//------------------------------// // EBC Documentary I // Story: The Vulcan Wars // by Duras1989 //------------------------------// I still remember it like it was yesterday. The decorations done by Rarity where fluttering in the wind, the smell of Pinkie’s treats flooded the town, Flutershy’s birds where singing, Rainbow Dash was performing in the air with the rest of the Wonderbolts, Applejack was selling her goods and Twilight as usual was checking things of her list. It was the biggest celebration of the season, July 4th and considering that that was the very same day that we saw Darth Vulcan destroyed, it was no small party. It had even been declared an official holiday by the princesses! I still remember every smile, every cheer, every laugh, every prize that was won, every carnival ride brought in when the news struck us. Over the past several months there had been land purchases of what was considered useless terrain: The Badlands, the Frozen North and South Poles, the Iwo and Jima Volcanic Island chains, the Blazing Desert of Saddle Arabia, the Blizzard Perch Mountains, terrain was purchased from these by several different private firms, investors, developers, business ponies for various reasons. We even sold the parts of the Hayseed Swamp and we were glad that along came several suckers dumb enough to do so. When asked why they said that they wanted to extract the natural resources and reform the lands for crop and industry. Everyone laugh behind their backs when they heard about that, it could be done, but the sheer amount of food, shelter even water needed for the labor pool for even one of those projects was insanely high, so that’s why nobody ever tried that. So a couple of moths past and it was at our great celebration. But like many things done by that monster this was something we could not and did not expect. A couple of wagons of pony merchants came to sell their goods at the festival. They had small things like toys, cakes, t-shirts and all sorts of baubles, but what caught my attention was that during that evening when they were getting ready to leave I heard them start their wagons. You heard me right, they started their wagons! They didn’t pull them; they pushed down a few pedals and a horrifying sound, one which I had not heard of since that fateful day a year ago! But I’ll never forget that sound as long as I live. It was the sound of one of Vulcan’s engines that ran on what he called GAS-O-LEAN. Turns out that while you may need a lot of highly skilled unicorns, Pegasy and earth ponies that take years to train in order to drain swamps and drill deeper for resources that what’s considered normal, you only need a handful of them to operate steam powered Industrial drills, excavators, bulldozers, crop combines, high powered tractors and auto seed planters. They didn’t even need a lot of magic, most of those machines only needed heat or fuel for heat, and on the volcanic islands and the desert there was plenty of the former and in the swamps there was plenty of the latter. We then began investigating what was going on in those purchased territories. By the time the Mane Six got there we were stunned. The Barren desert was now a lush green field with all kinds of deep forests and fruit trees, courtesy of deep ground solar powered water extractors and the most advance irrigation I had ever seen. Whole cities where build on the Blizzard Perch Mountains that extracted iron, copper, crom, gold and silver. The Volcanic Island chains where a bread basket of grain, wheat, barley and all kinds of foods. They Hayseed swamps where drained and mad a massive rich pasture grounds and farmland, all irrigated by a great number of small rivers. When asked who was in charge since this was all too much of a coincidence to be separate random events, they always told us that to talk to the others, that the local leaders where not the top. So we spent several weeks traveling between these locations. We where stunned not just about the huge changes we saw and what we where seeing since right before our eyes, steam gave way to gasoline and then it gave way to hybrids. The girls and I were so amazed by this rapid growing entity that we failed to notice that they where a mixed bunch, they weren’t some pony settlers, or griffin or minotaur’s, but a mix and match group of almost every race there was from yaks to sea monsters and from borrowers to swimmers they all came to these vastly growing places, and they all were drawn and brought forth technology, that only made them stronger. After we got tired of being lead by the nose we establish a diplomatic conference since it was clear they weren’t going to give us any answers. There representatives from all races came to meet those from this new power, that started calling themselves The United states of Outland, The twin lands of Northrend, Ashenvale, Nochiva, Galiana, Volun Prime and they declared their capital to be Eagleland-on-the Tranquil Sea, thought we did not see that city and it did takes us years before we discovered its location. As you can imagine we were weary of this new country that made itself out of our lands, we half accused them of being invaders and stealing it. The ambassadors of United States countered that they had purchased that land and above marked value and according to the contract they even gave its former owner 10% of its produce, which was no small thing. That showed us just how much we messed up with this, since that 10% was a lot of income and resources even by Canterlot’s standards and although we wanted the lands back and where willing to buy it back and double or even triple the cost they would have none of it. After a few days of negotiating things seemed to be settling down, this new country was apparently only interested in selling us stuff, which did manage to deflate the worries of others. Everything seemed over until the Prince of Yak-Yakistan suddenly got up and made one of his Yaks’s smash moved and I thank the Maker for him! When asked by the States Ambassador on why he did so, he said and I quote. ‘You no show us herd leader! You know ours but we not know yours, how can we be friends if you not even show face!’ “An excellent point your highness. It’s good to see that there are those who actually have a brain in this sugar coated &*%$hole.” And as soon as I heard that I dropped the quill with which I’ve been writing down the summits point up until then. Everypony from Equestria froze upon hearing that. Since everypony that ever heard it knew to whom it belonged to. “No! He, he’s dead!” Somepony said as the wall to our right suddenly began to rise, revealing that in the middle of it there was a great stairway that lead up to some kind of metal sphere, the sphere was flanked by Artful Dodger, Chrysalis, Black Fang and every other of his old minions, this only helped confirmed the dreadful truth. The sphere then opened up and from within it we a black helmet descend on a throne. For a moment all was silence and then we heard something, we heard…….we heard………. Breathing! FUUU**WOOO FUUU**WOOO FUUU**WOOO FUUU**WOOO FUUU**WOOO FUUU**WOOO The whole structure then turned 180 degrees towards us and there sitting on a huge throne made out of swords from whose tops there came the hottest blue fire warned that it could cause us pain, as from its bottom the most bone chilling cold came threatened to make us shiver. But the sight of the throne’s occupants was what caused up pain and made us shiver. For there stood the very same person that we thought had died so many months ago in the ever free. But we never found the body and even worse we didn’t even make plans for if he was still alive and now we were paying for it. For he was back. No! It was back. Before us stood our worst foe. The one that even Discord fears, the creature that the Elements are powerless against. Tyrek slayer, bane of Sombra and The Great Enemy of Equestria. “I’m back. And I’m going to make you all an offer you cannot refuse.” Vulcan! Darth Vulcan had returned! Secretary of War Field Marshall Spike Magicborn. From the EBC Documentary: The Rise of Darth Vulcan.