MLP: Friends From the BIG House

by JusSonic

Chapter 05: The Wrath of a Sound Battle!

Chapter 05: The Wrath of a Sound Battle!

The scene begins where at the Dark Mystics' hidden fort, Dark Curse was having a secret discussion with Guildenstern, the intelligent, cunning, sly, cruel & ruthless unicorn scientist in which the leader of the Dark Mystics seeks his intellect than that of the whinny Tech. They were just ending their chat over a serious issue that has taken place recently.

“So, the rumors are true…Zebura is released from Grimdark and roams freely in Equestria.” Guildenstern spoke off in having heard what the discussion is about, it’s quite a tale.

“You recall what he did to your experiments of the past, don’t you?” Dark Curse spoke in reminding this Dark Mystic of war happened in the past long ago because of Zebura.

“How could I forget? It’s because of Zebura, that my development of creating biological weapons that took nearly a 1000 years to create were all extinct.” Guildenstern complained in stating all the evil creatures he created, his biological weapons that took many years to create and eliminate competition by warring countries egos were all destroyed. “Right now, I’m in the means of doing anything to create the bio-army of Dark Ponies to surpass what I’ve failed in.” He stated this off in what he’s trying to do now to make what he failed be a success.

“Then you’ll have your chance, send in your worse to end Zebura before he can even start.” Dark Curse responded to say in what they’ll have to do here.

“My worse? Do you mean my entire collection of experimented and genetic wild beasts?” Guildenstern asked forth this with a hint of surprise, that’s a pretty tall order to demand.

“Yes, and send out ‘those’ that have the strength to nearly rival our Demon Generals.” Dark Curse nods before pointing out what they need to deploy, those that are as strong as their finest warriors.

“Heheheheh….to send in those creatures, we may end up leveling the Rainbow Kingdom. Shall I send in Gur & Zaragira, my little to more perfect Dark Ponies than of the ones we’re speaking of to keep watch?” Guildenstern chuckled evilly in liking the idea, but request he sends in those that can keep watch over things as they’ll progress.

“Perfect, we shall see how well they do in the field. But remember, we need to secure Ben Mare so he’ll be one of us.” Dark Curse responded to say while they have plans still to turn Ben to the dark side and gain his element.

“Of course, now I’ll begin the plan…” Guildenstern bows in hearing the order and shall obey.

Guildenstern soon vanished by his own dark magic, leaving Dark Curse alone with his thoughts.

“It is time to see how much the well-trained Nitro can do. They are unpredictable in nature and very powerful that exist in only the Dark Mystic Realm, but from perfect obedience training to tame those with less resistance, can become powerful pawns in our game.” Dark Curse responded in knowing how powerful the so-called ’Nitoros’ can be, but with only those that can be tame make the best use.

The scene grows dark as Dark Curse was seen glaring out into the dark hall of his throne room…the time to see how good the ponies can be when they face against a force so great, it may be harder than the battle Shredkiller gave them long ago.


We are soon opening near the site of Ponyville where the Mane Six & Goldie’s group are currently minding their own business. But during such matters, they seem to be missing someone that needs to be having a close eye on, and it was none other than…Zebura, the Sound Barbarian.

“Has any pony seen where Zebura went?” Twilight asked off in haven’t seen the stallion that they brought here.

“Nope. Haven’t seen him since earlier.” Applejack shook her head from not seeing Zebura since a bit earlier today.

“Yes, that’s where I last saw him.” Rarity slowly responded in agreement in thinking that was the correct term to address things.

“Think he’s playing a game of hide and seek?” Pinkie Pie spoke off in what could be happening that Zebura is playing a game.

“Yeeeeeah, I pretty much doubt he is into games.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in rhetorically saying that there was no way Zebura was doing that.

“Well, maybe he’s by a cafe and trying some new food.” Fluttershy spoke in having a suggestion of thought.

“Right, and scaring customers to get first in line.” Phobos rolled his eyes to think how Zebura would do his work.

“Be careful Phobos, you don’t wanna sound cocky now, do you?” Nyx made a little tease of a smile to remind her pal of Zebura’s great-A hearing.

“Eek!” Phobos squealed in fright, if he sounds cocky, Zebura will know.

“Boy, we really gotta not sound cocky or else, well…we all know what may happen.” Spike spoke in feeling they gotta be more careful in what they do or say.

“Hopefully, things will calm down in a bit.” Goldie spoke off in thinking things will get better…he hopes.

“Say, any of you guys think it’s strange? We’re not finding Zebura and I haven’t seen Chase around either.” Ben spoke off in pondering what to do around here, two stallions are missing, seems strange while one is somewhere in town and the other…just left town.

“He might have heard Zebura was in town and figure best to avoid him than get in a fight.” Jack Zen stated in what Chase could have done when hearing Zebura was in the neck of the woods.

“I can estimate that Zebura could pick a fight with Chase from him having any hidden cockiness if ever displayed.” Omega spoke off in calculating the math of what is irrelevant to happen if two forces ever met.

“Not to mention other things about what we’ve been told about him, if Zebura knew, well….maybe Chase left to avoid a confrontation.” Pinkamena stated about that maybe its best Chase isn’t nearby, the last thing is a fight from one warrior and barbarian having quarrels.

“My, we don’t want that to happen.” Fluttershy gasp out to say from picturing such a thing.

“I’ll say.” Pinkie Pie nods in agreeing to that term whole-heartily.

“For now, lets just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. You never know where it may come from.” Twilight spoke her own concerns of thought over the manner.

“Question is, trouble from who?” Rainbow Dash pointed out that the so-called trouble might come at them from maybe Zebura’s attitude for picking fights.

“Best we keep browsing around, come on.” Applejack suggested what they do to pass the time at least.

“Oh dear, I hope this is alright.” Rarity stated in hoping nothing would go wrong at all.

As the Mane Six bunch was going, Goldie’s group was staying put with other things in mind, especially when they saw Sombra and Autumn Gem coming up nearby to say hello.

“Hey, how’s things going while we were out,” Goldie waved to their friends in seeing who was coming over after they left for Grimdark.

“Everything so far has been alright, no signs of any problems.” Sombra responded that while these four were away, everything seems quiet…for now.

“Then I guess you also heard the news of Zebura’s release.” Jack Zen shrug off to mention about what has gone around to earn attention.

“What if he comes seeking to fight Sombra from when he was once a former evil villain?” Autumn Gem asked worried about the matter of Zebura wishing to fight the stallion she loves who was only evil under a spell of sorts.

“Oh don’t worry, we can straighten that out. Besides, he has his Hell Ears, so he might already know you’re in town and about having an evil entity control you most of your life.” Pinkamena waved off easily in stating they have nothing to fear….since Zebura may already know anyhow.

“How are the others, Havis and Flutterbat?” Omega asked off how those that are here are doing while keeping a low profile.

