Friendship's Heart of Destiny

by Shadow Master

Chapter 1: Wondercolt United

At the Canterlot High School's Library, Sunset gathered all of her friends including Dragon Strike Force, Flash, Wheelie and Brains. She had some discussion to make with them about her encounter with the mysterious stranger near to Canterlot.

"She was definitely doing something to the statue " Sunset said in concern as she walked front and back while thinking, "-or was going to."

Fluttershy patted Angel the Bunny from her bag before looked up at Sunset, "Do you think she came through the portal from Equestria?"

Wheelie scoffed, "Doubt of it. No way she's a Pony-Human alright..."

"Definitely no way," Brains nodded, "We saw her coming down from the bus while these lovebirds were smooching and kissing like cute little couples."

Both Sunset and Flash Sentry blushed in surprise yet embarrassed. Everyone laughed in amusement about them being the couple again.

Flash groaned, "Really? Did you really want to ruin that best moments? Honestly..."

Sunset shook her head but smiled in amusement and stopped for a while, "Wheelie and Brains were right. I think she was from over here."

"Well, that's a relief." Applejack smiled in relief as she had legs crossed on the table, "The last thing we need is another magical so-and-so bent on world domination comin' over from Equestria or even some crazy psychopath and warmonger aliens from out space to kill us off. No offense, boys."

"We are offended! Thank you very much!" Wheelie and Brains exclaimed in annoyance.

Rarity sighed in annoyance while nodded, "Oh please, you two! I have no interest in another fight against the powers of evil magic or even some crazy Cybertronians either. The wear and tear on my wardrobe is just too much to keep up with. No offense too!"

Wheelie groaned, "Oh sure! Go ahead and insult us, alright! We're so happy that Humans appreciate our 'efforts to save the world'. Thank a lot, bitch!"

Brains huffed before blew his raspberry loudly, "You Human Bastards sure got lots of funny way to show us some appreciation. We're 'so happy', alright."

"Man, you two sure know how to be hard-headed bots, alright. You guys are jerks," Flash remarked in annoyance, "We do appreciate you guys for saving our home. Believe us."

Wheelie and Brains huffed angrily as they looked away from the Humans. Everyone but Sunset Shimmer sighed in annoyance and concern. How on earth are they gonna change these two minds about the Humans when they're too stubborn?

"Come on, you two. Applejack, Rarity and Flash didn't mean those things to you," Sunset said calmly. Both Minicons turned and looked at her. She continued, "They just don't like violence and wars because they don't want to hurt the innocents or even lose who they really are. But trust me on this. They really do appreciate your help. I do too, especially you Autobots are my first friends other than these girls and Flash here. Believe in us. We mean you all well..."

Both Wheelie and Brains were surprise and shock to hear. Sunset actually understand them and everyone. They both looked at each other for the moment. They sighed in annoyance as they turned to her again.

"Fine..." Wheelie said in annoyance, "But we only follow you, but not these Humans. You and us share the same common alright!"

Brains nodded in agreement, "You've got that right! What she said, we follow her only. Got it?"

Instead of arguing with the Minicons, everyone shrugged and agreed with their terms. These Minicons are hard to deal with...

"Okay, guys. I get it. Let's get back to our subject," Sunset said calmly, "A mysterious figure snooping around the portal? Don't you wanna know what she was up to?"

Shorty hummed in concern, "There is some possibility alright. She could be measuring the statue for her architecture. She could be admiring the statue for her artwork. She could be inspecting the statue as the critic or the sculptor. Or she could be working for the government. And hopefully, it's not the enemies we should be worry about."

"You mean Dark Terrorists?" Saber Dragoon asked in amusement. He scoffed, "Yeah... We get that a lot."

Terrorcreep huffed, "What am I not surprise since they abducted the girls and did experimented on them for the E.H.D. Satellites. That could almost turned the world into metals for Decepticons to live."

Fluttershy shuddered, "I don't even wanna guess."

"Well, you don't have to." Rainbow Dash called as she approached to her friends while holding the Year Book. She smiled, "Because I've totally figured out who it was!"

"Rainbow Dash figure something the mysterious case?" Blazefist remarked in surprise.

Saber Dragoon scoffed, "That's the first. She usually never thinks or solve the small problem. And not to mention, she doesn't read one single book."

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed of being offended, "Just because I don't study doesn't mean I'm stupid okay. And FYI, I do read books. The best one - Daring Do, Mr. Detective!"

Aquastroke giggled in amusement, "She's got the point. She deserve the credits for able to solve the mystery. Let's just listen before we jump any more conclusion."

"So, what is it? Who was that girl? Can you tell us?" Laxtinct asked in amusement.

Pinkie Pie squealed happily, "Ooh, ooh! A nighttime statue cleaner? A magical portal maintenance maintainer? A gardener?!"

"Pinkie... Let me talk first," Rainbow Dash said in annoyance but lifting the book up, "Seeing as how they got off a bus from the city and got back on a bus headed to the city, I'll bet they go to Crystal Prep Academy..."

Everyone but Sunset and even her two Minicon Friends awed and groaned in annoyance. What was that about?

"No kidding..." Tailtech groaned a bit.

Icy hummed, "If that is true, who was she? Why she was here?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Rainbow Dash asked in annoyance, "With the Friendship Games starting after three days, they'd totally try to prank us by defacing the Wondercolts statue."

