//------------------------------// // Prologue - Dear Princess Celestia // Story: The Lost Ponies: Jurassic Park // by CompactDisc //------------------------------// Dear Princess Celestia, First and foremost, I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that I am alive and for the most part well. Both Fluttershy and I are doing okay aside a few minor injuries, but it’s nothing we can’t handle. You were right to worry about me. I went headlong into a situation I thought I’d have no problem handling, but I was wrong. And as the situation unfolded, I learned the truth about humanity. To put it simply, as a global species they are horrid, and will go to any lengths – any lengths – to achieve whatever goals they may have. This is not to tar them all with the same brush: I was fortunate enough to meet some truly selfless and brilliant people. If you ever choose to visit Earth again Fluttershy and I will have to introduce you to Doctor Sarah Harding. I can honestly say that without her we might not have made it back safely. I have no doubt that millions of others are like her but clearly there are millions more unlike her. Our time spent on Isla Sorna revealed a lot of ugly truths that I don’t think I was ready for. Repeated and unbelievable short-sightedness, complicated and exasperating networks of lies, brutal ruthlessness towards fellow human beings and a complete disregard for their natural world, each other, and morality in general were but some of the realities we came to understand whilst on the island. We failed, Your Highness. The magic of friendship is something humankind – on a global level – cannot ever seem to understand. I had no idea that spending such a short time in a microcosm such as Isla Sorna would be so eye-opening but since returning to the mainland I’m seeing these aforementioned realities everywhere and to great extents. It makes me inherently uncomfortable and untrustworthy of human society. I don’t know. Perhaps I’m being too brash here. Perhaps writing this letter to you now (I’ve not long since returned to America from that terrible island) was too soon and I need to calm down. Maybe humanity isn’t all bad. But I can’t argue with the facts. I can’t go against what I saw and experienced on Isla Sorna. Though I could have told you this over satellite video uplink I think you’d appreciate a letter more – it’s much more in keeping with the letters I used to send you. Of course, I have so much more to say, but I’ll save it for when I return to Equestria. I’ll be contacting Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity immediately. If all goes to plan, we’ll be back home tomorrow. I hope we can speak then. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle