Screw Ball's Adventures with The Doctor

by Marina Stars

Blue Box

It was just a normal day in Equestria. Only about a week after Discord's return to stone. I was still upset, but I was learning to cope with it.

I was taking a little stroll through ponyville. I was on my way to an arcade, that was probably the most entertaining thing I could do.

I had made friends with a colt named Button Mash, he liked my propeller hat and had invited me to play Minecraft with him and such every now and then. Even if he was younger than me by a lot, it was still fun. Occasionally his friend Sweetie Bell, younger sister of Element of Generosity, would join us. I have to admit that little filly isn't so bad. She's not as prissy and annoying as her sister, and wasn't afraid to get her hooves dirty. Her and her fellow crusaders were very brave and had many fun, and crazy, adventures. They actually weren't as bad as their siblings.

As I walked through the town I noticed the occasional prank getting pulled by the very annoying element of laughter and the egotistical element of loyalty, whatever their names were. I know the rainbow one was Scootaloo's adoptive sister but I never listened much about her.

Their attempts were... okay, but honestly I could do it a thousand times better. I mean my daddy invented pranks!

I would've helped the pranksters but... you know I still hold a grudge against these ponies for taking my daddy away. Plus I didn't want to be around either anyways, especially the pink one, she is just too crazy!

So I just continued on my way trying to get to the arcade ASAP Button, Sweetie, Bloom, Scoot's and I had a game of Minecraft hunger games to get to!

But then as I walked I noticed a big blue box in an alleyway. It had never been there before. I wondered how it got there and why no pony else noticed it.

I was so curious that I walked up to see what it was. I soon noticed that at the top it said 'Police Public Call Box'. Even being an all knowing master of chaos I had no idea what it was, but I was certainly going to find out.

I cautiously approached just incase it was dangerous, then again I could totally whatever it was.

When I was right outside the door it opened and out came a stallion with a brown coat and a darker brown mane, his cutie mark was an hour glass and he wore s bowtie. It reminded me of another creation of daddy Discord's, my uncle Smooze! He always wore bowties, because they are awesome!

"And who might you be?" The stallion asked in a British accent.

"Uh..." Not what I expected to happen "I'm Screwball" I awnsered unsure if I should be talking to a strange stallion.

"Well, nice to meet you Screwy." He replied "Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go." He said before trying to close the door on me.

I stopped it with my hoof "Wait! Weren't you about to come out?"

"Yes" He relied "Now I'm going back in."

I'll admit he was very strange, and that's coming from one of the strangest ponies in Equestria.

"Could you at least tell me who you are?" That, I at least wanted to know. Who was this strange British stallion was.

"I'm the Doctor." He quickly responded before once again trying to shut the door "Good Bye."

But I stopped him from shutting it "Doctor?" I asked confused "Doctor Who?"

"Just the Doctor." He answered "though some call me Doctor Whooves"

Just then a mare called out from inside the blue box

"Doctor! I need your help!" From behind him appeared a grey cross-eyed pegasus with a blonde mane

Then she noticed me "Who's she?" she asked the Doctor

"Right, Derpy this is Screwball, Screwy this is Derpy" He introduced, it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me and was hiding something. Then again I'm not considered the most trustworthy pony in Equestria, but hey I'm princess of chaos.

Then I realized something "How can you both fit in that thing?"

"You're the princess of chaos, you can make things bigger on the inside cant you?" Derpy asked

"Yah, but..." I paused "Wait! How did you know I was the Princess of chaos?"

"Um..." She looked like she was trying to come up with a reason. Honestly I've never told anyone about being the daughter of Discord, I promised him I wouldn't.

"Well Screwy we must be going so if you'll excuse us..." The British colt once again tried to retreat into his blue box

"Where? It's not like this box can go anywhere." I reasoned

"Actually..." Derpy was about to say something but Doctor Whooves stopped her

"That's need-to-know basis." He said

I rolled my eyes before teleporting inside. I just wanted to see what this was about. When I saw the inside it was huge! I just couldn't believe it. It had a counsel in the center to control it, I guess somehow it can move. I just don't know how.

"You shouldn't be in here!" Doctor Whooves called out to me

"This is Amazing!" I marveled at the size of the inside of this box.

"How is this possible?" I asked "I mean, there's no sigh of any magic or anything!" I can sense forms of magic in anything. I can tell if magic is being used and there is definitely no magic being put into this... So how was it possible?

"You're right." Doctor Whooves confirmed "There is no magic. The TARDIS dosn't require magic."

So that's what this thing was called.

"It can also travel through time and space!" Derpy exclaimed

"Seriously? And without magic!?" I honestly cant time travel with magic, the only time travel that can be done, that I knew of, is a spell by Starswirl. Other than that time travel isn't possible... at least I thought so, daddy Discord always said so.

The Doctor seemed unhappy that I was in here and whatnot

"Derpy did you have to tell her that?" He groaned

"Sorry." She giggled nervously

"Do you think you could show me? Like, take me to a different time?" I asked, this is a time machine! I could travel and maybe have some adventure, travel about till it's time to see daddy again. Then again the Crusaders would probably miss me... oh but they'd understand. This was a once in a life time opportunity!

"No." He bluntly replied, destroying my excitement

"Please?" I asked

"Oh please Doctor let her come!" Derpy begged him, he resisted till she gave him a pouty face "Oh, please!"

"Fine!" He aggregate obviously not able to withstand her plea.

He walked to the counsel in the center of the room and pressed buttons "Past or future?" He asked

"Past!" Both Derpy and I chimed together

a few more buttons and the TARDIS made a whooshing sound as it disappeared from the alley