“Havis is keeping watch over his sleeping comrades while Flutterbat is just relaxing back home, it’s still too sunny for her to be out after all.” Sombra explained that the Light Elf is watching his brethren and Flutterbat is keeping out of the sunlight.

“Well for now, let’s keep our eyes piled, I’m not sure….but our foes may not be keeping themselves lying down just cause we have Zebura on our side.” Pinkamena spoke in having a feeling, they’ll get trouble from an enemy attack sooner or later, it’s only a matter of time.

“We best split up and search the area, just to be safe.” Jack Zen spoke in what they can best do at this time.

“Alright, lets do that.” Golden Heart nods in agreeing to the plan here.

Soon Goldie’s group split off to cover more grounds, hopefully, it’ll be enough for if they do run into any signs of trouble. And by trouble, they mean an outside source that would love to stir some up about now. Truth is, they are not far fro that truth….


Outside the Rainbow Kingdom, a large gathering of strange beings were seen near the top of an out seen hill from afar. Mostly they were what appeared to be hidden creatures that lurk within the Everfree Forest to camouflage themselves from setting off any awareness alarms. And along with them, were many strange pony troops all wearing dark tan blue hooded cloaks to conceal their identities. And among them were two ring-leaders of the bunch, of in a turquoise color and the other in a black/white color.

“So this is the famous developing Rainbow Kingdom?” The guy under the hood with some three horns sticking out, as he spoke in sounding a bit cocky.

“Yes, it looks like there are a few fine specimens to be found.” The guy under the hood with a bird-type beak spoke in knowing what this place could be good for.

“Hey, hey, remember, we’re here to wipe them and one guy out while capturing that Triforce guy.” The other guy that had three horns responded off that they are here to take care of the area while capturing Ben Mare.

“Right. Now, listen up you Dark Ponies….you and the Wild Beasts shall rain down that place. Got it.” The other guy that had a beaky beak nods off while turning to address the strange pony creatures along with the Wild Beast in what their operation shall be.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHH/Rooouurrrrghhhh!” Soon the roars of a large crowd group along with wild beast cries are heard as sounding ready here.

“Then let’s go knock their doors and say hello already, Gur.” The one guy responded in speaking the beaky character’s name.

“We’ll watch from afar Zaragira, we need to enter the shield they have before going wild.” The one called Gur replied back to the other guy while speaking his own name now.

Soon the large group begin to slowly watch as many of them begin preparing…their move.


Back in Ponyville, the Mane Six were still trying to figure out and find where Zebura was at this time….until….

“Uh-oh!” Pinkie yelps from looking away in…sensing something.

“Pinkie…what’s wrong?” Twilight raised an eyebrow in having a bad feeling about this.

“Wohohohoooohhoohoooohh….” Pinkie Pie was suddenly going through a shaking motion at this time.

“Is it her…Pinkie Sense?” Spike asked off in having a feeling that was the pink pony’s alert warning notice.

“But of what?” Phobos asked off in what was coming to look out for.

At that same time, Pinkamena felt something from nearby as well before it stopped.

“This feeling, it’s….” Pinkamena was slowly saying this before her eyes…widen.

“WERE UNDER ATTACK!” Both Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena shouted out this warning in having sense danger was coming at them; much to any of their friends’ confusion of what this meant.

“Bam-Bam-Boom-Boom, Kaboomfruvhmmm…” Suddenly without warning, a lot of explosive blast shots impacted the ground to cause a leveling and destruction. Everyone who saw that suddenly began to panic now.

“Waaahhhhh!” Some of the pony crowds began to scream and run away from the attacking danger.

“We’re under attack!” Miss Cheerliee shouted out in seeing what was happening here.

“Run for it!” Mayor Mare yelled out in what they need to do here, get away from this.

“Why does this happen?” Caramel cried out in why they keep having their town attacked so much.

“Aw great, another enemy attack!” Rainbow Dash moans in seeing some usual enemy is trying to attack them, figures.

“Ah, Ah look up an' see what we got instead, Dashie.” Applejack pointed this out to her friend that this was not ‘just’ some attack.

Soon looking up, did many of the heroes suddenly gasp at what they are seeing here; There was a large army of giant size beast type creatures raging about, insects, birds, dinosaurs, hybrids, you name it, they were all misshapen creatures that weren’t even mythical types. And there was a large cloud of them darkening over the Rainbow Kingdom and they appear to have a few unseen pony figures riding them in actually wanting to go to war….

“Goodness gracious! That looks like an entire invasion force armada!” Rarity gasped in seeing what this was, they are being under siege by a large armada of beast. “This might actually be the…WORSE….THING….EVER!” She dramatically issued this off in what was happening.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Look at them all!” Fluttershy was panicking a bit, that seem like a lot of enemies, and they came out of nowhere while they aren’t prepared.

“You all seeing this?” Jack Zen shouted out from when he and the rest of Goldie’s group join the Mane Six band.

“Targets appear to be Wild Beasts, but their genetic makeup and structures seem irregular by nature. Conclusion; for evil intentions.” Omega explained the state of the situation of what they are dealing with.

“No doubt the enemy’s hand.” Golden Heart rolled his eyes in having a feeling this was something only the villains could perform, a really serious sense of twisted actions.

“We better get suited up, looks like one of the Three Lords really wanted to go all out here.” Pinkamena issued in what they are seeing is a really bad matter that they need to quickly get to it.

“What do we do mommy?” Nyx asked off her mother in what they outta do first here.

“Ben, we need to rally our own forces and keep those….Wild Beast things away from destroying our home and hurting any innocent ponies.” Twilight issued this to her love in the first thing a ruler must do; defend and protect their subjects.

“Got it Twilight, let’s hope we can handle this.” Ben nods off in full on agreement while they best be ready for this invasion force.

Soon everyone was getting themselves all ready to do some battle here. Nyx transformed into her Battle Form Mode, Ben summoned his Master Sword, Pinkamena brought out her Blades Of Pinkie Pie, Omega was setting his arsenal of full onslaught mode, Goldie & Jack Zen got their swords out, and the Mane Six were bringing out some of their gears to prepare themselves for battle. This would be a tough little thing to get by, hopefully they can do it…


Now the Wild Beasts are seen coming from the air, a few of the new Rainbow Kingdom’s Royal Guards that have now been hired and set for Twilight’s kingdom are standing ready by both air and below ground; Pegasus & unicorns in their areas. Heck, even Fred & Barney were a part of the troops holding their magic spears, swords & shields and don on their battle armors, as they stand prepared for one heck of an invasion battle.

“Woah Fred, I think we got ourselves some troublesome foes!” Barney yelped in seeing they really got themselves one heaping mess to clean up.

“Don’t threat Barn, remember your training. We can take these guys.” Fred spoke off bravely that they are Royal Guards, as long as they got the right stuff, they’ll be fine.

“Right, but um….what sorta training calls for handling a large swarm of monsters?” Barney nods in understanding that, but what training calls against something of this magnitude?

