The Generals Sister

by Shizuo35

Month 1: Night 6: Dream Walking What-If's (Luna's POV)

Luna here. Celestia has been hogging the spotlight for a while with her fat ass. That and... Well not much for me to talk about during the night. Not until tonight! After the concert ended for Scootaloo's birthday I put her to bed along with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Twilight and Shining actually fell asleep in the same bed just going for the sake of what Ryder said about having those moments about someone crawling into bed with him because of a nightmare or something. It was cute seeing them snuggle up together and it made me wish I could do that with Celestia after she sang our mothers lullaby to Scootaloo and me. But.... That didn't stop me. I was a bit tired from being up all day. I had a night guard- which I was surprised to find at Twilight's castle considering she has very few guards about the halls- wake me up in a few hours. I felt warm snuggled up to my sister so closely. A part of me went back to my childhood days when mother would have Celestia share her bed with me. Another part wanted me to just use the toilet and somehow 'forget' to pull my pants off. Lucky me I know not to forget it or mother might have father punish me. Maybe about an hour into my sleep I hear a bit of crying along with some footsteps. I woke up only to see Scootaloo come in in tears and with a stain between her legs. "...Princess Luna...?" She said.

I sat up stretching a bit. "Aw you poor thing!" I said. "What happened? Did you have an accident?" Scootaloo nodded and hugged me.

"....I had a nightmare... about my m-mommy and daddy...." I shivered a bit thinking how Ryder was after the fact of losing his parents. Scared and pissing his pants. A thought came to mind as I held the filly. We didn't have any clean clothes for her and for sleeping I didn't want her to wait too long for new sheets.

"Scootaloo... you poor filly... Here... we're going somewhere you're going to feel more comfortable...." I stood up and let Scootaloo walk along side me. We went outside of my sisters room and into the hall where I see the same night guard I told to wake me standing off to the side. He knelt down seeing me. "You there. Bring a car around and a lock picking kit! I'm having a home commandeered." Scootaloo looked up at me just as the guard nodded and rushed away.

"...W-we're going back to my house...?" I gave a nod and knelt down.

"We're going there because ever since you came to us you've been scared and having accidents a lot... I think its best we find somewhere you're comfortable... I promise to be right there by your side okay?" She sniffled and nodded. I had to get her out of her pants and underwear so she didn't get a rash although I had to wrap her in a towel when I carried her.

As we came out of a bathroom the guard approached us. "Princess! The car and lockpick are ready for you!" He said.

"Thank you. Leave a note for my sister to find so she doesn't go freaking out about this." He nodded and rushed off again. After a while we were out on the road looking for Scootaloo's home. I had given her a small can of soda from Twilight's kitchen just to keep her from nodding off coming from point A and going to point B. I nodded off in my helicopter once. I was down near Appleoosa one day coming back from a little masquerade ball. The AC in the thing wasn't up all the way and I was all tired from a morning of gaming. The combination of the warmth, my dress and the light of day just caused me to fall asleep. I actually had to be carried by stretcher into my room. I looked up the road where I remember being at Ryder's place. Just one house past the only hydrant on the street. "Pull into the driveway at that house right there!" The guard driving saw the house I pointed at. There was a vintage truck in the driveway. Not Rarity's but... The Apple Family truck. What was it doing there I wonder.... My answer came quickly. A light turned on just as the guard in the drivers seat was getting his lock picking kit ready. "Hold thy tools! Someone's inside! It should be empty!" I looked to Scootaloo. "Do you know anyone who would be inside your house while your brother is away?" Scootaloo shook her head scared. Luckily I keep myself armed just like Celestia does. I pull out my own snub nose revolver and get out of the car. "Stay in this car no matter what! I'll give the 'All Clear' sign if it's clear!"

"Yes Ma'am!" The guard said.

I closed the door to the truck and kept my finger near the trigger seeing another light click on. I walked towards the door slowly. Just feet from the door the porch light kicks on and I aim my gun at the door ready to fire. I only know to fire when I feel threatened. The door slowly opened and there I see Big MacIntosh shirtless and looking tired. "...Princess Luna?" He said. "The hell are you doin' here....? Aint you supposed to be with Twilight...?"

I gave a sigh and put my gun back in my bra. "I should be asking you the questions here!" I said. "Why are you in here when you should be at your home?!" He sighed.

"...Aj kicked me out a few days ago... Ryder left us his car keys and house keys so I'm here with my truck just waitin' till I get the okay to get back home... I aint used to this closeness to city streets..."

"Well... May we come in? I've got a guard and Scootaloo here... Poor filly had a nightmare and wet the bed... We actually didn't bring anything for her to change into and I'm sure we forgot her other pants at Sugarcube Corner when we left. I kinda want to move you to a couch or something if that would be okay." He looked at the truck for a moment.

"Alright... Get her... I just wanna get my ass to sleep!" I gave a nod and went back to the truck. I opened the back door to the truck and grabbed Scootaloo who was trying to keep the towel on her as she crawled over to me. I grabbed her and looked to the guard.

"Alright come on in. It's only one of the generals friends!" The guard nodded and stepped out. He closed the door as I rushed inside Scootaloo's home. To think I was walking into a vault of her memories. Big Mac gave Scootaloo a pat on her back just before we went upstairs. I looked to her as I set her down. "You go get into some dry clothes and meet me in your brothers room... I'll be right there for you okay?"

Scootaloo nodded rubbing her eyes. "...Okay..." She said before going into her room. She closed the door behind her. I walked a few doors down to her brothers room. The door was wide open with the light on. I noticed a few drawings on the door. One of Ryder and Scootaloo flying together, one of Ryder, Scootaloo and Dash holding hands and one of Scootaloo saying 'I love you'.

