//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Another Twilight Sparkle // Story: Friendship's Heart of Destiny // by Shadow Master //------------------------------// Sunset and all of her friends had finished the tour at Phoenix Fortress especially helping Agent Simmons up from his fall by unintentionally Rainbow Dash. They all returned to the private Phoenix Jets and Boeing C-17A Globemaster III. They were all leaving the classified and fortified isle of fortress now. But they went separate ways - G.I. Joe returned to the Pit while Canterlot High students and staffs, Yeager Family and Autobots returned to New York. During their traveling back to the mainland of USA, everyone chatted with each other as they were discussing about Strikespell's latest yet deadly weapons - Phoenix Cruisers also known as Project: Avenging Ship. None of them were pleased of it much. "Do you think we'll be okay?" Sweetie Belle asked in concern. Apple Bloom sighed, "To be honest, I don't know. But I'm scared now." Scootaloo hissed in concern, "Yeah, me too. I don't think I would be having much fun when Strikespell is still here as Secretary." "I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine at the end," Tailtech said calmly, "As long we have each other, nothing bad has happened to us. Promised." Icy sighed before smiled, "Tailtech's right. We've been the worse. Nothing can go wrong." Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't help but smiled that Tailtech and Icy could be right. They haven't lost their hope and faith yet. They approached to their own sisters as the latter was discussing with Dragon Strike Force. "How are you all doing?" Flare Tiger asked. Rarity hummed in concern as she held and hugged Sweetie Belle, "To be frankly, I don't like it very much. These kind of weapons could scare the kids off from their beds. I don't want Sweetie Belle to have that kind of nightmares." "You said it..." Applejack nodded as she held Apple Bloom close to her, "I don't know what Strikespell was thinking but I will sure say this - it ain't right." Saber Dragoon sighed, "I know what you mean. I don't like using it as well. People will fear of us than believe in us to help them." "Unless we're the politics or high ranking officers," Shorty Thinking said in concern, "There was nothing we can do." "Let's just hope that no bad guy can figure that out," Pinkie whimpered fearfully, "I don't even want to think how a big flying ship firing the guns at us. That's gonna be pain to our butts." "Tell us something we don't know," Blazefist remarked in amusement. He turned and noticed Laxtinct sitting down on his chair quiet and looked moody and upset. He approached his little brother and asked, "Hey... Doing alright, buddy?" Laxtinct sighed, "No, I'm not. Where is she? I thought she and her friends would be there. I haven't seen her for almost a year. I think she's mad at me again..." "No way, Lax. Come on. Sonata is too sweet to be mad at you. Don't worry, we'll see her. Just need to know where did those jerks moved her. No way they could have let them off so easily." "I guess you're right. I just hope she's okay..." "She'll be fine. Promised," Blazefist smiled. Laxtinct nodded in understanding and smiled back to his brother. He then returned to his friends as they chatted of what they're gonna do next about the Strikespell's deadly project. Flare Tiger smiled, "Glad to see everyone in good mood." Aquastroke sat closed to Rainbow Dash who was sitting down and watching the television since the athlete was upset and annoyed that she got detention class again. Scootaloo approached to them both as well. "Doing okay, kiddo?" Aquastroke asked in concern. Rainbow Dash groaned, "Just peachy... I got detention class again. Doesn't that guys ever stop blaming at me for the mess?" "Well... If you have learn from your mistakes or even avoiding knocking Mr. Simmons, you wouldn't have been trapped in detention class for like thousand times." "Can't help it, coach! I was too excited or upset about something of how awesome I wanna be! Really!" "I know. I know, Dash. Just saying that you've gotta be adapting and control your excitement." "Easy to say than done, you know." "Chillax, kiddo," Aquastroke said happily, "After the day after tomorrow, it's Friendship Games." Scootaloo smiled, "Yeah! We're gonna win that game! We're gonna show Crystal Prep that we're so awesome and way better than them! No way they can beat us! We're the Canterlot Wondercolts." Rainbow Dash smiled a bit before laughed happily, followed by both Aquastroke and Scootaloo. She was happy to have them with her till the end... Principal Celestia was discussing with both Vice Principal Luna and Agent Simmons. And it was very serious one. "Is your son always like to be asshole?" Simmons asked curiously. He huffed, "From my P.O.V, he doesn't care if he was doing right or wrong until he got what he wants." Vice Principal Luna sighed, "Unfortunately, he wasn't like when he was a young boy. He was a good nephew, even though a bit cruel and spoiled sometimes. But he was very kind and caring to his family especially Iris Crystal. But he changed when... When-" "When Iris Crystal was gone," Principal Celestia finished Vice-Principal Luna's sentence. Her younger sister remained silent of how painful and despaired she was when she lost her youngest daughter. She continued, "Strikespell hasn't been the same since her passings. If she was alive, he wouldn't have gone too far to achieve his deadly ambition." "All this for her?" Simmons asked in concern. Principal Celestia nodded, "Yes, Simmons. Both Strikespell and Iris Crystal were very close like how much me and Luna were. When she was killed, he blamed Shadow Dragon for not protecting her at all cost." "Yet still your son entrusted the mission to Shadow Dragon," Vice-Principal Luna added. She hissed, "He's looking a way to punish or kill his own agent. No doubt that his hatred is still in Strikespell." "True... But he will never did such a thing. He's just angry and upset only. Nothing more." "Until now, he built deadly weapons the world has ever known. He believed his vessels could protect the world and destroy the enemies. He's nuts." "I know. I just hope he can let go of everything he blamed on everyone and moved on. Iris Crystal wouldn't wanted him to stay on darker path. She wants him to have a peace." Simmons huffed, "Unfortunately, he didn't." Sunset took some books out from her bag as she was preparing to do some study and research on magic and humans. She hoped that she can prevent it from going out of control during the Friendship Games while solving of how Rainbow Dash able to pony up without her guitar. Sunset spotted Shadow Dragon was sitting down on his chair. He was looking at the picture of himself and Human Twilight Sparkle visiting Kyoto from Japan during their first date. He sighed in concern as he missed her yet worried if he can help and protect her. He didn't want to make a same mistake again. Sunset approached and sat down on the chair. She wanted to know why Strikespell distrusted and angry at Shadow Dragon. And she wondered of who Strikspell's sister is. "Mind if I sit down?" Sunset asked. Shadow Dragon kept his photo and looked at her. He nodded. As she sat down, she asked, "Shadow Dragon, I hope you don't mind me asking. Do you have any idea of what Strikespell was talking about? Who is his sister?" Shadow Dragon sighed, "Iris Crystal. She was Strikespell's sister. " "I see..." Sunset nodded in understanding. She remembered what Princess Twilight Sparkle told her about pony Iris Crystal and pony Shadow Dragon. It was very tragic and pain. Now it happens to the Human Counterpart. She spoke, "I'm sorry." "It's okay. I'll be fine. I got over it. Strikespell hasn't. He loved her so much. He blamed me for not protecting and saving her. I did everything I can to save her. I wasn't strong enough. I was so weak and pathetic." "No, you