“Barney, save the matter till after we’ve fan out a few of these guys.” Fred spoke off annoyed by the wise cracks his pal has to make at such a time.

“Okay, as long as we got these other new Royal Guards backing us up, think we’ll be okay?” Barney nods in understanding the manner as he sees the lot of the Rainbow Kingdom’s new guards helping them out.

“No sweat, we might have started being the only ones, but the princess & prince pulled something off. Now….CHAAAARGE!” Fred responded off to say this while focusing back at the enemy as he gave the first sound of the attack call.

“WAAAAARRRUGHHHHH!” The Rainbow Kingdom Royal Guards let off a battle cry while those that fly flew and those with magic had started firing magic beams. Soon there was many bright flashy colors of explosive flares going around in the sky, it’s like an all-out war started.


Many of the citizens were fleeing while a few landing of soaring Wild Beast attacked, miss targets but were destroying a few buildings. While the Rainbow Kingdom’s Royal Guards were battling it out, there were so many that they couldn’t stop a few creatures from slipping by to attack the town’s ponies; unless something is done, they’ll be monster food.

“BangBangBangBangBangvhmm….” Rainbow Dash was seen firing her Magical Nun-Chuck Blasters in repelling one beast away.

“Thous-Thous-Thous….” Rarity was seen firing her Eternal Gems in an assault manner to keep the beasts off their pony pals.

“WAAAARUUUAAARUGHHHH!” Fluttershy used her Sonic Screech attack that blasted away a few of the creatures.

“YEEEEHAAAAAAAHHH!” Applejack lasso’d some beast to swing them and plow them against more of their kind that brought them down.

“BAM! BAM!….Kurpowwfruvhmmmm….” Pinkie Pie was firing her Party Cannon that was helping to take out a few more beasts around that she saw.

“Twilight Star Shower!” Twilight & Adult Nyx performed a move by charging their horns before letting it fire above them. “Boom-Boom-Boom, BAM-BAM-Bamfruvhmmm….” Many of the falling stars exploded on contact against the Wild Beasts, bringing them down to earth.

“Sword Beam!” Ben had a fully charged sword as he took a swing. “Thruspvhmm…” Then he fired a crescent beam shape attack that sliced off one giant size triceratops mutant Wild Beasts, and boy was it close from when it almost charged at him.

“Ugh, guys…what are those?” Spike stops from blowing out his flames to see….more company coming.

“They look like ponies, but they all look…weird.” Phobos also stopped attacking with his flames in seeing the same weird arrivals.

Soon the attention fell upon some mysterious hooded cloak figures in the same getup. But then they removed it to reveal what they look like, and many of them look…alike. They were all stallions & mares, Earth, Unicorns, Pegasus, Alicorns, even Earth Ponies with sharp horns & bat-like wings, they all had the same color fur and uniforms on. They appear like light-gray fur from their mouths, long straight form tails and short or long manes of straightness, but their costumes hid their eyes as blank white eyes as the outfits were darken tan blue with black line works, black metal hooves, they had belts with weaponry, and their Cutie Marks had strange symbols of ‘DP-0’ through ‘DP-99’ and still going onward and such. The gang saw this bunch as they showed strange magically electric weapons; blades of swords, claws, spears, maces, axes, blasters, cannons, rifles, you name it, and they look skilled to….KILL!

“Oh no….those can’t be….Dark Ponies!” Golden Heart gasped off in shock and surprise in what those might be; they were those that are called Dark Ponies.

“You know them?” Ben asked off in not knowing what Dark Ponies are, what are they?

“Not personally, but I’ve heard rumors of their structure and fighting skills.” Goldie spoke in explaining what he knows mostly about such creatures by what was told as gossip and words from dark places. “They’re not born naturally, they are created. They are a bio-army product whose sole purpose is to fight. They are meant to be living weapons, and last I heard….they were an experiment that the Mystics say Guildenstern was secretly developing for the Dark Mystics.” He explained that those Dark Ponies are nothing but made bio-army weapons to fight without feelings, concerns of wellbeing, acting like they have no soul and just fight like emotionless dolls.

“So this attack is another of their ploys?” Jack Zen made a stern face in seeing this was the Dark Mystics performing their own action.

“BangBangBangBangBangfruvhmmm…” Omega was seen firing his arsenal in taking down a few Wild Beasts before looking to the gang. “Primary conditions meant. We must eradicate all Dark Ponies from the premises.” He spoke in what they now must be doing here.

“I feel like these guys are up to something, we best be careful. A full scale invasion this earlier seems….way much.” Pinkamena spoke in having a feeling, that the Dark Mystics are trying to do something, why else try to attack them with such an onslaught; what was their objective?

“Worry about their thoughts later, cause here comes more surprises.” Ben warns the others in seeing they’ll have more to deal than just this gathering of Dark Ponies…more seem to be coming along the way.

The gang had to work fast, cause a lot more Dark Ponies were starting to ran down and began their attacks. Everyone was about to face this bio-army of evil and had to fight with everything they had to prevent anymore destruction happening in Ponyville. But they sure can use a little extra help support about now.


In Canterlot, Celestia was told the news and she along with Luna accompanied by Discord prepare to set off.

“Are the troops ready, Captain Kenny?” Celestia asked forth to Kenny in preparing their troops to stop an unexpected enemy invasion.

“Yes ma’am, we’re raring to go on your….” Kenny was about to respond, but something cut him off.

“Oh no! Better hold that off!” Discord cuts between this in pointing at something coming at them.

Suddenly, a few Wild Beasts seem to show up near the outside borders of Canterlot, preventing any and all from leaving.

“There are some of those things coming to attack Canterlot?” Luna asked off in what this was, another enemy strike.

“Sister, we’ll have to defend Canterlot! But I fear this is just a deversion to keep us away?” Celestia spoke with a serious gaze in what was happening here.

“Well, may as well get busy here.” Discord spoke to shrug off the shoulders, he’ll have his work cut out now.

“All Royal Guards, attack the enemy!” Captain Kenny gave the order for everyone to attack their targets.

Soon the Royal Sisters entire Royal Guards and Celestia, Luna & Discord join in fighting against the large number of Wild Beast. And they’ll also be fighting a few extra Dark Ponies, but they can just about handle things okay here, it’s the Rainbow Kingdom that seems to be in greater peril.


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, things were still continuing as both sides were fighting one being dominate to the other’s survival. Twilight & Goldie’s group were doing well in fending of the Dark Ponies, the enemy may have the purpose to fight, but it seems their most lacking environment seems to be skills and experience. If the heroes can hold up against the overrunning numbers, they may just survive this. Then from afar, the heroes saw something strange from a distance….floating ponies in red sphere balls.

“What in tarnations is dat?” Applejack asked off in seeing something unusually strange going on.

“Nonflying ponies…flying?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in seeing that was strange.

