//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Snowed In // Story: The Totally Tubular and Tremendously Tenacious and Turbulent Transplanted Teen // by Sparkle Fire //------------------------------// January 24-25, 1989 It was an incredibly cold night in Canterlot, with the wind blowing furiously around the building, causing the windows to rattle. The air leaked in through small cracks in the wall where it met the baseboards, chilling the place to the point that Kimberly insisted that all the heaters in the apartment be on full kick and all the doors and windows be sealed. Lemony Gems and Diamond Rose were sleeping over tonight after several weeks of nagging. We were winding down following three straight hours of playing Monopony. We argued for some time because Gems kept stealing from the bank, but we calmed down with a round of beers. We also studied for several upcoming tests on the horizon that were worth a good chunk of our grade. Eventually, we got bored, and just decided to tuck in for the night and fool around under the sheets. Each of us used my bathroom, going through our evening routine. I went into the closet and changed into a sleep shirt and pants, away from the prying eyes of my filly crushes. When I emerged, Gems was already laying on the bed, beckoning me to join her. She was wearing a pair of baby-blue silk panties that hugged her succulent hips and added to her already angel-like figure. I sat down next to her, and she throws me into her embrace, her lips meeting mine. Rosie came out wearing her nightgown from Bear's Paw, but with the buttons already undone. She joined me and Gems, then parted the fabric to reveal a pair of pink lace panties with a bow on the waist. My manhood grew to full mast as I looked upon the scene before me. The smell of lilac perfume permeated the air and helped to muddle my judgment even more. Gems rolled on her side so that her lips met mine. We kissed passionately, our tongues doing a sultry, teasing merengue as our eyes lulled shut. Her hooves explored my back and tousled my hair; my own hand reached down and squeezed her juicy derrière, making her moan a little. I had to fiddle around with my cock so that it wouldn't bend inside my pants. The tip of it could be seen peeking out of my pajama bottoms. "I've got to have you..." I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my legs around her, pulling her body directly over top of mine as we continued our kiss, letting out groans and grunts of passion as our moment deepened. My hand lingered down to her flanks so I could tease her panties off and take her for a ride. Before I could do that, Rosie had to cut our fun short. "My turn," she said, before pinning me onto the bed, dominating my very soul as my erection throbbed. "Take those pants off," she commanded. I tossed my pants and undies to the side of the bed and she threw herself into it -- shoving her tongue into my mouth and grinding her moon hill on my gentleman's area with a particular vim and vigour. I could feel her getting moist down there, her moaning growing louder and louder; I tossed her onto her back, with her flanks resting on my chest, right in front of my face. I yanked her undergarment off, exposing her soaked crescent, which was as pink and perky as it could be. I licked my lips and formed a suction seal with my mouth around her clit, making her throw her head back, screaming in delight. "Yes... yes! Oh yeah! Keep doing tha-a-a-a-t!!" she trembled, her body convulsing on top of mine. From her down-under shot a clear, viscous liquid that covered my face and hair. "I should 'ave warned ya," she told me as she came down from her high, "I'm quite the squirter." I wiped my face on the bedspread, then licked her mound clean. "Why'd you have to jump Ryder-bug just as I was getting into it?" Gems demanded. "Because you always wanna do him first," Rose told her off. I then felt the Sandman begin to work his magic, so I nudged myself in right next to Gems and let Rosie take the other side; that way, they would both have equal access to me, and there wouldn't be any more quarreling over the issue. Gems switched out the light with her magic, and we all fell asleep in our collective embrace. ... The next morning, we woke up and shook ourselves awake. I made my way downstairs to make morning tea. Kimberly was already awake and dressed in her work clothes. "Ryder, the school just called - they're closed for the day." "It is?" I asked her. "Yessiree," she said. "It snowed quite a bit last night when you three were sleeping." "Has it?" "Go out and see for yourself..." I opened the balcony door, and the frigid air blasted me in the face, shocking me awake from the sheer cold. Looking out onto the town, everything in sight was blanketed with snow. Everyone, from the looks of it, kept off the streets. "You're not bloody kidding me," I told her, suddenly deciding against tea. "Old Man Winter doesn't piss around out here." "I still have to go to work, though..." "Out of sight... have fun," I snidely commented. Kim replied by sticking her tongue out at me as she walked out the door. I tiptoed back up the stairs and slipped quietly back upstairs. Rose immediately sprung to life from my sudden appearance. "Hey, sweetie," she greeted me. "School's cancelled tomorrow, baby. Wanna head down to the couch and screw around? Kim's going to work." "Absolutely!" I carried her sexy body down the stairs in my arms and laid her down next to me. We didn't do anything too raunchy; we felt each others' bodies, kissing, moaning, and rubbing up against each other. I heard the clip-clop of hoofbeats parading down the stairs. And lo and behold, out of the corner of my