//------------------------------// // A nose for a cross-eyed mare and an egotistical wizard. Also Wonderjokes // Story: Twilight the clown // by TechnoPagan9 //------------------------------// The Clowned 6 had spent the most of day at the rainbow friendship palace planning on however to take ov...I mean clownifie Ponyville as well as what it should be called afterwards. Sprinkle had managed to alter the map for later so it recognized their new cutie marks. After some discussion, Pinkie checked a list they had of well know residents of Ponyville before speaking. "Maybe we go for the musical ponies, their music could help attract the crowd making the clowning a lot more musical" Pinkie said with clear eagerness in her voice. Sprinkle was not too sure of this move. "Most of who attend the circus come from Ponyville itself. I think we should try to spread a little outside the town to attract some new audience but we need to use a method that is in someway subtle, we could use it to both advertise as well clownifie some others outside the town" Sprinkle said while lost in thought of how it could be done before continuing "We could use some 'agents' per say to watch other towns for possible recruits. Maybe Starlight Glimmer if we can find her then 'convince her to join' she would be a great help and her obsession with being equal will encourage her to turn others into clowns" Spike who had been watching them and wasn't too sure as to why they all had a strange obsession with clowns so he felt that it was time to stop being silent. "Twilight, why are you all doing this, it was funny at first but seeing you turn everyone in to clowns against their will seems wrong" He said with a serious expression. Sprinkle just chuckled and stroked his head. "Why not, we are happier like this, Sweetie is now more confident and Glimmer has improved her business with her new designs and funhouse. Plus my name is Twinkle Sprinkle not Twilight you silly dragon." Sprinkle said as Spike frowned due to remembering what Discord had said to him on what Sprinkle and Glimmer had done to him. "From what Discord told me, you were cruel to him when he was trying to get his stuff back which Rarity had stolen" the dragon said in annoyance before continuing "Rarity, why are you constantly playing with those dolls even though they don't belong to you and Twilig...Twinkle how is twisting Discord's neck meant to be fun" Spike finished. Glimmer expressed annoyed at Spike for referring her by some other pony's name as she was sick of hearing him state his love for this 'Rarity' but before she could say could say anything, Skittle decided to introduce her four 'assistants' she recruited for the next show. "These lot are Pyro Blue, Laughing DeLorean , Noisy Fleetbutt and Firework Sparky. I felt the Wonderbolts needed to be a little less serious so I gave them a taste of circus life and changed the name to Wonderjokes" Skittle said with a large smiled. "Now how did yah manage to get them to wear the nose anyway." Jumper asked to which Skittle went on to tell the group. Flashback Skittle flew to Cloudsdale shortly after being introduced to everyone at the circus. She had been getting on with Clown Strip and asked her to come to the city of clouds for some fun which Stripe went with. "Hey Skittle, what are we doing here anyway" Striped asked with curiosity. Skittle pointed towards the Wonderbolts academy "The ones that are great at making some fireworks and acrobatic stunts, you would fit right in with them once they have joined. I have my eyes set on three ponies in particular" Skittle said with a grin. "And those are...?" Stripe said with interest. "A fire maned pony named Spitfire, a pie addict named Soarin and a cloud maned pony called Echo Fleetfoot. It could give us some control over the rest of the Wonderbolts and help spread the joy across Equestria" Skittle said with a smile. Stripe let out a giggle before an idea hit her. "Hey Skittle, I have an idea, why don't you use these pies that Clown Filly has been making" Stripe said while opening a storage area in the suit contain pies. "Why use those over the noses. I am trying to transform them and it may be best to avoid making a mess" Skittle questioned with an open mind leading to Stripe grinning. "Do you know Clown Filly, She is always finding a way to prank others and place the nose on them so before they realize that the nose its on it is too late. The only way you would beat her is if you find a way to make those rainbow treats caused the eater to grow a clown nose on their face" Stripe said before she whispered to herself with a burning feeling on her tongue "And maybe stop them from destroying our taste buds". Skittle face beamed with joy at the idea while Stripe realized she should have kept her big mouth shut. Sometime