weren't. You were wounded when those monsters experimenting you and your friends He shouldn't blame you." "Don't worry about me. I'll live. And besides, I have someone to look after. And I won't let that happen to her again." "I know. Just take good care of your Twilight. I was disappointed that me and my friends won't meet her at Friendship Games." "Yeah... Strikespell considered her his main priority and important. He makes some excuses for her not to get involved with sports. This is something I wondered why he did it." "Sounds strange for him to do for someone who is not related to him." "Don't worry about me or her. Maybe someday, I'll bring her and her siblings out to meet you. It will be worth it." Shadow Dragon cleared his throat, "Besides, you should be worry about the magic container problem. Crystal Prep Academy won't be a friendly team to play with when it comes to magic or anything that is unfair to them. I heard that Rainbow Dash managed to pony-up without her guitar. I was shocked and surprised by it." "Yeah, me too. I'll do my best." Shadow Dragons smiled, "It's all I'm asking. I know you and your friends are fair and trusted ones." Sunset smiled in relief as she left and headed to the back for peace and quiet to begin her studies and researches on magic. Sunset Shimmer was working and researching on how magic works on human since not everyone is believer. Hopefully, she can prevent it happened during the Friendship Games. The last thing she wants is her best friends and the school she lived in get blamed. Flash Sentry, Wheelie, Brains, Yeager Family and Shadow Dragon were helping her to solve and controlled the magic. Sunset read carefully on her books. She groaned as she threw the papers and book off from the table She sighed before landed her head down. "Wow... Chill Sunny," Shane said calmly, "No need to get frustrated about it." Tessa nodded as she brought the cup of tea for Sunset drink. She gently patted Sunset's back, "Shane's right. Don't work yourself too hard. If there's the problem, you can ask us. We can help you, just like 'Battle of the Band'." "There is the problem! In fact, biggest problem I ever come across with!" Sunset said in upset. Everyone looked at her as they wondered of what she. She sighed as she lifted her head up, "The problem is magic. I remember that when we play the music, magic popped up. And now, it became so sudden when Rainbow Dash started her prep rally. It makes me wonder of how she did it! It frustrating me. So do you know how I solved the problem?" Everyone kept quiet for the moment. They hated to admit it. She was right. There is a problem for them to solve like a magic. None of them know much about it. They wondered of how they can help her. Flash explained, "It's stressing her out. At her old home, she was okay since Equestria is so magical. While here, it's kinda different and hard for her to handle." Cade sighed while nodded in understanding. He turned and looked at Sunset, "You're right. None of us do. But I'll say this. We'll solve this together because we're friends. No matter how hard it gets, we'll get through." Wheelie smiled, "Yeager got the point, Sunny Babe. You still got us especially Rainbow Crash and her Rainbooms and Crusaders to help you. We'll do what we can to solve this damn magic container problem." "You said it," Brains nodded and chuckled in amusement, "We're gonna show that jerk that we can do it. We can contained the magic and beat his Crystal Prep!" Sunset smiled, "Thanks guys. You're all the best." Yeager Family and Minicons smiled in pleased and relief to see Sunset is calmed now. "Just remember, ask us and we'll help," Cade smiled. He stood up from his seat, "I need to check with the Autobots. Hopefully, they don't go berserk again. They're upset and pissed off now when their technology has been used again." Cade and his family left the seat to have some chats with the Autobots about Strikespell and his Project: Avenging Ships. "Speaking of help," Flash said thoughtfully, "We should get some from Twilight Sparkle - the pony one. She may have the answer." Sunset smiled in agreement. She took her communication book out. She began write down in contacting her best friend and mentor now for answers. "Hey, Twilight. Haven't heard back from you yet. I guess you must be pretty busy with your role as princess. But I could really use your advice right now. You see, I've been given the job of keeping magic under control here at CHS, even though I still haven't quite wrapped my head around it. And now after seeing Rainbow Dash pony up the way she did, it makes me think her magic might be...changing. Everyone is looking to me to figure things out and I really don't wanna let them down. But I'm not sure I have enough experience with friendship magic to solve this." Sunset sighed as she put her book down. Flash sat down closed to her. He patted her gently. "You'd think it can reach her," Sunset asked in concern, "I'm just worried that... that I may not get the answer..." Flash smiled as he gave her a hug, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Besides; like Cade said, ask us to help you. That's what friends for. That's what I'm here for as your boyfriend." Sunset smiled happily as she was so happy and relief to have him by her side. She and him have a long passionate kiss for the moment. Both Brains and Wheelie groaned in annoyance to see both couples kissing. They both don't like it since Flash (mind-controlled) unintentionally hurt Sunset's feeling since 'Battle of the Band'. Within Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, the Autobots were discussing about Strikespell and his deadly weapon. They were all worried and feared that the Phoenix Cruisers will be turned against them than helping them in winning the war like last year's event. "Back to square one again," Crosshairs muttered in annoyance, "Don't these Humans ever learn?" Prowl hummed suspiciously, "This happens all the time?" "Yeah... Those humans especially the government," Hound muttered angrily, "They keep using our technology without our permission, and not to mention - making their own man-made robots. They rather risk their planet than care for it. Just wanna be a tough guys." "Hound, don't be anguish with the Humans," Drift said calmly, "Fear has made them more insecure and cautious than before. They just want to protect their home." "Like how Megatron did to his? Yeah... That makes us feel better..." "I don't expect you to forgive them, my friend but for you to understand. We would do the same thing if it were our planet." Hound sighed, "Fine..." "So, what's next?" Smokescreen asked, "Should we inform Optimus Prime about this? He definitely need to know this. And I know it's personal and important mission for him to do." "The kid's got the point. We don wanna disrespect Prime's direct order to vaporize these guys. After all, we're living in their property now," Breakaway pointed out. Sideswipe turned to Bumblebee, "Well, Bee? Got any suggestion? I'm with you all the way till the end. No pressure." Being leader was tough when Prime was not around and now Sideswipe passed his leadership to him, He has to make the choice since both trusted him a lot. Bumblebee hummed for the moment before he radioed, "Stick to Plan. ZAP! Prime got his own problem now. ZAP! We're on our own now. ZAP! We can handle it." The Autobots thought for the moment of what Bumblebee had said. Drift hummed, "Bumblebee-San is right. We should not interfere Sensei's mission. It is very crucial for him to find and stop the Creators." Hound sighed, "Fine... I'm with you, Bee. You can always have my backup." The rest of Autobots nodded in agreement with Bumblebee's decision of not calling Optimus Prime to return to Earth now and handled the situation by themselves. Sideswipe smiled, "Good job, Bee. That wasn't so hard for you since our exile and disappearing act from our bad Humans." Bumblebee