Big Mac came up the stairs and sighed stopping next to me. "...Hurts knowin' Scoot made all those for him..." He said. "...First night I was here I just couldn't help but look those over... Kinda made me think... What if I were in Ryder's position... forced to go to war when all I got is a little sister who loves the hell outta me... He actually had four drawings there.... Must've taken one before he left..."

I sighed and thought a moment. "...well it's always nice to have a memory so you don't get yourself forgetting what you left behind... I should know...." I said using my magic to make a pendant appear in my hand. "...My mother gave this to me years ago before she took the heavens... Every now and again I take it out and just regret my time as Nightmare Moon... My mother would just take this away from me if I had given her the chance but... it reminds me of before I was Nightmare Moon... In my life time I'm just about a few years older than you while Celestia is old enough to be your mother." I actually put my pendant around my neck just to clutch it against my chest.

"...I actually had a nightmare when I went to take a nap the day Ryder dropped his car off... Lied down on the couch and just dreamt the worst thing I could've... Shinin' coming to me with Scootaloo and Cadence askin' us if we can take care of her cuz somethin' happened to Ryder... I turned back inside to get AJ downstairs but... all I see there is a coffin... you-know-who right inside..." I saw tears build up in his eyes and quickly hugged him. He latched onto me faster than Ryder would've in this mood.

"Dont worry... Ryder's going to be fine... He's tough, he can aim, he can protect himself but he's on the back lines controlling everything on the front lines. He's sending supplies, ammo and everything to everyone hopefully bringing peace to a foreign land... Here why don't you just go and get some sleep... You really need it right now. Okay?" He gave a nod sniffling and broke the hug. He only went about a door down because I saw my guard sitting on the couch watching TV. At least he's trained to stay awake during the day and night if needed. Anyways not even a second after Big Mac went into the room I see Scootaloo come out of hers wearing a fresh pair of pajamas clutching an old wolf toy. I picked her up and took her into Ryder's room. Messy as it was with Big Mac being there it was still a bit comforting for Scootaloo. She felt tense coming inside her house but now she's more relaxed. "There we are... You all comfy?" She nodded as I set her in the bed and tucked her in. "Alright.... I'm going to do a bit of dream walking with you so you can get some sleep... Just close your eyes and we shall meet in the dream scape...." Scootaloo nodded and just passed right out. I backed away from the bed and used my magic to create a doorway that connected to Scootaloo's dreams.

As I entered the doorway I see Scootaloo sitting in the dark still dressed in her pajamas and still with her stuffed toy. I thought she would have some sort of problem going on. Then again she wasn't asleep long enough for anything to start up. I had a way to get things started up to recall a dream someone had last. I snapped my fingers and instantly we were in her dream. I picked her up seeing the part that made her have an accident. It was just frozen frame of an alternate ending. It kinda scared me with what I see. Ryder on the floor clutching his chest as a hooded figure stood in the doorway aiming a pistol. Scootaloo's parents were pushed apart on the floor, her mother looking like she was protecting something but each of them had gun shot wounds. "...Th-they would've been dead if.... if I was at home instead of Sweetie Belles..." Scootaloo said. I sighed.

"Now that really isn't true young one... What you dream isn't an alternate reality. What I can show you would be but... lets do something real quick... Your brother was up late and he has to still be asleep." I snapped my fingers and everyone in the frozen dream scape was gone. We looked to the cracked front door and opened it going into what looked to be a playground and it was raining ever so slightly. I huffed. "...This better not be what I think it is..." Scootaloo looked up at me.

"What is it...? Is this my brothers dream...?" I gave a nod as we went deeper into the playground.

"...Your brother had dreams finding himself as a child possibly around six or so. He was so messed up I almost thought I couldn't help him get fixed. Do you know why he was like that?" She shook her head. "He thought it was about missing your parents after they had died but in reality he was still mad that his ex marefriend did it... I understand she used to be a substitute teacher for you... I'm sorry you had to have a monster like that near you..." I looked up stopping at the slide that had about two widths each about a foot and a half long. "Ryder! Come on out I'm here now!"

Scootaloo and I listened closely and heard whimpering. I set Scootaloo down and she went over to the slide. Almost immediately a little Pegasus colt came out wearing little running shoes, a Gems n Tulips tshirt and blue jeans. It was Ryder. I sighed and used my magic to make his dream world disappear and him into his old self. He blushed as Scootaloo ran up and hugged him. "...You too huh sis...?" He said. Scootaloo nodded. I gave a sigh.

"What was your nightmare this time Ryder...?" He looked to me as Scootaloo climbed onto his back.

"...I was seven and I thought mom and dad left me at the park... I got scared and hid under the slide... Seeing Scoot before seeing her meet Gems just made me miss them... It sucks out here... I miss Scoot so much..."

"I know you do Ryder but seems we have a similar problem here.... Both of you miss your parents... I know it happened a while ago but I'm going to show you two what would happen if you had done things differently that day. I've explored an outcome after Celestia called me about Ryder's mental breakdown... I heard Shining Armor in the background screaming to her all freaked out about his friend almost..." I looked to Scootaloo. She was listening. I could see her ears just twitching. Either that or something outside of the dream was happening. I wasn't gonna take any chance with either. I actually covered my mouth with one hand and with my other I drew a circle to my side, opening a little window to see where I had left. Scootaloo was still sleeping snuggly in her brothers bed. I actually brought Ryder over and pointed into it. He looked inside of it and sighed.

"...So precious... How'd you get her into my bed? Don't tell me you made an exact replica for her."