later they reached the academy while Skittle would not shut up about changing the recipe to her treats match Stripe's idea before Stripe had enough. "Look Skittle, if you really want to do it, do it your home and don't send any to the circus, it was annoying after Loopy ate them all and made a brightly coloured mess." Strip said, Skittle decided to quit talking about it and they both flew towards the entrance where they noticed some Wonderbolts recruits were giving them odd looks and wondering why they are there but Stripe decided to put on an act to entertain and distract the recruits so that Skittle could get into the academy undetected. Skittle took three pies and entered the academy while the three Wonderbolts watched on from the head office window in confusion. "Who is that clown in the blue outfit and was that Dash with her in a clown outfit, entering the academy" Soarin said. Spitfire and Fleetfoot found it hard to picture Dash being a clown as she didn't seem the type who was into them. "I doubt it, it could be somepony in a wig but even then I have never seen this blue and white maned clown or the rainbow maned clown with the pies before" said Spitfire. Fleetfoot was picturing Dash as a clown but always pictured who with a afro causing her to giggle before Skittle burst through the door. "Hellllllllllllllllllllllo Wonderbolts" Skittle shouted cause the three to jump. Soarin looked at Skittle and asked "Rainbow Dash is that you?" "Who is this "Rainbow Dash" is she some mascot I can use for my rainbow treats" Skittle said with excitement at expanding the business before saying "have a free sample" before shoving a treat in each Wonderbolts mouth causing them to go through burning rainbow effect and as their faces switch colours, Skittle pulled out the three pies. "Would anyone like a pie" Skittle asked with a devious grin. The Wonderbolts especially Soarin licked their lips and begged for pie. "Please o for the love of Faust give me a blueberry pie to get rid of the taste" said Soarin "Count me in if it will put the fire in my throat out" Spitfire said with her tongue hanging out "Yes yes, do it" said Fleetfoot. Skittle responded by throwing the pies into their faces somehow negating the effects of the treats. The Wonderbolts, having not expected the pies to be thrown at them wiped the pies off and glared at the rainbow maned mare. "What the heck Dash, why did you do that?" asked Fleetfoot as they all wiped their faces. Dash smiled as she saw that they were all wearing clown noses now with Spitefire's turning light blue, Fleetfoot's turned white while Soarin's own remained red. Skittle gave a wide grin at this outcome. "Why so serious Fleetfoot, you lot orta smile more" she said before Clown Stripe came in with Lightning Dust tied up. "O good I made it, hey Skittle I brought Dusty with me to witness this" said Stripe while Dust tried to get out of her bindings. Skittle smiled as the 3 Wonderbolt's visions shifted to find themselves all standing in front of the mirror. "What is happening to my mane" Spitfire shouted as her mane and tail turned a mixture of light and dark blue and animated much how the princesses manes do except hers looked like it was on fire even thought no heat emitted from it and it didn't burn. Soarin's own mane and tale turned silvery white with light blue streaks going through it then shift into an Afro and Fleetfoot's mane turned green with purple streaks and grew long down to shoulder length. "What is going on" Fleetfoot said as she began to feel dizzy as the room shifted into what looked like a circus themed Canterlot Palace. "Girls, are you seeing what I am seeing" Soarin said as he pointed to the throne where the two princesses were waiting for them except they were dressed as jesters and wearing clown noses. Spitfire noticed that their eyes were like Dashes, bright pink and decided to ask them about it. "Princess, why is your eyes pink and why are you both dressed as jesters" Spitfire asked. Celestia simply pointed her hoof at them and said "I can ask you why you are not performing, after all you are wearing Wonderjokes uniform" She answered with a stern expression. The Wonderbolts were confused until they looked a each others uniforms. Spitfire's was now light purple with red stripes, Soarin's was green with light blue stripes and Fleetfoot's was red with white stripes. They all gasped at this revelation as their Wonderbolt's badges were now rainbow coloured circles with pink comedy masks in the center. "This can't be happening" they all said as their wings started acting on their own accounts and they began flying. Celestia started yelling out various airel acrobat moves while making them juggle props including chainsaws. They tried to disobey her every now and then but their bodies won't let