“Doesn’t look like anyone’s magic in use, but they all seem the same.” Rarity spoke in seeing no one was using different magic aura glows on the other, it was all perform by a single pony.

“Who’s doing that?” Spike asked off in not knowing who could do that much.

“It must be Zebura.” Twilight spoke off in having a feeling of who was helping them out.

Afar…the gang saw what looked like Zebura who was sitting in his spot, looked like he wasn’t finished with his meal. But at the same time, it looked like he was focusing…was he…helping to save the ponies from being caught up in this battle.

“Wow, he’s helping by evacuating the citizens!” Pinkie Pie smiled off in seeing the good that Zebura was doing.

“You see, he’s not as bad as some may think.” Fluttershy spoke off in feeling glad to see that Zebura was trying to help, at least…before he joins in to fight it might seem.

“Hate to break up this touching event, but we’re still busy with these Dark Ponies, remember?” Jack Zen shouted off in what many of them are still doing to repel these bio-army away.

“Gem Rupture!” Suddenly, gems were erupting from beneath the ground that collided and impacted the Dark Ponies.

“Hiyah!” Then appearing was Autumn Gem as she was seen giving a high-heel kick off against about half a dozen foes.

“Need a hoof of a hand?” Sombra appeared to those in need since he was in the area.

“Phew, those self-defense courses are paying off.” Autumn Gem sighed with some relief to have some good self-defense training to protect herself.

“Sombra, Autumn Gem, perfect timing….we need everyone to fan out these Dark Ponies.” Goldie replied off in being glad more allies could join them.

Things were starting to look a tad more better with more allies as it looks like the gang could handle this much of an enemy threat. But that was only until something else appeared…

“Crusvhmmm….” Then without warning, something grasped Omega’s armor and was putting the squeeze on it to which bent marks are seen. “Alert! Defense System is being breached! Also….ouch!” Omega was warning off that something was harming him, even to make a silly response to the pain of damage done to him. “Frusvhmmm…./Powwfruvhmm….” Then in almost an instant, he was thrown extremely far across to bring down a nearby building.

“Omega!” Pinkamena shouted off in seeing what happened, who could do that?

Suddenly, something was seen coming from the smoke clouds as it seem to have glowing red eyes and look like…the strangest of hybrid creatures. It made a strange hissing sound and its footsteps sounded forceful heavy while appearing to not be as heavy. As the smoke began to clear away with an eerie hiss noise, the heroes soon see something….outrageous. It looked like some humanoid creature that has three animal mixtures in its structure; lizard, bird, and horse. The most notable feature was its long horse-like face, eyes that don’t have pupils, the mouth seems shaped like almost like a beak to contain rows of sharp, pointed teeth, even under the tongue. The body structure is humanoid in appearance and covered in fur, seem to have wings on its back, and they have no hooves to walk on two feet to look like talons and five finger claws. This creature was mostly dark tan emerald & black fur and mane & lizard tail color & yellow eyes.

“Sweet Granny Smith! Wha is dat monstrosity?” Applejack asked off in never seeing something so horrible before.

“Oh dear! It looks really scary!” Fluttershy gasped in fear, those things look really bad.

“Hiisssuurrghh….” The creature let off a lizard hiss, it definitely did NOT look friendly.

“It doesn’t look like a Dark Pony, but….how dreadful it seems!” Rarity stated in not liking the looks of such a creature.

“And it’s about to get worse, look!” Rainbow Dash pointed out in noticing something to really not make their day.

Suddenly appearing from above were two more of the creatures, one that is red and white-silver color that had a chain around its body like a vest and the other was yellow with brown mane fur that wore a plain vest. Those two landed near the other one as they stood almost to be likely 30 to 40 or 50 feet tall, and the earlier one seem slim while the other two were bulky.

Then also appearing near the creatures were two cloaked figures that finally removed their disguises to reveal who they are. One looked like a pony, but was an inhuman entity with a Demonic appearance and seem kinda mutated. He had a muscular & somewhat pony-noid physique & face & had three spikes or horns jutting out of his head along with a long tail. His cutie mark seem like a three finger claw as if stating what he is. The other one was like a pony, but had more a beast-like appearance, with a swollen bulb-like head, tiny round eyes, and a beak, making his pony head almost appear similar to a sea turtle. He wears a dark colored hat, cloak and what seems to be a pumpkin-shaped garment. He also has long, webbed feet mix on his hooves to be like a frog. His cutie mark was like that of a snapping turtle about to get its prey.

“Well, well, the infamous Mane Six bunch? Right, Gur?” The other guy said to the one that looks like a turtle.

“Remember Zaragira, we are here for more than a friendly chat.” Gur responded off saying while he address the one that has three horns.

“Wow! What are you guys?” Pinkie Pie asked off in not knowing what these guys are.

“We are more advanced Dark Ponies, are strength is on par to being Ultimate Dark Mystic Warriors, but you should worry more about the Nitoro.” Zaragira spoke off in making a statement that there is more to them than what they appear as, along with the creatures before them.

“Hugh?” The others responded in not knowing that name at all.

“It can’t be….I’ve heard the stories, but I thought they were a species that couldn’t be controlled from the Dark Mystic Realm!” Golden Heart protest in what he was seeing here.

“What is it Golden Heart?” Jack Zen asked off in what it was that they are now facing here.

“Nitoro are creatures that possess incredible physical abilities and high intelligence. They say that even Ultimate Mystic Warriors had difficulties fighting them.” Golden Heart explained about the Nitoro, and that they are far difficult opponents for anyone to face.

“Yes, you are correct. And these three have been properly tamed, their species’ strength can be on par with even the Demon Generals.” Gur explained in how powerful these Nitoro can be, and the results are clear.

“Like that Shredkiller guy?” Spike yelps off in recalling the last one of those Demon Generals they had fought before.

“Great. As if fighting one of those guys wasn’t hard enough, now we got THREE of them.” Phobos rolled his eyes to remark in seeing they are stuck with difficult opponents.

“And now while we’re busy with you, we shall also take possession of Ben Mare.” Gur spoke in wanting to capture Ben for the Triforce Element.

“Over my dead body, you will!” Ben protest out loud to wield his sword; he's not going anywhere with these guys.

“Heheheheh, maybe not yours, but we’ll beat you to a pulp! Now, go wild to your hearts content, Nitoro!” Zaragira laughed off in stating with a cocky attitude in what they’ll do while ordering the Nitoro to attack.

“GRUUOOAARRRUGHHHH!” Then the three Nitoro let off a monstrous roar that shook the area a bit as they are soon preparing to go wild and unleash their destructive might.

The heroes get themselves ready, this may look like it may be a lot together than they gave credit for.


So far, the battle is taking its toll, and many of those that are fighting are just holding out by a thread. The enemy is too strong to handle alone, the Equestrian’s need more power to end this or everyone’s a goner.

