A Fog Over Equestria

by Sigma Shinori

Chapter 2: Discussion of The Future

Fog Density: 2.5

"Hey, have you noticed the fog outside?"

After Aegis and I were done with our shift, we went to get lunch with some friends of ours who were also done with their shifts. I decided that, before going to the captain, we should ask if anyone knew anything about this fog. So far, we've had no luck but that's okay. We still have the captain to go to. The trot to the captain's office isn't that long from the cafeteria anyways, so there's no harm in asking.

Gale Breaker tilted her head to us and said, "There's fog outside?"

Blast Pressure looked outside the windows and said, "There shouldn't be any fog... at least I don't think there should. To my knowledge, it wasn't scheduled. I suppose they must've changed their mind about it or something?"

Gale went outside to check even though you could clearly see there was fog outside from the windows. I suppose she wanted to be absolutely sure. I turned to the last friend of ours who joined us, Elegant Flow, and saw that she was very tired.

I wondered about this before asking her, "Hey, Flow, you okay? You look exhausted, something happen?"

Flow looked to me with no expression, "No... it's just... I've been having some terrible nightmares. They've been keeping me up at night. Do you think... do you think something's wrong with me?"

Aegis chuckled a bit, "Nah, not really other than you being really tired. Storm here and I have been having some nightmares too you know. We think something's going on and we're going to ask the captain if he knows anything about it. You wanna join us?"

Surprised, Flow turned to me to ask, "You guys are having nightmares as well? That makes... what ten of us or something?"

I looked a Flow as if she were crazy, "Ten?"

"Yeah, ten."

"Okay, there's definitely something going on here..."

Gale returned suddenly and told us, "Huh... there really is fog outside! And here I thought it was just the windows... So, what'd I miss?"

Blast spoke up and told her, "Storm and Aegis had nightmares just like Flow and both Storm and Aegis are going to ask the captain about the fog."

"Well I'm coming with!" Exclaimed Gale.

Aegis cheered, "The more the merrier!"

Flow joined in, "I'll come too. Got nothing better to do anyways..."

Blast hummed to himself, "I guess I'll go as well. Not sure if the captain will know anything though."

I smiled, "Alrighty then, we'll ask the captain if he knows anything about this. But for now, let's finish our food."

Gale returned to her seat and we all continued to finish our meals. I wondered to myself, there are ten of us who have been having nightmares? Could all of this really be connected to the fog? I really hope it's just a coincidence, but who knows. Maybe I should ask Flow about the nightmares she had along with everyone else who's been having nightmares.

Is it even worth it?

What? I looked up to everyone around the table. They were all enjoying their meals without a word. More voices in my head?

Confused, and wanting to get all of this off my mind, I asked Flow, "Hey, Flow, what kind of nightmares have you been having anyways? What's keeping you up at night, hmm?

Flow smiled at me, "Well... it's going to sound stupid but... I've been having terrible nightmares about shadows."

Surprised, I turned to Aegis, and he turned to me.

"Okay, there's definitely something going on here," I told everyone, "let's finish our meals and get to the captain as quickly as possible alright?"

Everyone shook their head in agreement.

Aegis whispered to me, "You think... you think this is connected to the fog somehow?"

I turned to him and whispered back, "Maybe... I hope not but... you never know right?"

We all finished our meals and, with that, headed off to the captain's office.


Captain Ardent Shield was working on various things, from papers to schedules, until he was interrupted by the entrance of Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia!" He exclaimed before going to kneel.

"That will not be necessary, captain. I'm just here to tell you of a certain... problem that has been troubling my sister and I."

Shield looked back up to her, "And what might this problem be, your majesty?"

Celestia closed her eyes and thought to herself for a moment before saying, "My subjects have been plagued with nightmares, of what we are not sure. I'm here to ask for you help in our search. See if you can send your troops to investigate the problem in nearby cities and gather as much information as possible."

"Of course, your majesty, I will look into right away."

Celestia smiled, "Thank you, my little pony, I'm sure you will do well."

Shield looked as Princess Celestia left and turned back to his work.

"Oh, and one last thing, Shield," Celestia asked, "If you can find any connection between this fog and the nightmares, then report this immediately to my sister and I."

Shield stood there confused, "Fog? What fog?"