them. "Come on Wonderjokes, get your back into it now do a triple flip" Luna yelled. Spitfire tried to move on her own account but couldn't and said "I will obey you as a Wonderjoke", something Fleetfoot and Soarin also said. Fleetfoot and Spitfire suddenly felt their eyelids being panited with Spitfire's becoming light blue while Fleetfoot's was green as well as their eyelashes curling up. Soarin laughed at their appearance but after he finished, he suddenly started again with the other two also laughing. Their eyes turned pink as they landed in front of the princesses and all said "We are willing to serve as Wonderjokes" as if they were in a hive mind state with rainbow bowties forming on their necks. They were each handed derpy eyed googles as their vision returned to the academy. "Well hello Wonderjokes, are you ready to entertain" said Skittle. They all nodded and Skittle pointed to Lighting Dust. "Please take her to my house, there is a hidden basement which can be opened by twisting the Wonderbolt's founder's bust" She said as the Wonderjokes took the frightened Lightning Dust, who has witnessed the transformations back to Skittles home. Fast forward to a few days later. Skittle placed the nose on Dust as the Wonderjokes watch on with joy. "It isn't so bad, we loved it" said Spitfire, now Pyro Blue as she released Dust from her bindings. Dust ignored her as her vision changed to a dark grassy land filled with flowers, hills and various odd speakers hidden in the flowers. Suddenly the sun rose with a laughing Celestial in it and a speaker rose from one of the flowers. "The Wonderjokes are here to play" it said. Dust was confused as her mane and tail turned light purple with yellow, blue and red streaks across them. The tail curled up into a swirling pattern while her mane formed into a ponytail with the ponytail being recolored to look like a rainbow. She took notice of this and tried to loosen the ponytail. "ohnohnohnohnohno please make this stop" said Lighting Dust in desperation while the Wonderjokes popped out of the nearby hill house and started grab Dust by her hoofs. "Get off me, I don't want to do this" She said. "Hehee you don't have a choice" said Fleetfoot, now Loud Fleetbutt as she managed to grab hold of Dust's back legs. "Come on, we need one more to complete our group plus you have to try this rainbow pie" said Soarin now Laughing DeLorean who rubbed his stomach at the thought of pie and managed to grab Dust's front legs while Pyro Blue held her Dust's wings. She was brought into the house where she saw four beds at one side, a slide leading to the top of the house, a machine that was injecting some pies with rainbows and a strange metal creature that was cleaning the house. She was brought to the machine where she was force fed the pies during which a Wonderjokes outfit started to form on her body. "Get this thing off me" Dust said as she tried tearing the suit off. "I thought you wanted to join the Wonderjokes" Fleetbutt said in a mocking manner. It didn't take long for the suit to fully cover her body which was orange with yellow stripes going through it. A badge attached itself to the suit as did a rainbow bowtie. Dust started to feel light headed as it felt like the suit was fusing with her body. "Well you certainly look the part, Sparky" said Pyro Blue with a smile. Dust couldn't speak as the fusing made it hard to focus as her eyelids turned yellow and her eyelashes curled. "Hey lets inject her with this" Fleetbutt said while showing a needle filled with a purple substance. The other two smiled with joy at the thought while Dust went wide eyed as the needle was inserted into her neck and the substance injected. Dust began to laugh uncontrollably as the Wonderjokes watched on as her eyes slowly turned pink. Lightining Dust, now Firework Sparkly smiled as she and the rest went to play outside but as soon as they went through the door, her vision went back to the cloud house basement. End flashback Pinkie clapped at the story and Skittle told the Wonderjokes to go entertain someone or practice. "Well that was long, we have two more TFs before the chapter is over" said Pinkie Glimmer was using Spike in her juggling act in order to stop him complaining about clowns while Sweetie and Sprinkle came up with an idea. "Hey we could try turning Derpy, I think she would make a good clown because she is does have a habit of doing that" said Sprinkle as she remembered the anvil that landed on her due to Derpy's clumsiness. Pinkie decided to see Derpy but before that happened she turned Sprinkle that she had seen Trixie performing in front of town hall. Sprinkle smiled widely at this and teleported herself and Glimmer to Trixie's stage. Pinkie went to see Derpy and found her walking from Sugarcube Corner, eating a lemon muffin