Freedom Through Harmony

by Electricut

Chapter Eighty-four

Chapter Eighty-four
Eclipse Swamps; The Next Morning

Spike’s eyes cracked open in the early hours of dawn. He shook his head, not having meant to doze off, and smoothed out the paper clutched in his hands. Scanning over the contents one last time, he retrieved his quill again and made a slight addition at the end. He nodded with a mixture of approval and sadness, and neatly rolled the scroll and placed it in his pocket. Spike stood shortly afterward, his eyes closed, waiting silently for something- anything- to happen.

The faintest hint of a shadow flitted over the ground just before him, and his eyes opened again. Heart heavy, but pounding in anticipation, his hands hovered near his hips, where his twin daggers were sheathed. As he waited, a small white form floated down from above just beside him, and his eyes flitted over to see it as it hit the ground.

A white feather... he thought, and placed his hands on the hilts of his weapons.

Sweet Apple Acres
Rainbow Dash

I awoke late the next morning, and briefly wondered where I was. The last thing I remembered was being in the dead city of Cloudsdale. A moment later, I felt Applejack shift in her sleep next to me, under a worn blanket in the old clubhouse, and the last day’s events were able to catch up to me. I was finally able to realize how we felt about each other- something that really should have been obvious from minute one, looking back- and confessed these feelings to her.

A wide smile spread across my face, and I hugged her a bit tighter. So... what now? What does this even make us? We’ve been childhood friends since forever, but her family adopted me back when Vi died, which technically makes us siblings, but... Ah, screw it. I love her, she loves me, who really gives a crap about anything else.

AJ stirred and awoke a few minutes later, and blushed sweetly when she became aware we were still snuggled together. The sunlight from the window in the side of the clubhouse fell upon us and bathed us in a nice sunny warmth, and neither of us really felt like moving. We remained as we were for a time, in no hurry to wake up fully. War may have been on the horizon, but that wasn’t going to stop me from enjoying this time we had together; if anything, it would make me enjoy it even more while I had the chance.

“Hey, Dash...?” AJ asked quietly, and I shifted slightly to face her. “Ya ever think... we might’a grown up too fast? I mean... I only turned eighteen a month ago, right?”

I nodded solemnly. “Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I’ve still got three weeks until I’m technically an adult, and here we’ve been working as mercenaries, fighting tooth and nail to keep ourselves- and in part, your family- fed for years.”

“Yeah, yeah! Like we’re already adults takin’ care of others, but when ya take a step back... we’re just kids ourselves.”

“I know... Well, think of it this way. When all this is over... once Celestia isn’t ruling over us anymore, and all the people she’s taken from us have been avenged... we won’t really have to worry about it anymore. We’ll be like heroes, and we’ll be able to do whatever we want... and the royal army will finally be able to pick up the pace, so we won’t have to work protecting the town from brigands and monsters.”

Applejack snuggled a bit closer. “Mhm... that’s soundin’ pretty great...” We stayed in the clubhouse for a while longer, then removed ourselves from the battered sofa and began the short walk back to the entryway to the acres, and the house. We kind of left everyone hanging yesterday, and would need to confer with the rest of the members of the team to decide our next move.

Town Square

The young archer of the Silver Arrows leaned up against the wall of the bakery, the wind ruffling his hair slightly. He had spent the better part of the last day this way, and was fully content to do the same today. Four of the six Elements had returned the previous day, meaning that Pinkie’s group couldn’t be far behind. He understood why she must have left without telling him, as he would have insisted he come with her, but respected that she had to do it alone.

Still, Kyle eagerly awaited her return, so that he could hear all about her adventure and continue to protect her. He had already made the difficult resolution in his mind about what he would do if- nay, when- war broke out. Abandoning Celestia was something he was perfectly prepared to do, but he would desert the Silver Arrows as well if he had to, in order to remain with Pinkie and watch out for her.

As he waited, he noticed his commanding officer Lyra moving quickly through the streets. Her hands were in the pockets of her jacket as always, and her feet dragged on the ground, but she was moving far too fast and nervously for it to be normal. Something was very wrong. Lyra spotted Kyle where he stood a moment later and rushed up to meet him.

“Kyle, there you are.” she said, out of breath.

“What’s happened?” Kyle asked, suddenly all business. “What’s wrong?”

“Well, would you like the long version first or the short?... Alright, short version is we’re boned. Long version is on this paper. Here.”

She handed over a medium sized scroll, and Kyle heart skipped a beat when he saw the royal emblem on it. He tore the message open and scanned over the contents quickly, then again more slowly. His face paled, and jaw dropped. Lyra merely nodded solemnly. “I know. This is bad. Really really bad.”

“W-what are we going to do?!” Kyle stammered. “We can’t possibly go through with this!”

