Bringing evil ideas to Equestria

by reader8363

Rainbow the guard

Chrysalis came back and said, “Master, is something wrong?

I realized that I was glaring and I said, “No, it’s nothing. Did you find Twilight?”

Chrysalis said, “Yes master, we found her, she was in her castle. Lucky Spike wasn’t there, so we could get her before she sent a message to Celestia. The army is bringing her.”

I said as I got off the throne, “Good now bring up Rainbow Dash.” Chrysalis nodded and walked away

Luna appeared behind me and said, “I brought the book as you requested, I also brought a magic inhibitor ring as well.”

I said as I set it down in front of me, “Thanks, Luna, you might want to leave, Celestia might be wondering where you are, and I don’t want Rainbow and Twilight finding out.”

Luna nodded and disappeared, and just in time, Rainbow was being dragged in. She was screaming, “If I was free from your grasp, I would kick your but.”

I walked to Rainbow and said, as I grabbed a tube of clear water, ‘Rainbow, calm down, we are not going to hurt you.”

She spat in my face and said, “Yeah right, and how am I to trust you. You lied about what you do.”

I wiped the spit off my face and said, to a changeling, “Open her mouth.” After a bit struggling and a few bites. Rainbow’s mouth was open. I poured a few drops into her mouth and closed her mouth and covered her nose to make her swallow the water. After she swallowed, He let her mouth go and said, “Let her go, she’s not going to be a problem.”

The changeling looked at each other and then released her. she slumped forward but had enough strength in her front leg to keep her ribs off the ground and kneel in front of her. I placed my hoof underneath her chin, then I heard Twilight say, “Rainbow Dash, run. What did he do to you?”

I said as I saw Twilight being held there, “Somepony gag her, and place this on her horn I don’t want to hear her trying to snap Rainbow out of it, or using magic.” A changeling grabbed the bandage off the throne, and the ring then wrapped it around Twilight’s mouth and placed it on her horn. Then I turned to Rainbow and said, “I know you’re tired all you have to is looked into my eyes, then you can sleep.” I lifted her head so that we were looking eye to eye. After a few minute, her eyes closed and she leaned against my hoof, then I said, as I gently laid her down on her side, “Let her go and guard every exit. We also have Spike with us so if you try to escape, he will die.”

The changelings let her go and she ran up to Rainbow and started to shake her awake, but Rainbow didn’t wake up. I walked up to them and said, “Twilight, she is in a trance. She won’t wake up until I say so. Let me give a demonstration, Rainbow, stand up and open your eyes.” Rainbow stood up and opened her eyes, revealing them to be glazed and unfocused. “You are my personal guard. you will stop any intruder from getting to me. You will obey all my commands, without hesitation. When I say awake, you will go back to normal, but you will obey me and call me Master. When I say Sleep, you will return to this mindless state. Once you go outside this base, you will return to normal, but still obey me. You will live with me until I say so. Whenever you disobey me, you will expect me to punish you. Do you understand?”

Rainbow said, “Yes master.”

Twilight said, “Eric, why are you doing this? What is your goal?”

I said, as I grabbed Vinyl’s glasses of her head and placed them on me and rose on my hind legs, “Cause this Age of Celestia, is at its end. I will show it to her that her rule is over, and mine is beginning. The Age of Chaos.” Then I handed them back to Vinyl.

Twilight said, “So Discord is behind this.”

I laughed and said, “He’s weak compared to who is really in charge. It’s now time for you to forget, Twilight.” I opened the book and found the spell. it was pretty simple. I just cast it and Twilight fell forward. I said, ‘Rainbow, awake.”

She got up said, “What can I do for you, master?”

I said, “Take Twilight back to her castle and then wake her up and convince her that everything is fine, then come back to the base camp.” She saluted, then picked her up. and flew out the door. Then I turned to Chrysalis and said, “Come, walk with me.”

She followed me down the hall, after awhile, she said, “Why did you want me to walk with you?”

I said, “You know, there have been many battles, and the armies had one pony in charge. Just out of curiosity, do you think you would be able to betray me.” I watched her movements for any sign of fear of me figuring out, but I didn’t see any.

