A Missing Mystery

by Serket808

A Missing Mystery

"I hate the fact Twilight gets all that special attention," Sunny mocked, sipping her latte as she watched Cadence give Twilight extra help shooting a bow and arrow. The sun was shining bright on CPA, making for a perfect day to just have a drink under and umbrella.

Sour Sweet flipped her long pink hair she sat down from rolling an umbrella down. "It's not like we're even gonna win with that short shit on our team." Sunny ranted.

  "With me, we'll be good no matter what the categories are." Sour Sweet bluffed, looking perfect.

   Sunny nodded as she put her doughnut shades on, making her look hot like Sour Sweet, who was the ring leader. "And me."

  "Ya, we'll need holy water for our team to win." Sour Sweet said rudely, her face sassy looking. She smiled. "I'll make sure we win."

   "Definitely." Sunny Flare smiled, as if she wasn't affended.

   "Guys!" Indigo yelled as she parked her motercycle in the parking lot. She pulled her helmet off and ran towards the two with her phone out. A panicked expression crossed her face.

  "Indigo," Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. "What's a matter now-"

  "Has anyone seen Lemon Zest?"

  "Oh you pathetic thing!" Sour Sweet gagged. "She's probably listening to music."

  "No, she's gone. Nowhere on campus. Schools not over. She wouldn't ditch."

  Sour Sweet laughed again. "Maybe she's finally being a little bad."

  As Sour Sweet turned around with her latte in her hand and Twilight Sparkle, who had a black hoodie, her phone, and car keys in her hand, crashed into her. Sour Sweets latte got on her pink shorts and all over the ground, while all or Twilight's belongings were still in her hands.

  "You loser!" Sour Sweet yelled at her. "You stupid bitch- I mean why can't the brilliant girl go first?"

  "I'm sorry," Twilight apologized throwing her black hoodie on and putting something in it. "I'm in a huge rush-"

  "For what! To find a social life?" Sour Sweet stepped forward, her pink heels clicking on the pavement.

  "Because nobody hear at CPA likes you!" Sunny Flare backed up, turning her back to Twilight.


  "Please Twilight-" Sour Sweet laughed. "You're like a dog. I can make you beg for me."

  "I need to go." Twilight finalized before sprinting towards her car and quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

   Sour Sweet rolled her eyes and turned back to Indigo, who was still worried about Lemon Zest. "Oh stop it. She's probably with a boy or something. Sit down and have something with me and Sunny."

  Indigo sighed, not really having a choice. "Okay fine,"

  "If you're gonna order something," Sour Sweet said, "get me a blueberry smoothie with no blueberries."

  "So like, the cup?" Indigo asked.

  "Oh stop being so rude and get me the damn drink." Sour Sweet demanded, sitting back down.

Indigo didn't move. She stood firm and angrey. "Guys, what if she's in trouble?"

"Holy god. She probably went home sick!" Sour Sweet raised her voice. "It's not like she's gone. Cmon. She'll be in class tommorow."

Indigo opened her mouth to defend herself, but Sour Sweet stopped her. "Relax. What do you have, a crush on her or something?"

Indigo squinted. "I'm about to hit you so hard, you know that, right?"

"I'm still waiting for my drink missy."

Sour Sweet was wrong. Lemon Zest didn't arrive to school the next day. Or the day after that. Indigo glared depressingly at the her empty desk. Where could she be? She'd never missed class. It was something forbidden to her. Even if she had a cold. She'd arrive at school with a winter jacket on, pink earmuffs, and held a box of tissues.

Sunny Flare noticed Indigos frown, and it hurt her inside. Sour Sweet began to show sympathy too. Offering her her own food, sence she didn't even flinch to go get school lunch. It only appealed to them then that Lemon Zest was her bestist friend. They were closer then anyone. Indigo was a sham without her.

Sour Sweet held a cupcake out to her. "I made this for you..." she said with glee, hoping to enthused her.

Indigo pushed it away. "I'm not hungrey. Plus, I can see the Stop and Shop label on it, Sour."

"Oh come on. I'm trying." She grumbled.

"She'll be back tommorow." Sunny put her arm over her sholder. "I can almost guarantee it."

"You said that yesterday," Indigo commented, spinning a knife in her hand. "I need to find her."

"She probably is sick." Sour Sweet staled, looking to Sunny to change her mind. She was not up for a search party.

Indigo slammed the knife down. "She would've called you son of a bitch!"

"Stop!" Sunny screamed, taking the knife before she could break it in half. "It wouldn't kill us to ditch for one day? Would it?"

"Sugarcoat?" Sour Sweet yelled hopefully towards the silent.

She glanced up from her studies. "I'm grounded plus I don't feel well." She pushed her books of the table into her bag. "Apparently failing English is a crime."

"If we do go," Sunny asked, "will you text us if she comes back?"

"I'll call." Sugarcoat winked before disappearing down the hall. "Hope you guys find her. And if she's high, just give her some tootsie roll."

"Well what are we waiting for!" Indigo shouted, making the whole cafeteria turn as she stood up. "Let's go!"