“Of course we’re not going through with it. Use your head for a second. Commander Octavia’s already given me her orders, and she say’s we’re going to act as though we were following these orders up until the specified date, but only to Celestia’s face. Meanwhile, we’ll be getting ready to turn on them, and we’ll spring the trap when they arrive.”

Kyle thought for a moment. “Will that work? Will Celestia buy it?”

Lyra sighed. “No. She’s probably already figured in that we’ll desert. Surprising a five-hundred year old entity is not going to be easy, but we do have a few things she doesn’t know about. The first is, of course, the Elements of Harmony, and their recent power-up. She won’t be counting on facing the abilities of their ancestors again. The second is Fenrir, that total beast of a Goldoan they dragged back here a while ago. With him and Spike on our side, plus who knows how many others of the nine in the other resistance factions, we should stand a fighting chance. Lastly- she may even know about this one, but it hardly matters- is that Macintosh guy and his huge-ass sword. With him and the dragons at the head, we should have a really solid defense.

“Even then... we’re really going to have to push ourselves to our limit to make this work. Everyone in town has to be ready, so we’re to go to the square and announce it for everyone to hear, as well as the Silver Arrows’ intentions. Then we can begin training them to defend themselves.” Kyle nodded, and separated himself from the bakery wall. Pinkie would understand that he had to do this first. The two dashed through the streets for the town square.

Rainbow Dash

The first one to notice us leaving the Acres was Applebloom, who immediately ran up and tackle-hugged us both. We all laughed and hugged, and when we separated, the girl had the biggest smug grin on her face. “What were you guys doin’ out there?” she asked through her smile.

“What do you mean?” I asked, smiling right along with her.

“The others all made it back yesterday, but said you two ran off the first chance ya got! What were you guys doin’ out in the Acres all night by yerselves...?”

“Aw, don’t you worry about it, kiddo.” Applejack said, ruffling her sister’s hair. “Nothin’ that concerns you... C’mon, let’s head into town. We better let everyone else know we’re back.” I nodded in agreement, and the three of us set off to meet the others. I’d like to find Scootaloo while I’m at it and let him know I’m alright, and tell him where I went in the first place. He’s probably pretty ticked I left him behind... but I didn’t really have a choice.

We entered into the town square, but stopped when we saw a rather large crowd gathered there. I couldn’t tell who was directing the thing, but I could tell someone was at the center gathering attention before they spoke. Um... Somehow I doubt this is good.

“Hey, Dash!” I heard a familiar voice call, and turned to see Scoots picking his way through the crowd towards me. He reached where we stood a moment later, and at first seemed glad to see me again, then frowned. “What gives, Dash? Why’d you leave me here instead of taking me with you? I could have held my own just fine! And I saw that Sonic Rainboom you did all the way back here, don’t you think I would have liked to have a front-row seat for that?”

“Hey, someone had to look after the town while I was gone, right?” I responded. “Besides, there were countless dark-beasts out there that acted just like a hoard of zombies, and even I had some trouble keeping everyone covered. Besides, it was just a grey stone city at the end of the day, nothing much interesting to look at.”

I may have understated things a little bit for his sake, but Scootaloo seemed mostly satisfied with this answer. He stood next to me, Applejack and Applebloom while we waited for something to happen in the gathering of people. Several minutes passed in which nothing happened, and I was just about ready to leave, when someone called for attention. I frowned in thought when I realized it belonged to Lyra.

“Please, people of this humble town, listen to me! The Silver Arrows have just received a transmission from the Queen herself, and it’s something you really ought to hear. It reads as follows: ahem ‘Battalion Commander Octavia, your status reports’- false status reports meant to mislead the Queen into thinking everything’s fine here, mind you- ‘have been very helpful to me. As of now, and as a result of these efforts, your orders have been changed. The terrorist group of New Dawn has already been located, and I have sent a battalion of soldiers to deal with these insurgents already. Now we must strike to finish off resistance against the throne in this country at it’s heart, and that leads us to the ever-troublesome Elements of Harmony, who I understand have been conspiring against me, one and all.

“ ‘In two week’s time, another brigade of one thousand soldiers will be dispatched to the town in which you are stationed, and do no less than wipe them off the face of the earth. The Silver Arrows will be expected to join this reinforcement bank upon arrival and help to destroy the town from within, then return immediately to Eclipse. An example will be made of these miserable insurgents to anyone else in this country who thinks to rebel against the throne.’ Now, I’m guessing a lot of you are thinking ‘well, what are we gonna do about it? You’re not going to do what she says, right?’ You’re damn right we’re not! The Silver Arrows are going to stay with you until the very brink of destruction, and fight Celestia alongside you all the way. Why? Commander Octavia and I are both from this town, so we’re just as obligated to fight for it as any of you. Plus, it’s obvious Celestia has to be stopped, and we intend to start here!”

