The Chaser: Secret of Golden Oak Library

by FaithRomeyer

Chapter 2: Escape

This unhealthy mess is becoming less of a dream and more of a bad story. Getting abducted and bound while letting the whole maremorphing crap sinking into my head. Time hasn't passed over one day and I already missed people, what a way to cherish the moment with them muttering scabrous noises. Very clear and lively though, seem like I'm the lazy owl in the party here. Come to think of it, they might not have to be human to be on board this ship. For what I know, this could be a work of some high classed scumbag in this magical land and I just happened to be taken along for the ride.
Right now, I cannot keep my thoughts straight in line anymore. It's a different matter when I'm the fortunate one to hear their plea for help, can't hear myself thinking over their grunt. The odds of them having a similar experience like me is speaking for itself, tied like a hog. Look like I won't have to spend this trip alone anymore. Should be expecting more companies soon, the sounds they're making suggest that there are more of them next door.
First, let's see if they speak English or not.

"Hey! You understand me?" Trying to keep it down, I call out to them. "Hit the wall 3 times if you do, alright?"



Hooves...A good riddance of humanity. Not as loud as mine but the message is clear, must be exhausted as hell. If there is more than one person, or pony in this case, they should have an easier time breaking out.

"Hmmm!!!" *Clock...Clock...Clock*

"Alright pal, just one guy will do. First thing first, take it easy. Me and you we're stuck in this together but don't worry, she'll be right...I mean everything will be alright!" Bad time for my linga to just slip right out of my mouth, things aren't really looking as sharp as I hope to be. "Just my luck managed to free myself out of the rope and rag, not a fun time but at least kept the worst away. Now since we understand each other, let's start figuring this out together okay? Kick it once to go or 2 times fast if you disagree, well?"


"Glad we understand. Now first, are you blindfolded like me?"


"Great! How many of you in there?"

...*Clock. Clock. Clock. Clock.* "Ummm!..."
Four ponies, drugged and gagged. Never thought I'd see this for real. If they were spared from the dark and got some friends over then how come did I get the special treatment?

There are 4 pretty mares in distress waiting for their heroic stallion to save the day but unfortunately he might turn out to be one of the group as I pass the ninja trick over to them. Hope the ropes will come out soon. I have tons of question I want to ask and they're the only lead I could find.
Now that I can hear my thoughts again, something that has been on my mind gets me thinking.
That late night conversion with James and Dan, I vaguely recall they said they didn't remember anything about themselves when they entered this rat hole thanks to Luna...It's about time I start taking it seriously. Why the hell would she do that to my brothers and the kids? What's in it for her? This airship trip, did she have a hand in it? And should I really trust what I've known about the show to make sense of everything?
I take a long look at my arms and nuzzle my nose, to make sure again this sad excuse of a horse is now me. Now about the show itself, Luna is a princess and James confirmed it, he also mentioned seeing her in his dream, claiming that she was the one responsible and good old Luna herself is infamous at breaking into pony's dream on TV too. This coincidence is really tempting me to buy it but now I really can't anymore, can I?
Kinda regret not paying full attention when I watched it back home, everything is slipping through the cracks outta my skull the more I think about it. Better to just take it slowly and learn if I could get the chance.
Should be a cake to find a way back when I got to meet her, and Lauren Faust should fill me in more if I snoop something from here back to my home. Else, I'm gonna put my only hope on that one particular pony everybody like and love, including me. Need to work more on my enthusiastic side if I want to do that though.

*Clock* Seems like it didn't work. I turn to the wall facing my back to ease the knock.

"It won't come out?"


"Not even a bit of dust?"


"Both the windows and the cheese don't do squat, huh?... Hmm, this is bad."


"Huh? What's up?"

"Mmmm!!" That's right, they still can't talk. Never a moment in my life that I feel like slapping myself this bad.

"Problem with the windows?" Taking a wild guess, I ask them.

"MMm!" *Clock*

"The rail isn't sharp enough?"


Then what seem to be the hold up? Let's see...They can move and see fine, and just now they told me that they couldn't get the restrain off by grubbing. I haven't tried how sharp the wooden crate is compared to the steel windows rail but judging from their position, I can safely assume that they tried and failed so off to the windows they went and another problem arrived. It's either they couldn't use it or there was no rail to begin with.

"There is no rail there?"

*Clock-clock* I just realise how stupid my question it.

"Sorry. Is there a rail or anything sharp latched onto the thing?"

*Clock* That settles it, they couldn't use the rail. Guess that only means one thing...

"You guys couldn't reach it?"

*Clock* Looking ahead of my time have a perk it seems.

"Quite a problem we're having there." Scratching the dirty mess on my hair, I heave out a tired sigh. "My best bet is to try again with the crate, it's gonna take a longer time but it might worth it. Don't try too hard at one time though, you'll need your breath with the rag still keeping you shut after all."

"HMMMmmmm!!!! UMMMM!!!"

"What now?" Their mumblings sound kind of urgent when I finish saying my last bit. "What did I say about saving your breath?"

