//------------------------------// // Briefing // Story: Mission Impossible: Diamond Dancer's Dilema // by RarityEQM //------------------------------// Diamond Dancer shuddered as she soundlessly meandered through the wide, ebony colored hallways of Midnight Castle. Soundless. Ugh. It was such a bizarre sensation. It was some sort of audio hallucination, or something like that. She knew what her hoofsteps sounded like, and whenever she took a step, she expected the noise to echo through the sprawling hallways. Instead, it was disturbingly quiet. Haunting, really. The sound of her hoofsteps vanished with every step, almost as if the sound itself was being muted through the somber mood of the castle. Truth be told, she didn't actually like Midnight Castle, or the Dream Realm that it inhabited. But a summons from the princess was a summons from the princess. Underneath her, the floor fizzled and flickered, as if it were just an television with a weak signal broad casting to it. The whole complex of the castle was just a manifestation of Luna's will and emotions, and if she were angry about something, it meant the integrity of the castle was at risk. Still, Diamond trekked on- only a little bit faster, now. The hallways and walls (when they existed) were always colored in black, blue and purple. The floors and architecture resembled the original castle of the two sisters, the current Canterlot Castle, and pieces of Luna's imagination. While spooky and ominous, Diamond had to admit, the miniature fountains around the castle in the shape of constellations were a nice touch. In front of her was space; swallowing her vision with a blackness akin to the night's sky. In the distance she could see tiny twinkling lights, and as she took a step forward, more of the castle cobbled itself together to form a walk way, and behind her the castle disintegrated. She tried not to imagine the ground crumpling away with every step she took. The idea gave her the heebe jeebies. What little influence Diamond had on the castle was spent on using it to navigate through the night colored maze of hallways and passages. As she strolled through the mysterious building, she kept a watchful eye out for doors and additional hallways that sprouted out from the main foyer. There. A large wooden door slowly built itself into view on her left. Staring at it for a moment, Diamond closed her eyes and drew in a heavy breath. "This door leads to the throne room. This door leads to the throne room. This door leads to the throne room." She said it like a mantra in her mind. An echoing record of a phrase that helped hold her focus on this one particular room. If she focused hard enough, she could craft a 'bridge' to Luna's main consciousness in her subconscious state. Or something. Diamond didn't try to think about it often, as it often made her dizzy after a while. Slowly, the filly reached out to tug the large door open, and the grand throne room of Midnight Castle appeared. And there, sitting calmly in the center of the room, was the mistress of the dark herself. Princess Luna. The author of the night turned quietly, when the door to her chambers crept open, and a little Crystal filly poked her head into the room. The girl was scrawny. Tiny really. Stringy with muscles that bled out underneath shaggy silver fur. Strangely, her coat was covered in inky black splotches, as if the girl had been caught in an unfortunate accident with an ink well. She beamed when she made eye contact with the princess and trotted across the room with bright blue eyes and a mane like icicles in the sun. Across her lips was a youthful, goofy little smile betraying her innocence to the world around her, and one that always made Luna smile in turn. The girl known as Diamond Dancer was barely larger than a foal, at no more than ten summers of age, but still stood happily before her, even going so far as to offer an exaggerated, sloppy salute. Diamond Dancer. Night's Errant. Princess Luna's personal gopher when she needed things accomplished for her when she was drinking in time in the Dream Realm. "GREETIN'S YOU'SE DARKNESS!! WHAT CANNI DO FER YOU'SE TODAY?!" the tiny pony bellowed out, with a bright beaming smile. Luna could almost imagine a little tail wagging behind her like a canine greeting its master. The princess chuckled quietly. The energy of youth. "Well met, Errant. I've a task for you. " She said crispy. Diamond saluted again, bashing her hoof into her forehead with enthusiasm. Luna winced. "A task, you'se Ebony-ness? I yam all ears!" The filly shouted. Surely Diamond was afraid Luna might somehow misinterpret her enthusiasm, and decided screaming extra loud whilst sitting next to her was an appropriate course of action. Still, after sitting in solitude for hours, a little noise was almost pleasant. "Yes. Some summers past, we felt the power of a