groaned weakly, "You have no idea..." At the G.I. Joe's Secret Base - The Pit, the team was discussing about what to do with Strikespell and his Project: Avenging Ships at the command center. They were worried and feared that Secretary of United States may overthrown President and destroy not only their home but the world as well. Things have gotten complicating lately than before. Roadblock hissed angrily as he looked at his friends, "We've gotta stop him now. We have to destroy his project before it can launched!" "You can't be serious..." Ripcord said in concern and worry. Looking at Roadblock's angry looks, Spirit sighed, "I'm afraid he is. He has made his decision." "How? It's suicide and dangerous." Flint exclaimed in concern. He turned to Roadblock, "Roadblock, there is no way we can beat him and his military army." Angered and upset by Flint's states, Roadblock slammed his fists on the table hard while glaring at him, "What are we supposed to do? Surrender?!" He groaned a bit before screamed angrily while slammed his palms on the table very hard, "I rather save the nation and my brothers than serving him! I'm not letting any Joes died! No more!" "Roadblock..." Lady Jaye said in concern. Tunnel Rat hissed, "Ouch... That's gotta hurt..." Snake Eyes approached and patted Roadblock's shoulder gently while shaking his head and holding his fist on chest. Roadblock sighed, "I just want to keep you all safe. Seeing that kind of ship? It makes me scared and worried. It makes me wonder if we can actually make the world a better place. I don't want my brothers died for nothing." Jinx approached to Snake Eyes, "Sensei... Is he referring to-?" Snake Eyes turned and nodded his head. She sighed, "We all do miss him, Roadblock. Don't take it personally to yourself." Scarlett approached held Roadblock's hand, "I know. I miss him too. But we can't let all of our friends' sacrifice for nothing. Please, don't do something stupid. He wouldn't want you to do that." Flint approached and spoke, "Look, I don't mean to disrespect you, sir. I also want to protect the Joes. Look at us. We've got limited resources and supplies. No way we can win this fight." Roadblock turned and looked at him. He remained firm and confident, "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna run away. You have to make a good one. You're our new leader now. We'll follow till the end." Lady Jade nodded in agreement, "He's right. We didn't give our fight up. We didn't surrender to the Cobra. And hell, no way we're gonna follow what Secretary had said." Snake Eyes nodded in agreement. Scarlett smiled as she said, "They're all right. We'd never give our fight even the odds against us. We'll fight to our death. That's what G.I. Joe do. We defend the freedom and fight the terrorists to our death." Roadblock was surprise and shock to hear. They have been at his side since the Cobra's Sudden Attack and America turned on them. They helped him fight back and retake the America for the true President of United States from the Cobra. They had even the odds. Roadblock turned to his friends who nodded in agreement to stay by his side and fight till the end. He sighed in relief to have them on his side. "Sounds like you've got some good soldiers," The firm yet old voice spoke. Everyone turned to their back. They found a familiar ma approaching to them. He smiled, "This kinda reminds me of old days when I was at civil war. We Joes stick together till the end whether the odds favor us or against us. But hell no way we're gonna give up without the fight." "General Colton!" Roadblock saluted, followed by his comrades. Joe saluted back. He continued, "You could have informed us about your arrival." "I'd rather make my own entrance, thank you very much. I heard what happen. Sounds serious... You sure you wanna do this?" Roadblock turned and looked at his friends who remained firm and confident. He turned back to Joe, "Yes, sir. We're gonna do it. We're gonna stop Secretary launching his project. Hell, no way I'm gonna let him or his buddies do what he pleased." Joe scoffed, "I'd figure that much. I wouldn't attack him yet. He is the former Secretary's son. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't very stupid to do something like that unless some groups help him like Cunning Fury. I don't trust that guy. When that happens, there's one thing you all can do. Kick those punks' asses. That'll teach them." Roadblock nodded, "Will do, sir. We won't try to fight with secretary for now. If anyone tried to be funny with us, they'll get this coming from G.I. Joe. Yo, Joe!" G.I. Joe cheered wildly while raising their fists up high. Joe smiled, "Good. I've got something to tell you for third day. And it's very special that we all have to be there." 'There'? What does he mean by that? They'll find out soon as Joe explained to them. At the Phoenix Fortress during the evening, Strikespell and Cunning Fury were using the lift as they headed straight to the top floor. They were discussing and chatting for the moment. "That was unexpected, don't you agree sir?" Cunning Fury asked in amusement. Strikespell huffed, "It sure is..." "Sir, may I know why you chose not to let Twilight Sparkle participate in the game. She might able to help us lead to the portal and analyze the energy reading. It might help us to gather more of Rainbow Energon. We need different and more effective than this one, of course." "Yes... But the last thing I want is to see her weakened and broken. I refused to let her suffered. While she did learned martial arts from him, but it doesn't mean that she can handle the sports well. It's better that she stayed away from that place." "It seems that you cared for her so much." "Of course, I do. She is my father's special protégé. I won't let bad things happen to her. She is too important to participate on the sports especially Friendship Games." "If that is your decision?" Strikespell turned and glared at Cunning Fury, "It is." Cunning Fury nodded, "May I ask, sir? What happen to the drive that Shadow Dragon has stolen for you from the enemy's base?" "It's with my father for now. I pray that he can decrypt the code to learn more about their Project END. For some strange reason, I can't hacked and decoded that drive. It claimed it was mine. Something suspicious about it. The enemy must not learn about our plans." "I see... And sir, what should we do with the principal? She kept seeking your permission again." "If that principal ever asked my permission again about this nonsense, she'd better hope that I won't lose my temper at her. Foolish lady. She cares too much for her reputation. This is not what my forefathers have built the school for..." Upon arriving to the top, the lift opened. Strikespell emerged and left the lift at once. He turned to Cunning Fury again. "Be sure that she received final 'no' or she will get dangerous yet final warning letter from me. She should know not to test my patient and temper..." "It will be done. Do not worry," Cunning Fury bowed. As the lift closed, he smirked darkly as he stood up, "I'll take care of everything." Next Day... The brown and modernized school building with shining crystallized towers-like where the intelligent, athletic and talented students went and studied at - Crystal Prep Academy. Founded by the Phoenix Family, they aimed to be the top, highest and best of the world for being most powerful and superior school and military has ever seen. Once they passed the exams, they will choose anything that is completely related to Imperial Phoenix Army such as military, business company, engineering, scientist, education or college. And it is said that the Phoenix Family are descendants of the famous and powerful historical leader of China has ever known - Cao Cao himself. This means that school only allowed the most talented, intelligent, athletic, effective and loyal students to the school.And above all, there is