"Ummm!!! *Clock-clock-clock* They're abusing the hell out of the wall and I don't think I get their problem. Did they have to take care of their bussiness or what?

"Huh...huh...ffff...." Now instead of desperately running their mouth, only tired and exhaustion signs remains for me to hear. Something definitely is up when I mentioned the word 'breath' to them.

"Is your friend hurt?" It doesn't take me that long to figure it out. Someone must be struggling to breath due to the rag blocking their respiring pipe while attempting to free themselves. Goddamn it!


After dooming my mind with sinister thoughts, I make for the door and hit it as fast as I can while yelling at the top of my lungs, trying to get the noise across the wall.

"HEY!" The door bouces back and forth violently with my effort. "Anybody out there?!"

...No respond, or sound when I stop to check.

"OPEN this goddamned door!!" I try making as much noise as possible to this chunk of metal and yet earn another lack of presence. It's after midnight, those lowlife dirtbags probably are hitting the snooze button faster than I am.

The glass has to go.
I run to the damn thing and and tonk with all my strength!... Nothing happened, front hooves are really not that helpful when it comes to breaking trinkets. Onto the hammers then!
I climb onto it and grab the upper part to get the momentum in order to bust the glass open with my hooves. And sure enough, these babies make it go down in 3 strikes.
If I was scared of dropkicking my way towards my doom then now it's about time I should be. Only seeing from here that I know how chilly it is, both from the height and the howling wind. Saying there is lane but no safety banister attached, one slip and it's raining men for me.
Their place is only a few steps away from my own...this cold is screwing me so bad!!

"What the-!"
I blurt in surprise when I see only foals hobbling like flowers seeing their better days inside and the sight of one slumped over like a dried log reminds me of my growing concern as I try to break the windows in vain. There is nothing for me to grab out here and even if there was, I wouldn't bet my life on it. This just won't do, I have to find a way to pry open the screws!
Think Hawk! Think!

I dart my eyes around until something right below my feet dawns on me, the shards left behind! I pick up a fragment of broken glasses and measure them against the screws on the rail. Perfect! It's only a matter of time before I throw the two of them away and lift the panel open.

Heading towards the fallen unicorn under their eyes, I cut off the rope and turn him to his back to see that he already has passed out due to the lack of air.
...Can't hear any breath coming from him.
I cast the cloth inside outta the blockage as I cover his mouth with mine and start the life-breathing rounds.


His chest is responding!

Gave me quite a fright there kiddo.

He slowly comes back to the land of living in my arms, breathing has been stable for the most part but I'd be damned if I ever let this happen again! He's out, but he'll live.
I let some space for him to lie down and collect his breath as I start to mow down the rest.

The colt along with his friends, 3 pegasises or pegasus fillies, are giving me the most adorable staredown I could never imagine I'd see. Well, one of these lost puppies nearly die because of my stupidity but with everything alright in the end, no use giving them something to hate me I guess.
And I've completed my escape, if it's something, it's something to celebrate for. Finally I can take the burden load off my chest, being knocked down and slept in place for the whole day is really not a pleasant feeling now that I'm on my weight again.
Now let's see where to put these little guys into. They'll risk sniffing whatever the crap that has done this to them if they get caught or worse, a beat down which I'm pretty sure I will never let it happen. But how the hell am I gonna take them with me?

"T-thanks..." When I'm still wandering deep in my thoughts, a voice belonged to a certain boy peals to me.


"Thank you, miss." Technically kid, I'm the one who should be thanking you for not dying on me. "If it weren't for you, I'd never...

"He's been like that since we woke up." The filly with the light green mane and grey coat speaks for him, caressing the foal's back with the other two. "We were so scared. What's wrong with him, miss?"

"Since you woke up?"

"We were out there playing on the field outside our town Fillydelphia when those saleponies went and told us they were offering a discount for cloud cotton candies..." She says, eyes as big and innocent as ever. "Me and Flurry remembered counting them to the three when...ahh...nothing else! And when we woke up, we're here."


There goes my hope for my fellow to be here. At least I know I am not the cause of the mistake before, that takes another load off the mind. But how the heck did he even manage to survive that long anyway?!!...Then I realise, horse has a anatomy far different from human and I just performed CPR on it. No, just no.

"No, when we counted to the three..." Continuing the blue winged and azure coated pony named Flurry I'm assuming. "...Umm." She shuts her eyes, trying to remember. "Lode took off with the basket, right Lode?"

"Uhh....Look Lofty. I'm really sorry." I don't even need to say anything at this point, they're one by one trying to recollect what has happened to them and now it's furball unicorn's turn. "I really am. I just want to sneak a little taste I swear!"

"Friends don't do that to each other, Lode!" Flurry spats at him, she seems fairly too ticked off for one tiny joke.

"Yeah! If it hasn't been for Storm." The grey foal says and looks at the remnant of the four, this one I can relate with because she looks exactly like what I would wear for the winter, soothing yellow sweater accompanied with a dark cap. "You must have eaten all of it!"

Their voices are back to normal now, no more grumpy, light-headed from whatever drug they took. I can say we're off to a great start. Sorry about before, kids. I'll get your names down right in a minute.