"Slow down supergirl," Sour Sweet crossed her arms. "Let's finish today first. We leave in the morning."

"Okay," Indigo could barely contain her energy. As she skipped down the hall, Sour Sweet heard her yell, "Yesss!"

"Don't spit everywhere." Sour Sweet said gleefully, as if she was Supergirl.

"Where should we look?" Indigo asked Sour Sweet, who sat in the driver seat of Sunny Flares younger brother car. Indigo scooted in the back, and Sunny next to Sour Sweet.

Sunny sighed. "We can't wreak this car, Star will kill me." She grabbed Sour Sweets sholder, worried.

"Calm down, unlike you I can drive." She one-uped.

Indigo rolled her head and eyes, eagerly calling out, "Cmon! Cmon! Let's find her!"

"I totally ship you two." Sour Sweet mumbled, pushing the brakes.

Hours past. They'd stopped many times, and Lemon Zest has still hot been found. As the hours grew, Sour Sweet and Sunny lost hope. Sour Sweet began to feel guilty. Maybe when Indigo pulled into the parking lot, she should've helped.

If only I could got back in time... Sour Sweet thought, tears forming in her eyes.

The night fell quickly. The three were still empty handed. All Indigo didn't want to do was to lose her best friend. They'd been together threw everything. Preschool, grade school, getting in trouble together, panicking that they wouldn't go to the same middle school, puberty (The honest truth, not the pretty truth), getting accepted to Crystal Prep. Leaving Crystal Prep without her would be a stab in the gut.

Sunny tossed and turned herself in the car that was suppose to be her mattress for the night. It felt like sleeping on a rock. But she didn't care. She felt her heart throb as Indigo began to sob. And if she sobbed, something was wrong.

Sour Sweet sat up to her sobs. "Don't cry Indigo. You'll find her."

"No I won't!" She clutched onto the seat. "Where could she be? Why would she leave? What if she's... dead?"

"She's probably playing a prank on us," Sunny enthused, rubbing her sholder. Sour reacted to this by growling, making Sunny lean back.

"If it's a prank," Indigo stuttered threw sniffs, whipping her runny nose. "Why am I not laughing?"

"She has a point," Sunny began, taking her mocks off. "We've been looking for hours. We should call the police."

"No!" Sour Sweet put her fist down. "No we're not gonna just give up and leave her like that. Don't you realize how stupid these police are?"

"One took a coffee from me and drank it." Sunny said as if she was traumatized. "I never drive down that street anymore."

"Who gives a crap out your coffee?" Indigo cried. She turned onto her stomach and then fell onto her pillow.

"Let's all go to bed. We'll find her tommorow." Sour Sweet promised, turning the headlights to the car off. She then fell into Indigos lap. She was out like a light. So was Sunny.

Indigos eyes were still open. She couldn't sleep in the pitch dark. In the middle of nowhere. She sat up, whipping the last of her tears away. That's when she rembered; Oh yeah I'm wearing mascara. She once again put the car headlights on so she could look in the rear view mirror.

She took a white wet clothe and began to dab away the back smears on her face. She looked as if she'd been in a fire. It wasn't attractive at all. Neither was Sour's drulling, which she was eager to take a picture of. But making fun of Sour Sweet was something she did with Lemon Zest. Who was gone.

Leaning back, more tears streamed down her face and into her mouth. She tasted the salt of it. She took the clothe and whipped her lip. Then she glanced at herself again. She looked like a wreck, unable to recover from something. She looked like Sunny Flare when tried to blow dry her hair. Her make up was simular to melted crayons.

Indigo laughed at the memories, the shook her head put of her aloof stage. She looked back in the rear view mirror. She felt her heart skip a few beats when she sare Lemon Zest yellow eyes glancing at the mirror. It was creepy. She seemed so close. Indigo covered her mouth at. She didn't blink, her eyes were red and blood shot. She look like Freddy Fazbear staring into the camera.

"Lemon!" She whispered, opening the car door and stepping out. When she looked around, She sare Lemon Zest walking towards the woods. "Lemon!" She called again, now running towards her.

As she got an arms length behind her, she grabbed her and turned around. Lemon Zests hands were in her pockets, her mascara was running, and her eyes were blood shot. Forget Indigo, she was a nervous reck.

"I'm sorry," Lemon Zest looked away bashfully. "I wanted to see if it was really-"

"Are you okay?" Indigo wondered, touching her all over. "Did someone kidnap you-"

"Did you hear what happened?" Lemon Zest asked, blinking away tears.

"Huh?" Indigo said, holding her sholder.

Lemon Zest swallowed hardly. "Twilight commuted suicide."

Indigos heart dropped to the bottom of her body. "Holy shit. That's awful. Where have you been?"

Lemon Zest grabbed Indigos hand and placed it by her side. She then put her pointer finger to her lip and shushed. "I can't tell you."

She turned away towards the woods, leaving Indigo in sarrow. "I'll be back soon. Trust me. But please, don't tell the others you saw me."