This speech was met with an instant uproar from the entire crowd, but I was simply too stunned to move. How... How has this happened? Who could have possibly told her this?! She can’t have put together the Sonic Rainboom thing yet, nor should she have word that her battalion was defeated at New Dawn. Nothing either of our groups did could have tipped her off, so she must just be jumping to this conclusion, unless... Unless...

My hands formed into quavering fists at my sides. No... That can’t be... But there just isn’t any other explanation. Someone had to inform her of this, and Twilight’s the only one who could have. They were right there in Eclipse anyway. I can’t believe this...

I cast my glare to the northern street. “AJ. Do something for me?”

I could tell she heard the anger in my voice, and answered slowly. “Dash... I know this looks bad, but please don’t do anythin’ hasty...”

“Just... Just watch out for these two, alright? Make sure they’re safe. This... this is something I have to do.” Without waiting for an answer, I tore through the edges of the crowd in the direction of my house. Upon reaching it, I slammed the door open, grabbed my broadsword and buckler from where they lay, then shut the door behind me again. I then set off for the northern entrance to town, jacket and hair whipping about in the wind behind me.

Eclipse Swamps

The figure descended seemingly directly from the heavens, the perfect representation of an angel of death. The sun shone at her back, silhouetting her large wings, flowing hair and painful-looking sword, notched on both sides to the point of resembling dagger-sharp teeth. She shortly alighted with the ground gracefully and looked up, her gaze locking with that of the Goldoan.

“Celestia.” Spike stated neutrally. He gripped his daggers lightly, his heart racing, but kept his demeanor calm.

“Spike.” Said the queen, emulating his lack of emotion.

Spike shook his head, shifting one foot slightly. “We both knew it would come to this someday, didn’t we, majesty?” He asked. “Ever since I learned of this place, I knew it was too good to be true. I knew a place couldn’t stay that peaceful with each other when they have differences. People of such variety only ever unite under one banner when they have something to rally against- an outside threat, or one from their own head of state. I’ve seen it enough in the history of my own nation of Tellius. I knew that since Equestria wasn’t at war, that you were probably doing something to unwittingly keep the people tied together against you, and I was right.

“I never imagined I’d be one of the people finally doing something about it, and maybe I was right about that too. But I can rest easy knowing that I helped prepare the people who will see your doom, and you were the one who helped me do it. Those two kids you took away from their families and gave to me to watch over- Twilight and Philip, the two I loved like they were my own children- and taught them about the world as I saw it, too. They understand you are evil, and will be the instruments of your demise.”

“Is that so?” Celestia said, almost toying with him. “What you speak of is far more serious than even you imagine, Goldoan. I am quite literally holding this land together. Should someone manage to strike me down- a minimal chance at best- the aftermath will be far worse, this I can promise you. But you needn’t worry. I am confident that all your efforts will amount to naught, as what rebellion could possibly kill a god?”

“It’s been done before.” Spike answered confidently. “Need I give you a history lesson on the Goddess War of Tellius eight-hundred years ago? The wicked goddess of order, Ashera, thought herself invincible much as you do, and had a similar sense of vanity, of holding the world from the brink of chaos. Heroes arose to stop her and succeeded, and now heroes are mounting once again here. Soon, my dear, you will meet the same fate, and there is little you can do to stop it.”

The Queen laughed, a sound that would almost have been genuine and pure had it not come from her. “Well then, I suppose I’d better say my prayers then! I wonder, what would a god pray to? That silly Order group seems to worship a Goddess, perhaps I should look into that?” Spike didn’t seem as amused, and she shook her head to him. “Regardless of what comes to pass in my future, I think you should be more concerned for your own life, don’t you? You do realize I can’t have something as powerful as a rogue Goldoan running around, do you not? Now that I know you are a traitor to me, I’m afraid I am obligated to end your life, useful as you were to me.”

Spike took this as a signal and drew his knives, spinning them at his sides and catching them in battle-ready position. “I’m well aware of that, yes. I’m also aware that I probably can’t deal any lasting damage to you, but I intend to show you now that we will not sit by and let you control us any longer. Even if it costs me my life, I will fight you as long as there is life in my blood.”

Celestia smiled and raised the Blade of Light against him. “If that is your choice, then please, allow me to oblige you!”


Kyle sighed and moved away from the town square, his thoughts racing. Fate had caught up to them, and war was very close on the horizon. Lyra had recommended that anyone with a young family seriously consider escaping the town altogether and hiding somewhere until things died down, but requested that anyone who could and would fight remain. How many townspeople would stay to aid them in the end? Kyle couldn’t guess, but he knew where his path lay. Pinkie would never abandon her friends, or her home, and he would never abandon her. If she were not at stake, he might have considered leaving the Silver Arrows to flee to Ivoire or some other place for his own safety. But as long as he had her to protect, he would remain.