surprise. "Hi Derpy" Pinkie greeted, the derpy-eyed mare turned to see the clown and greeted her back. "Hello Pinkie, I like your clown outfit, who's party is it today?" Derpy asked. "No party, it is part of a show I am doing and I came to you because I want you to advertise to anyone you find about the circus. I would also like you to join it" Pinkie said with a smile. Derpy gave this some thought, she was prone to doing silly things and a clowns job means doing silly things. "Sure Pinkie, I accept your show" Derpy said. Pinkie placed a clown nose on her and Derpy felt a tingle. Her vision turned into the sky where she saw muffins and bubbles moving about and the clown nose turned yellow. "This is fun" Derpy said as she was able to shape the bubbles in objects. As she made a unicycle her mane began to grow and restyle itself in pigtales and turning light red with blue streaks and felt like a balloon when touched. She took out a hand mirror and saw her new manestyle. "I love my new manestyle, it is bright and colorful and balloony" Derpy said. The bubbles started to form themselves into into ponies but one looked like it was standing on its back legs. "Bubble buddy, I haven't seen you for ages, would you like a muffin" Derpy said but ended up bursting him leading to her becoming sad. During this, her fur turned white and pink blush appeared on her cheek. She flew onto a large muffin where Pinkie appeared to be performing to a large crowd of bubble people. "Can I join in" said Derpy which Pinkie accepted. They performed tightrope walking and biking, juggling, pie throwing and muffin making. As this went on, a dress much like Pinkies own formed on Derpy's body except it shared the colours of Pinkie's socks which were purple and blue with a large patch being white with five different coloured bubbles which were blue, yellow, black, green and red. "Hey look at your legs Derpy" said Pinkie. Derpy did and found socks forming on her legs which were rainbow coloured and the shoes on her hooves were bright red like her mane. She and Pinkie ended their show to the bubble and muffin people and her eyes curled as her vision returned to normal. Pinkie didn't see a point in hypnotizing her so her eyes remained the same. "Now take the bag of leaflets and give them to anyone you find and also take these noses if you wish to make someone join" Pinkie said. Derpy flew into the distance as Pinkie left the area. Meanwhile in front of town hall, Trixie had returned and was performing in front of a (bored) audience. "The Great and Powerful Trixie shall now pull a rabbit out of her hat" Trixie said in her typicality arrogant tone. She removed her hat then used her magic to pull what she thought was a rabbit but somehow ended up pulling out Sprinkle and Glimmer much to the crowds amazement and to Trixie's confusion. After they fell to the ground, Sprinkle quickly recovered and got up but Glimmer was still dazed and remained on the floor. "Hello Trixie, I heard you were in town and I thought me and my friend Glimmer could improve your act. It has been lacking some flair lately for somepony with an ego the size of her flank haha." said Sprinkle. Trixie was put off by Sprinkle's appearance and feared that clowns would ruin her act rather than help it so while trying to block out the insult, Trixie stood proudly before boast. "No the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need your help Sparkle so take your silly clown act elsewhere. Besides Trixie can do fine on her own." Trixie said in annoyance. Sprinkle merely chuckled at the showmare's attempt to blow her off while Glimmer recovered from her dazed state and got up. "Now dearie, her name is Twinkle Sprinkle now and you really could put on a clown act in your show. A clown magician would make anyone laugh and even relive the boredom that your ancient tricks seem to bring" said Glimmer as the crowd laughed at the comment much to Trixie's embarrassment who was blushing in response. Glimmer and Sprinkle took notice and began laughing while the showmare tried to fight back. "O yeah well lets see who is laughing when I do this. You should be familiar with this marshmallow pony." Trixie said as her horn glowed and zapped Glimmer's mane. Her mane was now emerald green with light pink streaks. Glimmer's face beamed with happiness at her new mane colour "O Trixie, I had no idea you were an artist when it came to mane dressing. You really should model at my shop and I have the perfect outfit for you to wear." Glimmer said with excitement as there were whistles from the crowd. Trixie was surprised by the reaction as a piece of paper appeared in her hoofs which was a childish drawing of herself in a clownish outfit mixed with parts of a magician outfit. "TRIXIE IS NOT A CLOWN YOU FOOLISH PONIES" She said full