He turned around waiting for an answer, but Celestia had already left. He went outside to look where she went only to see her off into the distance going back to the castle. That wasn't the only thing he noticed. While looking, he realized that there really was a fog. A faint, yet still existent fog. He grumbled to himself before returning to his work, new plans in his mind, and preparing to investigate this nightmare situation.


Aegis and I were walking towards the captain's office with Gale, Blast, and Flow.

I nudged Aegis, "Is it just me or is the fog getting even thicker?"

"What? Seems the same slight fog to me... though, now that I think about it, it is a bit thicker than before, isn't it?"

I shrugged, "Who knows? Let's just get to the captain's office before coming up with conspiracy theories."

Aegis nodded in agreement and we continued our walk to the captain's office. I looked around, seeing that Flow is still really tired, Blast is lost in his thoughts, and Gale getting very bored.

"How much longer till we get to the captain?" Gale groaned.

Aegis responded, "Come on, it's only a few minutes Gale, it's not THAT boring is it?"

While Aegis and Gale were talking to each other, I noticed a few things. A few other fellow guards seem to be as tired as Flow. Were they affected by nightmares as well? Were their nightmares also of shadows?

You can't trust them...

Ack! I forgot about those voices for a bit, but they came back to remind me they still existed.

Blast noticed me flinch a bit and asked, "Hey Storm, you okay there?"

"Yeah I'm fine... just a bit on edge you know? This sudden fog, the nightmares, everything really. It seems weird, almost like it's too much of a coincidence."

"Hmm... perhaps that's because it isn't a coincidence? Maybe this fog is what's causing the nightmares?'

I shrugged, "I've thought about that, but wouldn't that mean that we're in bigger trouble than before?"

Blast thought to himself for a moment, "Perhaps, but we can't know the answer yet... oh hey, there's the captain's office up ahead!"

There it was, the captain's office. Will we get our answers here? I hope so. Everything so far has been so strange, from the voices, to everyone having the same nightmare about shadows. At least we might get some information from this.

We knocked on the door and heard Shield, "Hold on for a second!"

We waited and when he opened the door he was surprised to see all five of us salute at the same time, "I was expecting one or two of you, but welcome anyways! Come inside, all of you. We may have something important to discuss..."

We all looked to each other curiously before entering the captain's office. It was your average office, just slightly bigger with a few more weapons on the wall. Though, in Ardent Shield's case, there are more shields than there are weapons. It was a bit messy, a few papers scattered about, other than that, however, that wasn't important. What was important was our discussion we'll have about these nightmares and the fog.

Aegis was the first to speak, "Captain Shield? We were just wondering if you knew anything about the fog."

"The fog? Oh right! Princess Celestia told me about this fog..."

"She did?!" Exclaimed Gale.

"Yes, er, Gale was it? She said it might have a connection to some nightmares that have been popping up all over Equestria. In fact, that's what-"

He was interrupted by us all gasping in surprise. There were nightmares happening all over of Equestria?

Aegis spoke up again, "S-sir! Nightmares are popping up?"

"Yes, Aegis, that's what I-"

Flow was the one to interrupt the captain this time, "Sir! I and some more of the royal guards have been nightmares as well! And you said this might be connected to the fog?"

Shield groaned, "Yes. Now, as I was... wait, some guards have had nightmares as well?"

Flow nodded to confirm this.

He looked down and closed his eyes, "Let me think for a moment..."

We looked at each other with surprise and wonder in our faces. Nightmares all over Equestria... were they about shadows as well? Was this same fog infecting all of Equestria as well? Could this situation be bigger than we thought?

Shield spoke up, "Ms. Flow, you said you and a few more guards have been experiencing these nightmares as well?"

"Yes, sir," Flow responded, "About ten of us, possibly more, including Aegis, Storm, and I."

"Storm? Aegis?"

Aegis and I responded, "Yes sir, we've experienced the nightmares too."

Shield thought to himself for a moment, "Perhaps this is more important than I had thought..."

He doesn't believe you... don't believe him either...

The voices again? He doesn't believe me? Of course he does! He just said that all of Equestria has these nightmares as well! Why wouldn't he believe me when he even said that Princess Celestia herself told him herself? What do you-

I was snapped back to reality by Blast nudging me, "You sure you're fine, Storm? You seem to be really on edge ever since the walk here..."

