//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 : Surprise Attack // Story: Changeling Quest Book 1: Enemy Found // by LoveEspeon //------------------------------// Twilight looked at the sunset. I wonder what my Canterlot High friends are doing now, she thought, thinking of Sunset Shimmer. Pinkie called her in. They had spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking their stuff and setting up camp. Soon it was dinner. Not really the type of dinner Twilight was expecting but at least it was delicious. She had gotten to know Umbra a little better and she found out he had very useful info about this weird land. The grass was grey and the sky.....well it was always grey. Everything here seemed grey. Twilight wondered if Celestia had even bothered to raise the sun here. After dinner the ponies discussed tomorrow's events. Twilight and Flash would go looking for another hiding spot for then to set up camp while Rainbow and Fluttershy would patrol the sky for any sign of danger. The rest would bring their supplies over to the hiding spot while Umbra would pretend to take them as prisoners if they got caught. Soon everyone was asleep, except for Twilight and Flash. Twilight sat on that cliff looking out into the horizon. Equestria seemed so far now. She shuddered. Suddenly Flash landed beside her. "Eek!!!" She yelped and stumbled backwards. Flash caught her before she could fall down the cliff. Twilight's face was a deep shade of red. Flash helped her up and sat down beside her. Twilight could see that he moved closer. Soon their coats were touching. Flash wrapped a wing around Twilight. She was startled, but she didn't pull away. Instead she looked ahead, both of them staring into the distance and possibly the future. Twilight woke up early. Last night wasn't really comfortable. Her bed was full of rocks. She stretched her wings. Flash came out and shook his mane. "Rough night huh," he commented, noticing Twilight's state. She nodded bluntly. Rainbow kept yawning during breakfast. Rarity kept complaining about the scenery. Fluttershy was disappointed that there were no animals around. Applejack tried to find fruit to make juice but there were none. It was pretty much a dull place, as Pinkie reflected. Rarity still complained about the scenery. Twilight sighed. "You know, when life gives you lemons.." she started, as if reading from a piece of literature. "I COMPLAIN ABOUT THE LEMONS!" screamed Rarity, then clamped her mouth shut. Twilight sighed. "Come on Flash its time we went to find a new place," she sighed, nudging Flash. He nodded and then the both of them flew off. Twilight and Flash ventured deeper into changeling territory. Black clouds darkened the sky as they trudged through the barren landscape. Soon they came across a large collection of caves. Twilight looked around in wonder. She wondered what lived here. " Hey Flash, what do you think lives he-" she was about to ask Flash when the ground caved in from under them. Flash managed to fly away in time but Twilight was still falling. "AHHHH!!!!!!!" Flash tried to grab her but he couldn't reach for her hoof. She hit the ground. Coughing she staggered up to her hooves. She was bruised all over. Flash landed beside her but before he could say anything a large changeling dragon loomed over them. Twilight gritted her teeth and shot a ray of plasma into the monster. The dragon dodged and took a step forward. Flash flew in front of the beast, trying to distract it from Twilight. It swatted him away. Flash spun around in mid air and crashed into a clump of black grass. Twilight staggered up to him. "Are you alr-" "Twilight look out!!" Twilight couldn't move away in time as a large dragon tail smacked her on the side and sent her flying through the air. Twilight felt like her wing had been crushed. She slammed into a boulder holding the caves up and soon the caves collapsed on the dragon. But Twilight couldn't get up and debree fell over her. She was dimly aware of blood trickling down her face as the cave gave way and collapsed. She felt her whole body falling from the cave before she heard Flash screaming out her name. Then everything went black.