"We uh... We didn't... She had an accident and we didn't have a change of pants for her so we ended up coming here for her to get changed and spend the rest of the night."

I closed the window up and just as I turned around Scootaloo did what was expected. "....What happened Ryder....?" She asked. "... did something happen while I was out of the house....?" I looked back and saw Ryder just trying to keep everything back.

"... Perhaps I've said too much....?"

Ryder gave a nod and set Scootaloo down. He sat down and put his sister in his lap. "...Scoot... I think it's about time you know..." He said. "...When I was in jail Shining thought it was a good idea to put me through a bit of guard training.... He put me inside of a shooting range with a gun.... With what I saw and what was going through my mind I.... I almost killed myself... Everyday since then I've had you and him to thank for giving me a reason to keep going strong..." He sobbed a bit as he clutched Scootaloo. I sighed and dropped to my knees next to him.

"....I apologize Ryder.... I forgot there was a child here.... I-I can give a new gun or get you a new game each and every time it comes out!" He wiped his eyes and looked up at me.

"...No... It's fine.... I was thinking about telling Scoot after I got home...."

Scootaloo looked up at me. She looked a bit scared. "....Well... aren't you gonna show us the different thing....?" She asked. I gave her a nod. "Good... I didn't want to hear what I just heard...."

I sighed. "Understood...." I said standing up. "I'm going to break it up into a few parts starting with the morning. Since I have both of your minds connected I can get the memory out flawlessly. Dreams and memories go hand in hand. I can basically extract a memory and copy it to one I can alter. This is going to be a situation if Berrie was teaching the class still while the regular teacher was out. Ready?" They both stood up and gave a nod. I made a bubble around us with my magic before putting up the dream scenario. I put us in the car Ryder had. We were real small compared to everything. We actually sat on Ryder's shoulder as he drove. Scootaloo sat in the back wearing that blood orange shirt and grey hoodie.

We just had to sit back and listen to everything. Ryder looked back at Scootaloo. "Is Miss Cheerilee back at school or is Miss Berrie still there?" He asked. "Since AJ and I have a date I kinda wanna see if Berrie at least wants to be friends.... I mean.... I think I saw her car drive past Sugarcube Corner last night... The way she sped past makes me think she might be mad or something..."

Scootaloo huffed. "...Why are you wanting to talk with her?" She asked. "Mom told you to stay away from her! She's mean! She actually kept me in class during lunch to talk to me about you the day you nearly wrecked into her! If you should talk to her about anything it should be that crap!" Ryder quickly turned the wheel throwing the bubble we were in aside. Lucky this was of the gyroscopic nature keeping all of us upright. The wheels screeched to a halt throwing us onto the dashboard. I huffed and snapped my fingers fusing us to the dash. Motion sickness works with both real life and dreams for me. Anyways Ryder looked back at Scootaloo who cowered seeing her brothers face.

"SCOOTALOO DONT YOU DARE USE THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE! I don't care what mom and dad say about it but I'll spank you if I have to! Trust me you'd rather have me do that than to taste liquid soap!"

I looked to Ryder. "Did your mother actually squirt liquid soap into your mouth when you swore?" I asked. He nodded. I actually know the taste of that horrid tasting soap. I lathered my hands up one day and actually forgot about it for a moment when I saw a bit of food in between my teeth. Worst day here in Equestria. Well... worst day since I got back from the damned moon... baron friggen wasteland. I was freezing but I was kept in some sort of stasis prison. I was fed and held captive there for a thousand years... one thousand horrible years....

Scootaloo squealed hiding her face with her back pack. "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY PLEASE DONT TELL MOMMY!" She yelled.

Ryder huffed. "I wont tell her IF you promise never EVER to say that stuff again!" He snapped. "You got me?" Scootaloo nodded scared. Ryder sighed as he got the car moving again. "...Look Scoot.... I'm sorry for yelling at you.... I'm still kind of emotional from last night... Just having Applejack mend my heart helps me so much... a few days ago I don't think I would've even gotten myself up to even eat... But... gotta say you've had a bit of an impact on that too... Your drawings actually make me smile.... You think maybe you and I could sit down together and draw pictures for each other?" He glanced into the rearview mirror. We could only look at Scootaloo almost in tears just scared. "Please...? I want to spend more time with my little sister... Mom wanted me to do that but I was just too scared of Dad judging me... Dad gave me so much trouble the first day I moved back in I almost wanted to leave the same day.... Dad just had that look like he wanted me out in the back yard.... Glad mom wants me inside... friggen feathers are going crazy... storms coming."

I looked to Ryder again. "Can thy really feel a storm brewing in your wings?" I asked. Sorry there are so many things I didn't know about Ryder and his family. He gave a nod just hugging his little sister. "Well... You aren't the only one feeling things in their wings. I can sense dream trouble in my wings and my feathers are going insane." Anyways I paused the dream for a moment to say that. I started the dream up again.

Scootaloo sighed. "...yeah... I'm sure you can get me after my homework's done..." She said kinda sadly. "...I'm sorry if I said that.... Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were teasing me again... they were out at the park when me and Sweetie Belle were waiting for someone to give us a ride home." As I said: This is an alternate reality if things had been done differently. "...Can you please just talk to Ms. Berrie about both things....?"

Ryder sighed. "...sure Scoot..." He said. "...I can fit both of what I gotta say into a bit of time before I head to work...." Eh... I could've sat through this but he still had to get Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

I gave a huff and sent us back to a blank dream scape. "There.... a morning drive revealed things about stress on both of your lives..." I said. "Now.... I'm going to skip ahead to the meeting with Berrie. Ryder you stay calm and Scootaloo there isn't anything to be scared of." Ryder nodded holding Scootaloo close. I snapped my fingers and our bubble popped sending the mist around us to create the class room. Berrie sat at a desk. Last I actually saw of her was when Ryder and I were in Father's domain.