I contemplated telling him but... he would never believe me... would he?

I reassured him, "I'm fine Blast, just like you said, I'm a bit on edge. Like I said before, those nightmares are really freaking me out."

Blast looked at me carefully, "Alright... whatever you say."

We turned back to Shield who spoke again, "Alright, I've decided. You five will join in an investigation of this nightmare problem. If you've really been experiencing nightmares then... you should already be familiar with what's happening. Tomorrow, you will all be sent out to Manehattan. Your task will be to investigate how badly the city is affected as well as observing any connections you can make to this problem and the fog. Further briefing will be concluded tomorrow, but, for now, return to your duties. I must think about this..."

The five of us saluted and exited out the door. We looked to each other, however, Blast looked at me with suspicion.

Blast came up to me, "Listen, we're in this together bud, your problems are my problems and vice versa. If something's bothering you, just come tell me. In fact, tell anyone, just as long as you get it off your chest, we can all work together to solve each others problems, okay?"

I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Thanks, Blast... By the way, have you had any nightmares yet?"

He thought to himself before responding, "Nope. At least, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'd remember any nightmare I'd have."

I nodded to him and looked ahead. Looks like I'll be getting the action I've wanted after all...


Aegis and I went to our next guard shift. It's as boring as the last one.

Aegis asked me something, "Hey Storm, how bad do you think this nightmare problem is?"

I thought for a second, "Hmm... I can't tell. You said your nightmare was about shadows behind some of your friends right?"


"And Flow's was about... what was her's about again?"

"She didn't say, but judging by how tired she is, I'd say they're even worse than yours."

I tried to connect it all somehow. Perhaps it's based on what somepony has experienced in their life? No, Flow hasn't had much action and I know for a fact that Aegis has seen much worse than all of us. Maybe it's random? I don't know... maybe it's-

Thinking about it will only hurt you...

I recoiled a bit from the sudden voice in my head.

Aegis responded, "Woah! You okay there, Storm?"

"Yeah... it's just..."

Aegis looked at me worryingly, "Listen, if there's something wrong then just tell me, we're in this together you know."

I tried deciding whether or not to tell him about these voices I've been hearing...he'd just think I'd be insane. I just shrugged at him, and thought about the nightmares more.

Aegis had other plans in mind, "Hey, if the nightmares really are that much of a problem, then who knows what they're doing to you? You gotta be honest with us, Storm. You're the only other pony I know who's experienced nightmares like me! Other than Flow of course. So tell me, what's on your mind?"

...Maybe he would believe me after all...

I gave up and told him, "Well... ever since this morning, I've been having... er..."

Aegis smiled and tapped me on the shoulder, "Come on, Storm! With all that's happened so far with the nightmares and their possible connection with this fog as well as this happening to all of Equestria, whatever you tell me can't possibly be worse than that!"

I grinned, "I suppose that's true. Well... I've been having voices in my head ever since this morning, and they've been telling me things like how I can't trust anyone and that no pony would believe me. Even now, they told me thinking about the nightmares and the fog would hurt me... what do you think?"

When I looked at Aegis I could only see his surprised expression before he said, "Well I'll be damned! This nightmare fog might be worse than we all originally thought..."

"Nightmare fog?"

"Yeah! So far all the evidence points towards these nightmares and this fog having something in common. So why not just call it the nightmare fog?"

We shared a chuckle and I answered back, "Well, why not I suppose? Yeah... this nightmare fog might be getting to me. Hopefully once we get to Manehattan we can find more information about this."

Aegis had a worried look in his eye, "So this entire time, you've had voices in your head talking to you saying you should betray everypony?"

"... I suppose so. They've really been messing with me..."

Aegis put his shoulder over me, "Come on buddy! How could you ever betray good old me?"

I laughed and smiled at him, "I'm sorry for not telling you about this earlier..."

"It's alright, at least we know why you've been acting weird lately."

"I was that bad, huh?"

"Don't worry about it, just remember, we're always here for you. Just like how your always here for us, right?"

I glanced at Aegis, "Yeah..."

You'll call upon them, and they'll call upon you. They'll answer back and help you as much as they can, for their ally, their friend. Will you do the same?