"Why would anyone take a bus all the way from the city for that?" Sunset asked in concern.

Applejack huffed, "Because the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are our biggest rivals?"

Rarity nodded, "Because that's just what the students at Crystal Prep would do?"

"And not to mention, they're kinda jerks to meet with," Flash added up.

Cutie Mark Crusaders huffed angrily, "And they're all meanies too!"

"Because even though they beat us in everything – soccer, tennis, golf -" Rainbow Dash said in annoyance as she shown the pictures of former students from Canterlot High lose to Crystal Prep Students during the Friendship Games. She then turned it to the last page where the horse statue was dressed in clown suit, "– they still have to gloat!"

Wheelie and Brains looked surprise before they covered their mouths from laughing. But they can't. They both laughed in amusement and happily. Everyone turned and glared at two Minicons for trying to be funny at them.

Flash groaned, "That wasn't funny, guys. How does it feel when someone dressed you like a clown? Would you enjoy it much?"

Wheelie and Brains stopped and exclaimed angrily, "HEY! THAT'S NOT COOL!"

Sunset hummed calmly, "Seems kinda silly to me."

"SILLY?!" Everyone asked in annoyance and angrily as they turned and glared at her.

"So I guess you think the Friendship Games are silly, too." Rainbow Dash asked in annoyance.

"Well, duh..." Wheelie remarked in annoyance, "This Friendship Games sounds sucks. We've got some games way better than yours alright."

Brains chuckled happily, "You've got that right."

Rainbow Dash groaned, "Oh yeah, you two?!"

"Yeah! It's called Gladiator Combat!" Wheelie explained, "The game is simple - Don't Die in Pits of Kaon! That's the game!"

Brains nodded, "That's right. One champion wins them all is none other than Megatron himself!"

"Seriously? The baddest guy of all Decepticon is the Champion of Gladiator?" Applejack asked in surprise, "There's some shock."

Rarity huffed, "He's nothing but a barbarian if you asked me. I remembered that Gladiator is the ancient game from Ancient Rome. And it's a bloody and slaughtered game too. I'm glad that it doesn't involve in Friendship Games. I don't even want to have my dress be ruined."

Wheelie huffed, "Which is way you guys are easily get killed. You guys are hopeless."

"We heard that!" Everyone exclaimed in annoyance.

Brains huffed and shrugged, "Whatever. You guys are hopeless without us."

"Wheelie and Brains..." Sunset Shimmer said in annoyance as she tapped her feet on the ground for three times, "What did we just discussed?"

Wheelie and Brains groaned, "Sorry..."

Sunset sighed as she turned to her friends, "Well, it's not like we'll be fighting the powers of evil magic or some Cyber Techs."

"No. We'll be fighting against a school full of meanies." Fluttershy corrected Sunset Shimmer, "Not everything has to be magical or machines to be important."

Sunset sighed, "You're right. I'm sorry. I know it's a big deal."

Rarity had her eyes rolled over, "That's putting it mildly, darling. They're still revamping the playing field in preparation."

"I just don't understand why there's this big rivalry." Sunset said in concern, "Aren't the "Friendship Games" supposed to be about our two schools getting along?"

Applejack sighed as she took the Year Book from Rainbow Dash, "Well, it's kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything."

"And not to mention, that school is full of arrogance and egotistical as well." Tailtech said angrily as he had his arms crossed. He stuck his tongue out, "Those students... They make me sick."

"Not anymore!" Rainbow Dash smirked as she had her arms crossed, "This time, things are gonna be different."

Aquastroke shook her head, "I don't think so, Dash. We're still gonna lose."

The girls looked surprise and confuse of what Aqua had said. They all turned and looked at her and even her friends.

"What makes you said that?" Fluttershy asked curiously, "I thought you'd always have confidence in winning. With you all here, we can win this game."

Shorty sighed as he shook his head, "Not this time."

Terrorcreep nodded in agreement, "Crystal Prep Academy has both of our friends helping them. And I can guarantee that we won't win this game."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked in concern.

Saber Dragoon sighed, "For starters. Our buddy and commander Shadow Dragon returned to his girlfriend and her siblings. And they both gone to the very same school we had hated the most..."

"Don't tell us!" Pinkie squealed in concern.

Laxtinct nodded his head, "That's right. They all gone to Crystal Prep Academy."

Rarity groaned, "I can't believe that our world's Twilight would go to Crystal Prep Academy..."

"You're saying that Twilight and Shadow Dragon are gonna play against us?" Rainbow Dash asked in concern. She scoffed in disbelief, "They'd never do that."

Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at each other before they gulped in concern, "Even Nyx?"

Flare Tiger nodded, "That's affirmative, partners. What we said is true now..."

Sunset sighed, "I guess so. We're facing our own best friends as our greatest rivals. This is gonna be pain of our neck alright..."

Fluttershy nodded, "Our Twilight never does that..."

"Seriously? You should all know about it," Blazefist said in annoyance, "Your Twilight is at Equestria. And she's the Princess. And yes, she won't do such a thing against her own best friends. And for ours, she's way different than you know. But she's also helpful and reliable too for assisting us in stopping the E.H.D. Satellites in time."

Apple Bloom smiled and nodded in understanding, "Well... She did helped us find you from Ellis Island."

