Hikarus Freedom

by 20percentcooler


Back at the hotel, Iris had rushed into Storms office to see what had happened and nearly screamed when she found him on the floor with blood streaming from his mouth. She immediately helped him up and brought him to the medical clinic. She asked him what had happened but all he would say was "He's no son of mine."
Iris was very worried about Hikaru and went to check the roof of the hotel to see if he was there.
'oh wait...' she thought to herself. 'Doesn't he hang out with with that Sky girl over at the kite shop sometimes?'
She decided to head over and see if he was there. And if not, maybe Sky knew where he had gone to...


Hikaru woke up and looked out over the land. The last bit of blue shown over the horizon as night fell upon Ponyville. It was starting to get cold, but he didn't care. He didn't want to go back cause he knew that most likely his Dad had told everypony what a horrible thing he had done. Made him seem like some sort of dangerous criminal or something.
"Hah." He said aloud. "I bet that guy called the authorities on me, wouldn't surprise me if he wanted me thrown into a dungeon a while."
Hikaru suddenly started to realize how cold it was getting as he was starting to shiver. He decided to walk over to an old abandoned barn to try to rest and think about what he should do. It wasn't much warmer inside but at least it would protect him from the wind.


Iris walked into the kite shop and just as with Hikaru before, she found herself suddenly immersed deep within a maze of color and shapes from kites all around.
"were closing in 15 minutes!" Called a voice from somewhere beyond the ocean of kites.
Iris walked through to the back of the store.
"Are you sky?" She asked seeing her behind a work table.
"Oh..yes! hi!" Said Sky looking up from her work cheerfully. "What can I help you with?"
"I work over at the Equestria Suites Hotel." Said Iris in a serious tone. "I think you know the son of my boss, Hikaru?"
"Yes of course!" Said Sky happily. She then noticed the serious look on Iris's face. "Is he...ok?"
Iris sighed and continued. "Not exactly.... Im not sure what happened but he had gone to his fathers office today to give him some files. They were talking for a while...and then I heard screaming. I was worried but didn't want to interrupt.....anyways, I then heard a loud crash! I got up to go and check what happened and then I saw Hikaru run out of the office and out the door. I rushed into his Dads office and I found him lying on the ground bleeding from his mouth."
Skys eyes opened wide.
"I took him to the medical clinic. He's there now. But I am really worried about Hikaru. After he ran off nopony has seen him. You wouldn't happen to know where he went, or where he might go to do you?"
Sky was shocked and didn't know what to say. She knew Hikaru for years and knew he would never ever hit anyone, especially his own FATHER of all the ponies.
"I....I honestly don't know..." She said. "The only place he ever told me about that he liked to go to when he felt down was the hotel roof..."
"Yeah I checked there." Said Iris.
Sky sighed deeply. "You don't have any idea what was said? What could have made him do this?"
"No idea whatsoever." Said Iris. " I never took Hikaru as one who would ever physically hurt anypony."
"Yes..." Agreed Sky, trying to think of where Hikaru could have gone.
"Well, let me know if you think of anything, or find out anything." Said Iris turning to leave. "Im always at the hotel if you need to find me."
Sure, will do." Said Sky.

'Ah Hikaru....what in the hay did you do..."


Hikaru woke up suddenly from hearing a sound outside the barn doors.
'Oh gosh.' He thought to himself. 'Great, now Im gonna be ponynapped. I guess I deserve that don't I.'
He heard light hoofbeats coming toward the direction of the barn. Slowly getting closer....closer....until they stopped right outside the barn door. A shadow appeared in in the moonlight that shone through the door.
'I sure messed up...' Thought Hikaru to himself. 'Now Im probably going to be ponynapped and tortured or something. Great.'
The shadow slowly got larger as the figure opened the door and slowly entered.
'I hate myself.'
"Hello.....?" Said a soft voice.
Hikarus ears perked up.
"Hikaru?" You in here?
He immediately recognized the voice.
Hikaru got up and rushed over to her as fast as he could and immediately embraced her in a hug. He had felt so scared and unwanted the last hour, the thought of Sky coming to look for him was something he had not expected, but could not have wanted anything more. He tried thinking of something, anything to say, but his emotions got the better of him and he soon found he couldn't do anything but cry tears of every emotion within him.

