Green Fields

by Jakomi of the Rose


Beloved Ben.
You have no idea how glad we were to receive your letter. I feared the worse when you just disappeared. But now that I know that you’re alive we can all relax. As for what you said… I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have talked down to myself like I did. And to be honest I had both your word and your slap coming. It snapped me back and I’m glad I did. We are doing well on the farm but, no offence to Al, but we can’t get enough done without you. But we manage. We told Addie and while she took it hard she said that she understood why you wanted it. I know it wasn’t easy for you either. But if this letter gets to you then know that you should’ve seen our faces when the letter appeared out of thin air. Speaking of; your siblings want to write too.

Hey, Ben. Hope your ticker’s still ticking. And that your new friends are treating you well. I miss you, a lot. My little brother is strong but can be reckless. Watch yourself. I don’t want the next letter to be about your death. Love you. Albert.

Hey, bro! Saw the picture. Bloom is ADORABLE! I really miss you, too. Hope to see you soon… even if it takes forever. Love you. Betty.

So, thirty years. I’ll wait. We wait. Even if I’m a stubborn old man in the old folk’s home I’ll wait for you, son. And know that we all love and miss you. Your friends wanted to write to you too but we can wait till the next letter. Patricia miss you especially. Until then, take care.
With love, The Fields.

I held the letter close to my chest, warm trickles of tears fell from my face when I read the letter and I gave a painful sob. Leaning onto the house and staring into the setting sun painted the sky orange, red and pink. My chest ached but with a different pain. A pain of loss. I missed them… My God did I miss them.