“SOUND ARMOR!” Zebura’s voice is heard from a distance as he spoke this off this technique of his.

Then many more innocent pony bystanders were lifted up into the air by glowing red spheres of vibrating sound work.

“Just a little more.” Zebura spoke off to say from where he was currently station at in sitting down as he seem to be concentrating. “You just wait, slimy lizards.” He spoke off in speaking this off towards those he was itching to face off against…once he’s done with this, he’ll join the party.


The battle against Gur, Zaragira and the Nitoro were now on, and the results of what was going down, some of it….was not pleasant to be seen.

“StarBlade!” Twilight managed to at least summon as much of her special chosen weapon as she could and took a swing at the first Nitoro.

“Clurpfrusvhmm…” But that dark green Nitoro simply swipe that attack away while knocking Twilight’s weapon from her.

“Ugh!” Twilight gasped in sheer shock, that was so fast and she thought she held on tight, but….this thing isn’t human and she’s wide open. “Kulpowvhhmmm…/Guuaagh!" Then Twilight let off a cry when the creature swiped at her when her guard was down. “Powwfruvhmmm….” And even more painful to bear witness was the Nitoro slamming Twilight straight into the ground, creating a crater in her size while it looked like it knock her out. The StarBlade vanished from view when its wielder was out cold.

“Twilight!” The others responded in shock, their friend was knock out already; not good! These Nitoro are dangerous.

“Greeeiissshhh….” Another Nitoro let off a hiss noise as it was seen from the clouds before…leaping off to attack Pinkamena. “Claspfrovhmm….” Luckily for the girl, she used her Blades of Pinkie Pie to to stop the creature….with them in its mouth.

“Grrrrriiihhh… about forceful pressure!” Pinkamena was struggling to stop the Nitoro, her blades are tough that they won’t break, but she was being vastly pushed backwards by such physical power. “Waaaugh…./Kurpowwfruvhmmm…” She yelps from the force that sent her crashing into something while the enemy stop where it stood.

As Pinkamena was getting her bearings, she saw the creature was leaping upwards to attack her; she had to act fast.

“HERE’S SPICE IN YOUR EYES!” Pinkamena shouted as she quickly thrown in some spice into the Nitoro’s eyes before it could grasp or attack her.

“Griiisssisisvhmm….” The Nitoro let off a painful cry in being temporally blinded.

“Now’s my chance, Twin Sword!” Jack Zen spoke as he magically made another sword appear in his other hoof. “Fast Cutter!” Then he dashes up to the blind Nitoro and begins to deliver quick sword strikes against the beast. “This should harm it enough to….what?” But then he yelps as when it looked at his blades, they were chipped, just how tough were the Nitoro’s hide?

“Grriessssvhmm…” The angry Nitoro had it’s sight back to see who done that as it thrown a strike.

“Breakfrishvmmm….” Jack Zen managed to bring up a Square Wall, but that only stopped as much as it could before it shattered and he was slashed across by the creature’s bear claws.

“Jack!” Goldie cried out in seeing the terror of what has happened to his friend. “Darn, how is it that the Dark Mystics subdue these ferocious things? This has Guildenstern all over it.” He could tell who was to blame for this, and it was hard to handle it.

“Powwfruvhmmm….” Another crashing sound is heard as we see much of the Mane Five are having problems fighting against Zaragira as he’s thrown them all across the field.

“Tch, you’re the best the Elements of Harmony could pick, you’re nothing without that Rainbow Power, aren’t yeh?” Zaragira spoke off in seeing this bunch was hardly even making them sweat.

“Hey, Zaragira, don’t play too long, we still have to capture Ben and bring back these ponies for Guildenstern to experiment on.” Gur spoke in telling him what they need to be doing at this time.

“Haaahhh!” Spike & Phobos were seeing about to deliver a double Dragon Punch move against the guy’s back, but….

“Frusvhmmm…Piunfruvhmmm…” But Gur throw a fast punch work in grasping the two and smacking them down into the ground.

“Guuaaghhh….” The baby Dragons let off a groan; that will be felt in the morning.

“Gravity Moon Drive!” Adult Nyx was nearby and performed her technique that made the two Dark Ponies elite feel heavy and it also was spread enough to affect the Nitoro.

“Ho, so that’s the Nightmare Moon that switch sides.” Zaragira spoke off in seeing who they have here.

“My name….is Nyx! And you’re done hurting my friends & family!” Adult Nyx protest the issue of not allowing these guys to get away with this.

“But it seems while this can temporally hold us, it can’t stop…them…” Gur pointed out a fact that the mare forgot, there were some forces she couldn’t keep down with her current power.

“Hugh?” Adult Nyx turned around in sensing something was behind her; the yellow Nitoro. “”Kurpowwfruvhmmm….” But it was too late, the yellow Nitoro smacked its claw down on the poor pony.

As the dust was clearing, Nyx was down and reverted to her filly form; the heroes are losing here. And Sombra & Autumn Gem were having their hooves full trying to keep more of the other Dark Ponies at bay.

“This isn’t looking good.” Autumn Gem spoke in seeing their side that had this handled are now struggling.

“Tell me about it, I wish Havis would be here, if not…I rather not go into details.” Sombra issued in wishing another ally was here, if nothing is done, they’ll be up to their wits end.


From afar, a loud rumbling noise was heard that made a few Ponyville civilians look up from where they were brought out from. There was a rumbling red sphere orb as it bash around the ground before vanishing from sight. Then coming out of it were many other citizens that were lost and confused in what was happening; one moment they were in Ponyville when it was under-sieged, next thing they know is being here.

“How’d we get out of our homes?” Mr. Cake asked off in being lost of what happened.

“I think that guy who was with the Mane Six did this.” Mrs. Cake spoke in what she recalled.

“Yeah, no doubt about it.” Derpy spoke off to say this. “I think I heard his voice the moment we were launched away from our homes.”

The scene then shows Zebura as he was saying words during someone who last saw the guy getting them out.

“You guys are in the way!” The figure of Zebura spoke off to issue while the voice was more likely Derpy imitating the guy in what he said.

“He said that?” The CMC responded in hearing it, so Zebura got them out of the way so that he could possibly…fight?


The scene returns to the battle going as it looks like everyone has about fallen in from exhaustion and from their wounds. While Gur & Zaragira were tough, they weren’t nothing compared to the Nitoro. Much of Goldie’s & the Mane Six forces were a bit down or that they were having a hard time still standing.

“Haaaahhh!” Rainbiow Dash had set up her bombardment mode as she was trying to fire off a few extra Unicorn Cannon shots that were literally tearing up the place while they impacted the red Nitoro.

“Grieeevhmmm….” The red Nitoro looked down at the damage done to it as it just wiped it off like a collected dirt on itself.

“Hugh? No way!” Rainbow Dash yelped out in seeing this, her strongest move barely made the thing flinch. “Waaaughh….” Then she yelped when a wind pressure from the creature’s swung arm knocked her backwards back to her friends.