Ryder, Scootaloo and I sat at the desks just as a knock came to the door. Berrie looked to the door as she set down a pen. "Come in!" She said. The door opened and in walked Ryder looking kind of nervous. Berrie sighed seeing him. "What the hell are you doing here? I don't want to see your face again! I thought you still wanted to be with me! You say you were going to meet me for coffee but you end up not doing shit about it and then I see you outside Surgarcube Corner with that Applejack bitch? What are you doing that I don't know about?"

Ryder huffed and sat down on the desk. "Okay one, Applejack is not a bitch!" He snapped. "And second you should be glad I came over here! I actually want to talk to you about a few things... one of which being between us... You gonna listen or am I going to have to go to the principal to see if you get fired?" Berrie huffed standing up.

"Fine! Flatter me see if I care!" Ryder got up from the desk.

"Alright... first off a little matter of a few students... Yesterday when Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were going home Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were harassing her again. She doesn't feel comfortable going anywhere with Silver and Diamond walking around. Is there anyway you could maybe give her a ride home or at least drop her off at Sugarcube Corner? And maybe the thing that'll get you to agree with me.... Yes I wanted us to be together but... I got to thinking and.... maybe you and I can be friends. We've known each other for a while but not enough to be sending pictures to each other... You're a teacher for Celestia's sake and I'm working in a bakery where kids come to a lot. I'm positive if someone employing us saw the pictures we'd be fired on the spot. Besides... Mom says jealousy ruins things faster than secrets that are kept... So do we have a deal?" Berrie looked like she was taking a moment to think. She averted her gaze looking to us like we were supposed to give her a line in a play. In this reality she was imagining her students looking to her. She looked back to Ryder.

"...You know... You're right... I'll bring Scoot by after the bell lets out. Just uh.... maybe let your sister know as well as your parents that I'm doing this.... maybe give your mother a thought of giving me another chance...." Ryder smiled and gave a nod before giving Berrie a hug. I looked to my Ryder. He just looked like he didn't care. He isn't mad or sad he just doesn't care. He's over Berrie duh. Scootaloo kinda whimpered a bit just looking sad.

I stopped everything around us and brought her into my lap. "Aw what's wrong sweetie?" I asked.

Scootaloo latched onto me. "...Th-things would be better... we'd still have mommy n daddy..." She said. I sighed giving her over to her brother.

"No actually... Things get a bit worse... I'm not going to say how but they do. Stand up please." I stood up and helped Ryder stand with Scootaloo staying close to him. We walked past Berrie and the dream Ryder and go out the door immediately outside in front of all the students. I looked down the road and pointed towards a dirt bike. "Do you see who that is Ryder?"

Ryder gave Scootaloo to me as I gave him a pair of binoculars. He looked through them down the road. "...Okay that's AJ on her motorbike..." He said. "...what's she doing here?" He looked to me. "You mind starting it up and fast forwarding to when she gets here? I don't want to hear the chatter of these kids. I'm pretty sure that little snot nosed runt Snips tries to act like he's the coolest thing ever... Scoot you tell me if that little jerk tries to hit on you. I'll set him straight." I let Scootaloo stand on her own as I snapped my fingers. The dream started up but... I didn't fast forward.

"Sorry Ryder but you've got to take a look into the crowd of children. I muted their chatter for you..." Why do we talk about it like it's a movie? Because its kind of like one. I have full control over the dream realm, showing past memories, alternate realities and parts of futures. I choose not to show futures often because... well... Long ago I showed someone their future if they kept up a way of living but I didn't have a chance to show them what would happen if they did something else and... it wasn't pretty. Anyways we all looked to the crowd of children and saw a circle in the middle. I created a platform under us and lifted us up a few feet. There in the middle we saw Scootaloo in the middle of the circle on her knees covering herself with an empty water bottle near by on the ground. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle came over tried helping her up but she pushed them away and knocked Applebloom in the nose a bit causing her to fight with her friend. I watched as Applejack pulled up and hurried up pushing through the children. At the same time the dream Ryder came out of the front and pushed his way through the children as well. They met in the middle where they pulled their sister's away from each other shocked.

I unmuted Applejack, Ryder and their sister's only. "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" Applejack yelled. "I come here to give you your lunch money and this is what I find you doin'? I oughta tan your hide right here and now girl!"

Applebloom pulled her arm away. "Scootaloo started it!" She snapped.

Scootaloo tried struggling away from her brother to attack Applebloom again. "ME?! YOU SHOULD KNOW I DONT WANT TO BE GRABBED LIKE THAT!" She yelled. She looked at her brother and rammed him where it hurts causing him to let her go. She pounced on Applebloom and started to punch her repeatedly. I snapped my fingers to fast forward maybe to about twenty minutes later.

Applejack and Ryder were on separate sides of the front of the school talking with guard's just outside their trucks. Each with bruising to their faces. Ryder's actually looked a bit bloody. All it was now was a frozen picture as I lowered our platforms. "If you're wondering what happened here the fight escalated quite a bit." I said walking to the truck on Applejack's side. "During the fight Ryder, you and AJ had to pull your sisters away again and had the principal call some guards. Now here each little filly is going to be hauled off to spend a full day in juvenile hall. Not to mention things between you and Applejack have ceased because of this fight. Each of you blame each other's sister for the fight because you had the same story about your sisters being 'the good filly'. Now because of this you have a feud with the Apple Family. Big Mac, Applejack AND Applebloom. That little filly hates Scootaloo for hurting her after trying to help her." I looked back at Scootaloo. "From what I saw at your birthday party you and Applebloom are really close aren't you?" Scootaloo nodded. "...well you both would've lost someone important to you. Ryder loses a new marefriend and Scootaloo loses a good friend... well... Both you and Applebloom lost Sweetie Belle's friendship. She feels real friends shouldn't fight each other and since you two fought you shouldn't even be friends at all." I see the look on Scootaloo's face turn from hurt to downright sad. She buried her head into her brother's shoulder.