Sweetie Belle squealed happily, "She did warned us of some traps and ambushes from our enemies too. And she even gave us the schematic maps and security codes about Ellis Island."

"And the best of all..." Scootaloo smiled wildly, "She alerted us about the bomb. But we got away. Azure Phoenix and his team came and rescued us in time. That was a close call."

Sunset nodded in understanding, "These little girls do have the points. This world's Twilight may or sound different than ours. She maybe from Crystal Prep Academy. But there's one thing she had in common with our Twilight is helping and saving us from danger. Maybe we should befriend with this one like ours did with us. After all, Friendship is Magic."

Her friends smiled and nodded in agreement, "Yeah! You said it! We've done it once, we can do it again! Can't wait to meet others too! This is gonna be awesome!"

Sunset, Mane Five and Cutie Mark Crusaders and even Flash hugged each other happily, passionately and gently like a family.

Shorty approached to Blazefist as he asked, "You'd think this gonna work? I mean Twilight - our Twilight Sparkle is not very much of making friends but us and Shadow Dragon. And not to mention, about her past and relationship..."

Blazefist shrugged, "I may not be wise as my mentor. But they have the point. If it weren't for them and Twilight Sparkle from another world, we wouldn't have survived the metal extinction."

"If it work on A.J. and her pals being friends," Saber Dragoon smiled in confidence, "then I have some confidence on her and her friends. I'm pretty sure they can get along."

"Let's hope so." Terrorcreep nodded calmly, "Let's hope our former ally wouldn't come and interfere their making friendship. He doesn't care much of friendship."

Aquastroke sighed, "He still blamed us for leaving him behind. We didn't. We did for him. We did our best to find and save him from that psychopath clown. He doesn't believe in us."

Laxtinct shrugged, "Let's just hope he doesn't gone berserk again."

Wheelie and Brains groaned, "Yuck..."

"Okay then!" Rainbow Dash smirked proudly, "Now that we've got no problem about making friend with this world's Twilight. It's time for making a stand for all Wondercolts!"

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked in concern.

Rainbow Dash smirked proudly, "Oh, you'll find out..."

Everyone looked at each other for the moment. They all wondered of what Rainbow Dash was planning and doing now.

"Why do I get the bad feeling about this," Blazefist asked in annoyance.

At the KSI Headquarter's Office, Cade Yeager was working on his latest invention in making some a security Humanoid Cybertronian Drones-like for United Nation leaders if there was one. He stopped for the moment. He sighed in concern and worry. He turned and looked at the picture of his family, Autobot allies and even Canterlot High School after the 'Battle of the Bands' event.

"Things sure change faster than I remember," Cade muttered in concern. He put some tools down as he leaned his chair down for the moment, "Wonder if this nonsense about politics, economy and war ever stop?"

"Maybe you should take a break and have some time with your family?" The gentle and compassionated voice spoke.

Cade turned and found two familiar people standing before him. He smiled happily.

"Tessa! Shane! You're both here!" Cade exclaimed happily. He got up and gave them a hug, "Great to see you. I missed you all so much."

Tessa smiled as she and her boyfriend departed from hugging Cade, "I miss you too, dad. How's everything here? I hope the job didn't stress you out."

Cade chuckled, "No, it didn't, Tess. I barely even make a sweat in making these drones. They're piece of cakes. What about you? How's your college?"

"Doing fine. And it was great too!" Tess said happily, "Guess what, dad? Shane won the racing car championship!"

"Really?" Cade asked in surprise. He turned and looked at Shane, "Good job, kid. Did you keep yourself and my baby girl out of troubles?"

Shane smiled and saluted, "Yes, sir! No bad things happen to her, as promised!"

"Good to hear. It's great to see you again." Cade sighed happily, "It felt almost a year for not seeing you."

"Dad... That was after the Christmas. It was three months ago." Tessa joked happily, "I did promised that we would visit you. And we did too."

"Yeah... It sure is. You daughter wouldn't stop reminding me to keep visiting her. And I keep telling not to worry but keep nagging. Man that sucks..." Shane remarked in amusement.

He and Yeager Family laughed happily. They really had their moments to have fun. Shane sighed as he looked around of his surroundings. He saw some scientists and manufacturers were building and creating some more yet powerful and deadliest gears, weapons and vehicles.

"Can't believe they're gonna do it again..." Shane said in shock and upset, "I thought Joyce gave up on working with military. He told us that he would never want to be involve with slaughter or destruction."

Cade sighed while nodded, "Don't blame him, kid. KSI almost went bankrupt. He doesn't have a choice. He has to do it for his company and the world."

"If you ask me," Tessa scoffed a bit, "That Secretary is selfish and cruel. He forced Mr. Joyce to give everything up for his company, so his can save and help people. I don't like him when he thinks fear and absolute power can bring unity to the world. Unity to my ass."

"Tessa..." Cade said in annoyance. He turned and found Darcy coming towards him and his family. He stood up at once, "Darcy? Is it?"

Darcy sighed, "It is. It's time."

Darcy led Yeager Family to Joshua Joyce's Personal and Private Office where everyone who worked for him and the company stood before his door. Something is bound to happen...

As the door was opened, Joshua Joyce emerged from his officer while holding the box of his personal stuffs. He then locked his door tightly before turned to the front. Everyone remained silent and quiet as they were all sad and upset. He took a deep breath before released it.