She said, “No, you’re the general, I’m just a lieutenant.”

I said, “Ok, that’s good to hear. I just wanted your answer. Sleep.”

She was about to fall forward on her face, but I levitated her gently to the ground, and said, “Chrysalis, when I say freeze, you will become like a statue, a mindless statue, but able to be moved. When I say unfreeze, you will be able to move and think again, but won’t remember anything that happened to you when you were frozen. Do you understand?”

She said, “Yes.”

I said, “Now get up and then awake.”

She got up and shook her head, then said, “What happened?”

I shrugged and said, “I just asked you a question and you answered.” then he said, really quietly, “Freeze.” Chrysalis stopped moving, and stared at him, for a very long time.

I walked up to her and levitated her up into the air, and turned her over. She didn’t move at all, except her mane and tail. Then he heard a voice say in his ear, “Really, you’re playing with your lieutenant.” I was surprised that I lost my concentration, and dropped Chrysalis. Discord snapped his fingers or nails, and Chrysalis stopped falling Then he said, “Do you really want her to ask questions why her back is broken.”

I scowled at him and said, “I wouldn’t have dropped her if you didn’t make me lose my concentration.”

He laughed and said, “Wow, His greatest weapon can lose his concentration. That is funny.”

I said, “What do you want?”

Discord disappeared and reappeared on my nose, and said, “I came cause I’m bored and wanted to know what you were doing.”

I shook my head, dislodging him off, and said, “getting ready to take control of Ponyville and then Canterlot, and will you quit doing chaos around me. Could you be useful, like finding out where ponies are? One pony I want to not meet yet is Pinkie Pie, can you keep her away from places that I’m going.” As I was leaving, I placed Chrysalis right where she was and said, “unfreeze.”

After she started moving and was about to talk, I said, to Chrysalis and Discord, “I’m heading to Applejack’s. Discord, I need you to keep her away from me, I can’t let her know me. Chrysalis, you are in charge here, but don’t send an attack. I have a plan that will surely get Ponyville under my control.” They both nodded and walked out the door.

As I was walking through Ponyville, I thought about how I’m going to do this, She’s the element of honesty, so I can’t lie, but if I tell the truth, I will be found out, maybe if I should wing it, but that probably won’t work.. Then I was tackled to the ground, and a sharp rock. The rock missed the place where I got stabbed by a branch, but I can feel it going through my skin.

I looked up to see Pinkie Pie standing on me. I swore quietly to myself, Discord didn’t do what I asked, now I’m going to have a party for being new. No, I’m not going to have a party. Then I realized Pinkie Pie was talking, “your name?

I said, as I teleported from under her, “Sorry, what were you saying, I got a bit sidetracked.”

PInkie said, “I said, hello, I haven’t seen you before, so you must be new. I’m going to throw you a party. Then I ask what your name is.”

I said, “If you look into my eyes, I will tell you my name. “ Pinkie looked confused about what I asked of her, then it looked like she just shrugged it off, and looked into my eyes. After a few minutes, Pinkie lost her grin, and her eyes became glazed and unfocused. I said, “Pinkie, when I say awake, you will head back to the bakery, with no memory of me or this conversation, so you won’t make a party for me. When I say sleep, you will fall into this mindless trance. Do you understand?”

She said, in a monotone voice, “Yes.”

I said as I turned around the corner, “Awake.” When I could see the apples in the distance, I saw Discord leaning against the tree. I walked up to him and said, “You were supposed to keep Pinkie Pie away from me.”

He said, “I kept her away from Applejack, and did you more of a favor, I made sure the other stayed away from her.”

As I was walking away, he tried to hide a laugh but failed. I turned to him and said, “What is so funny, and make it quick, I want to get the ponies at the spa. and relax.”

He said as he snapped a mirror in his claws, “I think Nurse needs to see you after you get Applejack and before you go to the spa.”
I looked at my back, through the mirror, and saw what he was talking about. I had blood running down my back. That gave me an idea. I hugged Discord and said, “Thank you for the idea.” I left, listening to the mirror hitting the ground.