I made everything disappear and we now stood in darkness yet again. Ryder looked to me as he consoled his sister. "...So... if I had made friends with Berrie I'd lose AJ as a marefriend....?" He asked. I gave a slight nod. "Wow.... We should be lucky for what we got now..."

"Yes but... I'm afraid it gets worse...." I snapped my fingers and another scene appeared before us and putting us in a bubble again. This time I've got it tethered to one point so we wont be thrown around again. This time we were at Ryder's home. "This would've been about the time you had just gotten to work Ryder but Applejack called Pinkie Pie up and had Mr. Cake fire you for being late. Let's watch everything play out here." I started up the dream and Ryder's car pulled up. Ryder stepped out looking defeated. His mane was a mess, he had stains of what looked to be flour and a bit of chocolate milk. He had tears in his eyes as he walked from his car towards his front door. I had the bubble follow him inside.

Inside we see him go upstairs and having him stop at his door seeing a note taped to it reading 'Trouble Inside'. He sighed and opened it to reveal his parents looking quite mad. His father charged him and swept his leg throwing him to the ground. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He yelled. "I cant believe you do this to your own sister! Sending her to juvenile hall?! I SHOULD GUT YOU RIGHT NOW!"

Ryder pushed his father off him and pinned him. "SHE DESERVED IT!" He snapped. "THAT GIRL WOULD NOT STOP HITTING MY NOW EX MAREFRIENDS LITTLE SISTER! A GROUNDING AND A SPANKING WOULDNT HAVE CUT IT!" Ryder's father gave Ryder a devastating hook nailing him in the jaw. I glanced over at Scootaloo and saw Ryder hiding her face away from the horror we were looking at. I looked back to see both Ryder and his father fighting just punching the crap out of each other.

Ryder's mother ran up and kicked her husband off her son. "BOTH OF YOU STOP!" She yelled. "RYDER YOU GET YOUR ASS UP AND START PACKING! I DONT WANT YOU IN THIS HOUSE IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE THROWING YOUR SISTER IN JAIL AND FIGHTING WITH YOUR OWN FATHER!" She let Ryder get up on his own but yanked up her husband who was holding a bloody nose. "AAAND YOU! Once Scootaloo gets back I want you out too! You have no right to beat our son like that even after what he did! You touch him one more time and I'm calling the guard!" She looked into Ryder's room. "Same goes to you! You touch your father and I'm getting the guard!" Ryder said nothing as he pulled out his phone. We floated over his shoulder and saw he was calling Dash. He sat on his bed starting to sob a bit. He put his phone up to his ear.

I amplified the sound of the phone so we could hear everything. The phone buzzed for maybe a second and clicked. "Ryder? What the hell are you doing calling me?" Dash asked. "And why are you crying? You get fired or something?"

Ryder sniffled. "...Y-yes.... AJ got me fired from Sugarcube Corner...." He said. "....Sc-scoot and Applebloom g-got hauled off to juvi... M-mom and dad are kicking me out.... I.... I have no where to go... no one to hold.... what kinda guy am I....?"


"THEY WOULDNT STOP HITTING EACH OTHER! Applejack and I tried keeping them both apart and they just wouldn't stop! ....w-we had someone call the guard and... I just.... C-can I just please stay at your place....? ....just take me away from all this crap.... please.... I cant do this.... I know I messed up...." Dash sighed.

"...At least you're honest.... I'll give you a spot over here but I want you to at least apologize to your little sister for doing that. You at least try and find a job yourself. I'm not helping with that got it?"

"...Y-yyeah... just... help please... get someone to help... I cant do this on my own...."

"Sure Ry... I'll try and see if Pinkie could help... She hates seeing someone crying even if it was somewhat her fault... Just try and hold out..."

I sighed and stopped everything. I looked to Ryder and Scootaloo who were almost in tears. "...Things get perpetually worse from here..." I said. "...After you move out Ryder, your mother divorces your father and he ends up going back to his drag racing. With only your sister left your mother moves to Baltimare with her not telling anypony. In the Apple family home AJ goes into a deep depression and started to drink her pain away which ends up getting her hospitalized after Big Mac is arrested after he beats her during one of her drunken rampages forcing the guard to take Applebloom into an orphanage. Sweetie Belle wanting to get back with her friends tries to see where her friends are. No pony answers the door at either home causing... problems... she goes missing and is never found.... Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are surprisingly broken about it thinking the worst of all three of the crusaders... the only good thing to come out of this is they become better fillies and start helping other cutie mark seekers find what they're good at...."

Ryder set Scootaloo down and she came over to me. "...So... I'd have no friends and only mommy.... AND I'd be somewhere away from Ryder and Rainbow Dash....?" She asked. I gave a nod. "...So... mommy and daddy dying was keeping me and my friends together... and keeping Ryder happy....?" I nodded again.