Joshua shrugged, "Well, I guess this is it. It's been quite the ride, alright. This is my last job. And above all, my goodbyes to you all."

Darcy approached and hugged Joshua for the moment before departed, "Take care, sir. We won't forget of what you did to this world. We'll do our best to make a better place for everyone and even aliens."

"Oh... Thanks, Darcy. You're the best assistant I could count on." Joshua smiled. He turned to Yeager Family, "Well, Mr. Yeager. I'm honored to have you in my company. If it weren't for you, K.S.I would have become a laughing stock for helping the mad man. I'm leaving my company to you now. Make it count."

"You know you don't have to leave, Joyce. You could just tell them that you could make something... effective and helpful to them to save the world?" Cade said in concern.

Joshua shook his head, "No... I told myself that I want to build a better world, not make war of destruction. That's not the way for K.S.I. It's about moving forward and learn from mistakes. I guess I didn't."

"But still-!"

"Look, Yeager. I appreciate your support and help. But this is the only way to save it. I have to quit. I'm trusting it to you and Darcy now."

"But it's your life, Joshua..."

"Was my life, Cade. But thank you all for the help," Joshua Joyce smiled. He turned and looked at his workers and co-workers, "I wish all of you a luck! Good Luck!"

Everyone screamed together 'Good Luck' to him. Some gave him applause to risking his job to save his company while other cried for him to leave. But nevertheless, Joshua Joyce did what he had to save his company from going bankrupt.

Joshua Joyce then marched into the lift. He turned to his workers and colleagues as they did was looking at him. He nodded his head firmly before the lift closed its door. It went down.

Everyone returned to their office as they worked on their next assignments and projects, only leaving Yeager Family and Darcy.

"He doesn't have to do this," Darcy said in concern.

Cade sighed, "I don't think he has the choice. He wanted the company to help the people and make a better world. The least we can do is help his dream come true."

Everyone but him sighed in concern. Cade's right. It is Joshua's dream to help the world and make the better place.

"Are you Cade Yeager?" The firm voice called. Everyone turned their back as they found a navy armored Military Soldier approached to Cade Yeager. He saluted while giving the inventor a letter, "A letter from Mr. Secretary of United States."

"For what?" Cade Yeager asked in concern.

The Soldier spoke firmly, "Invitation for his Greatest Project of all. He will be back from his job."

Everyone looked at each other with their concerns and worried looks. They all wondered of what is the Secretary up to now?

At Canterlot High's Soccer Field, an armored and armed-blade Sideswipe with each legged-wheel and winged door was looking a way to take a peek on the school since he was too big to fit in. And the only way he can get in is by using the civilian cameras on the event. He saw the students gathered at the gym as both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were making some announcement.

"So far, so good," Sideswipe said calmly, "No troubles at all..."

Ever since he evaded and avoided Cemetery Wind and Lockdown from hunting him down, he reunited with his Autobots. Optimus Prime had specifically ordered him to be Sunset's Guardian. Sideswipe was proud to take the job.

"Wonder what the Humans were up to now?" Sideswipe asked curiously as he approached to the school's soccer field, "Hopefully nothing serious."

"Well... Hopefully, you don't get yourself killed first, buddy!"

Heard of some familiar voices, Sideswipe turned to his back as he found some group he knew of. He was in surprise yet joy and relief to see them. They all approached to him at once. They all laughed happily to see each other alive.

"Well, what do you know?" Sideswipe said in surprise, "Hound! Crosshairs! Drift! Smokescreen! Breakaway! Prowl! And BFF - Bee! Great to see ya here!"

"Great to see you here too, Sides," Crosshairs said happily as he gave Sideswipe a high-five. He scoffed, "How's your job? Hopefully, those Humans don't give you much of troubles. These days, those punks are pain of my ass..."

"Well be glad that they're not like crazy Cemetery Wind," Hound scoffed, "I'd never ever want to see those guys again. I hated them a lot..."

Drift nodded, "Agreed... There is no reason to hate them again."

"I don't know what the heck is going on," Smokescreen said in concern, "But it sure sounds like you guys sure have lots of troubles with the Humans than the Decepticons. I sure no way wanna to see their bad attitude at me."

Breakaway hummed in concern, "And to think that I actually admire this planet. But now, I wouldn't be sure if we should work with them."

"Then again, Optimus Prime did mention there is more of them than meets the eye," Prowl said calmly and firmly, "I'm sure that not all Humans are bad and evil as Decepticons. Unless they proved to be evil as Cobra Organization, we can't help but to kill them. They might lose their compassionate and noble quality."

Bumblebee beeped before radioed, "Come, guys! ZAP! No need to worry! ZAP! Let's put the past behind ZAP! And Keep Moving Forward!"

Sideswipe nodded, "Bee's right. Let's put some grudges between bots and Humans behind. I'm pretty sure that not everyone is not evil. They're just scared and worried. That's all. And besides, these humans can be trusted. She kinda reminds me of Sam..."

Bumblebee made some sad noise as he looked down. The Autobots noticed his look. They knew what upsets him a lot.

"Sorry, Bee." Sideswipe apologized, "Didn't mean to beat you down. I know he means you well..."

Bumblebee sighed as he spoke weakly, "I know... I know..."

"So, what's the news?" Sideswipe asked curiously, "I'm pretty this is not about our reunion."