It wasn’t long before the other two Nitoro had grasp Sombra & Autumn Gem and tossed them aside as they smacked against the rubble decay.

“Man. What power. Even with all of us here, we’re not a match for these guys.” Ben groans to say in seeing what devastating force these Nitoro have. “Man….I really wish we had a way to access that Rainbow Power.” If they had more of the stuff that could help them out, it be swell about now.

“Rreissvhmmm…” The Nitoro were roaring in having best’d all the fighters.

“Hey, hey, remember not to kill them.” Zaragira spoke off in reminding the creature of what it needs to be doing.

“Yes, we’ll take them and Ben with us.” Gur nods in agreement in what they are actually planning on doing.

“Nrrrr…..looks like I’ll have to put everything I got to stop these guys on my own.” Ben groans to bite his teeth together, he held his weapon, they’ve had a hard fight here, but even he’s almost out of energy.

“Grrr….you’re not out of this yet Ben.” Goldie struggled to move himself closer to Ben’s spot.

“We’re all hurt, but….we won’t be taken.” Twilight struggled along with anyone else to not give in, even with so much injuries.

“GRIIUOOAAGH….Grrrieeivvhmmm….” The Nitoro were cheering as they were soon stomping towards their targets.

“Last chance, look around. Your own royal guards aren’t keeping up and soon you’ll be overrun.” Zaragira pointed out how soon the Royal Guards will be defeated as many other Wild Beasts are taking them down.

“This is the end, you lose!” Gur pointed out the final calling of the manner, as many of the last Royal Guards are grounded and some can barely hold up their weapons to defend.

“Brother, Ah don’t think we have de strength ta evade anymore.” Applejack spoke off to say from feeling all her strength is plain gone.

“Is this…the end?” Fluttershy asked off in feeling like…this was it.

“I imagined our end to be…a bit more dramatic.” Rarity spoke off to say this from her own thinking manner.

“Guess the parties about over.” Pinkie Pie spoke off softly in seeing this was it for them.

Soon what was the struggling to keep standing heroes against such terrible odds, they could almost imagine this to be…the end.

Or was it….?

“Grupowfruvhm…WRupsvhmmm…” Then without warning, the color atmosphere above the ponies view, as it was orange and a highlight blue color was appearing around the Nitoro & the Dark Pony elites. “Drossuvhm-wruoopsvhmm…” The strangest of what was happening was causing the Nitoro to back away, there was even a large cloud of dust shaking the ground, as if something was…trying to get at them. “Wrusvhmmm…/Gurpowfruvhmmm….” The unusual force was focusing on the three Nitoro to kneel down while an explosive force of the cloud happened as they look up at something.

“WOOUURRAARRRROURRRRAAAGHHH….” Right there, a strangely ‘evil’ eerie sound was being made as something that looked like a Grim Reaper within this unusual subspace atmosphere, holding it’s scythe in…approaching to kill off things. As its appearance was almost like an unseen aura flow above the heroes, what was happening, was that it was causing a whole lot, and we mean….EVERYTHING like the Wild Beasts, even the Dark Pony bio-army to suddenly cease action to drop from the skies.

“Death Sound!” Zebura’s voice was heard from a distance as if the Grim Reaper figure was almost speaking with his voice in creating the technique.

“Bam-Bam-Bam, Boom-Boom-Boom, Pow-Pow-Powfruvhmmm….” All around everyone that either isn’t a target or was holding out, all other Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies were crashing onto the grounds, looking almost lifeless and without reacting to pain while much of the dust clouds were happening around.

“What the….what’s going on? All our army is dropping like flies?” Zaragira asked off shock in seeing this was happening, all but them and the Nitoro were dying off.

“Impossible! How could this have happened, what is this move?” Gur questioned the action as if it was unexplained, how could their entire invasion force fall.

Then coming onto the scene, pass the gang was none other than…Zebura. His body was admitting a large surge of red magic energy that somehow was effecting everything in the area in a large scale radius that was unheard of. And during the moment, ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST was heard in the background to single this surprise countermeasure.

“Looks like we’ve got some cocky foes around.” Zebura responded off in flexing his right shoulder here.

“Z-Zebura!?” Twilight spoke off stump surprise, Zebura was finally acting out now?

Now Zebura positioned his hooves into the ground from where he stood. The stallion was now facing off against three of the deadliest and fearsome Nitoro that were being employed by the Dark Mystics, their power or his…who can prevail?

“If you wanna die that bad, I’ll bring ya to extinction.” Zebura responded off with a fearful face in what he’ll do to these bunch; wipe them off the face of Equestria. “Come get me.” He spoke off in challenging the creatures to fight him and he’ll surely bring it.

The song entered a pause state while many were seeing this, Zebura has turn the impossible into their favor.

“What the heck was that?” Phobos gasped off in seeing something that look so unbelievable, it’s almost impossible to believe it.

“What he do to those guys?” Spike asked off in not knowing what Zebura did that wipe out a whole armada of enemies.

“He used sound as a part of his element, sure…but from what I can see and sense, they’re all…” Ben spoke in figuring Zebura used his Element of Sound, but from what they see, all of the Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies were all…

“Lifeless. All Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies are now currently dead.” Omega finished to say this as he still function to scan the enemy numbers, all but five targets are still active; the rest are dead.

“I can’t believe it, he must have figured out how to do it. He’s emulate the footsteps of the Grim Reaper.” Golden Heart spoke in near shock in seeing Zebura has performed something that could relate to having the power of the Grim Reaper.

“Emulate the Grim Reaper’s footsteps?” Autumn Gem asked off a bit shaky, that doesn’t sound to pleasant and it sounds scary to imagine.

“I’ve heard about it, but I thought it was a big rumor. That those who have heard the death cries of those they killed, can figure out how to perform it.” Sombra explained the case of what the subject is they speak of, and it’s a truly fearsome thing indeed.

“The resulting sound is undoubtedly fatal to any who hear it. Only those that are not strong enough or have been weaken to the point of dying, once they hear that…it’s over. I heard Zebura was learning to truly develop it, but seeing he could perform this on a larger scale, it’s….shocking.” Golden Heart explained how what they saw works, if you hear the footsteps of the Grim Reaper, you’re as good as dead, and Zebura has performed it on a wide-spread and is perfectly fine.

“Guess he had lots of training to perfect it and now that just saved our lives.” Pinkamena explained off in what they could tell here, who thought that having a Grim Reaper-like ability could save them when they are in a pinch.

Now the action focuses on where Zebura was against the three Nitoros, like the truest of battles was about to shake off here. Now the ‘Zebra Theme’ from Toriko OST restarts here again in what will play out. And his red aura began to blur up around his body as if he’s preparing himself to seriously go all out.