no failure and disappointment in school and comes with consequences. Within the Crystal Prep Academy School, a familiar character was walking on the hallway. She was dressed in her white uniform with purple vest, purple patterned skirt, long lavender socks and leather shoes with crystallized heart. She has a glasses on her while her hair was tied in long ponytail with sparkling star pin on her left side. She was holding some books. She was known other than Twilight Sparkle - Pony Twilight's Human Counterpart. Twilight Sparkle stopped as she faced several students chatting with each other as if they were barricading and blocking her from going in. Twilight sighed a bit. She had some work to do. And it was crucial for her. She cannot be stopped now... Twilight Sparkle walked at once. As she tried to avoid getting into trouble, it finds her. Each time she was walking, some students purposely or rudely nudged or pushed her side from blocking their way. She apologized to them in avoiding the troubles. As she was almost reach to the end, the student tripped her. Twilight was about to fall down if it not for someone grabbing her right arm in time. She looked up and found a familiar face dressed in his white uniform shirt with crimson vest tied around his purple long pants and black shoes. He smiled as he helped her up. "Thanks," Twilight thanked sheepishly. Shadow Dragon smiled, "Momentai (No problem). Tried to be careful, next time?" "Sure..." Twilight nodded sheepishly. She looked down as she found upset 8-years-old black girl with purple hair tied with headband and dressed in her white shirt with a small pink ribbon, crimson vest and small patterned skirt. She lowered herself down before Nyx, "Guess who?" Nyx turned and looked at her. She smiled a bit as she hugged Twilight, "Hey, Twilight..." "You okay? Did those girls from your class bully you again?" Twilight asked in concern. Nyx nodded and hummed in shame. She sighed, "It's okay, Nyxie. They wouldn't understand how special you really are. You are one of the kind. Just remember what our mom told us." "Stick and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. But what if they did? What if they're right? What if... I'd never be brave like Shadow Dragon? " "No you're not. Everyone is the same. They're just too proud or stupid to admit it like we do. And besides, don't blame yourself of what happen four years ago. That wasn't your fault." "I know... I know... But I felt-!" "It'll be fine. I promised because I'm going to be there for you, no matter what happens." Nyx asked hopefully, "Really?" "Really." Twilight smiled. She turned to Shadow Dragon, "Thanks for looking after my sister while I was working on some project." Shadow Dragon smiled and shrugged a bit, "It's not a problem. Come on. We'd better check on the boys now. Hopefully, they don't make a fuss while we're at our class." Twilight and Nyx nodded in agreement as they and Shadow Dragon headed off at once. They headed straight to a certain private office of their own... Within the room, it consisted of some scientific equipments, billboard filed with photos and notes that involved with Canterlot High, some computers and laptops, and some bed rooms at the back. Three familiar characters were in the room. Lance Justicestrike, a 15-years-old a bit black teenage boy with golden spiky hair with blue and red stripes dressed in his messy white uniform and blue pants playing his electric guitar while lying down on the bed. Dragoking was drinking his coke within his large paddock on the floor. And finally Spike was sleeping on the wheeled chair. As if something attracted his attention, Spike got up while panted with his tongue out happily. He jumped down and approached the door. Before he could do anything, the door opened while knocked him hard. He whimpered loudly as he was thrown straight on Lance's stomach. His guitar was thrown straight to paddock in hitting Dragoking's head. Three of them screamed and moaned painfully. "Spike? Spike?!" Twilight called as she approached and took her seat. Spike barked happily as he climbed down from Lance's chest. He approached to Twilight at once. He jumped on her lap. She giggled, "There you are." The puppy gave Twilight Sparkle a lick in making her giggled. Both Shadow Dragon and Nyx entered the room. Lance got up at once. Dragoking left his paddock. Both the boys approached to Shadow Dragon and Nyx. "Hey, boy. Behaving yourself lately? You didn't try to eat Spike again?" Shadow Dragon smiled as he patted his pet. Dragoking hissed happily while nodded that he behaved well and shook that he didn't eat Spike up. Anaconda gave Shadow Dragon a multiple licks. He smiled and laughed a bit, "Okay, seriously boy! Enough with the lick." Shadow Dragon approached to his computer. He activated it as he looked through the world news, old reports and latest updates. He often checked them if there is new updates or information for him to read. Lance squatted down and looked at his sister, "Hey... Doing okay?" "Yeah..." Nyx nodded, "How about yours? Did you get yourself in troubles again?" "Nope. Not gonna happen. Roy and I still sparring and playing some sports. He's okay for now. But I really wish him stopped hitting my head." "Well, he was trying to discipline you since you're very lazy." "Real funny, sis..." Lance remarked as he gave Nyx a noogie on her head. She laughed happily. He commented, "I think you're the lazy ones, Nyxie!" As Spike stopped licking Twilight's face, he sat himself down on her lap. She smiled as she opened the drawer which revealed the amulet that she was working on. "Last night's field test confirmed it, Spike. With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High." Twilight said happily while tested her amulet device-like. Spike growled angrily when he heard. She sighed, "I know you didn't like me going over there, but I just couldn't wait. And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games." Spike climbed down while looking at his mistress. He noticed a ladybug flying around, making a puppy growled a bit and wanted to catch it. Instead of it, he caught Dragoking's tail. The anaconda hissed in annoyance at the puppy as Spike whimpered innocently. Lance shook his head, "If we're going there, of course." Nyx nodded, "Strikespell forbid any of us going to Friendship Games. He thinks we might disrupt and distract the Canterlot High allies since they know about our counterparts a lot. He said it might be unfair of them in winning the games." "True... But that's not gonna stop me," Twilight said confidently as she held and looked at the amulet, "One way or another, we're going there. We just need to hide in plain sight while tracking and collecting the energy. That should be piece of cake." Lance scoffed a bit, "I just hope all that 'rivalry' nonsense doesn't get in the way of your research." "He does have the points. Shadowbolts and Wondercolts are not every friendly when it comes to the Friendship Games." Nyx said in concern. Twilight sighed, "I guess so. I'd never understand why they called it 'Friendship Games'. Might as well it called 'American's Battle Games'. I wonder when this ever stopped. Anyway, back to our subject - If I can collect enough data on these EM frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the wavelength forms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!" "You really looking forward of it, don't you?" Lance asked in amusement. He sighed, "I'm guessing your boyfriend would be following you to make sure you're okay. After all, you're both in date now especially Strikespell made a mission for him." Nyx sighed, "I guess this means that you won't stay with us anymore..." Twilight turned to Nyx. She sighed as she realized the mistakes. Without her around with her siblings, they have to fend themselves or feel lonely without her comfort and confidence. Twilight squatted down before Nyx as she patted her two hands on her