"Nope... And you're not gonna like this..." Crosshairs said calmly.

Bumblebee nodded as he radioed, "Someone just invite us to the party."

Sideswipe hummed in concern as he listened to his friends of what he had to say. He knew something is bound to happen...

At the Canterlot High's Gym, both students and teachers have been gathered as both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were making an important announcement to them. Rainbow Dash was with them on the stage. However, the students of Canterlot High School but Sunset and some of her friends were not pleased or even care about what announcement she is making.

Principal Celestia held the microphone as she announced, "As I am sure you all know, after three days, Canterlot High School will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy as we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship, and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games."

All of the students cheered unenthusiastic while giving a sparse applause. None of them were truly interested in Friendship Games...

Laxtinct sighed, "Well, that lift the spirit up..."

"What do you expect, Lax?" Blazefist groaned a bit while shook his head, "We've been away for too long. There is no spirit for them to win it."

Saber nodded, "Blaze's right. We've always lose."

"Since the games only happen every four years," Principal Celestia continued, "I'm sure you're all curious what goes on."

"You mean other than us losing?!" Flash Sentry asked in annoyance.

Both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna turned and glared at Flash Sentry. Did he really need to ruin the mood?

"Seriously, Flash?" Sunset asked in annoyance, "I know you don't like Friendship Games. You don't need to be rude and ruined their spirit and mood about it."

Flash scoffed a bit, "Gimme a break, Sunny. I'm telling is the truth. We've always lose this game."

"Cool it, guys," Aquastroke hushed the couples, "Rainbow Dash said that she has something up to her sleeves. I'd say we wait and listen to her speech. And hopefully, she's not trying to embarrassed herself again..."

Terrorcreep huffed, "She'd better..."

"C'mon, ya'll," Flare Tiger insisted calmly, "Give her some benefit of doubts. Who knows? She might surprise us."

Scootaloo nodded, "Yeah! Rainbow Dash is gonna rock the house down!"

Principal Celestia sighed in annoyance as she continued announcing, "And that is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little, um... context."

"Thank you, Principal Celestia." Rainbow Dash took the microphone from her principal. She cleared her throat a bit, "I know a lot of you might think there's no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at anything."

Pinkie called back, "Unless it's a 'losing to Crystal Prep' competition! 'Cause we're really good at that!"

"She does have the point," Laxtinct screamed in agreement.

Everyone muttered and agreed to what Pinkie and Laxtinct had said about 'losing to Crystal Prep' in almost every Friendship Games.

Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance, "And I know that CHS has never won the Friendship Games even once."

"Oh, dear." Rarity said in concern as she whispered to both Sunset and Shorty Thinking, "I hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational."

Shorty shrugged, "Only one way to find out. Let's listen."

Rainbow Dash continued her speech, "Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't. They aren't Wondercolts!"

Rainbow Dash: We've fought magic more than once
And come out on top

Chorus: Oh, oh

As the light died down, the curtains pulled aside and revealed the Canterlot High Marching Ban as Rainbow Dash sang proudly and confidently.

Rainbow Dash: There's other schools, but none can make those claims

Chorus: Na, na-na-na-na, oh

Rainbow Dash: Together we are Canterlot
Come and cheer our name

Chorus: Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash: This will be our year to win these games

As Rainbow Dash and Marching Band continued singing proudly and confidently, the Canterlot High School students continued watched the event. They were all surprised and shocked of how motivated and determined Rainbow Dash is.

Rainbow Dash and chorus: We'll always be Wondercolts forever
And now our time has finally arrived
'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship
And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

Rainbow Dash jumped down as she headed off to the front while the marching band followed her from her back. They all sang together proudly. They split into two ways from one to the left while another to the right each turn.

The students continued watching the event. DJ Pon-3 helped plugged the speaker's wire to her DJ Jockey in making Rainbow Dash's speech and music powerful and more encouragement enough to give the students' support and confidence.

Students: Hey!

Rainbow Dash: We're not the school we were before

Students: Before!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we're different now

Chorus: Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash continued singing while the marching band held the large squared cardboard in waiting for her signal.

Students: Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash: We overcame the obstacles we faced

Chorus: Overcame the obstacles we faced

As the signal given when Rainbow Dash showed on her right side, the right marching band flip the cards into the form of Sunset Shimmer as Demon while holding the crown. She turned to her left side, the left marching band flip the cards into the form of the Siren Dazzlings and their allies - Decepticons and Dark Terrorists.

Students: Hey!

Rainbow Dash: We're Canterlot united

Students: Unite!

Rainbow Dash: We'll never bow

Chorus: Oh, oh

Students: Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash: So get ready to see us in first place

As Rainbow Dash sang proudly, Canterlot High School students felt confidence, motivated and determined. They cheered and sang proudly and confidently together. Rainbow Dash threw he marching band's cap up high in whirling around for the moment.

All: We'll always be Wondercolts forever
(Three! Two! One! Go!)
And now our time has finally arrived
(Our time is now!)
'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship
And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive
At the end of the day, it is we who survive

Marching Band Leader threw her stick pole up and whirling for the moment before she grasped it in time. She then pointed and signaled her band in giving out the pony ears and tails props to most of the students. The students put both pony-ears on their heads and pony-tails around their waists as they represented it in winning the Friendship Games.