“I’ve removed all the civilian members.” Zebura issued off in what he’s done in evacuating the civilians. “So now if I get serious, the only ones around to get hit by my attacks will be…Well, this is okay.” He explained himself that he wanted everyone gone, so that he’ll be free to attack and cause plenty of destructive attacks without any innocent lives at risk, so long as he eradicates his prey of targets. “Heeeh.” Then without warning, his eyes glowed entirely bright red with a slight chuckle in feeling ready to go out here and now. “Alright, shall we get goin’?” Zebura responded off to those still around that wanna fight him here, he’s wanting this battle to start right away.

While the three Nitoro stood by, Gur & Zaragira were nearby them in seeing and hearing Zebura speak all confident about wanting to fight with no holds bar.

“You cheeky Equestrian; you’re the biggest nuisance here!” Zaragira pointed to Zebura in stating he’s acting all cheeky and not being the least bit afraid of what he’s doing.

“This is the end for you, Zebura!” Gur responded off to say this while Zebura secretly…let off a chuckle.

Soon both Gur & Zaragira were charging at Zebura with intents to combat the guy.

“Hah-hah-hah…” Zebura let off a chuckle to smile in seeing who was coming as he’ll handle this easily. “VOICE PRESS!” He leans his head back in preparing another of his techniques. “POWWFRUUVHHMMM…..” He opens his mouth very wide and it generated a powerful short range sound attack that was red towards the target.

“GWUAERGHH…Arrrughhhh!” Zaragira tried to block the attack that impacted him, but it blasted him away while the devastating attack was annihilating him.

“Pump-Pump-Pump, Pump-Pumpvhmm…” Then around Zebura’s right front hoof arm, it was pulsing up, bulking up into a bigger form like it was undergoing for a move. “BEAT PUNCH!” Zebura announced forth another of his attacks, as he soon took a swing with his right hoof. “KABLAMFRUVHMMMM….” Then that single punch generated sound waves which echo repeatedly within the victim’s body, causing massive internal damages to whoever got hit.

“Guuaaaaaughhhh….GUUAAAAAAUGHHH!” Gur was instantly hit by that move against his left cheek side as it was suddenly bashing against his defense like no other, tearing his body apart.

“You pieces of scrap should shut up and go ta sleep!” Zebura responded off in telling this to those he just clobbered now.

“Vrusssfruvhmmm…” And in that sudden and shocking instant, both Zaragira & Gur’s bodies had evaporated into nothing by particle vapor. They were disassembling and vanishing to be nothing but dust in the wind. With those two now gone, it was now down to just Zebura against the three Nitoros who to the stallion, are far more stronger and should be dealt with afterwards.

“Let’s play, little lizards!” Zebura smiled off in gazing at the Nitoro foes, wanting to fight against some real tough guys he wants a piece of as it was now gonna get interesting.

The background theme went into a finished moment before we focus on the others. The Mane Six and their group were staring in a wide-eye shock once again at seeing the performance done by Zebura; that’s twice of what they saw.

“Holy Celestia! Did you all see that? Tell I wasn’t the only one?” Rainbow Dash asked off in sheer shock of what she saw, just blew her mind away.

“My word! We barely managed to handle those ruffians!” Rarity gasped in shock of seeing what was the fate of Zaragira and Gur.

“An’ he gone an’ beat them flat wit' just two direct hits!” Applejack stated in how Zebura sent them packing in less than 5 to 2 seconds.

“Wow! Who knew he could do all that and call guys that weren’t Dark Mystics, but could be near Ultimate Warrior level, pieces of scrap like they were nothing?” Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating a random subject of how Zebura address such guys as if they were nothing to him.

“Well…um, I guess he thought they weren’t strong enough to stop him.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in what she thought of the subject.

“Believe me Fluttershy, an Equestrian that could pull that off, has gotta have monstrous strength, and Zebura…may just be the living example.” Twilight stated in feeling that Zebura seems to be as dangerous as they have seen from before, and this was just more proof of it.

Soon the scene focuses on the Nitoro as one of them was hissing near Zebura. After seeing the stallion’s devastating power and handling against those that commanded them, the Nitoros may have a threatening foe before them. During the matter, ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST played onwards again when things are about to heat up now.

“I heard of one ‘a yer before a while back, including a child back at Grimdark that was a real problem case. Wanted to face him, but they kept him from my reach.” Zebura explained the matter case, even about a child prisoner that was…one of these Nitoro creatures. “This time I’m taking all the fun for myself with no one getting in my way.” Zebura responded in what he was gonna do here, he wants this action all to himself.

Then at that sudden moment, the yellow Nitoro acted out first to attack Zebura without delay.

“Gruuaaarrrughh!” Zebura let off a roar while he and the yellow Nitoro grasp against one’s hooves and hands in a grip-lock. “Eeeehhheeeehhh….” Zebura is shown proving himself to be on muscle per with these dangerous creatures. “That’s some good arm strength. Gruuuooouuaghhh!” As he was complimenting this guy’s arm strength, he was slowly starting to move the yellow Nitoro’s arms away to be far apart.

“Gruussisseesshh…..” The yellow Nitoro yelped out its cry as Zebura had started to pull them downwards and was trying to actually break its arms and hands.

“ROOUUAARRRUGHHH!” Zebura let off a battle cry, as he was really getting into this.

“Griissssusushhh….” The yellow Nitoro gaze at Zebura in annoyance as it opened its mouth to attack…

“GRUUAAGH…./KICKFRUVHHMMM…” Then in an instant, Zebura raved up its right knee that jab against the guy’s mouth, sent it upwards. “Hruuaaaarrughhh….” Then Zebura began to suck in some air into his mouth for a planned attack. “MACHINE GUN VOICE!” Zebura roared out the name of another attack of his now. “Powwfrvuhmmm…/BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-Bamfruvhmm….” Soon he opened his mouth as he shoots out a lot of small voice ‘bullets’ using staccato shout that were red as they were impacting the creature. “Gruhahahaha-haaahhh….” Zebura was heard laughing in enjoying that he had a gridlock on the Nitoro as it was taking the pain.

“Powwfruvhmmm-Powvfruvhmm…Powfruvhmmm…” Course from so many of those attacks caused much explosive smoke screen around the yellow Nitoro’s area before suddenly…Zebura let it go.

“GRUUAHHUURAAAUAGHHH….” Then Zebura started to open his mouth again to suck in more air. “Pumpfruvhmm…” Then his chest bulk up from the built up pressure he was containing. “VOICE BURST!” Zebura roared out this attack with a wide grin mouth of his as something else was coming. “POWWFRUUVVHMMSSUUVHMMM….” And came it did, a powerful technique similar to Voice Missile, but with a much border speed from its red flare as it was blasting straight across the yellow Nitoro that was left undefended.