of anger at being seen as a clown. Sprinkle grinned and summoned a mic and put it near the audience. "You are better at being the flank of the joke than actually doing simple magic" one member of the audience said striking a nasty blow to the showmare's ego. "You seem to love fireworks, why not juggle them while being on a unicycle" another member said causing the rest of audience to nod in agreement as well as laughing. Trixie tried hard to hold back tears before a final member decided to have a say. "Admit it you are more of a clown than a magician. What, are you only doing this because you couldn't get work as a rodeo clown hahaha" the final member said as many audience members could barely stand with laughter. Tears flowed down Trixie's fuming face as she couldn't contain it any longer. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT TRIXIE HAS HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO KEEP YOU SIMPLETONS ENTERTAINED" Trixie shouted before she felt magic on her body as well as her mane and tail became an afro and a simple clown suit appeared on her body, replacing her magician outfit. She saw the glow on Sprinkle's and Glimmer's horns as they laughed at her while daggers formed in Trixie's eyes. "THATS IT TRIXIE IS NEVER COMING TO THIS TOWN AGAIN" Trixie said as she ripped the clown suit off and turned her mane and tail back to their original style before she tried to run off stage but Sprinkle used her magic to keep the showmare in place "Trust me when I say this dear Trixie but you are staying and performing whether you want or not" Sprinkle said as she conjured up a nose as Trixie struggled against her magical binds while the audience looked on with interest. Glimmer then took center stage and put on her showmare face before speaking. "Mares and gentleclots, today you shall watch 'The Great and Powerful Twinkle Sprinkle' transform 'The Meek and Powerless Trixie' from an egotistical phony to a crazy mad mare using something as simple as a clown nose." Glimmer said as the crowd applauded and Trixie continued to struggle as the nose attached itself to her snout. The world shifted to what looked like a stage to a theater what with various equipment often used for acts. She noticed a piece of paper on the ground and after picking it up, she saw that it was the clown image of her "How did Trixie get here and what is this doing here?" Trixie asked out loud as the clown nose turn pink and her mane and tail turned candyfloss pink though she didn't notice. She looked around and noticed a strange full body shimmering mirror which had a sign near it saying the 'Mirror of the True Self'. As she approached the strange mirror, the picture suddenly escaped her grip and entered the mirror and after a few seconds pasted, the paper came out the mirror but the image on it was gone and much to Trixie's shock, a figure appeared in the mirror that followed her every move but looked different. It didn't take long before she realized that this figure matched the drawing perfectly as she was creep out by the figure's wild grin and pink eyes. "No you are not Trixie, she looks nothing like you!" Trixie said as she was trying to rip the clown nose off. The figure merely chuckled at her attempt to rip the ball shaped nose off. "Tricky may not be Trixie but Trixie is slowly becoming Tricky LOLmoon" The figure now known as Tricky LOLmoon said with an evil grin on her painted white face as she pulled out a mirror (despite being within a mirror) that showed Trixie who gasped as she saw her new pink mane. "This is a trick, Sparkle is causing all this" Trixie said as she noticed her mane change style to match Tricky's own perfectly. The mane had grow and curled in a similar style to Sprinkle's own mane style except with a large ponytail and a bow tied it together which was light purple and with a green streak. Trixie held her head as she felt really dizzy as Tricky laughed at the showmare's blight. "Trixie must practice on the unicycle....wait what, was that you making Trixie say that?" Trixie said angrily at Tricky. Tricky banged her front hoofs together and pulled a silly face in an effort to taunt Trixie. "Yes, that will be perfect as part of your first act as a Tricky the clown" Tricky said as she clicked her hoof causing the stage curtain to open and the crowd to laugh at her failed attempts to ride the unicycle. "No Trixie came from a family of mag...mac....silly clowns......no why does Trixie think her family were clowns?" Trixie said as she tried to avoid losing herself further to the madness. A purple top hat with a laughing moon and a comedy hammer on it suddenly formed on her head which had a hole for her horn to fit through. "O is poor little Trixie forgetting something about herself?" Tricky mockingly asked the showmare before clicking