Fluttershy's Spooky Bud

by Radiated Darth

Oh... I'm sorry...

Fluttershy was humming a nice little tune as she dusted her bookshelf. It had been so long since she done some Spring cleaning, but with most the animals off gathering food and what not, she took the opportunity to get some much needed dusting done. Some of the critters decided to stay in the cottage for winter, now that the leaves were blooming back they went in search for their families, finally giving Fluttershy some peace and quiet. Just as she finished, she heard a plate smash downstairs, she nearly jumped out of her coat when she heard it. Immediately her mind filled with all sorts of horrid things that could've caused that. Perhaps a burglar busted in and was stealing her possessions, or there was an earthquake, or worst of all she forgot Angel's birthday and now he's furiously breaking things! Though not a brave pony, if it was the third option and Angel was wreaking havoc she had to calm him down, regardless of some tremor or burglar. She made her way down stairs, all she could hear were nervous moans and sighs, she poked her head around the corner and saw a ghost! Fluttershy eeped in alarm and covered her eyes as she sat trembling at the door frame of her kitchen.

"Ohhh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to break your plate... I just thought it looked really nice." the ghost whimpered in a dull voice. "It had a really nice floral design... but when I tried to hold it, it fell and broke... Sorry."

"O-oh... uh, it's okay." Fluttershy stuttered, still in fear. Though trembling, she stood up. The ghost stared at her, almost right through her with those dead looking eyes. This is the last thing she expected, and one of the last things she wanted there to be! Even if he looked harmless, she was perplexed on how a ghost not only got into her cottage, but just what he was doing here in the first place? Though she was still very afraid needless to say. She'd help fight countless monsters with Twilight, but never a ghost!

"Oh, I'm scaring you aren't I?... I'm sorry, I do that to a lot of strangers." The ghost then starting to moan again in a low pitched distressed voice, but showed no signs of emotion. Just his big eyes with a 1000 yard stare, never bending to his feelings to show sadness, or anything for that matter.

"Uh... It's okay... I can just get a new one," she offered.

"But I'm sure that one was really special to you... No money can replace such a nice plate."

"Well it was a family heirloom..." Fluttershy pointed out nonchalantly.

"Oh noooooooooooo," the ghost droned. Fluttershy only made it worse.

"It's okay - It's alright!... Uh, y-you can make it up to me," she offered.

"ooo-... I can?... But what could I do to make up for such a pretty plate?" he sighed.

"Y-you can uh... dust the house for me maybe?"

"Oh... I can do that," he said with a bit of a smile.

Fluttershy sighed, both in relief of ending that whole affair and not having to dust the rest of the cottage. "What's your name by the way?"

"Oh... I'm Napstablook," he replied flatly.

"Alright Napstablook, well uh... here's the duster." She handed him the duster, however when he reached for it it phased right through him as it dropped on the floor, of course, what else did she expect. Though it does bring to mind just how he broke the plate in the first place if he would only phase through it when he tried to grab it, being a ghost and all. But explaining all that would be far to complicated and would still probably remain a plot hole to the story, so let's just ignore that flaw.

"Oh... Guess I can't dust after all... Sorry pony." Napstablook stared at Fluttershy for a while, creating a very awkward silence between the two of them. "Oh, I know what I can do, watch this." His eyes started to accumulate tears, Fluttershy was afraid he was going to cry.

"Oh no, d-don't cr-" she was cut off when the tears starting falling... but they fell upwards strangely enough. More tears started streaming upwards onto his head, until what looked like a hat started to form. He then chuckled nervously as the last tear completed the hat. He stood - well not stood, but hovered before her, anxiously awaiting her response on his new hat.

"So... do you like it?... I call it Dapper Blook," he said with a weak chuckle.

"It's uh... really nice," she replied.

"Really? Wow... thanks... I better get going now, goodbye."

"Wait who's going to clean the plate shards off of the flo-" Already Napstablook was moaning softly again as he phased through the floor and into the foundation underneath of her cottage, disappearing entirely. Fluttershy sighed as picked up an old newspaper from the table and brushed the shards onto it with her tail, and placed it in the garbage. She looked to the counter though was a strange ghostish sandwich, almost see through. She figured Napstablook was trying to get a plate for it, curious to see what it might taste like, she tried to grab it, but her hoof only phased through it. "Yay, a ghosty sandwich permanently on my counter..." she muttered with a bit of sarcasm to her voice.

"Oooooooooooh I forgot my sandwich sorryyyyyyyyy," Napstablook moaned as he phased from the floor to grab his sandwich and disappeared again.