eye, Lemony Gems was standing there, watching our little romp unfold. Her eyes tightened into a scowl as her horn lit up with magic. "It's my turn now, you whorse," Gems asserted herself, and a spark flew from her horn. Rose leaped behind the couch, fearful of her life as well as her ass. Speaking of ass, Gems was still sporting the pair of baby-blue panties from last night's affair, which framed her womanly figure and accented her feminine curves perfectly. She was breathing heavily, and I could see her chest expand and contract with every breath. She crawled on top of me, pressed herself onto me, and said: "You're mine, Ryder, and don't you forget it." I could also feel a slight wetness where it counted the most as she staked her claim to my heart. She kissed me on the forehead, knowing that I had learned my lesson. We fooled around for most of the morning after that. We had lunch from a take-out taco stand in the South Side, called Cecelia's. It was quite popular back in my homeland, and it's also popular among expatriates. We ordered a "fiesta platter" with tacos, tortilla chips, and plenty of queso, salsa, and pico-de-gallo. When we took our first collective bite into the tacos, our taste buds orgasmed. "This beats our school's tacos by a long shot!" Gems declared with her mouth stuffed. While the girls were digging into the feast before them, I craved something to wash all the Mexican food down. I went into the kitchen, opened one of the cupboards, and pulled out a bottle of Argentinian merlot. The check stamp from St. John's Bay was still there. "You've got wine," Rosie quipped. "Yes... there's plenty more," I replied. "Sometimes, when I'm overwhelmed with stress, I pop the cork of one of these bottles, pour myself a glass, and all that stress seems to melt away. Otherwise, I may just have a beer or a bottle of pop." "Seriously? You're a drinker?" Gems asked me, concern in her voice. "Yes." "Don't you get sick afterwards?" "Only if I drink a lot of it, but other than that, I'm good," I reassured her. "I don't abuse it, though. Kim would be pissed if I did." I retrieved three glasses from the rack over the stove. I made sure to pour equal portions for myself, Gems, and Rosie. Rosie proposed a toast. "I'm glad that Ryder's my friend," she said. "Me too," Gems added. "Cheers up." We all clinked our glasses together and sipped slowly. We polished off the rest of the platter as well as the salsa, leaving the pico-de-gallo largely untouched. Rosie then followed me back into the kitchen. She watched as I stuffed the cork back into the top of the bottle and placed it back in the cupboards where I found it. Curiosity then struck her like a bolt of lightning in a thunderstorm. "Do you have anything else in there?" I only mustered an unceremonious "Naw, nothing interesting." She flapped her wings and hovered in the air, inquisitively staring at all the bottles laid out inside. "There's a whole liquor store in here!" she exclaimed. She then yanked out a bottle of tequila that was almost empty, with a sell-by date on the check stamp from three months ago. "Can we drain this?" "Sure, sweetie pie," I told her, and I grabbed three shot glasses off the countertop and wiped then clean. Looking at the bottle that Rosie set on the table, there was only enough for us to take two or three shots each. I poured the first round, making sure the level of tequila was equal all the way around. We sunk it, the sting of the alcohol setting our throats aflame. "This shit is disgusting," Gems jibed. "Well, when you consider the fact that this expired three months ago, you'll know why that's the case," I nonchalantly explained to her. "I dunno how long it's been sitting up there, y'know?" "Let's drain the motherfucker, then," she shot back at me. "Fine." We were able to get two more rounds in before I started to lose my head. I had to lie down on the couch for a while. Expired liquor does that to you... I woke up with a slightly sour stomach and a vice-like gripping headache about three hours later. I could see that Gems was passed out on the floor. Rose was sitting on the armchair, reading a magazine. I got up from the couch and hobbled my way over to her, naturally curious as to what portion she was reading. She noticed me out of the corner of her eye and set it down, the contents fully on display. The lascivious smirk on her face, combined with the alcohol and the racy article that she was just reading, meant only one thing... Shit was about to go down... "I... want you..." Rose was breathing heavily, each breath accented with the odour of alcohol. Her heavenly blue eyes were implacably fixed on me; her tongue grazed against my face before her attention turned to my lips. She leaned into me, and our lips met. Rose rudely crammed her tongue into my mouth. Her wings spread all the way out, confirming that, yes, she was indeed aroused - aroused for me. "Shall we head for the bedroom?" she said, tripping over her tongue. "I don't think you should be doing this..." I tried warning her, but to no avail. She doubled her efforts to tempt me. I saw her, right then and there, in a suggestive position: her front hooves were propped up on the counter, and she had her head cocked back in my direction, waiting for something else to be pointed in her direction. I walked over to her, and she rubbed her flanks on me. I used my hand to scratch her ear and tousle her mane; she cooed in response and kissed me on the cheek at times. While this was going on, Gems, awake from her afternoon siesta, was shocked by the sight before her. And boy, she wasn't very happy about it. "DIAMOND ROSE!" We both froze where we were; I turned around to face her, my