Rainbow Dash's friends and teammates were inspired and encouraged by her speech, and even two little Minicons were inspired.

All: Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united together
Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united forever

The Students clapped their hands together while singing proudly, harmonically and joyfully as they all believed that they're gonna win the Friendship Games. Photo Shoot took the picture of the rally and event.

Rainbow Dash: We'll always be Wondercolts forever
And now our time has finally arrived

Chorus: Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united together
Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united forever

Rainbow Dash led the marching band back to the stage while singing happily and proudly. The students continued cheering and singing proudly and happily for her and their school that they're gonna win the Friendship Games.

Chorus: Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united together

Rainbow Dash: 'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

Rainbow Dash climbed up the stage as she raised her hands up. The marching band climbed the stairs up to the stage. Everyone had their spirits up and running that they can win the game!

All: And you know,
at the end of the day,
it is we who survive
At the end of the day,
it is we who survive!

As everyone continued singing for their school in winning, Rainbow Dash glowed in cyan colors as she pony-up again with her ears, wings and tail. It surprised all of her friends and even Shorty Thinking and Sunset Shimmer. She flew up to midair. The Marching Band Leader pointed on both sides in making loud and best music. She threw her pole up and whirling it. It was grabbed by Rainbow Dash. They sang wildly in finishing the song.

As the music had ended, the Canterlot High School Students cheered wildly and proudly. Rainbow Dash was right! It is time to show the world that Canterlot Hight is gonna win the Friendship Games!

Wheelie whistled, "I hate to admit it. That was great speech."

"But not good enough..." Brains scoffed, "Nothing can beats Optimus Prime's speech!"

As everyone continued cheering and screaming proudly and joyfully, Shorty Thinking looked concern yet curious and wonder about Rainbow Dash's sudden transformation without her guitar. It was too sudden and surprising. There was more to this than meets the eye. He has to investigate and learn about it. it could be the clues to Rainbow Energon Creations.

Sunset Shimmer noticed Shorty's looks as she had the same concerns yet curious about Rainbow Dash's sudden transformation. She was really worried about it...

The students and staffs left the gym as they all returned to their classes at once. Behind the stage, Rainbow Dash waved her goodbye to the marching band. She headed off meeting up with her friends. They were all pleased and happy of it.

"That was awesome, Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo exclaimed happily.

Aquastroke patted Scootaloo's head, "The kid's got the point. You really did well out there! No way that Canterlot High is gonna lose this one.

Fluttershy smiled, "I feel like we can win!"

"I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!" Rarity nodded in agreement.

Laxtinct smiled, "That was inspiring and motivated! I'm feeling ready to take a fight to those snobs!"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Tailtech and Icy exclaimed happily and wildly, "Me too!"

"Something's not right..." Shorty said in concern.

Wheelie nodded, "Kinda noticed of that one. That is one surprising event."

"You tell me," Brains nodded in agreement.

Applejack nodded, "Is anybody else wonderin' how Dash ponied up without playin' her guitar?"

"I know, right?" Rainbow Dash said happily without even care or concern about her transformation, "It's probably because I'm so awesome!"

Saber Dragoon sighed, "Egotistical..."

"Tell me something I don't want to know..." Blazefist said in agreement. He turned and found Sunset Shimmer looked worry and concern. He asked, "What is it, kid?"

Sunset Shimmer sighed, "There's gotta be more to it than that, right? It just seems so random."

"Sunset is right..." Flash said in agreement before looked at Rainbow Dash, "No offense, Rainbow! That was still awesome and cool. But still, I'm surprise that you could pony-up without the guitar. That was so sudden, man. Just like Ellis Island Incident..."

Terrorcreep hummed softly, "Yes... The boy spoke the truth. We need to something with it. In this realm, we can't use magic because no one believed in it."

"Creepy's right. The magic is getting out of control," Blazefist said in concern, "We need to deal with it first..."

"Well, it would be nice if you all could get a handle on it." Vice-Principal Luna agreed as she and Principal Celestia entered the scene, "We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible. We don't want to be accused of cheating."

"We don't need magic to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." Rarity spoke confidently.

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yes! We faced so many dangers and especially rescuing Rarity and others from Dark Curse and his minions! We'd never used the magic before, we can do it again!"

"We're not afraid anymore!" Apple Bloom said confidently, "Coz we're not gonna lose to them!"

Everyone smiled as they all shouted in agreement.

"Still, the Friendship Games are serious business." Vice-Principal Luna said seriously, "We don't want any surprises. Especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit."

Principal Celestia nodded, "Sunset Shimmer, you came here from a world of magic. Perhaps you can get to the bottom of our magical development."

Sunset Shimmer smiled, "I'll do my best."

"Okay. Anybody have any guesses what the events are gonna be?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

Pinkie Pie held both cake and pie up, "Pie eating? Cake eating?" She gasped happily as she slammed them both together in making a mess, "Pie-cake eating?!"

Principal Celestia shook her head in denial, "Sorry, everyone. That would be telling. And only school staff members including the founders of both schools can decide."

Vice-Principal Luna nodded, "It could be anything."

"Anything?!" Rarity yelped in concern, "How will I ever pick the right outfit?!"

"Oh, Rarity..." Shorty and Sweetie Belle smiled while shaking their heads in embarrassment.

Sunset Shimmer smiled, "I really wanna help, but I think I better go focus on figuring out why Rainbow Dash ponied up."

