The Story of Death

by CrimsonEquine


Twilight Sparkle was visiting Zecora at the Everfree Forest. As she walked the forest, she noticed it was darker and quieter than usual. She thought to herself that she has not seen any wildlife whatsoever, yet she walked along to her destination. As she stood to Zecora's house it was very gloomy and dark. She clopped on the door to see it open.

"Hello there Twilight sparkle it is quite nice to see you again instead of all the ....darkle".

They both laughed at the rhyme then Twilight said

"oh Im just doing my weekly visit how are things?".

"Well pony of magic I am ecstatic!"

"for I have a special guest that will explain all the rest".

"Oh who is this person who will be joining us?"

"you shall meet him soon but first, drink this potion of the moon"

Twilight then asked "what is it for?"

"To meet he one we seek the drink you must drink"

Twilight with an eye of suspicion looked at the drink then at Zecora,

"well what does it do?" Twilight remarked.

"It allows to see the unseen, and to find were he has been".

Now Twilight was questioning all that was said but she trusted Zecora to know that she isnt evil of anything, or so she thinks...

"well whoever he may be must be important then"

So she drank the potion and it tasted of fermented herring dipped in cat piss. Twilight did not notice any changes to her organs or her body structure and she felt normal as ever.

"so what now?"

"we go to the forest were we will greet the mighty tourist"

As they left the house Twilight talked with Zecora.

"Zecora you know that all of us accept you at ponyville so why don't you just move over with us?"

Zecora knew she wanted to be with others but she had obligations...

"Well Twilight Im just to busy with my magic and the Everfree Forest is just tragic"

"I have to be close were the magic lay so In Ponyville I cannot stay"

The two went grass and field until they found the apex of darkness. In the forest there stood a dark figure with a cloak covering his body and eyes of ruby red in the darkness of his cloak. As Twilight looked at the figure she looked to see were Zecora was

"Zecora?" Twilight said but she disappeared. Then she said to the figure "Whats going on!?"

The figure replied with a gesture of pulling out a black lantern with a skeletal face. Twilight was sure there was something wrong so she prepared a spell of teleportation but it would not activate! as soon as she tried Twilight became shocked and could not move her body as it was paralysed all over. Then the figure opened his lantern and black energy came flowing out in a spiral beam.

Twilight was torn to shreds.

As Twilight awoke she felt different and she aswell noticed she was floating in the air. She could go through her own arm and she was very afraid. She looked around in panic to notice the cloaked figure. She also saw her decapitated remains all over the ground. She panicked,

"oh my celestia im dead what have..!?"

"I killed you simple as that" said the Cloaked figure.

Twilight couldnt believe her ears, this was actually happening she was dead and her ties to this world were "kapoof" gone.

"and it was all your fault!"

She dived at the cloaked figure and tried to ram her body into him but instead she just went through. She tried many spells of spontanious combustion, explosion, dismemberment, disease, as much as she could think of but none connected.

"are you done?" said the cloaked figure.

Twilight utterly depressed and giving up on herself screamed in agony upon the realization of her death meant towards everything in her friends and her own joy. She screamed

"what do you want?!"

then the cloaked figure said "Justice"

As the cloaked figure said this the lantern sensed Twilight Sparkles soul. The lanterns eyes glowed a dark blue and opened its mouth and made a black vortex to pull Twilight in. Floated as she might, she could not deny the force of the vortex sucking her in. The screams of Twilight's agony slowly faded as the lantern closed its sunken mouth. Then after the scenario, out of the forest Zecora charged angrily to the cloaked figure. With an outstrected horn he blew her back with dark winds, she flew and hit a tree. She lay there half conscious, To see the cloaked figure close next to her.

"You monster, you did not tell me you had to kill her!"

"I said what I needed to have it done, you would have never allowed me if you knew"

"You know we have a deal right Zecora?"

With rage Zecora lifted a hoof to strike him but he just slammed her arm back with unicorn magic.

"you ungrateful cow!" cried the Cloak

He rose a hoof to smack her but he then composed himself. he then replied,

"your lucky I let you live before you would have been dead like all of the other Zebra tribes"

the cloaked figure looked at Zecora with a smile

"have you forgotten this is not my fault? death always exist in this world and when you mess with the natural ways of things... there will be problems" said the Cloak

Zecora then replied "you did not have to kill her!!"

"Oh really? she would be detrimental, and she is the source of power for the Elements of Harmony, without her they dont stand a chance" said the Cloak

"remmember Zecora, Celestia has made peace for ponydome everywhere, no war, no hate, barely any disease and most importantly an extremely low death rate"

"And what was I left with to do during all this... PEACE!?" cried the Cloak

Zecora looked at him then said

"you took your work to the Zebra tribe and left none alive..."

"exactly" said the Cloak.

"and you begged for revenge and I am now giving it to you correct?" said the Cloak


"now then lets get down to business I have so little time in this world and we must hurry with the preparations, do you have the resurrection spell Zecora?"

"uh huh"

"good and I have enough souls to create an army shall we get started?"


Zecora than enchanted the ground for all the dead to surround

"bring the dead back to life Instill the living with strife come to us oh living undeath Come to harvest Deaths breath!"

"the very winds of the forest shook and all of the animals who were still alive ran away"

The black lantern then opened letting out thousands of souls out into the night sky possesing many dead animals. The newly possesed animals came to the area all in a ordered straight line

"tonight we dine in pony flesh!" said the cryptic cloak.

the end of part 1