow strokes so she would enjoy it. I finished each stroke by curling it back upwards, since she has curls in her mane.

"Do you need curlers?"

"Not right now," she said. "I have some at my place."
I moved to her tail, again using agonizingly long, slow strokes. I noticed her back leg pawing the floor as I was brushing, but I didn't think too much of it. Her breathing certainly became heavier, and the dock of her tail was twitching with every stroke of the brush. I soon finished up and laid the brush on the sink.

She then spread one of her wings and asked me if I could preen her. I knew what it entailed - rearranging feathers and yanking out those that were out of place. When I tugged one of the feathers free with my mouth, she exhaled heavily and stomped her hooves just a bit.

"That felt nice," she remarked. So pegasi really do experience pleasure from preening...

I gently mashed down on the joints inside her wings and petted the feathers at the same time, making her gasp in ecstasy. It was then that she had the idea to "take this to the bedroom". Naturally, I obliged her.

I carried her into my bedroom like a hero would after rescuing a damsel in distress. We went to town on the bed, kissing, sucking tongues, grasping hair, you name it. I wiggled out of the kiss, and I couldn't help but see just how she presented herself... her hind hooves were in the air, her flank was prominent, and her rose was partially exposed. My maleness took note of everything.

The look on her face served to excite me even more; her dreamy eyes were slightly closed, her ears were perked straight up, and her whole body seemed to cry out, "Come get some..."

Eventually, I could take it no longer. I approached her and kissed her passionately on the lips. Our tongues twisted, and we were hooked. A spark set off a burning silver flame of sensuality inside me, and I absolutely ravaged her. She wanted - begged - to be caressed. One last strawberry-sweet kiss, and I was off.

My mouth wandered down her neck and up one of her front legs. I slowly and painstakingly kissed her leg, gliding across her thigh. I then planted a juicy wet kiss on her hoof, causing her to grunt her approval.

"Keep goin', baby," Rosie told me. "Keep it burning..."

That was my cue. I blazed a trail of kisses down her chest and belly; Rosie kept moaning and blubbering her praise through all of this. She was especially loud when I reached her bodacious booty. Her wings and her tail shook ferociously, her back arching while she groaned. "Oh yeah baby, that's it!"

I adored every supple curve of her hips and her flank, grasping it, fondling it. I drifted towards the centre of it all - her flower, with her petals already wet and inviting - and lightly teased it.

I circled my tongue around the whole of her pussy, purposefully avoiding her clit and her opening. I could see her engorged button already popping out of its hood, demanding attention; she was dripping down there like a faucet as a result of my masterful stimulation.

I then heard my bedroom door squealing open. Kimberly was standing under the doorframe with a confused look on her face, her eyebrows askew, her mouth agape.

"What... are... you... doing?" she said, barely stringing together a sentence.

I tried my best to come up with a response. Honestly, I was just as shocked and confizzled as she was.

I let out a childish squeak, and then a chuckle, and Kimberly left the room without saying anything.

Damn, that was close!