her hoof again causing Twinkle Sprinkle to appear who was juggling and tripped Trixie on the floor as the audience laughed. "Whoops you fell over, you should check your footing next time" Sprinkle said with a grin. Trixie got up and began charging her horn as Sprinkle charged her own. "Lets see how well you last against the 'Amusing and Clumsy Trixie' Sprinkle....wait her name is.....stop playing with Trixie's mind Tricky!" Trixie said as she turned to face the clown in the mirror whose was still grinning. Trixie manged to turn back just in time to block Sprinkle's spell but suddenly felt something on her front half. A light purple magician suit with green frills and pink orb buttons formed over her body with which she tried to tear off much to Tricky's sadistic delight. "No this belongs on Tricky, I am Tricky.....NO NO NO I am....NO I CAN'T HAVE FORGOTTEN" the showmare said before getting caught in Sprinkle's telekinetic grip who proceeded to use her as a juggling tool. Sprinkle grabbed a hold of some fire touches and juggled them along with the helpless Trixie. As she was trying to dodge the flames, white hoof shoes with red bows formed on her hoofs. "How cute you are losing yourself. How about I help hasten your transformation." Tricky said as her horn glowed a venomous green and blasted the showmare. Trixie felt a red version of her cloak with blue and yellow stripes form on her body while a rainbow bowtie merged with the pink gem on the cloak's collar. Feeling mentally weak, Trixie could barely think as Sprinkle forced her to stand in front of Tricky's mirror to which she saw the mare in mirror cruelly laughing at her. "Please I be...you..stop.....laughing...and turn...Tr...back" Trixie said in a weak voice. Tricky showed the broken mare the mirror again. "Isn't this the ultimate humiliation for a pony with an ego as big as yours. Now you will have my pretty face!" Tricky said with a frightening grin. Trixie peered into the mirror once more to find her entire face slowly go from its natural blue to a pale white. She tried to wipe it off but it refused to disappear.She felt her eyelids get heavier as they became bright purple and her eyelashes curled up and grew longer while pink blush formed on her cheeks. "Noooo" was all Trixie said before Tricky grabbed her and forced her eyes on to Trixie's own. Fear filled what was left of Trixie's mind as Tricky continued to speak. "Face it 'Trixie', there is nothing left of you in that shell. Let me into your mind and let me drive your body" Tricky demanded. Trixie didn't seem to respond as the essence of Tricky slowly entered Trixie's eyes, the window to the soul they say. Tricky faded from the mirror as Trixie closed her eyes where she collapsed and twitched a bit. Sprinkle got her up and faced her closed eyes and smiling. "Ready to continue the dual?" She asked before Trixie opened her eyes revealing dreaded pink eyes and insane grin of Tricky LOLmoon. "You bet Sprinkle, the Clumsy and Amusing Tricky is ready to make everyone laugh as well as outdo you in all tricks" Trixie now Tricky said as her vision faded back to her show in front of the city hall where Sprinkle and Glimmer bowed to the crowd "There you have it folks, Sprinkle has turned our little friend Trixie into the 'Clumsy and Amusing Tricky'. A trick courtesy of the Transformation Circus.......so go there and be amazed because no other circus is capable if this" Glimmer said as Tricky took center stage. "Wow she really is a clown now, I should join" one member of crowd said. "I used to work in a circus, none of the clowns there including the ones with magic could do anything like this" another member said "Wait where did she get that cannon from?" a concerned member said. True enough Tricky pulled out a purple cannon similar to Pinkie's own but it six small barrels instead of one big barrel. She loaded the barrels up and managed to somehow shove Sprinkle into one despite the small size and Sprinkle's own protests. "Hey folks, since Sprinkle transformed me as her trick, Tricky will outdo her by doing what any sane pony would do to a rival. Load them up with fireworks of course" Tricky said with an insane expression as she fired the cannon at a target on the side of the stage where Sprinkle and several fireworks hit it. Everypony laughed at Sprinkle's 'dancing' as she tried to avoid the incoming fireworks which lasted sometime as Tricky kept reloading the cannon until she was out of fireworks. At the end Sprinkle looked like an ashy shadow of a mare as a result of being burned and gave a mean stare towards Tricky who smiled and shrugged as the crowd laughed. "Well Pinkie will want to know what happened her" Glimmer thought to herself as she walked back to the castle mostly to avoid becoming part of Tricky's destructive antics.