//------------------------------// // Chapter 4- The Memories // Story: A Different Kind of Romeo and Juliet // by Godmutt //------------------------------// She was frozen in shock. Suddenly, every single memory from her younger days came flooding back. She remembered early mornings at her bus stop, waiting for the colt to show up. She made friends with him, and the two became inseparable. They went everywhere together, with Noteshade being the strength and voice, and Soma being the thoughts and choice. Since Soma was so shy, he tended to lie low on the radar, trying to avoid speaking as much as possible. But the bigger colts always saw him. And they always targeted him, and teased him for being adopted. At least, until Note showed up. She may have been half their size, but damn, she could throw a punch harder than all of them. She showed up, they were gone and Soma was safe. She remembered everything she had tried to forget. That one, final day. She'd waited at the bus stop. Then she'd gone to his home. His mom and dad had told her that he was gone. He'd gone out to his real parents. Farther out than Canterlot. He was now in Ponyville. Which was nearly three days away on the train. She'd sulked back to the bus stop, and taken her ride to school. Her friend was gone. And she had nopony else. She'd gotten off at school and gone to the big oak tree in front of the doors. Every morning, she and Soma would climb the tree together. It would conceal them from the older colts and fillies, providing safety. However, this morning the older colts had climbed the tree before she'd gotten there. They were hidden particularly well in the foliage of the large oak. As Noteshade approached the trunk of the old tree, the colts dropped down. There were many of them, all large in size. They slowly closed in on her, and the biggest said with a deep, rumbling voice. "You've beaten all of us.. Time to get a taste of your own medicine." She looked around frantically. All of the other fillies and colts were playing on the field, none of them paying attention to her. There were no teachers outside the door, and she was left helpless. They surrounded her, some wearing maniacal grins, others wearing faces of pure fury. She smirked at the big one. She'd been reading her mothers big-mare-books, and she had learned some new insults! She watched as the colt came snout to snout with her. Then she smiled at him. "I refuse to have a battle of strength with an unarmed colt." She'd said with a smug grin. "You're highly fed, but lowly taught, and you smell like a mountain goat. I would rather we had never met, so that I could forget the horrible look on your face right now. It looks like your muzzle caught fire and your lackeys tried to put it out with forks." He'd stood there in pure shock. His friends slowly fell back, and Noteshade heard one colt whisper to another, "Man, she just bucked up so bad.." She laughed. The colt looked at her, his brow furrowed. "You dare insult my intelligence?!" He yelled. "Well, of course not! You don't have any to insult." She said with a grin. Little had she known, that was what tipped the colt over the edge. He grabbed her by the mane and lifted her up. She screamed as he headbutted her multiple times with his unicorn horn. She could feel the blood dripping down her muzzle as the colt dropped her. His hoof had come away with multiple clumps of her mane. She lie on the ground, tears streaming down her furry cheeks. The colt grinned with malice. His fellow colts had fled the area, fearing the sudden outburst of anger from their leader. The colt stooped down to her, his eyes filled with hatred. "You aren't so tough, are you, filly.." He said, spitting at her. "..I should have done this a long time ago.." And he put his hoof into his own saddlebags, and pulled out an object that she had never seen before. It looked like a knife, but it was dull, and it had a weighted dull spike on the hilt. He smiled, and brought the heavy hilt to rest above her stomach. He then dropped it, causing Note to double over in pain from the hilt crashing against her abdomen. With this, the colt brought his hoof down on her eye, causing it to swell. She was crying, and she began to scream. The colt left her there, cackling to himself. She lie there, crying until the school bell chimed. Miss Harshwinny came out and helped her up and into class, where her mother and father were called in. From there on was pure interrogation and a lot of crying. The colt remained innocent, since Noteshade did not know his name. To this day, she still remembered his look of pure hatred. And she remembered how Soma had left her to be on her own. And now, he stood before her, smiling as though he were innocent. She looked to him. "You left me. I was alone for so long." She said, her voice no longer cheery. "We were best friends, and you left me on my own. I had a role to play and it was fun. I was your protector and you were my brains. We worked together. And you left me. Do you know what happened the day you disappeared?!" She asked him, now fighting herself from screaming. He shrunk back in fear of Noteshade's now furious demeanor. His mane was no longer hiding his face, and he whispered quietly, "I'm sorry.." She laughed. Her blood was boiling with anger, and she felt as though she would explode and start to throw objects at him. "Sorry won't take back the scars I gained that day! Sorry won't take back those memories and replace them sunshine and bucking rainbows!" She yelled at him. "I got beat half to death by a colt twice my size! He dropped a spike on my stomach and gave me a black eye that lasted three weeks!!!" She began to scream at him. He shrank back against the wall; he could see her anger. She was showing it with every single move. Her hoof movements were jerky and sudden, and her ears were cupped flat against her head. Her teeth were bared and her brow was furrowed. "WE WERE BEST FRIENDS AND YOU PROMISED TO STAY WITH ME AND WE WOULD BE BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE!!" She screamed at him. She poured all of her negativity into three words. "I HATE YOU!!" They were muzzle to muzzle now. "I HATE YOU AND I HATE YOUR GUTS! YOU ALWAYS SAID WE WOULD BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! THEN YOU LEFT ME!" She screamed at him. She raised her hoof, preparing to strike Soma directly in the eye. Then she froze. She put her hoof back down to the floor. She could feel the tears breaking away at her eyes. "..Get out. I want to be alone. If you still want to talk to me, you can find me tomorrow at the bakery down the street." She said, voice quivering. Soma slowly rose from the floor, still terrified. "I'm sorry.." He whispered. And with that, he walked out the door.