sister's shoulders, "But it doesn't mean I stopped seeing you and Lance. After all, what kind of sister am I for not loving and caring you and Lance much?" Nyx smiled a bit as she nodded a bit. She knew Twilight Sparkle will always be there for her no matter what. Twilight looked at Lance, "Lance, can you look after her? That would be your main priority now. She needs you now. And you need her now. You're her big brother now. And I'm sure you will do fine. Just remember what I've taught you." "Sure..." Lance nodded. Twilight hugged both Lance and Nyx, "You both are my special ones too. No way I'll stopped from seeing you. You're my family." Lance and Nyx were touched and convinced by Twilight's sincerity. They both smiled at her and hugged her back. They were glad to have a best sister as she is now. Twilight turned and found Shadow Dragon looking at the holographic news screens. It consisted of history, old photos from his recent adventures and lifetime, oldest and latest news, some recent information and reports about the world and especially the wars such as Great Cybertronian War or known as Autobot-Decepticon War since 2007, International Military Wars or known as Joe-Cobra War since 2009 and even the world's Dark Terror War since the 'Cold War' till now. He even remembered the Incident of Ellis Island. This war never ends... It makes Twilight Sparkle worried for him... He sighed in concern as he wondered how and when the war ever ended. He also worried of what Dark Curse is planning. He knew that Dark Lord of Dark Terrorists is always ten steps of everything. He feared that his enemy may make his own move to destroy the world and build the new one. How? He's now worried... Twilight patted Shadow Dragon's shoulder, "Everything's okay?" Shadow Dragon sighed as he held her hand gently, "I'm okay, Twilight. I'm just worried and scared." "What do you mean?" "The world hasn't change a bit. No matter how many times we saved or make a good example, the world doesn't want to improve or change their ways. It's like there was no hope for them. I felt like I should give up about making a better world. Like what Iris Crystal dreamed of..." Twilight Sparkle fumed a bit to hear that name. Despite some issues with Iris Crystal, she sighed calmly not to show her angry and upset side to anyone especially her current boyfriend now. She smiled and patted on Shadow Dragon's shoulders. "Don't give up, Shadow Dragon," Twilight said calmly as she turned Shadow Dragon to the front. She squatted down and looked at him. She continued, "We can still change the world. Believe me. We will. We just need to show them that there is future for them. Do you know why? You and the rest are heroes. You guys are their hope. You are mine. As long you keep them alive, people will change it for one day or someday..." Shadow Dragon smiled a bit as he was touched by his girlfriend's sincerity words. He hasn't heard or felt good since Iris Crystal. As long she is there for him, he'll be fine. But he also need to make sure she is safe from harm. He won't let anything bad happen to them. BARK! HISS! Shadow Dragon and Sparkle Trio turned and found both Spike and Dragoking were glaring at each other as if they wanted to fight. They sighed in annoyance to see that. Twilight grabbed and held Spike as she gave him a pat on his head while Shadow Dragon squatted down and patted Dragoking's head. KNOCK! The door was opened and revealed herself to be an adult Cadance dressed in cyan blouse, navy long-sleeved jacket and dark green long skirt entered the room. She found Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon were containing their pets. She sighed in annoyance. "Twilight, Shadow Dragon, you know the rules against pets." Twilight squealed innocently as she explained, "Well, Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance. He's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications." Shadow Dragon shook his head in amusement while patted Dragoking's head, "Dragoking is more than just a pet, Dean Cadance. He's family. We stick together to the end." Dean Cadance smiled a bit, "If you say so. But Principal Cinch is highly allergic, so I suggest you both put on a clean shirt because she wants to see all of you." Twilight and her family gasped in surprise. Principal Cinch wants to see them now? Twilight smiled, "Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!" Dean Cadance, Shadow Dragon and even her Sparkle Duo were worried and unconvinced with Twilight Sparkle's choice of going to the Everton. They weren't sure if that was wise decision of her. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that's what you really want?" Dean Cadance asked in concern. "Why wouldn't it be? A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!" Twilight answered happily. "But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own." "That is why it's called an 'independent study program'. Besides, I have my boyfriend to follow me since he's my bodyguard - assigned by Mr. Azure Phoenix himself." Dean Cadance sighed, "I just don't want you to miss out on anything. That's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself." Shadow Dragon nodded, "She's right, Twilight. If it weren't some friends from Canterlot High, I wouldn't have gotten over my PTDS and able to forgive myself of being failure. You should reconsider." Twilight hummed in concern, "I guess." Dean Cadance sighed as she knew that talking Twilight about this may take some time to convince her. She decided to drop it for now. "Meet me in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?" With the student's nodded, Dean Cadance smiled and left. Twilight turned to Shadow Dragon and others. Spike was chewing and playing with the bone toy plushier while Dragoking went to sleep in his paddock. "What's she so worried about, especially you? Everton is exactly what I need right now." Twilight sighed, "It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep." Shadow Dragon shook his head, "There's definitely something for you to learn. As my father had once said, 'there's always a lesson to learn'. You didn't know something you have yet to realize." "Like what?" "Make some new friends? They proved to be great assets and allies to you. I learn that from your counterpart. Have you consider that?" "Technically, no..." "It's okay. I'm not forcing you. I just want you to realize it. But if you do change that mind, you are welcome to follow me and meet with new friends from Canterlot High. They're better than here. And who knows? It might even better for Lance and Nyx." "Maybe..." Twilight sighed. Nyx approached and hugged her before giving an older sister her puppy dog's eyes. Twilight gulped in concern as she really hated to see Nyx like that. It was her biggest weakness. She sighed in defeat, "Fine... I will think about it. I wouldn't want to make my sister upset again..." Nyx squealed happily to hear as she hugged Twilight Sparkle happily to the ground, "Thank you, sis! I knew you would do it!" Twilight giggled in amusement as she hugged Nyx back a bit. Twilight loved her younger sister a lot and will do anything to make her happy. They both got up from the ground. Lance smiled, "Well, we'd better get going. Don't want to have angry principal at us again." "Agreed..." Shadow Dragon nodded, "I just never know why Azure Phoenix chose her to be here in the first place..." Twilight smiled a bit, "Let's get move on." Twilight locked the door in making sure that both Spike and Dragoking leave their office or they may cause some damage on the school. They also knew that Principal Cinch won't be pleasant with pets in Crystal Prep Academy... At the Canterlot High's Musical Room, the Rainbooms were practicing songs with their instruments while they were in pony-up forms. Flash, Minicon Duo, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Dragon Strike Force were there as well in watching the event. Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Icy were checking on their laptop and scanner on the girls' magic in finding the answers of how to control it from letting out too much. The frequency on the magic proved to be powerful and effective than any energy source they have come across with since the Rainbow Energon he had tested. He feared this may be the important targets for any military force to use for war. The Rainbooms finished their final moves for the last part of the song. With it ended, they pony down. Flash, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Dragon Strike Force gave them an applause for their performance. Flash whistled wildly as he approached and gave Sunset a hug, "That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash smirked as she held her electric guitar tightly, "I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition, because we would totally rock it!" Aquastroke huffed in annoyance, "Rainbow Dash..." Sunset nodded, "Um, we're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games, remember? Now Imperial Phoenix Spies are watching every move. They may informed Strikespell about it." "She's right," Blazefist nodded, "One false move could get us into troubles especially when it was around with Strikespell. He'd never jokes." Rainbow Dash scoffed in annoyance while Cutie Mark Crusaders awed in disappointment. They hated when Sunset or any smart ones were right. Rarity smiled as she was putting some whitish powder on her face, "Easier said than done, darling. I'm sure in Equestria, magic does whatever you want. But..." Sunset Shimmer sighed, "This isn't Equestria." "Well, when it comes to magic, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Applejack said while patted on Sunset's shoulder. Saber Dragoon nodded in agreement, "And of course, Shorty Thinking and his little assistants would be glad to help you around. That wouldn't be much problem for you now." "Thanks, Saber. Speaking of 'problem'," Sunset thanked before turned to Shorty Thinking, "How is it? Do you get any data you required?" Shorty nodded, "I sure did. And it's very serious and amazing frequency and energy source I ever come across with. This is unlike anything I ever seen. But at the same time, I feared that this will be the advantage for military or terrorists to use for weapon of destruction." "In other words?" Laxtinct, Pinkie and Fluttershy asked in concern. Terrorcreep sighed, "Watch yourself from the enemy. They may come for more energy source for whatever the enemy had stored for their plans or inventions." Both Rainbooms and Cutie Mark Crusaders gulped in concern as they feared that Dragon Strike Force maybe right. They had never forget about the last year's incident when they got abducted for Dark Terrorists' experiment and mass of destruction in turning the world into metals for Decepticons to live. "Now that was bummer..." Brains remarked, "And I thought Space Bridge or Energon Harvester is worse enough. But now this..." Wheelie as he approached and held Sunset's legs, "If they want to get my Goddess of the Sun, they'll gonna have to get me through." Flash chuckled a bit, "Or me. No way I'm gonna let my girlfriend taking away without the fight." Dragon Strike Force nodded in agreement with Wheelie and Flash. They'll protect and keep the girls safe from abduction and kidnapping. "While we do that," Shorty said in agreement as he pressed some buttons in analyzing the magic's magic frequency and abilities, "Sunset and I must continued the work. We have to contained the magic before tomorrow. We can't let that happen." Sunset nodded, "Good idea..." "And while Sunset works on keeping the magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in!" Rarity giggled in amusement. Everyone looked at her as they wondered of what the girl is up to now. She smiled as she brought several hanger trolleys with several yet different clothes in. She continued, "Well, I had a little time on my hands, and since we don't know what the Friendship Games' events are, I made a few options for uniforms!" Everyone was shocked and surprised by Rarity's doing now. They didn't expect her to actually made so many clothes just for Friendship Games... "You really didn't have to do that." Rainbow Dash said in concern. She sighed, "Everyone got something else to do now." Scootaloo sighed, "Rainbow's right. She got detention class from Mr. Simmons again..." Rarity smiled, "Well, no worries. I'll ask him for exception about my requests. I'm sure he'll understand about this..." Everyone wondered - what is Rarity up to and how is she gonna convince Mr. Simmons to let Rainbow Dash off from detention class? Back at the Crystal Prep Academy, Twilight Sparkle and her friends had arrived at the Principal Cinch's office. They opened the door where Dean Cadance greeted them in. They entered the office as they found it very dark. It consisted of some cupboards of trophies and books, walls have some picture frames and certificates frames, the front desk table where the large golden chair was facing to the front. Twilight Sparkle took a seat while Shadow Dragon and her Sparkle Sibling Duo stood for the moment. Suddenly, the door was closed. They turned and found Shining Armor the white in his older 20s with navy short yet spiky hair with cyan and dark navy stripes dressed in his white uniform, purple sweater and jean closed the door. And another character who is 16 years-old silver boy with black and crimson spiky hair dressed in his Crystal Prep Uniform leaned on the wall. The latter is familiar to Shadow Dragon very much. "Shining Armor?" Sparkle Siblings asked in surprise. Still distrusting Shadow Dragon, Shining Armor greeted gently not being rude in front of Twilight Sparkle, "Nice to see you and my sisters and bro here." "It is..." Shadow Dragon nodded. He turned and narrowed his angry eyes at another male character, "Hello, Jason..." "Boss..." Jason gritted his teeth and greeted rudely. Lance felt concern and awkward asked, "Sorry being awkward - but what's going on?" "As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective." Dean Cadance answered. "Perspective on what?" Nyx asked in concern. "Why, the Friendship Games, of course." The woman's voice answered. Twilight and her friends turned to the front as they faced an older woman with dark crimson hair with several dark crimson stripes in bun shape dressed in her navy formal clothes. She turned and looked at Shining Armor before standing up, "You competed in the games, did you not, Shining Armor?" Shining Armor was distracting as he was looking at Dean Cadance. Jason Strike sighed in annoyance in looking at the lovebirds. "Hey Romeo! Answer to the Principal!" Jason called. Shining Armor yelped as he was snapped back to reality. He cleared his throat, "I did." Principal Cinch asked, "And you happen to recall who won?" "Ha ha, Crystal Prep did. We always win." Principal Cinch nodded, "We always win." Twilight Sparkle gulped as she was scared and pressured whenever she sees the Principal's looks. She knew that Principal Cinch wasn't very pleasant with her performance or some reason. Both Lance and Nyx didn't like it either. Shadow Dragon hummed suspiciously, "What's that gotta do with us, Principal?" Principal Cinch approached to trophy cupboard, "I'll be honest. It doesn't matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses." She took a large trophy down in wiping it clean with her handkerchief. It is shiny now. She turned to the students before approached them, "The important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation. And it is that reputation...my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've all done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?" "Your reputation? That is hardly yours when it was my father," Shadow Dragon rudely answered. "Both students and staffs respected him a lot. They still do for being a Great