Chaotic Beginnings

by TheDerpyMuffin

~Chapter One: Introduction~

~Darkness. This is the first thing that I remember when I came to be, and how my dreams always start. Then sound gradually come to me, flashing across my consciousness in waves of terrifying laughter, definitively male, and then I'm lost to the dream, pulled into its wake. It asked many questions, and sounded like there were others who were scared, screaming in the distance or crying. Then sight, and I grimaced, the light stabbing my new eyes like a knife. Looking around, I took note of two beings below me, a white creature with a pole affixed to its head. Her eyes where covered by big purple lenses, bug like eyes, that matched a pair of headphones around her neck. Her hair caught my attention first, screaming at me to notice the complimentary fusion of azure and sky blue, in what seemed to be an organized mess.

The other, hiding behind the white one, was a lovely mix of charcoal black hair, and a steel grey coat, with an air of sophistication even in her terrified pose. I looked around with gasping breaths, seeing they were trapped in an alley way. Understanding and knowledge began to flow into my mind, helping me process what I was seeing, making me cry out and whimper in pain as images flashed across my mind’s eye in barely recognizable pinpricks of slides and motions. Ponies. They were ponies, and I was somehow floating above them, and everything in ruins or a mess.

Glancing down, I saw that I was a pony myself, a female by the looks of things, and gradually began to squirm, trying to get a grasp of things, when I started. My eyes falling upon an unholy, chaotic amalgamation of creatures, all fused into one being, my mind screamed one word at me; Run. Despite my efforts, and how I struggled, I could not escape its grasp, as I was floating a decent amount of space above the ground, causing me to yelp with terrified squeaks from my newly formed mouth. Then Pain, as the chaotic creature began twisting and bending my features with a wave of his hands, causing my body to shift and change in size to his whim like a child’s plaything.

“Your eyes, I think we should do lovely vibrant green, don’t you think so? Would match your wonderfully bloody crimson eyes, Vinyl dear, and Octavia was it? I love your coat color, so bland and depressing, easy to blend into crowds or dark area’s! Also, I think this one would look alluring with your body once she grows up, with a few changes of course! Don't want a copy cat in this game!” the voice spoke, a higher pitch ringing out as he giggled again in a cruel manner, enjoying my pained screams as my coat flashed different colors till it fell upon a grey similar to the grey pony. Temporarily blinded as my eyes grew in size and shifted colors, becoming more angled and dynamic, I listened to him rattle on through my cries of agony.

“Now, a mane color… Let’s make it short, most mares don’t have short hair from what I’ve seen around here, and brown! Love it! It’s the color of my favorite rain you know, and contrasts chaotically with your charcoal coat!” he said, and I gasped as brown hair grew from my head, my screams dying to a whimper. A begging, hoarse voice rose from my throat, causing pleasant vibrations to shake my head, demanding release from my torment. “Relax little one, I’m almost done! Oh, that will do nicely! Let’s make you a little filly!” he smiled, and watched as my shrieks grew in volume for the third time.

Looking down at my body in my writhing spasms of agony whilst my bones shrunk and realigned, he sighed with a confused frown “Hmmmm, Say, let’s make this one a Unicorn, this town is so bland without some magic in the mix!” my tormentor cackled. “Please, stop!” the white one begged, crying as she watched me struggle. I froze, watching in horror as my head deformed once again, growing a pol-, no a horn, similar to the white one attempting to save me.

“Silence! The fun has just gotten started! Hmmmm… Cutie mark…What shall we do with you… LETS MAKE IT SO ITS A BLEND OF TWO! After all, she is a mix of two ponies!” he giggled delightfully. Thankfully, by now, the pain had stopped, and I dropped to the ground, landing in a ground shaking thud, causing me to exhale in exhausted gasps as I fell onto my face in a confused heap. I cried out and stumbled with great difficulty towards the white one, latching onto her leg with a body wracking sob. Clinging for dear life to that one soft, comforting thing, I heard another female voice cry out.

“Discord! The elements of harmony are here to defeat you!” it said in restrained anger, and a blinding, wonderful blast of warm, fun filled colors flew through the air, causing the pain bringing monster to cry out as he turned to stone. I whimpered, the blast hitting the environment around us. Once it reached us in a subsonic technicolor wave with subtle roars, I felt warm suffuse my body, soothing any lingering aches and pains, causing me to go limp and smile blissfully as the white one picked up my limp body in a warm glow of cyan magic. Whispering soothing words to my sensitive ears, whilst the grey one nuzzled my body in an attempt to bring a medium of comfort to me as I cried out at the loss of the warmth.

“Please, don’t leave me… please….” I whimpered, slowly falling asleep with shuddering gasps as my body attempted to finish adapting to all the stimuli introduced to it in its short time of being. “Hush little one… Vinyl and I will be here when you awake…” a soothing voice called, serenading me to sleep with its supple sophistication, and I felt myself set upon her back, and I nodded, closing my eyes with a weak smile, and at last, the dark embrace of sleep took root in my terrified mind, releasing me from the raging demons of my mind…~


I groaned, heaving my body heavily off the bed with a cry of irritation. I growled, sitting on my flank angrily as I stared out the window, dawn just minutes away from rising over the mountain. “…. Why... Why can’t I just be a normal mare… Why must I be defective… Why can’t I just put that damn memory in the past?” I mumbled, kicking the ground with a foreleg as my anger slowly died, leading to a freezing depression. With a grimace, I heard the sounds of happy ponies playing around happily outside as they started their days, causing my heart to sink, my gaze dropping to the floor as the sun began to filter into the window. Turning around, I whimpered, the tears refusing to be held back as I stared with a forlorn look at the ground, the sun resting warmly against my back with an embrace that I so desperately craved, but knew it was a pale imitation of what I truly wanted. I then sighed, forcing myself to stand, and walk towards the bathroom, adamant that I at least appear like I was functioning for the day, to keep others from questioning me. “… All good things come to those who wait. Bah! If that was true, then why am I still alone…” I muttered irritably, my voice ringing out a soothing symphony of accented grace, and let my messy hair fall as I began my tedious morning routine.