Sky was a bit surprised by Hikarus sudden embrace, but knew that what he really needed right now was a friend to be there for him.

The moment seemed to last forever, until Hikaru found he had no more tears to cry, and he was starting to feel better.
He backed away from Sky and looked down to the floor.

"Sky....." He said quietly. "I really messed up..."

"What happened Hikaru?" She asked in a gentle voice.

Hikaru looked up at her and continued.
"I got in a fight with my Dad. I don't know....he just said all these things that just....they got me so mad....I have never been so mad Sky....he had no right to say the things he did....I tried to control the anger I felt but....he kept going on and on..."
Just thinking about what Storm had said was starting to make him feel the anger rising up within him again. He suddenly realized this and shook his head to try to snap out of it.
"Anyways..." He continued. "He finally said something that just made me snap...I....well....I hit him..."
"The hay Hikaru." Said Sky. "I mean...did you hit him...hard?"
"well...." Said Hikaru feeling a bit embarrassed. "I'm...pretty sure...I broke his jaw..."
Sky was completely shocked to hear this. "Thats not the Hikaru I know..." She said.
"I know!" Said Hikaru. "Thats not me Sky, I don't know, I never thought I would ever hit anypony like that. Especially my Dad of all people. "
"What did he say that got you so mad?" She asked.
Hikaru thought for a second. He didn't feel completely comfortable telling Sky about what his Dad had said considering it was about her and her family. Plus, he thought she might be mad if she knew that it was his fathers comment about her that made him do a thing that seemed to upset her as such.

"He was just talking bad about ponies who are of a lower income level than he is..." Said Hikaru. "He just talked trash about some ponies-"
'GAH NO.' He thought to himself. 'I shouldn't have said that, please don't ask what ponies, please don't ask what ponies, please don-'
"What ponies?"
"Hikaru? What ponies?"
Hikaru looked down onto the floor.
"I would rather not say."
"You should tell me..." Said Sky.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Im just curious."
"I don't know, I just think whatever ponies he was talking bad about sure must have meant allot to you for you to snap like that."
"I don't know..."
"Was it other family?"
"Oh, it was the other workers of the hotel wasn't it. I know you are very close to some of them."
Hikaru felt backed into a corner. He decided to just say it, and pray that Sky didn't get mad at him.
"He talked bad about you ok! He was talking bad about you and your family! I couldn't stand hearing him talk like that about you and he wouldn't stop! He called you guys things that are totally wrong and he tried to convince me you were a failure, when its so obvious you aren't! I couldn't take it anymore and he wouldn't stop and something in me just snapped, and next thing I know Im smashing his face in! I can't stand to hear ANYPONY talk like that about you or your family Sky. I care allot about you.....please...I know what I did was wrong, but don't be mad at me...even though you have every right to be mad....I know...I deserve it...."

Hikaru couldn't look up. He just knew that a look of anger and shock would be on Skys face. He didn't want to see it. He wanted to just run away in shame at that point.

He was quite surprised when he suddenly found Sky's hooves wrapped around him in a tight hug.

A tear ran down the side of her face as she spoke.
"Our family has always been looked down upon for years. For as long as I could remember, ponies always put down me and my family for the things that had happened. And to this day, I hear ponies talk about me behind my back, talk about my uncle. It always made me feel bad. Its.....nice to know that somepony thinks like how you do of us....And would actually stand up for us like that....I mean-not saying you should have-"
Sky backed away. She had a stern look on her face. But she looked at Hikaru and saw the sadness in his eyes, and she knew he didn't want to do what he did, and he truly felt regret.
Her frown turned to a caring smile.
"Thank you."