Fast Times at Stinky Sugar

by PresentPerfect

What's Within?

What's Within?
by Present Perfect

"While Sunset works on keeping magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in!" Rarity giggled, grasping at the air.

Groaning, Applejack asked, "Rarity, what'd you go and do?"

The answer was more giggling that bordered on manic. Rarity swung a series of black plastic bags over the counter, and a number of items tumbled out.

They were long. They were thick. They were ribbed. They were made of black rubber. They had heavy bases with suction cups that helped them stand at attention.

Applejack turned red as an apple. "Aw, c'mon, Rares!"

Rarity giggled. "I know!"

"I love them!" Pinkie shouted, popping up with three sticking out of her hair and one in each ear. "Party hats for everyone!"

In the music room doorway, a purple girl with glasses surveyed the scene for a moment before backing out and running down the hall. She didn't leave her laboratory for three weeks straight and never spoke of what she saw.

"Oh," Rarity said, nonchalantly, "and I also made some clothes."