heart pumping faster. "What the fuck are you doing?!" "Rose did it..." Gems then proceeded to chew Rose out in a very vulgar manner, marching over to her so that they would be facing each other from across the counter. "What is it about my Ryder that turns you into a cheap whore?" "Uhh..." Rose was very confused, but also scared. "Why can you not keep your tail down in Ryder's presence?" "Hey... I can't help it that he's so cute!" "But he's fucking mine," Gems raised her voice. "Apparently, you've forgotten." "I can have him if I damn well want to." "You fucking try!" Throughout the war of words, I tried several times to stop a riot from unfolding in the kitchen, with no success. The argument reached a boiling point, and Rose finally screamed: “Well, maybe I’m in love with him, and I wanna marry him someday!” The whole room fell completely silent. “Pardon?” Gems said, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry of the fact that I’m totally in love with him, and I wanna have his foals and junk…” “Whoa whoa whoa… hold your horses,” Gems stopped Rose again. “Is that the reason why you’re vying to get into his pants?” “Uh-huh,” Rose declared unapologetically. “So that’s how it is... “ Gems paced around the living room in a thoughtful and potentially devious manner. I stepped back towards the bathroom door just to be safe. “I wouldn’t be as… let’s say, loose… as you are, considering that I’m a virgin -- ” Rose stammered and said “Oh, come on, you’re just saying that! I’m a virgin too, and unlike you, I’m actually in love with him.” “Oh really?” Gems retorted. She then paused, right in the middle of her tirade, as if she’d received a revelation. I then remembered about our make-out session a while ago. “Shit… I’ve fallen for him too.” “I’m a virgin too, in case you didn’t know already,” I said matter-of-factly, careful to not blow my own horn. “And I know about this thing you two have for me, and it’s quite much for me to bear,” I continued. “Realising this, I have made a very big decision.” They listened intently to me. “If you want to… ‘go together’... I’m up for it. Even if that means popping the cherry. “However, for the time being, until we know for sure where we’re going with this, let’s keep it chaste… safe for school if you wanna call it that.” “Okay, baby,” Gems told me reassuringly. “I can agree with that.” She came up to me and nuzzled her head into my side, her eyes lulling shut as I caressed her mane. She sighed contently as Rosie rounded the corner and kissed me on the cheek. ... We eventually calmed it down, talked it out, then we tossed a big salad with all the fixings for dinner - shredded lettuce, the contents of the vegetable crisper, and a bottle of dressing alongside it. We pulled out the merlot and sipped it as well, chatting about life and swapping stories about school. I flipped on the radio so we'd have some background music. We later put the kettle on and had a slightly drunken chin-wag over tea. We first chatted about politics back home. "So, what'd you think of your first big election?" Gems asked me. "Back home?" I said. "Yeah." I took a generous sip and set my cup down. "I've read in the papers that they've elected a military officer... and a Socialist at that," I said, referring to the unsurprising victory of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, the new Premier, the month prior. "What's he gonna do?" Rose asked me. Remembering his promises from over the radio, I haphazardly threw something together. "Basically, he told the voters he was going to get rid of people that supported INGSOC. On top of that, the CSP went for a military guy because the military is their primary means of support." “Were there any other people running?” “Well, there was a candidate from the Worker’s Party, and his name was Michel,” I recalled. “Can’t remember his last name, though.” “Who was he?” Rose chirped. “I know his dad is a senator,” I said. “That’s because I helped him campaign.” Gems stared at me, dumbfounded, suspending her cup of tea in the air with her magic. “Here’s what I don’t get…” “Which is?” “What exactly is a Premier? And why’s he so important?” Gems asked me. “We elect the Premier directly, first of all,” I began my lesson. “He’s basically the president’s right-hand man, and he has to be ready to act on behalf of the President or the Executive Committee in case either of them lose the plot.” “An understudy, perhaps?” “If you think of it that way, then yes,” I said.  “Hmm, and there’s another election coming up next year,” she told me. “I saw in the paper.” Elections for the National People’s Assembly were due for later that year, so I replied in the affirmative. “But I don’t know if the Socialists will make it,” I chimed in. “Since Stephanie Kaye, our House Speaker, got into trouble, it’s reflecting badly on the whole party. If I had to bet any money on the outcome, it’d be a win for the Worker’s Party. They have a better plan for the country, and they’re very stable when you think about it.” That’s when I heard Diamond Rose yawn rather loudly. At this point, sleep wasn’t much further than two seconds away from us, so we finished our tea and slipped towards my bedroom. We fell asleep in a warm, sweaty huddle, just barely detecting each others’ heartbeats. I was beginning to drool when Kimberly came knocking on the door. She must’ve come back from work, I immediately thought. I marched down the stairs, leaped over the couch, and met her at the door. I let her in, and she took off her snow boots and unceremoniously threw her winter gear on the kitchen counter. “Hopefully, you survived the storm,” she said. “Don’t worry,” I told her. “We got along just fine.”