//------------------------------// // 9_Ortix. Not resettled. And other. // Story: Ghost story // by mikele_11 //------------------------------// Rewrite I was walking along the road when I felt that something stood. I looked down and saw core unitrix. I picked it up and put it in costume. "I will look into it another time." I said to myself. I continued on my way ... and I tripped over something. I looked down and saw ... the core eye ?! I picked it up and then I heard a voice. "Hello? Is this even work? Ah. It works. Hello. My name is Ortix. If you need someone coming out of the world you come from they immediately change the number. I am the first pre multiverse. I called differently, but I prefer you to speak me 'Ortix. God in the neighborhood'. To tell me to call my name three times. Good luck and see you. " The recording ended, and the eye was gone. I was looking dazed. "Ortix. Ortix. Ortix." I said uncertainly. Suddenly the whole sky was filled with black clouds and thunder could be heard. On the very center of the clouds, came a mysterious light. Then everything that came just as quickly disappeared. In front of me is opened up a gap and from there went the core. It was light blue with blue eye. "Hello. I'm Ortix and you probably Ghost. Nice to see you." He spoke cordially. "What can I do for you?" He asked. "I ... I ... I don't know." I said in shock. "Listen. I'll tell you two things. I'm not resettled. I am God. One of the first in the Multiverse. If you need the scales of victory call me. By the way. Nice house." He said. "Huh. But ..." I stopped looking. First I was on the outside and now I'm in my house. "What moved me without my knowledge?" I asked. "I am God. You remember." He said. > This core is driving me crazy. What? < "Maybe the pizza?" Asked Ortix, and he levitating a plate of pizza. }Soul mate. {Commented GG. "And so." Ortix replied. > Pain = And you know. = "That I am." Said Ortix. "My head hurts. It's too much for me." I said. "You want to have all the tokens that I have?" Asked Ortix. "Sure." I said. "So in this way." He said going towards the basement. Then he came back. "However, in this page." He said going to leave. "Huh." It was my only comment. "This is the way to my ship." He said while pointing to a crack in reality. On the other side we could see a room full of strange technologies. "C'mon." He said. "Good." I replied. He stepped through the gap and I followed him. When I was in the ship I saw different metal crates in the back. "I packed tokens there." Ortix said. I looked at these boxes. "You have to know that copies of the originals." He added. "Where did you get them?" I asked still looking at the boxes. "What do you think, who distributes them across the multiverse. Same will not copy. I have this much work if you don't know." He replied a little angry. "But back to the copy tokens. It's easy." He added. "So here are all the tokens that exist?" I asked. "And as I've said? Well, after all it is." He said. "Just take tokens and I'm going with this ..." I haven't finished by the view through the windows. I saw a large white sphere hovering around its own axis. "What is this?" I asked amazed. "Ah. Such views have every day. That's my dear friend is a universe you came from. The current coalition stands out those looks. I can look at it for hours." Ortix said. "But back. This is your stop." He said. "What?" I asked confused. I looked down and saw a hole to my house. "Are you kidding me?" I asked and then fell. The hole closed. "Very Bad Things ..." 'CRASH' Interrupted me sound of impact. I got up and went to my room. In the middle I saw that it was full of boxes and back on the ship Ortix. "And yet." I said to myself. I went to one of the crates and opened it. In the middle were different tokens. "But the word keeps." > Maybe you'd better hide them in the warehouse = Listen moron. = > Yes > ... > WHAT? !!!!! = Small joke. = "Good one." I commented. Then I took boxes in my magic and levitated them down. I opened the magazine to 'tokens' and Stack items on the shelves. Then I walked out and closed the door. "So, what's now?" I asked myself. } I got a message that the great and powerful Trixie in town. {Said GG. > If you're thinking the same thing I would think about ... < "Making Trixie joke." I finished. > Are you ready? < * For Freddy. * I said. ^ Yesterday you said that today it done. ^ Said Bill. "Right." I said. # A is green, what is it? # Asked Nightmare G. | The Creeper. | Purple Ghost replied. "My name is Sam." Said creeper. "Hello. I am Disharmony." He said giving the paw to the green, square creature. "Nice to meet you." Replied Sam. "Now you know all you need." I said, pleased. "Yes. One. Don't scare the others. Two. Be kind. Three. Is another matter." Golden Freddy replied. "That's what you want to do?" I asked. "Go and drink a shake." He replied, getting up from his chair. "Grreeeee." Ghostadrol chirping. I looked at him sternly and Golden Freddy put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be strickt." He said. "Good. I'll buy you the cake Ghostadrol." Said subject. He did happy 'Wreee' and the Golden Freddy went to the door. "Good. Let's go." I told. Before leaving, I grabbed the hanger fez and it founded. "Really?" Asked Golden Freddy. "What? Fez is cool." I said. "So be it." Said resignedly Golden Freddy. Then he and I went. "I will want to try the strawberry shake." Said Golden Freddy. "OK then." It was my only answer. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about all the tokens I now have. > Can make a device where to bury. Why am I said that. Comment = What do you mean? = > About Nothing * Crazy day. * I thought to myself. ~Tell me about it . ~ Said common sense. > Think about what you will do with Trixie. The Lord of the fear and horror. How can you joke at a time like this ?! We die !! Diablo 3