Pinkie Pie hummed happily, "Seems like you've got everything under control. Nothing to worry about."

"You should be..." The voice said darkly.

Everyone yelped in concern and worry to hear the voice, They turned and found a cyanish man with short light brown gentle hair dressed in his white and cyan gentleman's suit, along with brownish muscular man with dark brownish ponytail dressed in his military armor and even skinny handsome man with light blond hair dressed in his gentleman's suit with a scarf.

Everyone but Dragon Strike Force, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna especially Terrorcreep recognized three men well. They were the Military Soldiers.

"Lord Scar Brilliance, Drillmap and Swordstruck," Terrorcreep said darkly as he bowed down before them, "An honor to see you here."

Fluttershy gasped, "You know them?"

Terrorcreep explained calmly, "Scar Brilliance is my master and Chief General of Earth Intelligence Force. Drillmap is the Geographical General. And finally, Swordstruck is Tactician General of our force. I was once worked for them as the advisor and General as well."

"That's the surprise." Rainbow Dash remarked sarcastically.

Aquastroke cleared her throat a bit, "Actually it's the truth. He did worked for them before he was transferred to our team."

Scar Brilliance nodded in agreement, "Yes, that is the truth. I'm truly amazed and inspired by your speech. While it is not military, but it is good enough."

Drillmap bowed down humbly, "Indeed. It is impressive. If you were at the military, you could have inspired the men to believe that they can win the fight. After all, Friendship is very important to our morale and teamwork."

Rainbow Dash blushed in surprise and happy to hear the comments from Earth Intelligence Force while others smiled and nodded in agreement.

Swordstruck scoffed, "Not that your speech means anything. I find it irritating and amusing." Everyone but Scar Brilliance and Drillmap gasped as they turned and glared at him. He continued, "Friendship? Please... Everyone knows that there is no such a thing because you will never know when he or she going to backstab or betray you to save your skin."

Rainbow Dash groaned, "Hey! Why I ought a-!"

Scar Brilliance interrupted, "Enough! Swordstruck, that was unnecessary! We are not here to insult them, despite we came from different school. Apologize to them now!"

Swordstruck groaned in annoyance as he bowed down in apologizing to Canterlot High Students while muttered in annoyance.

Scar Brilliance sighed as he turned to Canterlot High Students and Staffs, "You have to forgive my General. He tends to be arrogant and overconfident that our school is superior. But to us, we wish to see what you have it takes to win the Friendship Games."

"Wait a second! Does that mean you all were from-?" Fluttershy said in surprise.

Flash gasped, "You all were graduated students from C.P.A.?"

"Wow..." Applejack said in surprise, "That was shocking and surprising to see you guys being humble and honest to us..."

"I'm flattered," Scar Brilliance commented before he cleared his throat, "But that is not the reason why we are here. We are here to present you invitation to our Secretary's Special Presentation."

Everyone but Earth Intelligence Offices looked surprise yet concern as they looked at each other. They wondered of what does Strikespell have for his special presentation. They were about to find out...

At the G.I. Joes's Secret Base - The Pit, the strike team of G.I. Joes were working on their computers as they were searching for their dangerous and traitorous public enemy of the world: Cobra Commander or known as Rexton 'Rex' Lewis. He betrayed his own country and the world for his ambition in attempt to control the world with fear and absolute.

Not only G.I. Joe have lost their valiant heroes and soldiers by Cobra but they also lost their important leader of the team - Duke himself. And they were give important mission to hunt and bring Cobra Commander and his colleagues to justice for creating the terrorist.

Scarlett and Lady Jaye were working on computer in search of their enemies across the global. Flint was discussing with both Snake-Eyes, Ripcord and Jinx went through some information about their enemies, weapons and vehicles they encountered so far. Roadblock was discussing with Tunnel Rat the Chinese-American dressed in his white T-Shirt and greenish jumpy pants and had a blue skull cap and Spirit the muscular native man with crimson scarf on his head dressed in his blue shirt and greenish pants from traditional village. He recruited two latest recruits into strike team.

As everyone gathered at the command office, they had the meeting and discussion about their recent jobs.

"So, what do you got?" Roadblock asked in concern, "I need some good news now. I'm not in very good mood."

Scarlett sighed in upset, "Sorry, Roadblock. We tried everything. And we still found nothing. Cobra Commander or his goons are nowhere to be found."

"We couldn't find the base either," Lady Jaye said in concern, "They know we're coming for them. They'll do everything they can to prevent us from finding them since his death..."

"Did you try the M.A.R.S Base? It was Destro's Base. It was where we caught both him and Cobra Commander." Flint asked in concern. Lady Jaye shook her head. He sighed, "Great. Just Great."

"What about you, Flint? Found something?" Roadblock asked.

Flint nodded, "Yeah. Snake-Eyes and Jinx did some serious major findings. I guess Storm Shadow, Zartan, Destro, Baroness and Firefly weren't the only bad guys join the Cobra. We've got more of them. And boy, they're not happy guys too."

