//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Ties That Bind Us // by Regis-Th3-Lesser //------------------------------// Twilight’s Remorse Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack walk in tandem on a gray cloudy day. “What exactly are we up to again?” Rainbow Dash asked with a bored yawn. “We’re checkin’ up on Twi. Make sure she’s okay,” Applejack answered. Two weeks have passed since Twilight told Spike how she really felt. Two weeks since she broke her best friend’s heart. No one has seen her since. “I hope she’s fine, and that she is learning her lesson,” Rarity implied. “What lesson is she s’posed to be learnin’?” Applejack asked with a raised tone. “You can’t change ponies into what you want them to be. You should just leave them be, but I do hope that she hasn’t caused any harm to herself,” Rarity worried. “Eh, you two are worrying too much,” Rainbow added. “This is Twilight. She’s probably reading or doing something an egghead would do.” “I hope you’re right,” Applejack sighed. As they came upon the library, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy and cold. There was a foul wind of depression and desperation flowing through it’s dark gray green leaves. Applejack knocked “Twi! Are ya there?” nothing but silence filled their ears. “Twilight!” she knocked again. “Go away…” a groan befitting of an old witch slowly whined. “Twilight, come on. We’re worried about you,” Applejack said with sympathy. “Go. Away!” Twilight groaned even louder. “Oh for the love of- Twilight! This is Rainbow Dash! Either you open this door, or we’re busting it down!” “Are you crazy?” Applejack whispered. “We’re tryin’ to help her, not come burstin’ in like law enforcement,” she turned her attention back to the door. “Twilight, Fluttershy sent us. She’s really worried about you, and so is Spike.” Twilight didn’t respond. A long clogging silence followed before the door’s locks began to rhythmically tick and click. “Twilight we need to talk- whoa nelly!” There she was, as elegant as a plushie that barely survived the dryer. Her hair was a spikey, curly mess, her fur was matted and clumped, and she had bags that looked like the rolling hills of the west plains. “What?” she obliviously asked. They all fixed the horrified looks on their faces. “Nothing, you look good,” Applejack said, choking on the lie. “Like a million bits,” Rainbow said with an exaggerated grin. “Very lovely,” Rarity added with a small gag. “I own several mirrors…” Twilight said blankly. “Not to be rude, but do you need anything? I'm kind of busy.” “You're ‘busy’?” Rainbow Dash skeptically questioned. “Yes, and I don't have time for distractions. If you don't need anything, I need to get back to work.” she was just about to close the door when Applejack spoke. “Twilight… Fluttershy told us what happened…” Twilight hung her head low as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want them to see her guilt. “What exactly did she tell you?” “That you and Spike had gotten into a horrible argument. She said that he ran out of the library crying,” Rarity answered. Twilight grinned a little thanking Celestia that Fluttershy didn't divulge too much information. Twilight knew that she couldn't keep dodging the obvious mistakes that she made, now was time to come clean. “It was a little more than just an argument… Come in.” As the three entered they saw books randomly strewn across the floor, and several bowls of food piping up in random places. “This is what you call busy?” Rainbow said before she stepped in what she hoped was an old bowl of cereal. “Rainbow, don't be so rude!” Rarity scorned. “The mess and smell-” she wrinkled her snout “-are obvious indicators that Twilight isn't well.” “No kiddin’,” Applejack agreed. “It's mighty ripe in here.” “Okay girls I get it! I haven't been taking care of my home or myself lately…” Twilight sat on a pile of books. “I've been in here for the last few days reading up on pony psychology.” “What for?” Rainbow asked as she wiped some mystery goop off her hoof. “I was trying to find why certain Ponies make questionable decisions in certain situations.” “So you were tryin’ to find why you had a lapse of judgment from a book?” Applejack asked in false surprise. Twilight sighed and nodded. “Twi you ain't perfect, no pony is. You're gonna make mistakes all the time.” “I know that, but what I did is more than just a simple mistake.” “Well, what did you do?” Rainbow asked. Twilight swallowed hard, and spoke with as much confidence as she could muster. “Spike and I were dating, and I broke his heart.” All odd their jaws dropped, Rainbow’s being the lowest. Twilight began to cower. “Y-you and Spike were?” Rarity  stuttered in anger. Twilight cowered more, hiding under her bangs. “And then you just toss him aside like yesterday’s trash??” Her voice became full of rage. “You accuse me of leading him on, yet you went full circle and then cut him off! He’s only a baby dragon you! You! Argh!” “Rarity I think you need to just calm-” “No Applejack, I will not calm down. She hurt Spike in the worst way imaginable, yet she would always accuse me of trying to do the same! How is it right for her to play out her twisted pedophilic fantasies out with a baby dragon. A baby dragon!” “That's it! You either cool you jets, or Celestia be damned I'll cool em for ya!” Rarity dared not to say another word. The intensity of  Applejack’s voice rocked her to her core, and the look she gave bode the same weight. “We ain't gonna sit here and make this poor mare feel even worse than what she already does. Now, ya either shut the hell up, or get out!” Rarity broke eye contact with Applejack and looked to a nearby window. Applejack sighed, fixed her hat and turned back to Twilight. Rainbow Dash stood on the sidelines bug eyed and stiff. She didn't expect the situation to blow up so fast. But one thing is for certain, Applejack is scary when she's mad. Applejack came up to Twilight’s side. “Do you wanna keep talkin’?” she asked. “I don't know. I haven't slept for days. All I've eaten are bowls of blueberry yogurt…” “Gross, is that what I stepped in?” Rainbow groaned. She looked at Applejack who shot daggers at her. “Sorry…” “Can you tell me why you've been cooped up in here?” Applejack asked with sincerity. “I thought Fluttershy told you,” Twilight grumbled. “You know Fluttershy. She may have left out some details,” Applejack gave her a friendly nudge. Twilight didn't loosen up like she hoped. “Twi, you can't keep beating yourself up over this. Yes, ya messed up bad, but that doesn't mean that the world is endin’.” “Way to make me feel better…” “Sorry sug’, I'm just trying to help you out.” “I know, and I appreciate that, but what's the point? He doesn’t want to see me… So it's best I stay in here.” “With all of these aging bowls of yogurt? Yeah, we're not letting you get away that easily Twilight,” Rainbow added. “You just have to fess up to what you did, that's all.” “That's easy for all of you to say! You didn't see the only living being in the world that you love run away in tears because you “thought it best” to separate!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash didn't say a word. “And to answer the Million Bit question, yes I love him! I’m just scared to…” “I can't fully understand how you feel, but I can try,” Rarity spoke up. “My sincerest apologies for my outburst. I wasn't thinking straight in my rag. Can you forgive me?” “Of course I can, you're my friend. I don't know if I can forgive myself…” Twilight gloomily sighed. “Oh please Darling, self loathing and depreciation is not the proper way to bolster your confidence! You need to know that you are better than-” she motioned to the mess around them “-this!” Twilight began to lighten up a little, smiling even more every second. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Tell Her who she is!” They shouted in unison “The Princess of friendship!” “Exactly!” she gave Twilight a hug. “You know that you're great, right?” “I… I do, and so does everyone else! I'm going to March over to Fluttershy’s cottage and get my Spike back!” “Hold yer horses,” Applejack interrupted. “No offense Twi, but you stink.” “Yeah, really bad too,” Rainbow said with her hoof to her nose. “I agree, though not as bluntly as they put it. You are in desperate need of a bath, and this Library could use more than a touch up.” “Forget touch up Rarity. This place needs some major TLC.” “Since you mentioned it, while she's bathing we can start.” “Wait, I… I didn't mean,” Rainbow stuttered. “Just do it, it'll be over before ya know it,” Applejack reassured. “If I step in another bowl of “yogurt” I'm leaving, got it.” Applejack nodded. Rainbow took Twilight away to shower as Rarity and Applejack began the laborious task of cleaning the library. “Hey Rarity?” “Yes Applejack?” “Sorry about threatening you.” “Don't fret about it. I was out of line, I am a little livid though. But I can look past it.” They started to clean and move book to their proper place. While at Fluttershy’s Spike was wallowing in sorrow…