constellation in Equestira. An Ursa minor, and its mother we believe. It was last seen near the town of Ponyville, but we've not felt its energy recently and have become curious. Night's Errant! Seek out the creature and report back to me on its location! If it is still in the vicinity move it away from the denizens of Ponyville." Announced princess Luna. Diamond gave another immediate salute. "Yes, you'se Blackness! So all I gotta do, is find a dangerous creature da size of a large house, get it to follow me, and den come and see you'se. Got it! ...Good ding I've got a one hundred poycent success rate, or else dis would be a dauntin' task!" " The filly chirped brightly with a braggart's tone. Luna, however frowned. "...Indeed. Errant, before thou depart ...tell me of your weekend plans?" The princess inquired. For a moment, Diamond had no response. A question completely out of left field that had nothing to do with a giant roaming constellation. The filly squirmed on the spot. Was this some kind of test? What was she supposed to say? Why did it matter what she was going to do on the weekend?! Why did princess Luna even ask that kind of question? Licking at dry lips and glancing up at the imposing princess, Diamond quickly whittled down her list of interesting activities for the weekend. Which was largely made up (or entirely made up) of doing whatever Luna requested. What was she supposed to say that? What else does somepony do on the weekends? "Whatevah you'se need me ta do!. " She squeaked. That was a truthful answer, at least. Luna frowned even more so, and leaned back on her throne, looking thoughtful while Diamond bit at her lower lip nervously. Oh, no, why is she frowning so much?! That couldn't have been what she wanted to hear! Oh no! "And...thou...hast no comrades? "asked princess Luna quietly. Diamond quickly shook her head. "N-No no, I was born in Equestria." She explained to the frowning, (And now slightly puzzled) princess. She gave a quiet sigh, casting her gaze across the filly. True, Diamond's circumstances were unique. Very unique, in how she'd come to work for the Princess, and displayed an almost alarming amount of loyalty. She held a one hundred percent completion rank to any and all missions, tasks and assignments Luna had given to her and yet ... youth didn't last... "Errant. Are we to understand you possess no cohorts? No Comrades? Errant... where are thy friends?" Luna asked quietly. Diamond sat down suddenly, like a tremendous weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She actually smiled in return and offered the Princess a quiet chuckle. "Ahh, dat ain't my style considering my condition. But it's kay, I'm good!" Diamond explained, and Luna gave an annoyed sigh. Such a little thing; youth. Something she'd taken for granted. Something, she decreed, she'd put a stop to immediately. "No, Errant, I'm afraid things are not ...'kay'. We are aware of thy limited time. Thy mortal candle burns at a nub. Thy twine flickers a dimming light. What cruelty are we to deny youth the joy of youth itself? Nigh, we've become blinded by darkness and years of isolation. Errant! Thy previous mission is now null and void! Thou hath a new goal! Twilight Sparkle is thy newest princess, having discovered the power of friendship. Such power is unknown to us, Errant. Thus, you shall venture into town, and research this new magic and report back. " Princess Luna exclaimed with a satisfied nod of her head. Diamond's mouth dropped open. "W-wait? What? You'se is takin me off the Constellation assignment?! I don't know da foyst ding about magic, or friends... Forgive me for sayin' so, you'se Shadowy-ness, but uh, dis seems far less a priority den da giant bear, doncha dink?" "Diamond squealed, and slowly, the Princess grinned at the filly's distress. "Then truly, thou are unaware of the power princess Twilight wields. Thou sacrifice thy youth in the service of our name; commendable, but we squander your potential. With thy future uncertain, t'would be a greater tragedy to shuffle off thy mortal coil without experiencing friendship. Go forth, mine Errant, complete thy mission. After all, it would be a shame to lose that one hundred percent completion streak, now, would it not?" the princess asked, her grin diabolical. Diamond slowly nodded her head, regardless of the growing whimper bubbling in her throat. "B-but what about da bea-'" Diamond stammered, but was cut off by Luna simply holding up a hoof. She didn't want to hear another word from her servant. "We shall instruct Virga to handle the Constellation. Thou art to focus on thy task. Is that clear?" She asked curtly. Slowly, nervously, Diamond nodded her head and drew in a sheepish breath, before turning sharply on her hooves to march out of the room. Making friends with regular kids in Ponyville...ugh, Talk about mission impossible...