//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Enemy sighted // Story: Changeling Quest Book 1: Enemy Found // by LoveEspeon //------------------------------// Twilight had poofed everything from their old camp into this little lagoon. Flash had checked around to see if there were any traps. He had declared this spot safe and Twilight had magically summoned everything here. "Where are we?" Fluttershy's quiet voice broke the silence as Twilight's friends gazed around. Umbra smiled. "This place is calledRyyn Uria or 'Haven Lagoon' in changeling tongue." Fluttershy let out a squeal of excitement as she spotted the first few birds emerge from the bushes around the lake. They were special birds. Likely cousins of the phoenix, Fluttershy thought. These birds were a beautiful shade of icy-blue, with icicle-like wings and cyan eyes. They were extremely friendly, singing sweetly accompanied by the bubbling sound of the waterfall. Twilight smiled. This place really was a haven. "We better get something to eat. It's our turn to keep watch." Flash's voice broke her train of thought. Twilight nodded. Umbra reached up and grabbed a fruit. he bit into it and nodded, hinting that the fruit was safe to eat. Twilight plucked some more from the nearby trees, piling them into a basket beside the tent which they used as a dining room. Then she ate one fruit. Flash quickly gulped down his fruit. "Why do I feel strengthened?" asked Twilight as a strong sensation took over her body. Instantly she felt rejuvenated. She looked up, only to see Flash zooming around. "I feel great!!!" he yelled as he landed beside Twilight. Umbra laughed. "The fruit heals you, as well as restoring your strength," he explained. Flash grinned. Twilight spread out her wings and flew up. "Come on dude. Let's go check the borders," laughed Twilight as she landed on a cloud. Flash nodded and flew up to join her. They began patrolling the skies and checking in crevasses or caves for any signs of the enemy. Then, Twilight saw it. A patrol of changelings headed this way. "We gotta hold them off!" whispered Twilight to Flash. He nodded. "I got a plan."