"Let's see..." Ripcord said calmly, "Ah... I remember this one. Dr. Mindbender the crazy and lunatic scientist it the guy who turned Rex to the evil side and build his own organization. He seems to be helping Cobra Commander than Destro. There's no surprise since Rexy turned Scottish Manager into metal freak. The twins - Tomax and Xamot - the mysterious twins who got some serious psychic powers to control everyone do their bidding. They were got kicked out from their own government for trying to usurp the powers at Dubai. I have no idea why he needs them. And here's the crazy part - some lunatic and bloodthirsty mercenary guy called Sebastian Bludd. This guys i pain of my ass. And not to mention, some crazy Dreadnoks joined with their boss in Cobra."

As Snake-Eyes make some concern gesture, Jinx hummed in concern, "Sensei's right. These recruits proved to be very dangerous and powerful. Cobra Commander chose them well. We have to be careful with them. The last thing we want is losing more of allies."

Roadblock nodded, "Noted. So, Tunnel Rat and Spirit - how's your first day on the job? Think your special talents can help us?"

Tunnel Rat scoffed, "Definitely. I can handle this situation no problem. I've got some serious skills than just martial skills. I've been digging the underground for weeks, recognized some tracks, tracked some creeps and best of all - I can smell some scents. After all, they don't call me Tunnel Rat for nothing."

"Coz you're a rat?" Ripcord joked.

"It's called being alert, genius," Tunnel Rat said in annoyance. He turned and looked at Spirit, "What about your talents, Spirit? Making contact with spirits? I really want to see one."

Spirit chuckled a bit, "Like you, Tunnel Rat - I possessed similar unique and talents. I tracked the enemies and know their scents yet their aura and spiritual. But I hunt them down with honor and dignity. But you are right, I do make contact with spirits. And they told me that joining this team bring fortune smiles upon the world."

Tunnel Rat whistled, "Wow... There's interesting..."

Snake-Eyes turned to Roadblock as he pointed both Spirit and Tunnel Rat before pointed at the map. Roadblock nodded firmly and confidently.

"Don't worry, Snake-Eyes. I know what I'm doing. Joe told me that they're the best tracker we can count on. He said they're unique. You should know that." Roadblock said calmly. Snake-Eyes nevertheless nodded in understanding. He continued, "I know finding Cobra Commander is exhausting and tiresome, but it's our mission."

"It's also personal," Flint said in concern. Roadblock turned and looked at Flint. He continued, "Believe me, Road. Duke means to me too. But taking revenge won't bring him back!"

Scarlett nodded, "Flint's right. Duke wouldn't want us to take vengeance."

Snake-Eyes patted Roadblock's shoulder while showing clenching his fist and placed on his chest. Roadblock sighed.

"I know. But Rex deserve the punishment for killing our best friend." Roadblock said firmly while clenching his fists tightly, "We won't stop until we find and captured him. We won't let him destroyed the world and make his own image. We won't let that happen again. I promised Duke that we will stop him no matter the cost."

Everyone remained silent as they were all worried for Roadblock. Roadblock hasn't been himself since the death of his best friend. They knew how much Duke mean to him like a brother to him. They both joined the strike team because of their humble, compassionate, bravery, determination and leadership during the battle with the Cobra.

"He takes this seriously..." Tunnel Rat said in concern.

Ripcord nodded, "He does, Tunnel Rat. He does. Duke was more than just best friend to Roadblock. He was like a brother. And he is to all of us."

Lady Jaye nodded in agreement, "Rip got the point, alright. Roadblock took a big hit when the fake President framed us for being renegade."

Spirit sighed, "Vengeance blind your judgment and mind to do what is right and important. I will not stop you. But I will give you advice - put your team first before vendetta. True justice lies on right the wrong, not bringing pain and death to him."

"Please, Roadblock. Reconsider." Jinx pleaded.

Roadblock clenched his fists tightly, "I'll reconsider when we dealt with Cobra Commander first. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone remained silent for the moment as they had no idea of what they can do to help and save Roadblock from letting vengeance blinded him. They heard the footsteps. They turned and found the Imperial Phoenix Soldier marched towards them. He passed a letter to them.

Roadblock took and read it out loud to his friends. What is going on now?

Within the Command Center, both Strikespell and Cunning Fury were looking at the holographic scenes. It shown the navy colors covered almost all of the country like the tide covered the large land. Imperial Phoenix Army have defeated and forced almost all of the countries including Chine to submit under his rule. And only one more to go...

"Sir, we have taken control of the last and corrupted country! Malaysia is under our control! Prime Minister has been arrested!" The soldier reported.

"Well done, soldier." Strikespell said firmly, "Maintain the position. Be sure that you bring some supplies for them to use. The multiracial people have suffered enough under his pathetic and corrupted rule."

"Yes sir."

Thus, ended the transmission. Strikespell turned to Cunning Fury.

"We finally did it," Strikespell spoke proudly, "We finally unite the world as one. We finally end the chaos and the corruption. No resistance. No betrayals. No wars. Only Decepticons, Dark Terrorists and Cobra left to deal with."

Cunning Fury nodded, "Indeed, sir. Unfortunately, the enemies evaded us. So, it will be impossible for us to find and capture them."

Strikespell smirked, "No matter. We will turn tide against them. They can run and hide all they want. We will find and kill them for good. Nothing makes difference." He stood up before put and make his suit properly good, "Now. There is one more objective to deal with. I must meet up with my mother. It's time to show the world that our special project is ready."

As Strikespell headed off, Cunning Fury bowed while giving a hidden devilish smirk like he had some kind of plan.

"Yes. It is time.."

To Be Continued...

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