//------------------------------// // Pedestal of Los Marcos // Story: Radio Broadcast // by RowanSkie //------------------------------// “Mic test one, two, three. Mic test– Oh, we’re already up? Why didn’t you say so Quiver! Ahem. Welcome to Radio Ponifera, where everypony’s in the vibes! I am Quantum Dazzle, replacing DJ Extra for the minute. Why, you all might ask? She’s sick of the Feather Flu, and this shaggy ol’ radio station is located near Cloudsdale. But wait, you might also ask how me, a wingless earth pony, got a connection here! Well, I have my own radio station down in Ponyville that’s connected to that radio station above!” “So, I can already hear others ask how I am part of this radio channel when I am just a lowly ranch house engineer. Oh, ask the Princesses for that. I can’t answer that question, silly.” “Now, let’s see… DJ Extra’s awesome segment usually had music I relay up to him. So, since she’s sick and I got no new music to show off and I’ve heard how some other ponies wanted new music, and some complained about the periodical classical music mixed between the wub-tastic dubsteps of DJ-P0N3 and the hard metals also of DJ-P0N3. [Crowd Laughter] Those were my music ensembles though. Surprise.” “Now, since we have two hours and I can’t fill them all with just moosical musicky music, I’ll tell you a story my friends and I made up once. It is about a student of Princess Celestia and a wingless horned pegasus. Yes, I know I could just shortcut it into a unicorn but he’s a damned pegasus with no wings, has a horn but no unicorn magic! Impossible, it seems? If you spot a pegasi who never flew or someone who uses magic but wears coats like all the time, go try to ask why. Probably same reason.” “Now, for the story… Oh noes. I don’t have it. [Pinkie Laughter] Lucky break. Now, I have a few letters on my heavy hooves, and I guess, might as well read it instead.” “Let’s see, nope. Nah. Uhm. Meh. Too personal. Not an Q and A. Totally not going to the roleplayer pony league. Aha! Letter from Pipsqueak to the Poniferan Ponies! Let’s see…” “‘Dear Poniferans, I really like the things you broadcast, even if it gets a little bit messy and weird at times.’ Well, we did start this radio channel just for ourselves initially. ‘Especially the segment where the Big Engie gets to tell all the listeners a story which I certainly enjoy. But one thing I don’t understand, why does every story have this pedestal of Los Marcos?’ I’ll answer that later. ‘Anyways, I hope that you continue to keep the vibes up and runnin’. From best fan, Pipsqueak.’” “Well, Pip. I don’t see you with a quill, where’d you get the time? I thought you were busy on your business? Anyways before we get totally awkward and thing that I might be fooling everypony around, I totally liked the part where you liked DJ Big Engie’s segment. If you guys are truly a listener, then let me tell you something. I am DJ Big Engie only during my allocated time. These parts? Oh, they call me Reserve, or Quantum Dazzle.” “Ooh! ‘Shout out to my favorite Ponyvillans and Cloudsdalians! Rainbow Dash here, always rocking even if being Wonderbolt is hard enough.’” … “Alright, time check is noon, particularly 13:37. Get it? Oh, it totally coincided, go check your own clocks for sure.” … “So… Pedestal of Los Marcos. A magic artifact created both by science and magic. Really tough, real creepy, real horrifying. It’s an actual object. [Pinkie Gasp] Should I really tell you how it was created? Hmm? Maybe not. I have one in the middle of my house right now, and I don’t want to tell you how hard it is just to control its powers. Almost killed me a lot of times. It’s also a power generator weaker than electricity. And that’s what you’ll get for this time. I have to take a little break, I don’t actually feel right since I said that time check. Probably because of that pedestal. Maybe the next segment is ready.” Quantum walked out of his radio station room and went towards his living room where a broken pedestal was found in the middle. The pedestal originally had an orb as the head and Quantum’s pedestal had the orb split into two and the column into eight segments in which she colored them in eight different colors. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Black, and White. Quantum picked up the broken pieces and began to rebuild the pedestal. Making sure that the white side is facing him, he placed all of the objects carefully and smiled as he pushed the last piece into position. He dropped his hold and watched as the pedestal fixed itself. Everything around him and the pedestal then exploded out of existence. Everything then came back not on the same way as before as the location of where Quantum stood became a white path. He immediately recognize figures from the other paths. “Ladies, gentlecolt. I am Quantum Dazzle,” he began. “Good afternoon, Quantum.” “Princess Celestia! How nice of you to come into my humble abode.” “Thank you for the greeting. May I come in?” “You may come in.” Celestia entered his house. “You have heard of the World Pedestal, haven’t you?” “A World Pedestal? Huh. Let me check my artifacts.” “Don’t.” “Why, Celestia?” “I cannot risk Equestria falling into chaos.” “Oh. Luckily I just broke my Marken Pedestal.” “What do you mean?” “The Marken Pedestal, the Pedestal of Los Marcos, and the World Pedestal are… One and only.” “What will it do now?” “Try to kill me by making myself suicide.” “That’s…” “Chaos beyond imaginable chaos, Celestia. The pedestal can only be rebuilt when the time is right, or else chaos it brings…” “… It seems like you already know what I will say.” “I did?” “It seems so. Piece of advice, I wouldn’t place it in your home if I were you.” “Why?” “Because with our recent…discoveries, it attracts monsters from the Everfree and Tartarus.” “That explains Twilight’s frequent battles here in Ponyville…” “It also attracts a force I haven’t ever encountered in all of my life.” “Let me guess that. Hmm… Aether.” “Correct once again. Have you been talking to my sister?” “Princess Luna of the South? I have been talking to her later about coping up.” “Is that so? She’s having hallucinations everytime she enters your house.” “Hallucinations…?” “Hallucinations about other worlds.” “That… Oh no.” “What is it, my little pony?” “The universe barriers are thin. Starlight Phoenix is coming. The Darkness… No…” “What are you talking about, Dazzle?” “I apologize for my behavior, but you must leave. I need to relay this to the others. It’s…something nopony should’ve know. Including you, your highness.” “Why?” Quantum was silent. “Why, Quantum Dazzle? What is it that you fear?” “Everything. I too have been seeing visions of the future. This Equestria, along with five other Equestrias, will fall. Luna and I are the only ones who’ll survive…” Celestia gasped. “I am sorry! I should’ve dealt with this! I should’ve thought of an action! I didn’t know tha–” “Calm yourself.” Quantum stopped and took a deep breath. “I… The last time this happened, I was just a little colt trying to get a sense in the world until I was hit with a wrench.” “You…were?” “Yeah. Then I got the wrench and then got myself to build the first car ever. I got my cutie mark afterwards. Everything went awkward afterwards after I learn that I came from a family which directly influenced Equestria…knowing that you were related…” “I just wish this vision of yours never happen.” “Me too.” “Mice test, one, two, three. This is Quantum Dazzle, welcome back to Radio Ponifera. Sorry about my leave, how are you all hanging up? Now, I have some important news. Sorry Princess Celestia, but it has happened…” “The end is near.” “Yes, you heard that right. Lest the rating come down on this channel. The end is near. It won’t end by Discord reigning over or our dearly beloved Princesses going rogue and burning us off the planet. Our end will be a war. War between another version of ourselves. Don’t believe me? Ask Princess Celestia. No wait, not her, Princess Luna. Ask her!” “Some of you Canterlot listeners might already be asking her, so let me tell you a short story of what happened after Equestria was founded. Starswirl the Bearded faced the Sirens, King Sombra, and then Discord. Defeated by Discord, two alicorns defeated her and you know who. But they weren’t blood-related. The truth is, before ponies discovered soon-to-be-Equestria, alicorns lived there trying their best to keep it a paradise. But then they disappeared except for Selena of the South and Sol of the North. Yeah, yeah, connect it, Celestia, Luna, blah blah blah.” “Do you guys hear something? I don’t know. I… I’m ending my segment early, I think I’m hallucinating. Hearing things. Enjoy this new album based on Twilight Sparkle’s early adventures made by Octavia, DJ-P0N3 and the other musicians of Ponyville.”