"Things are better with friends.... Friends consoling you about the loss of your parents is better than being a hoodlum driven by the loss of friends... Now... I think it might be time for you guys to go back to your own dream realms. Scootaloo... I'll be with you in a minute after I do something with your brother. Alright?" Scootaloo gave me a nod and I gave her a hug which Ryder joined in on. He kissed his sister's forehead and just as we broke the embrace I sent her back to her own dreamscape. It brought a tear to my eye because... well... "Ryder... there's more to what Scootaloo saw.... I spared her everything that would've put her over the edge.... You're strong enough to control yourself from what you had gone through already to get where you are.... Killing Berrie, seeing the corpses of your parents... it was proven when you were told to shoot yourself. Do you promise what I'm about to show you never leaves your lips to anyone but me?"

Ryder saluted. "Yes Princess. My lips are as sealed as evidence bags!" He said. "You have my word!" I smiled a bit.

"At ease then General. Now... be prepared." We both took deep breaths as I changed our environment to Rainbow Dash's home. Dash was frozen on the couch playing some sort of game on Ryder's C-Sphere. I sighed and just looked up the stairs. "...Go to Dash's guest room... that's where you are right now..." He gave a nod and started climbing the steps. He stopped about half way up and looked down at me.

"...Arent you coming?" I shook my head because I knew what was up there already. He continued and I just... I just started tearing up. If things had gone this way.... Ryder would've been able to take the job my father offered him. Rarity would've met him at the world in between only to find Sweetie Belle where she was going... it was really hard for me to show Ryder this. When I explored this option I nearly got sick. Saw death and destruction there after.... without Rarity, Equestria falls into the hands of Changelings. Celestia and I would've been captured and.... you can guess what happened soon after. Ryder comes back down from the stairs with a scared look on his face. I hugged him not even daring to go into detail about what else I had said.

"...I'm sorry... things are better the path you have taken.... You're lucky Scootaloo didn't see what you saw.... She'd want you home faster than anything..." I broke the hug and backed away from him. "Here... let me do something for you.... I'm sorry you had to see what you saw.... Dash didn't even know until maybe until her game crashed." Ryder sighed looking back at the TV.

"...She always did like playing Battle of the Realm for a long time. Lucky my C-Sphere goes for a while before freezing.... So... what were you going to do for me?" I snapped my fingers and everything disappeared. I then put us into another dream scape that was just all too familiar. An Apple Orchard that went on infinitely for ever and ever. I took Ryder's hand and walked him through the tree's towards a clearing where we both see Applejack in a bikini sunbathing while there's another Ryder, shirtless in a G-string serving her a margarita garnished with an apple. I snap my fingers and the 'sexy' Ryder was gone.

Applejack looked around and covered herself seeing me and Ryder standing there blushing. "Oh uh... H-how much didja see...?" She asked getting up from her seat.

I snapped my fingers and put Ryder into a male swim suit and kept him out of the G-string... jeez... "Long enough to know you like things like this!" I said with a little chuckle as Ryder yelped covering himself. I snapped my fingers again giving him his clothing back. I looked to him. "Just a little joke. Celestia told me to do something to you in your dreams but I lie to her. Think I've got something to actually tell the truth about." I looked back to Applejack as my laugh died down. "Don't worry, we wont say anything. I thought I'd bring Ryder to visit... He might have a little something to say from a dream I showed him."

Ryder sighed and stepped forward. "AJ.... I know we both wish that hell of a night didn't happen because of the things that happened but... it's better that way than what I saw..." He said. "...I'm glad you and I are what we are because if not.... I'dve had everyone at your place turned against me.... I just.... I love you AJ...."

Applejack gave him a warm smile and hugged him giving him a kiss. She broke the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes. "...I love you too Sugarcube...." She said. She looked over at me. "...Princess if ya can... Tell Celestia I wanna come n visit that lil filly we just had a birthday party for... Speakin' of which how's the little darlin' sleepin?"

I huffed. "She's sleeping well." I said. "I had to bring her to her home for a bit of comfort... I understand you threw Big Mac out?" She nodded. "...I suggest you let him back in and never fight with him..... if you do don't drink or throw him out. Bad things might happen..." She gave a nod. After that I let everyone go to their own dream scapes I returned to Scootaloo's to see her looking at a TV that had pictures of her and her friends going by. "Loving the life you have with your friends?"

Scootaloo looked up at me having tears in her eyes. "...Yes..." She said. "... Maybe you can take me to visit my mommy and daddy....?"

I gave a smile and snapped my fingers giving her a blindfold and instantly the world started to change around us and we appeared in the realm of my mother sitting in Scootaloo's home model. I forget if Celestia told me this or if I experienced it first hand Ryder looked at everything changing and it threw off his equilibrium and confused him. I came here to visit after that and she says when some ponies come to her they're the same way but some just get so freaked out about it they forget how they died. Most of them are fixed by mother. Anyways not even a second later I grabbed Scootaloo and held her just as my mother flashed in. "Ah... I see there's a little visitor here to see somepony." Mother said. I removed Scootaloo's blindfold smiling. "Don't worry I know you and Celestia are taking care of this little one... I actually have a little gift for her."

Scootaloo and I looked to each other surprised. I had no knowing of this and I think Celestia didn't either. My mother created a little necklace It had a golden chain with a little heart locket on it. She put it around the little filly's neck and opened it. Inside I see a family picture. Scootaloo, Ryder, their parents and Rainbow Dash. "...Wow.... it's amazing..." I said. I looked to Scootaloo. "Is there anything you want to say Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo nodded and reached for my mother. Mother took her from my arms and held her. Scootaloo hugged mother. "Thank you!" She said. I wiped tears from my eyes seeing a smile on her face.

"...Mother that is so sweet... What gave you the thought of it?"