Mentor." Principal Cinch cleared her throat as she sat down on her chair, "Your father was a disappointment to Crystal Prep for showing kindness and humiliation. That is the weakness of Crystal Prep. As the martial art teacher, he must trained to be a fighting warriors not some pretty boys. And it nearly ruined Imperial Phoenix's reputation especially to Azure Phoenix and Strikespell." Lance huffed, "Not them. They see him perfect before the third one fired him. Martial Arts isn't about the fighting." Nyx nodded, "It wasn't very fair for Mr. Tao." "Unfortunately, Council Black Phoenix doesn't think of it. And I don't find him fitful here either since last 30 years before his retirement at 2010." Principal Cinch corrected the younger students. She continued, "Crystal Prep has always been about winning the championship and proving worthy to the title - 'Most Talented School in the World'. This is very crucial to the school." Jason nodded, "Yeah... I don't like him and his morality. Boring..." Shadow Dragon glared at Jason while the latter glared back at the former. Everyone looked worry and concern in seeing the fight was about to broke. They knew two of them well. They used to be friends but not rivals since they don't share same purpose and choice much... "What is this about?" Twilight asked as she feared for her friends' getting in troubles, "I'm pretty sure that you didn't call us for talking about reputation." Principal Cinch sighed as she wiped her glassed before putting it on, "Yes, you're right. I apologized of distraction given by this unfaithful bodyguard of yours." Shadow Dragon clenched his fist while glaring at her. She continued, "All of you are the best student this school has ever seen. What I can't understand is why you all wouldn't want to compete." "Friendship Games?" Sparkle Siblings asked in shock and surprise. "Why would they do that? Strikespell has given a direct order that the Sparkle Siblings will not be involved of Friendship Games," Shadow Dragon said seriously and firmly, "Are you willing to disobey that?" Jason sighed in annoyance, "Believe me or not. What Principal Cinch said is true. Strikespell has approved her." Shadow Dragon looked shock and surprised of what he heard. Strikespell actually allowed Twilight Sparkle and her siblings involved in Friendship Games?! But he recalled that Mr. Secretary had specifically ordered that Sparkles must not be involved of the games. Something is not right. And he knew that Jason also have some suspicious about it. Shining Armor sighed, "Look, Twily, I know it's not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help." Shadow Dragon turned and glared at Shining Armor, "With all due respect, Shining Armor - I don't think others would appreciate her much." Shining Armor glared at him. He continued, "She is Azure Phoenix's Prize Pupil. Lots of them wanted that title." "That's the whole point, Mr. Dragon," Principal Cinch smiled as she held and looked through some reports and news about Canterlot High. She continued, "With Twilight Sparkle on our side, we can win the Friendship Games. And because of latest reports, Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance. Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This can not happen!" Twilight Sparkle gulped, "Principal Cinch, I can't possibly participate in the games. After all, I've gotta look after Nyxie. She's still traumatized last four years. Lance may need some guidance and help. And above all, my work here is very—" "Ah, yes. Your work. Cadance, could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?" Principal Cinch smiled in please. Dean Cadance nodded in agreement as she and Shining Armor left the room. She turned to Shadow Dragon and Sparkle Duo, "Would you all leave me, Mr. Striker and Twilight Sparkle alone." Shadow Dragon hissed, "With all due respect, Principal Cinch, I don't think-!" Jason interrupted, "You heard her. You'd better leave now. This is private conversation. Or maybe, you would lose your special privilege and team for good..." Shadow Dragon was about to punch but stopped by Twilight Sparkle and her siblings. They gave him a shook as they don't want him to get trouble. He sighed in defeat as he, Lance and Nyx left the room; even though he disliked it very much when it comes to Principal Cinch for not only often backstabbing behind of Phoenix Family but also insulting his family for the weakness. Principal Cinch smiled as she lifted the files up. Twilight gasped in shock. She knew what the file is. "I understand you've applied. You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal. In return for contributing your agile mind to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved." Principal Cinch smiled in pleasant while leaving the file to the front. Twilight was about to grab it but she pulled the file back. Principal Cinch continued, "Though, I suppose I could also have it... denied. What do you think I should do?" Jason huffed, "Do you as you please. That is what Strikespell wanted. He wanted to prove the world that Imperial Phoenix is still superior. And none can defeat us. No one, not even Canterlot High could..." Twilight Sparkle was shocked but at the same time, pressured by Principal Cinch's deal. She wanted to go to Everton. It was her dream and life in becoming successful person. What is her decision now? "Well, at least I finally got Rainbow Dash in my detention class for good in time," Mr. Simmons said calmly as he leaned against the chalkboard. He groaned before sat down properly, "But is she seriously to bring her friends here?!" Aquastroke shrugged while leaning on the walls, "When it comes to Rarity, she'll make sure that everyone gets a good dress. No one gets left behind." "Peachy..." Mr. Simmons groaned in annoyance. Blazefist smirked while reading criminal profile, "Might as well get used to it now." Rarity was helping measuring, sewing and checking on some dresses for her friends (Mane Five and Flash Sentry) since they're gonna be involved of the Friendship Games. Both Cutie Mark Crusaders and Minicons were helping them. Terrorcreep was standing upside down attaching to the ceiling. Laxtinct was sleeping on table. Flare Tiger was looking at outside as if she felt something strange and weird out there. Shorty Thinking, Icy and Tailtech were checking on magic information in hoping to find answer and solution to contain it before Friendship Games begin. Fluttershy was dressed in greenish and white hockey uniform and helmet. Pinkie was dressed in blue cowgirl dress and hat. Rainbow Dash was dressed in her British Uniform. Sunset Shimmer was dressed in her engineering outfit. Applejack was dressed in her baseball outfit. Flash Sentry was dressed in his military soldier's outfit. Cutie Mark Crusaders awed in amazement while both Wheelie and Brains whistled. "Man, they're good," Wheelie commented, "Sure wish Sunny gets a better one - like a gown." Brains chuckled, "As pretty as Goddess of Warrior?" "Who knows?" "Uh, Rarity, these outfits are great, but why would you put so much time and effort into clothes we might not even wear? You're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start." Applejack asked in concern. Rarity smirked, "Oh, pff. Kch. Fff. Ts! Don't be silly, darling! Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time on my friends fills me with energy!" "Don't forget that I help you too," Shorty added, "That costs a lot of them, you know." "Sure... I'm sorry about it. You did well too." Sunset smiled while shaking her head, "Oh Rarity... You really are so generous." "That's my specialty," Rarity said proudly, "Let's get back to work." Rarity continued checking on her friends' dresses in making sure they're okay and ready for the Friendship Games. She doesn't want them to be embarrassed in front of the crowds. Not by her watch. "You what?!" Shadow Dragon asked in shock. Shining Armor smiled, "You finally decide to join the Friendship Games?" He chuckled a bit, "I'm glad to hear that. You have no idea how proud I am." Dean Cadance nodded, "Yes. We're honored to have you join the games. Thank you so much. Be prepare for tomorrow's event." Shining Armor patted Twilight's shoulder, "And don't worry, I'll be there for support you. I want to see the games with my own eyes. I want to see my sis win the Friendship Games! Everyone is going to like it! Twilight Sparkle - Azure Phoenix's Prized Student - won the Friendship Games! Imperial Phoenix is still the champion again!" Twilight nodded nervously as she did accept to join the Friendship Games for Imperial Phoenix's Shadowbolts, along with Jason Striker and Shadow Dragon since they're the school's martial art experts and sportsmen. But it didn't actually convince Shadow Dragon, Lance or Nyx about it. As soon as Shining Armor and Dean Cadance left, Twilight Sparkle was about to move but stopped by Shadow Dragon, Lance Justicestrike and Nyx. They need to know the truth. It makes her nervous and worried. "Twilight... Are you sure that you really did accept it because of your brother?" Shadow Dragon asked in concern. Lance nodded in agreement, "I'm with S.D. This is very unlikely you." "Of course, I'm sure. Why would I have another reason behind it?" Twilight asked nervously. Nyx hummed in concern, "Are you sure this doesn't involve with collecting energy data for Everton? I have the feeling that you told her about it." "No. Nope! I assure you that I did not tell her that," Twilight assured her friends, "But this is a perfect chance for me to track and collect the energy source. I need to know its ability and effects. I need to know what is made of. And above all, I want to meet her." Shadow Dragon sighed, "Twilight, I don't know if that's a good idea." "Please... I need to," Twilight pleaded while holding Shadow Dragon's hand, "Please, Shadow Dragon. Let me do it. It's very important to me." Nyx shook her head a bit, "You'd better do it or else she'll be upset and despair again." Shadow Dragon sighed in defeat as he hated to see Twilight being sad again. He spoke, "Fine... I'll let you go. But I'll keep an eye on you. I don't want you to get into trouble." Twilight smiled in relief. He continued, "But I doubt Strikespell really meant it. There's something fishy about it." "So, you're saying that Cinch is lying?" Lance asked in concern. Nyx hummed in concern, "Still... Cinch kept asking Strikespell in giving Twilight Sparkle permission to join the Friendship Games for the last few months. I don't think she would lied." "That doesn't mean I'd trust her words..." Shadow Dragon said firmly, "I don't like her manipulation and tricks in making students do what she wanted for her own reputation. Imperial Phoenix Military is more than just about reputation or finding talented and loyal soldiers but to show the world to sharpen their courage, wisdom, power and talents to become more independent without guidance and make the better world. But that was gone when the last principal left." "He does have the point..." The firm voice agreed. Everyone turned to their back as they found Jason coming towards them. He continued, "Strikespell never changed his mind about the decision he made. I suspect something amiss." "If you knew it, why didn't you tell her about it?" Twilight demanded, "Shadow Dragon could be right. She lied to us?" Jason continued, "Doubtful. I don't think it was her. Strikespell has denied her proposal for many times until this morning - he agreed. I didn't actually want to believe in it. But if I were to discover the truth, I have to play along." "You suspect there's the traitor among Imperial Phoenix Army?" Shadow Dragon asked. "Yes... After he rescued his girlfriend, Terrorcreep and Shorty informed us about how these human traffickers able to know Fluttershy and her ability. They kidnap her for not just profit but to deliver to Dark Curse." "Dark Curse? You mean someone within the rank is helping him to get these girls? Could he be trying to activate his E.H.D. Satellites? Or worse... His Project END?" "I don't know yet. We're still trying to solve that. But for now, we play along until we know who and what are we dealing with." "What makes you think we'll work with you?" Lance demanded. Nyx nodded, "You left the team to become the General of Imperial Phoenix Army. How selfish you are! There is no way we trust or help you on that mission!" "I left because I was betrayed by him!" Jason exclaimed in anger while pointed at Shadow Dragon. He glared at his former friend, "He and his friends left and abandoned me to that psychopathic clown! I almost died! Almost! But I survived and saved by Strikespell! And therefore, I decided to abandon these nonsense and morality. Nothing but a broken principal. Joining this military worth my effort and reward. And I'm gonna show the world that Imperial Phoenix is still superior!" Shadow Dragon sighed in shame about the past, "Jason..." "Doesn't matter... I don't care if you still care for me. We have the mission to complete. Let's put that feud aside for now. We need to know who send the false information to Cinch and why he wanted Twilight Sparkle join the Frinedship Games. And above all, it's how they're and Rainboom's Magic connected to Project END." "For once, we agreed. If we find that traitor, then we can find and end Dark Curse and his mad crusade." Jason smirked, "I'm glad that somebody finally agree with my plans." Sparkle Siblings sighed in annoyance as they knew Jason can't be trusted but he's right. They have to know who is the traitor and he has to answer the questions as well. Shadow Dragon spoke, "But first, we need to confirm the information. And I know who can help us." Everyone wondered of what is Shadow Dragon was talking about. And hopefully it was very useful to their mission to find the traitor. Shadow Dragon took his cellphone to call someone he knew of... Within an unknown yet dark area, Cobra Commander stood before the holographic screen which consisted of Dark Curse and Galvatron. They were having some discussion but what. "Gentlemen, I have some good news," Cobra Commander said calmly, "I have found where the drive is. Azure Phoenix has it. He's trying to hack and decrypt the information now. And above all, Twilight Sparkle would be joining in Friendship Games." Dark Curse smirked, "Excellent, Commander. Well done. You did exactly what we have planned. Everything has gone according to our plan now." "Indeed... Project END can finally begin," Galvatron said in please. Dark Curse nodded, "Yes... But we need another energy source. And only her can she achieve what we required. Make sure that none interfere her from collecting and experimenting the data for herself. We need that darker energy source." "It will be done." Cobra Commander nodded in understanding. "We must eliminate witnesses first before he could decrypt the drive's information! He cannot discover our true plan! But also he is important person in her life. He must died. This will be our advantage to have her more focused on mission and distant from her allies." Galvatron said gleefully, "After all, she knew she side with them too long will died because she is Azure Phoenix's Prized Pupil." Dark Curse nodded, "Agreed. Send your men to deal with him. He must be dealt with. Poison him to make sure that his ability cannot regenerate his body." "It will be done..." Cobra Commander said darkly. With both Dark Curse and Galvatron disappeared from the screens, he activated a new call-screen which shown Destro. He spoke, "Destro, I have a mission for you and your squadron. Find former Secretary and terminate him. Our friends will help us should he provide you difficulties." Destro nodded, "Understood, Commander..." How did Cobra Commander get the information about recent events from Imperial Phoenix Army? Who is the traitor who helped the enemies? To Be Continued... Review and Suggest...