//------------------------------// // Chapter5: The Field Trip To Canterlot. // Story: The Story To Dizzy Paws // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter5: The Field Trip To Canterlot -------------------------------------- "Sweetie... Wake up sweetie... Time for school..." said gently by the blue mare. She turns the light on and walks to Dizzy Paws, "It's time to go to school. I got your lunch ready." said by the mare. She gets Dizzy Paws to wake up, "Morning mommy..." said by Dizzy Paws in a very tired voice. The mare gives Dizzy Paws a kiss on the forehead. As they make their way down to the kitchen with a writing on it saying 'Dizzy Paws'. "Let's go." said the mare as they walk to the front door. Dizzy Paws opens the door for the mare, "Thank you sweetie." she said as she walks though. They walks side by side to the school. Dizzy Paws doesn't like school because he just sits and drawls as the others makes friends and play. Dizzy Paws doesn't even like to talk the others. The only ponies that he talks to his is the mare and stalin that took him in many years ago. "Okay sweetie, here we are. I'll be back when school is over." she leans in and gives Dizzy Paws a kiss on the cheek as he gives her a hug. "Bye mommy..." he said letting go of her leg, "Have a great day sweetie." As Dizzy Paws watch the mare walks back home, he walks to his class room. Going to the same desk he does every day, He places his bag on the floor next to his desk. Looking around the room watching all the little filly's and colt's talk among each other as they waiting on the teacher. As the door opens they stop and look seeing the teacher. "Morning class." said the teacher, "Good morning teacher!" said by the class but Dizzy Paws. "Tomorrow is going to be a fun day." said by the teacher, "You want to know why?" she asked. All the colt's and filly's yelled out random things. "If you all be quiet I'll tell you." said loud by the teacher to get the class to calm down. After a few minutes for the class to settle down. "Tomorrow we are going to Canterlot for a field trip, but first I will need you little ones to get this paper to your papers." the teacher talks as he heads down the lanes between the desk, handing papers to each colt and filly. When the teacher gives Dizzy Paws the paper to him and heads back to the desk. "This will tell me if your parents will let you go with me to Canterlot with me and we will see what goes on around it. We will see very important ponies and maybe even Clestia." she tells the class in an excited voice as all the colt's and filly's smile, but Dizzy Paws. He just looks at the paper. Thinking to himself 'I wonder if mommy will let me stay home'. As the class gets to lunch time the teacher tells the class, "I think today we will eat outside." all the colt's and filly's smiles and run outside to the playground. Dizzy Paws walks to his normal spot under the maple tree. Placing his food in front of him, using the paper bag to be a plate for his muffin and his apple. As he eats and watches the others play along the playground he start to look into the woods. Dizzy Paws wonders how he can talk to his parents about staying home for the field trip. As Dizzy Paws watches the trees drop their leafs one by one. As the colt's and filly's are walking back to class, Dizzy Paws gets up and is last one in. As the school day ends, Dizzy Paws is waiting for the mare he loves. Sitting next to the door heading to the hallway. Watching the teacher write somethings in her books, Dizzy Paws hears a light clip, clop, clip, clop slowly getting louder and louder coming down the hall. Dizzy Paws gets up and looks out the door to see the blue mare walking down the hall way. He runs down the hall to the blue mare, "Mommy!" said by Dizzy Paws. "Hello sweetie. How was your day?" replied by the mare, "Was it fun? Anything new?" the mare ask as she walks with Dizzy Paws to the house. "Well." said by Dizzy Paws, "We are going to the field trip to Canterlot and I was wondering if I can stay home?" ask by Dizzy Paws as he looks up to the mare. "What if I go with you?" ask by the mare, "Would you want to go if I did?" as they walk Dizzy Paws thinks, "Well..." said Dizzy Paws, "I guess..." the mare smiles at Dizzy Paws and ask, "What day is the field trip?" looking at Dizzy Paws as they walk. "It's tomorrow." said by Dizzy Paws. Looking up at the blue mare that is looking down to him, "Well sweetie..." said by the mare, "I have to go with daddy to something about his work tomorrow..." she looks at Dizzy Paws. As Dizzy Paws and the mare walks down to the house, Dizzy Paws ask the mare as much as he can to get her to day that he can stay home. "Enough!" said by the mare in a loud tone, "Your going to the field trip and that's it." she tells Dizzy Paws looking down on him, "You need to stop asking now." she looks at Dizzy Paws in a little angry way. The first time Dizzy Paws has heard the mare yell at him, he runs to his room and crawl under his covers. The room dimly lit by the sun from an angle that is letting the light in from an angle. A few hours passes and Dizzy Paws is asleep. Being woken up by the sound of the mare walking down the hall. Clip, clop, clip, clop. She makes her way down the hall way to Dizzy Paws room. "Hello... Sweetie... You up?" ask by the mare slowly opening the door with a small creak from it. Knowing that Dizzy Paws can't say mad at her he slowly sits up, "I'm up mommy..." he said looking down. Slowly the mare walks to him. Clip, clop, clip, clop. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you sweetie, I still love you." the mare says as she sit next to Dizzy Paws, "I just can't go. I need to go with daddy to help him with his job, but I promise you when you get back we can play all day." The mare slowly holds Dizzy Paws and rock back and forth slowly. As the mare holds Dizzy Paws, she sings with a lovely voice. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now, its time to bed. Drift off to sleep and leave the day behind you. Hush now, quiet now, its time to go to bed." the mare sings softly and gently as she holds Dizzy Paws that is slowly falling into a deep sleep to the sound if the mares voice. As the mare places Dizzy Paws in the bed slowly and pull the covers over him. She smiles at him as she gives him a kiss on his cheek. She walks out and slowly closes the door. As Dizzy Paws sleeps, he dreams about the woods. Being a long time between the last time he has had a dream like this, it was a good one. Seeing the fire red, pumpkin orange, and sunset yellow leafs fall in front and behind the brown tall trees. In his dream he sees a path that looks a lot like the one he wonder down when he left the hospitable. When Dizzy Paws wakes up, he sees his small table that has a muffin and an apple. He gets up and walks to it seeing a note. He reads 'I hope you like it sweetie. When you finish go downstairs, I'll be waiting. Love Mommy.' when Dizzy Paws finishes the muffin and apple, he walks downstairs seeing the blue mare sitting on the couch, "Morning mommy..." said by Dizzy Paws, "O good morning sweetie." said by the mare looking over at Dizzy Paws, "Ready to go to school and on to the field trip?" ask by the mare. "Yes mommy.." said by Dizzy Paws. They get ready and start to head to the school. "I'll be waiting here for you when you get here, okay sweetie?" said by the mare. Dizzy Paws nods and heads into the room. Seeing all the colt's and filly's ready to go. The teacher walks in saying, "Okay everypony follow me." she gets the class in a line and they head to the train. One by one they get on the train, Dizzy Paws being last he looks, finding the seat on the other side of the teacher he sits. Looking outside the window watching the world roll by as the train gets faster and faster. As Dizzy Paws watches the world roll by he hears the teacher ask him, "Hey Dizzy Paws are you okay?" he just looks at her and nod his head and looks back out. When the train stops at the stop in Canterlot, all the colt and filly's look around. Dizzy Paws being the first one off the train he looks around. Seeing all the Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies walking around in fancy shirts. His mind is over taken from the view, he starts to wonder off in Canterlot. The teacher not seeing him wonder off, she does not know. Dizzy Paws walking off though Canterlot seeing so many things his mind wonders off.