Mother looked to me keeping Scootaloo's head on her shoulder. "....I saw her brother had handed her over to you and Celestia and saw how she cried... I felt bad..." She said. "I thought I'd give her something to give her something to smile at if she's ever sad. I actually enchanted this locket to change to a good memory every time it's opened. I'm sure she knows to hold on to the good memories and not everything else."

"...She's a strong one with her brother by her side... even stronger with her friends... Maybe her final birthday present can be time with her parents... this one can be from her brother... I'm not taking credit for this...."

"I agree... perhaps in a supply drop you can give him this..." She waved her hand and a little dog tags appeared. One with his name and other things on it, one with a call sign 'RUSH' and a custom one with a few images on it. Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, Applejacks cutie mark all on a purple and orange tag. "Reminds him of all the things he has in Equestria... the colors for his sister, the cutie mark of his cousin and his lover.... all of which will give him strength to keep fighting as long as possible. He's a fighter that can negotiate peace in any situation..." I took them and put them in a bubble. I even opened a window just the right size of the bubble. I looked out into it and saw Scootaloo's locket around her neck in the real world. I looked to my mother and didn't see the locket around Scootaloo's neck.

"Mother d-did you just...?" She smiled and gave a nod. Mother has a 'slight of hand' when it comes to transporting gifts of the heaven while father is lazy and either delivers or when I bring who ever around him. He gave Ryder that ability of that mega nutshot from Alley Brawlers. That combo is the hardest to do. Took forever to even finish his arcade mode. Anyways... Scootaloo spent time with her parents and I must say this was a good thing I did. I mean... A good thing Ryder suggested. I even had mother give Scootaloo some crayons and a paper for her to draw a picture for her parents. Twas a cute and relaxing thing for her to do. When it was time to wake her up I almost wanted to stay longer but I had to get her back to being awake. She and I were tearing up just before I brought us back to her dream scape and opened my doorway back to the bedroom leaving her inside her dream scape. For me it's maybe a couple hours but for who I'm dream walking with it's almost the whole night.

I saw Scootaloo sleeping peaceful. I felt a mixture of depression, confusion and relief. I had possibly kept her bed dry for a while. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was three in the morning. I had one missed call notification from my sister timed at two ten. Aproximately the time around the fight with Ryder's father and Ryder. She left a message too. I called my voice mail and tapped into my sister's message. Immediately when I started it up I heard crying. Sweetie Belle. "Sister where are you and Scootaloo?!" She snapped sounding a bit scared. "Rarity's little sister had a guard wake me up because Scootaloo wasn't in her bed! I've got your note you left but Sweetie thinks some kidnapper left it! You're lucky Applejack's little sister sleeps like a rock or else I'd have two crying fillies on my hands! If you get this message Call Shining Armor! I'm having him stay up with Sparkplug! It's either I get a calm filly or i'm getting patrols out to look for a guard vehicle in the ONE FRIGGEN PLACE to raid and I do not give one care in the world if it is Ryder's home!"

I sighed hanging up and immediately called Shining's phone. I stepped out into the hall and closed the door as the phone buzzed. It took a moment for it to click. I heard a yawn on the other side. "...Princess... finally you called...." I hear Shining Armor say. " you know the panic you caused Sweetie Belle? She wakes up from a nightmare and wants to crawl in bed with her friend but finds nothing but a stripped bed. She had to get in bed with Twilight while I'm up with Sparkplug trying to get you to call..."

I huffed. "I didn't know something like that would happen!" I said softly to keep from waking Scootaloo and Big MacIntosh. "Besides I was doing something with Scootaloo to get her to sleep soundly! Not to mention the horrors she had to face in her nightmare had me show her what her life would be like if what happened at this house didn't happen! Do you want me to show you what happened? I can tell you now you would've been scared out of your bed and boxers and into diapers! Now you go to sleep and let me conduct my business. I'll bring Scootaloo back in the morning and come with Big MacIntosh. He's apparently sleeping here at Ryder's home. Now goodbye!" I hung up my phone and sighed putting it back in my bra before teleporting out onto the roof. I just looked up at the sky wondering different things about different lives... even my own... I'm not considering offing myself but another what if moment. What if Nightmare Moon had plunged the world into eternal darkness? Would she have kept Celestia alive? What if Celestia hadn't found the members of the Elements of Harmony holders? Would she use the EoH again? Would Nightmare Moon stay on the moon for more time? Thoughts kept crossing my mind as I gazed at the stars and the moon with my devilish self's imprint on it. Right now I wouldn't know what to think other than to explore friend and family differences on my own time.

I sat on the rooftop for possibly an hour before going back inside. I went into the kitchen where my guard was sitting having a bit of a snack. He made himself a sandwich. He looked up at me as I went to the cupboards grabbing myself a tiny bag of chips. "Is everything alright Princess?" He asked softly. I sighed.

"Yeah... Things are fine... I just wanted to do a bit of thinking..." I looked to him and sat down at the table. " doing okay? No little uncertainties about things?" He shook his head. "Oh... I would've thought with a new environment and a random stallion here you'd be stuck by my side like we were bonded by super adhesive..." He huffed as he set what he had left of his sandwich down.

"At first I wanted to arrest that stallion for being here but.... you disarmed yourself risking your own life and he didn't attack once or even try to hurt that filly.... Just went back to sleep on the couch... fell hard too..."

