Changeling Quest Book 1: Enemy Found

by LoveEspeon

Chapter 3 : An Unexpected Friend

Twilight paced back and forth. Spike was watching her, a small smile on his face. "Uh, Twilight? I think you may have made a hole in the ground...." Twilight looked down. There was a massive hole in the ground where her hooves had paced around. She sighed heavily.

"Sorry, Spike. It's just that the thought of going into changeling territory is making me nervous."

Spike came over and gave her a hug. "Twilight, you were like a big sister to me. I always know you would find a solution," said the baby dragon, making puppy dog eyes at her. Twilight managed a small smile. Then she straightened up.

"I need a list."

Then she dashed off, leaving Spike smiling. 'I know you can do this Twilight. Don't give up on hope now,' thought Spike as he watched Twilight dash about making lists and writing timetables.

Twilight stepped out of the train, followed by her friends. Fluttershy was shaking a little.

"It might have been a good idea to bring Discord.." she began.

Twilight perked her ear up. "What? Why?" Fluttershy shook her head.

"Oh, never mind."

Twilight came over and put a hoof around the yellow pegasus' neck. "We're all nervous Fluttershy, but you gotta stay strong." Fluttershy took a deep breath and put in a brave face. Twilight smiled. "Now that's the spirit. Let's go. The changeling territory shouldn't be far from-" she was interrupted by the sound of beating wings they.....changeling wings? Twilight turned around. Flash Sentry was there, but who was that beside him? Was that guy a changeling? "Flash! Who is that beside you?" Asked Twilight. Flash nudged the changeling forward.

"This is Umbra. I met him two days ago. He changed sides and wants to help us," he explained.

Umbra bowed to Twilight. Twilight blinked. A changeling who had betrayed his own kind? And that sounds he the eldest of Chrysalis' children?! Twilight glanced at her friends.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HE ISN'T GONNA BETRAY US NEXT?! HE COULD BE JUST LIKE DISCORD!!!!" screamed Rainbow Dash, glaring at Umbra with gritted teeth.

Flash looked at Twilight. She narrowed her eyes at Rainbow. "But then maybe he did change sides.....Discord was reformed after a few weeks in stone," reasoned Twilight. Rainbow snorted and stomped over to Umbra.

"Fine. But one wrong move and you're done for," she threatened.

Umbra nodded. "I know many hiding places. We could maybe set up camp in one of them and keep going until we reach my mother's castle," said Umbra. Twilight nodded. If they were going in there help from a changeling could be valuable.