He began walking towards the northern gate, to continue waiting for her to return, but didn’t have to wait long. As soon as he approached, she dashed through and rushed up to meet him, then delivered a tackle-hug that nearly sent him sprawling. He hugged her back awkwardly, and the two began walking away from the gates. “We’re back!” she said happily. “Twi and Max, this friend we made out there, were right behind me, and should probably get here in a few minutes. I just wanted to run ahead to reach you sooner!”

Kyle chuckled along with her. “Wow, uh... thanks! I mean... you did?” Pinkie held up her hands, effectively communicating that she knew what he meant. “So, how did it go? What kind of stuff did you learn? ... Pinkie?”

The girl had frozen in her tracks, her eyes locked on something before them, exactly where Kyle hadn’t been looking. He turned, and saw another girl standing in their path, with fluffy brown hair and a tail and pointlessly little clothing. Neither she nor Pinkie moved, only continuing to stare each other down. Finally, Pinkie broke the silence, her voice uncharacteristically quiet. “You... Winona...”

“It has been quite some time, my friend. Your name is now Pinkie, correct?”

“Shut up!” Pinkie yelled, startling Kyle but not phasing Winona. “What right do you have to call me your friend?!”

Winona made no hostile move, and spoke slowly and deliberately. “I understand your frustration. What was done to you in the early years of New Dawn is absolutely unforgivable. Had I known any better when we were young, I would have confronted my father about it immediately. But do you not remember the few good experiences we had together, as isolated friends? We were inseparable. Do you not trust me when I say that not only I, but my father and everyone else who could have done something, are truly sorry? I know it is not enough to make it up to you alone, but you must know that we regret our actions and would take it all back given the chance.”

“How can you honestly expect me to trust you?” Pinkie shot back. Kyle felt overwhelmed, as he had no idea what the two were discussing, but it was obvious Pinkie was not fond of this girl, at least not anymore. “You kept me as a prisoner, taken away from any family I could have known, treated me like something less than human, used me only as a human weapon! How can I possibly just take your word for it?!”

Winona broke her gaze. “I did not do any of those things. My father and his associates did, and you can take my word for it that they regret it.”

“Well then, why don’t they come here and tell me that to my face?” Winona said nothing, and years of bottled emotion and rage possessed Pinkie beyond her own common sense. She unequipped her spear, dropping it on the ground next to Kyle, and launched herself at the wolf-girl.

Rainbow Dash

“Twilight.” I said, as soon as she came within earshot. Pinkie had passed through only a few moments ago, and I knew Twilight would follow shortly. She stopped short when she saw me, obviously sensing my rage all the way from where she was. I noted that her arm was in some sort of makeshift sling, but didn’t pay it much heed. My grip tightened around the sword at my side.

“Dash, hey.” She said, trying to sound casual. It was clear I had already thrown her off though. Good. Let her be awkward. It’s just like when we first met, but Spike isn’t here to save her this time. “What’s up?”

“Like you don’t know.” I stated flatly. She gave me a confused and concerned look. “Celestia’s just sent a message to the soldiers stationed here. She’s declared war on us, on our whole town.”

Twilight audibly gasped. “Oh, no... Under what grounds? How long do we have?”

I nearly spat, but decided against it. Acting hostile and acting like an idiot were two different things. “Well, wouldn’t you know it, but apparently she knows exactly what we’ve been doing this whole time. She knows about the Elements, and all the efforts we’ve been taking to prepare ourselves to defeat her. Now that she knows we’re this far along, she’s seen it fit to stop us in our tracks. Now, I wonder who could have told her about this? I wonder how she could possibly know all this about us?!”

Realization dawned on Twilight’s face, and she took a cautious step back. Good, she’s afraid of me. “Rainbow Dash, I... I understand what you’re thinking right now. I get it, I’d be angry too. But please, try to calm down and see reason. I know how it must look, but I swear, it wasn’t me. I didn’t say anything to her, I haven’t even given her any real status updates since I got here! Please, Dash, please don’t jump to conclusions...”

“I don’t want to hear it.” I said, waving her aside. “I knew I shouldn’t trust you from minute one, but I had let myself get complacent. All this time that passed, and I was almost ready to trust you, almost ready to really call you my friend. Then you stabbed us all in the back.”

“Dash, please, I swear it wasn’t me-”

Shut up!” I yelled, my temper broken, and lifted my sword over my shoulder. “You expect me to believe that you got that close to Eclipse, returned to Celestia beginning a campaign to destroy us all, and you want me to believe it was someone else’s fault?! You’re too dangerous to let live any longer! Even if I let you go, you’ll just go running back to her and tell her whatever you haven’t already spilled. It’s over Twilight!” Before she could put up any further argument, I flared my wings out behind me and launched at her, sword spinning in vicious arcs behind me.