//------------------------------// // Taken // Story: Pinkie Senseless // by kitkat0528 //------------------------------// I yawn when the door shuts as I'm bouncing back to the cart with a giant cake on top. I love it. Only one more delivery to go before my pie/cake delivering day is over. I'm more tired than usual, but it's understandable. I woke up at 6:30 A.M. and have been delivery pies and cakes all day. I check the time on the delivery cart (it has a built-in clock) and see that it's almost 8:30. Daylight-savings sure makes me crazy. I look to see the sun quickly going down, but the moon slowly coming up. Guess Celestia is eager to make it go down. I wonder why... eh. I yawn again. Then I snap into action and pull the cart to a small cottage. Fluttershy's cottage. I unstrap myself from the cart, grab the final small carrot cake (probably for the son-of-a-you-know-what bunny, Angel. I hope she puts poison in the cake and ends her misery from him) that will soon be Fluttershy's. I knock on the door, it quickly opens. Fluttershy appears. She sighs. "Hi, Pinkie," She says. I smile at her and hand her the cake. She grabs it and thanks me. "It's for angel, he said he wanted carrot cake so... anyway, how are you doing?" Angel pops up from under Fluttershy and grabs the box with the cake. "Hey!" I say. "You don't just steal cake!" Fluttershy waves it off. I huff in frustration for the not-so-angel bunny. "I'm doing great, Flutters! You're actually my last delivery for the day!" I tell her. Fluttershy nods. "Good for you," She says. "I'm sure you're quite tired. I heard that all day long you've been delivering." I nod. Then yawn again, as if my body wants to prove it. Fluttershy and I exchange goodbyes before I leave back to Sugar Cube Corner. When I stop at my destination, it's completely dark. The street lights are on. I park the cart and open the door, the bell chiming. waves at me before turning off the last few lights of the house. She walks up stairs to the rooms, I follow her, but when she stops on the second floor, I advance to the third floor, to my open room. I fall on the bed, sliding up to the pillows before pulling the covers on me, before drifting off into a deep, deep, sleep. I somehow end up in a spa. Relaxing me. I don't know where Rarity is, usually I go with her to this place. I'm in the mud bath. Princess Luna appears next to me. I realize that I am in a dream. Luna smiles. "Enjoying the dream life?" My mind clouds in confusion. "Why are you here?" I ask. Luna frowns. Fear flashes on her face. "I must warn you, don't tell her anything, she wants it, she wants power," She says. "When you hear the voice, think of it. Think hard! She's monitoring me, she won't let me say anything clearly, I'm sorry I must speak in riddles! I'm so so sorry," She starts fading. Her voice becoming distant. "DON'T LET HER HAVE IT! DON'T TELL HER ANYTHING! Do not show fear, Pinkie. DO NOT SHOW FEAR OR PAIN!" She's gone. Her voice repeating. The world starts to crack. It's starts ripping apart. I am waking up. A shiver is sent up my spine. Fear takes over. Luna's words confuse me. Finally, my dream is gone. Darkness surrounds me. Why? I'm awake right? I look around, trying to get my eyes adjusted to the dark, but it doesn't work. I pull my hooves up to rub my eyes, but they don't come. I keep pulling. But they are trapped, cuffed. What the heck? I realize that I'm in a sitting position. A light shines above me. I flinch when it turns on. Luna's words haunt me. What did she mean? I look around to see signs of meaning. All I find is a microphone and what looks like a speaker, oh, and the light. Then look down at me. I'm in a chair. My hooves are cuffed to it. Fear wells up inside me. No. No, no, no. This is all a prank. It's all fine. I look frantically around. "H-hello? Any pony there? Help?" My voice becomes weak. "Rainbow dash? Twilight? Spike? This is just a prank right?" I start to shake. "It's a surprise party. Everyone is going to pop out at any moment right?" I close my eyes, then open them. Nothing happens. No sound. No pony breathing, No rainbow dash's laugh saying, You should have seen your face! God, I hope this is a prank. I start to tremble, them my whole body is shaking rapidly. Nothing. Just the hum of the light bulb above me. I sob. This is just a cruel joke. Just some fillies who don't know what there doing... I can't take it. Tears start pouring out. It's scary. Alone. No pony but me. Just a light and some microphones with a speaker. I sob as loud as I can. Fear and pain and sorrow all well up inside me before I become an outburst. I can feel my mane and tail deflate. Before becoming completely flat. "Why..." I sob as loud as I can, hoping someone can hear my. My ear twitches. My pinkie sense! Somepony is watching me. How? Wait, If I call for help, maybe they can help me! "HELP! I'M LOCKED DOWN HERE! HEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Nothing happens. I hear static from the speaker. I try to get closer, but there's nothing but static. It's hopeless. I'm cuffed to a chair with no hope. I am hopelessly going to die.