“WrussFruvhmmm….” During the moment, that attack Zebura let off was causing some SERIOUS blast wind results that was sending everything flying around the leveled town. “Kurpowwfruvhmmm…” It wasn’t long before a giant bright white light blinded all our views and then slowly began to fade off. As the Mane Six & Goldie’s group got their sights back, after having to withstand such a powerful force that almost blew them away; they saw the yellow Nitoro as it was sizzling while twitching as if just almost unconscious from that attack. But the real major focus was seeing Zebura create a magic red charge around his right front hoof, preparing another attack.

“Purfrusvhmmm…” Soon the ground beneath was cracking up like a storm, just before…. “Kruboomfruvhmmm…” The scene focus on the yellow Nitoro’s gut area as it felt a strange unseen punch land right there.

“ERRRARRRUGHHH!” Zebura was seen from what he did as he was the cause, he swung a low hoof fist that caused the cracks and unleashed what was a glowing red blast that impacted the Nitoro. “Sound Knuckle!” Zebura responded off in addressing that attack he landed on the target. “Speed of Sound Movement!” Then he announced another move he was gonna perform here now.

“Vrususufruvhmm…” Then he vanished completely, as fast as the sound was made while catching everyone by surprise….until he reappeared behind the filching yellow Nitoro with two hooves put together over his head.

“KURCLUFRUVHHMMM…../GRRRUUARRRUGHHH!” Then Zebura soon landed a double front hoof basher fright on the yellow Nitoro’s head noggin that made it flinch even more.

Soon the scene shows the yellow Nitoro was bashed into the ground as its life was soon shown to be….over. Zebura stood over the defeated Nitoro while the other two that weren’t apart of the fight saw what happened.

“Are you all seeing this?” Ben asked off if he was seeing that scene play out.

“He dispatched that Nitoro so easily…” Golden Heart responded in shock, a creature that could rival against the Dark Mystic’s Demon Generals…was single-handedly taken out of action.

“Even I’m surpass someone could do that.” Pinkamena replied off in seeing that action, it was the most shocking thing to be seen.

“Hugh! Look out!” Jack Zen yelped in seeing something else about to go down now.

“Krrisisieeesshhh….” Now the red & dark green Nitoro’s roared off to now attack Zebura when his back was expose and left unguarded…or was it?

“HURRAARRRUGHH….” Zebura soon took in another breath at this moment. “GRUAARRUGHHH!” Then he lifted up his front hooves into the air, as if preparing something else. “SOUND BAZOOKA!” Zebura roared out that next attack that was coming up against the attackers. “BOOMFRUVHMMMSSSIIVHMMM….” Soon a grand shockwave of sound blast was unleashed in all directions as it hit the two attackers.

“Kriieessisisivhhmmm….” The two Nitoro were heard screeching in pain from suffering under such a powerful blast.

But pretty much that wasn’t the only case, that attack of Zebura’s a bit more overkill as it was shredding the entire area around Ponyville with scattered debris. Everyone was holding onto their very ground and shielding with magic or shields, cause this attack was truly a big one. A bright red light was admitted off from around the Rainbow Kingdom as everything was shaking like a never ending madness while a bright light began to blind out of field of vision. And just as the music theme came near its end, the bright light began to fade a bit as there was but ONE victory, and guess who that was…

“That was a quick clean-up.” Yep, Zebura was seen from that powerful attack he used as he seem completely fine, un-exhausted and looking ready to go another round maybe; and THAT’S scary to see.

Everyone that had managed to slowly get up was looking around, while Zebura appears to have eliminate all signs of the enemy attackers, the place was really in a ruined shape.

“Aw man, I think the term…save the day is a little late here.” Jack Zen spoke off in seeing what has played out here.

“Well, at least it’s over.” Pinkamena shrug off to say that on the brighter side, the battle’s over, the entire army that were a part of the Dark Mystics are all gone along with their deadliest of creatures.

“Let’s just hope we’ll get this place patch up a bit either before or after Celestia checks up after what we just got.” Golden Heart responded in knowing that once Celestia sees this, well, this may just be another issue of another evil attacking them; same old, same old.


Soon it wasn’t long before Celestia, Luna & Discord finally managed to make it to Ponyville. They managed to make it here after a strange event that lessen the large scale numbers of an invading army, most likely from what Zebura performed earlier. And let’s say that their first notice was the incredible destruction that was around, but at least there was no dead bodies of any innocent civilians.

“My, we seem to have been fashionably late to the party.” Discord spoke off in appearing as a fashionist in speaking of the term of being late. “And judging from such a large scale, this has Zebura written all over, even without his name being branded here.” He change back to his original self in having to guess, much of this destruction could have been Zebura since, well, he has that kinda power anyhow.

“It appears the battle is already over dear sister.” Luna stated that the battle against what was attacking both sides is over.

“But where are Twilight, Ben and the others?” Celestia asked forth in seeing that they haven’t located their friends and family yet.

To answer the question, they all saw the gang was sitting down, trying to rest and bandage their wounds.

“Twilight, Ben, everyone, thank goodness you’re okay.” Celestia asked forth if those she cares for are okay.

“Yeah, we’re real lucky.” Spike nods off to say that they are okay.

“What happened here?” Luna asked off in wondering what happened around, but still had another guess to play.

“Zebura happened here.” Phobos pointed out without a second thought of the question.

“You should have seen it, the guy saved all our lives.” Ben pointed out how thanks to Zebura, they were almost this close to losing.

“And…kinda…made a mess, but at least no pony got hurt.” Nyx slowly responded in respectfully stating how Zebura managed to do things.

“And just where is…Zebura?” Discord raised an eyebrow in thinking that the main hero…and demolition pony should be around.

The gang pointed to the distance where Zebura had managed to vaporize all the remaining bodies of the Wild Beast, Dark Pony biological weapons, and any parts of the Nitoro’s to nothing.

“Heh, them guys think this could be enough to kick me down, they’re getting too cocky for their own good!” Zebura remotely stated in sounding like he’ll go straight towards whoever tried this plan and give that villain a piece of his mind.

“He’s his usual self.” The Mane Six spoke off in union of how Zebura is just being himself.

“Still, that was close calling if he didn’t show up.” Twilight replied off to say this with the best of her wellbeing of how this played out. “Now I’ll have a hard time rebuilding what was leveled. Both from our attackers…and our savior.” She stated that it’ll take time to rebuild what was broken down, this place is really going through the roof with repair bills.

“Oh leave that to me, in the meantime, try to get well…you look like you were near death’s doorstep.” Discord spoke in being perfect to help fix the damage and while he’s at it, the gang should try to get better, they look almost ready to meet death and depart the world.

“Trust us, we almost were!” Goldie’s group responded in a union reply to that answer.

While there was some slight confusion, the Mane Six & Goldie’s group suddenly burst into laughter. Course those that weren’t around to see what happened didn’t follow of the joke. But as Discord was doing his magic, one thing’s certain, Zebura’s mark will certainly not be forgotten, not after ALL THAT has played out. As everything goes black in signaling the end of what has played out…