Rising Above

by Quick Fix

Chapter 19 - Single Purpose

January 15th

Scootaloo yawned as she opened the front door, shivering slightly at the rush of cold air. Ponyville was rather calm this morning, the snow giving off a beautiful atmosphere now that it wasn't falling anymore. Derpy was out on her rounds, prompting a small smile from Scootaloo at the sight. It was impressive how the mailpony never let anything stop her, not even that one time Rainbow Dash had accidently blown her several miles out of town. But then that seemed to be a trait of the mares of Ponyville, that indomitable spirit.

"Morning, Derpy!" Scootaloo called over to her, prompting her to wave and flap over.

"Morning, miss Scootaloo," Derpy smiled warmly and looked back in her bag, digging for letters. "I wanted to thank you for letting Dinky listen in on your story last month. She said sitting with Rainbow Dash, having a cup of cider, listening to your skills, was one of those moments she won't forget."

"You're welcome, I'm glad she enjoyed it." Scootaloo smiled in return, thinking back to that December day.

"Oh it was more than welcome, seeing her so happy made my month. It's a big ask but if there's anything I can do in thanks..."

"Oh, well it's not a big ask at all. What would you say to just meeting for a catch up this afternoon?" The words were barely out of Scootaloo's mouth before Derpy pulled a scroll from the mailbag and beamed eagerly.

"That sounds good! Hopefully as good as this letter is for you. I finish my round at eleven so, you want to meet up at the park?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you then, Derpy." Scootaloo smiled and took the letter, waving as Derpy took off to continue her rounds. It was nice to just take some time to see her friends again now that flight training wasn't a priority. She looked down at the scroll and noticed it had a royal seal fitted on the back. Her attention piqued, she pulled the bow away with her teeth and unfurled the scroll, reading quickly.

For the attention of Miss Scootaloo,

Following on your discussion when meeting my organizer, Swift Dream, we have decided to accept your inclusion in the celebrations for the Anniversary of the Four. As such, we expect your presence at the Royal Equestrian Arena in Canterlot on the seventeenth of February. In addition, while unorthodox, your request for two thirds of your payment to be transferred to the charity organizations you listed has been approved and will be enacted upon completion of the event. Further details and event plans will be sent to you once they are available.

Yours in anticipation,
Princess Luna

P.S. Speaking unofficially, congratulations on your successful flight. Seeing pleasant dreams become a reality warms my heart.

Scootalaloo lowered the letter slowly, a smile slowly breaking out on her face. She'd applied for a spot in the anniversary show for years but to actually get in...She turned and walked back inside, waiting until the door was closed before punching the air.

"Yes! Yesyes!" This was another dream come true, but the time for proper celebrations could come later. She grabbed her helmet and fitted it before running out the door, heading round the side of her house to a small shed she kept her scooter in. With practiced precision, she jumped, span round in the air and landed squarely in place as her wings shot open. It had been a while she'd had a chance to ride and the anticipation was unbearable as her wing flaps built up speed and she set off.

...Or not. Despite her efforts, her scooter was going at walking pace. Scootaloo stopped and looked back in confusion, trying to figure out what was different. The snow shouldn't have been an issue, she'd made sure to fit the appropriate wheels before there had even been any snowfall. Rust damage? Impossible, she checked every inch during weekly maintenance. Maybe it could be, her? Actually, that wasn't as silly as it first sounded. Quick Fix had been onto something with his theory about wing conditioning and that subtle change had been what kept her from flying.

What if fixing it had taken away her ability to propel herself while riding?

Scootaloo tensed in fear at the thought, had she unintentionally traded in her livelihood for a skill she had to start from scratch with? She blinked slowly before gritting her teeth, it would take more than that to stop her from making it to the top again, or holding onto it in this case. She just needed to think up a workaround, something that could make use of anything she remembered. Most of it was technical babble to her but the bit about angling her wings had stuck, mostly due to how sore it made her back afterwards. She didn't understand it still, but it gave her an idea.

Gripping the bars harder, she lowered the front of her body and glanced back. It wasn't perfect but her wings were closer to their old position this way, even if it meant she was trying to drive with her hooves above her head. Feeling kind of ridiculous, she started her wings up again and braced, feeling herself starting to get going again. This time the pace was a lot better, more like she was used to, but still felt off. Maybe it was just nerves from having to try this new method but she stopped after a minute and brought her head back above the handlebars. Much to her frustration, her speed dropped off again as her wings went from horizontal propulsion to vertical lift.

"Oh come on," Scootaloo groaned to herself, looking up and noticing some ponies were giving her looks simply for how slow she was going. She smiled nervously and nodded to them. "Even I've gotta be careful in this weather." She reasoned, resting her chin on the handlebar and sighing as soon as everypony stopped looking. Already she knew that this coming month was going to be an uphill battle, there was just over a month until the celebrations, and by extension, her tour for this year, began. In that time she needed to find a stance that let her remain speedy on her scooter, devise a full routine and adapt it so she could use it in that stance. Even the most athletic ponies would struggle to overcome muscle memory like that, but Apple Bloom had been right several months ago.

She'd never ruled out being a Cutie Mark Crusader miracle worker.