"Well... he wakes up early but he was maybe asleep for an hour or so... Maybe you can go back to the castle... I've got a few things I want to do before the morning light." He gave me a nod and possibly about fifteen minutes after he had finished his snack he was on his way out. I made sure everything was all locked up and made my way to Scootaloo's room. Half of her dresser drawers were open, toys littered the floor along with dirty clothing and a few bags Scootaloo must've tried packing before leaving for Canterlot with her brother. I picked up a satchel with buttons from Gems n Tulips and looked inside. It was almost empty other than a picture she must've meant to give Ryder. It was a picture of Ryder in his guard armor giving a thumbs up. Crudely drawn as it was it was cute. I took it and folded it up before bubbling it. I wanted to deliver it to Ryder in a supply drop with his tags from mother. I brought the bubble back into Ryder's room and put it next to the other bubble before lying down in the bed with Scootaloo to nap some more. I slept about an hour until I was woken up by a ray of sunshine through the window. Curtains normally helped me with staying asleep but this was a hell of a lot of help.

I let Scootaloo sleep some more and went out of the room only to see Big MacIntosh coming out of the bathroom with a tooth brush in his mouth. He quickly spat into the sink and looked back to me. "Oh uh... Mornin' there Princess..." He said. "Scoot sleep okay?" I nodded as I leaned against the door jam.

"...She still is sleeping... Listen Big Mac I want to talk with you about something... About Ryder and you...." He looked to me confused.

"Well uh... sure but.... can it wait a moment? Morning duties..." I blushed and gave a nod stepping back.

"I'll be down stairs when you're done here alright?" He nodded and I left him in there only to have him leave it five minutes later. I sighed as he descended the stairs. "Come Big Mac... sit." He looks at me a bit worried as he sits next to me on the couch.

"Is everythin' okay....? Ryder aint... y'know... is he?"

"No no he's very much kicking! Trust me you'd be one of the first ones to know. I want to know somethings I've got on my mind... First off.... you and Ryder are good friends right...?" He nodded.

"He n I are closer together than he n Shinin' are."

"Ah... that's good. Say if Ryder was contemplating something.... would you try and talk him out or down if you had to?" He nodded again.

"I had him over with his sister after... y'know... AJ said he was talkin' in his sleep about wanting to off himself.... We try keepin' him goin' with everything we got... hell.... I'd give that boy my truck if'n he ever needed to... I'd even sleep on the damn couch just so he n his sister could have a bed...." I saw tears build in his eyes and hugged him shushing him.

"There there... I see you and Ryder are all good... I had to show him something last night about something where if his parents had lived.... it wasn't good..." I let him sit back on the couch. "Here... why don't you call Applejack up and have her meet us at the castle? I'm gonna get Scootaloo up so she can get dressed. I promise it wont be long." He gave a nod and I ended up going back up stairs. I actually hesitated on waking the sleeping filly because she looked very peaceful. Not to mention it was still early. I did it the gentlest thing I could. Use my magic to lift the filly up gently and brought her around to her room changing her into jeans and a little long sleeve. When I used my magic like this it keeps who ever I use it on asleep if they're already sleeping and it puts them to sleep if they're awake. Sometimes it's a deep deep sleep, others it's almost a nap. Scootaloo is one of those sleepers in between. She sleeps heavy but shifts in her sleep when disturbed. She didn't wake up. I held her to where she had her head on my shoulder and clung to my neck.

Scootaloo clung to me the entire time as I shrank the bubbles down to a reasonable size. I had Ryder's tags and the little drawing sitting in a bag I had borrowed from Scootaloo's room. I lied Scootaloo in Big MacIntosh's lap as he drove while I rode in the back. As dangerous as it was I enjoyed the ride. When we got to the castle we stopped out front so I could grab Scootaloo. It was amazing she slept the whole way here. Even when Big Mac and I went up into the castle. We managed to get to Celestia's room unnoticed. Inside we saw Celestia with an adorable looking Sweetie Belle wearing a diaper and a shirt. Secrets here, Sweetie Belle after the sleep over in Canterlot had gone and wet her bed a few times during one night. Now she's gotta be padded every time she's scared and somewhere else. I guess Twilight had some padding on standby. Speaking of Twilight just as I left the room I saw Big Mac speaking with her. She noticed me and gave me a stern look. "Princess Luna there you are!" She said. "I woke up to Sweetie Belle in Celestia's bed, no Scootaloo and no you! What happened?!" I huffed.

"Look I'm sorry!" I said. "I was worried! Scootaloo had a nightmare and I had to do my job! I work better when somepony is in an area familiar to them. I had no idea Sweetie Belle would freak out! Punish me if thy must but expect a nightmare in return!"

Big MacIntosh got between me and Twilight. "Hold on you two no one aint in trouble!" He said. He looked to Twilight. "You listen here now, would you wanna be pissin' yourself in bed and maybe be wakin' up only to find yourself sitting in your brothers room with every one of your friends seein' that?" She shook her head. "Well not only was she protectin' Scoot from her dreams she hid her away from being embarrassed in front of her friends!" He looked to me. "Princess if you start givin' nightmares to somepony who don't deserve em I got a feelin' your 'evil side' is gonna bring it's ugly head back around. That happens we're all gonna be pissin' ourselves for days to come!"

Well... he did have a point there.... Maybe the first few days I was in equestrian again I started feeling the urges to spread nightmares amongst the little colts and fillies. Celestia caught me in the middle of one of my rants to a guard who basically swore to secrecy. She punished that guard by making him mop the dining hall and her room. What happened to me was she slapped me and hugged me saying she didn't want to lose me again. I managed to pull myself away from my bad thoughts with a thing that causes nightmares about bringing Nightmare moon back and losing more than anything. Anyways after breakfast I ended up passing out after being up all of yesterday and the entire morning and night. Last I saw Scootaloo was up and spending a bit of time with Sparkplug. Twas cute seeing her smile. I even let my sister know of the drop of a new set of tags with his sisters drawing and of Scootaloo's gift from mother. Thou should hope Ryder doesn't mess up and do something bad...