//------------------------------// // Uninvited Guests // Story: Unholy Unions // by Hordaks Pupil //------------------------------// Danny Phantom: Unholy Unions Chapter I: Uninvited Guests Vlad "Finally,” I walked through the vortex and smiled. I have searched countless realms and now my goal is at hand. The sound of armor clanking on the marble floor alerts me to company. A group of gaurds surround me ordering me to stand down. “I don’t think so,” I fire an ecto dart at them forcing them to scatter. I go to move but am locked in a cage, “In the name of the princess…,” I form a tiny ectobomb in my hand and throw it down forcing them to break the spell. More of them rush toward blasting me with energy. While they are busy I sneak up and capture their leader. He demands that let him go. “I don’t think so,” I envelope him a cocoon of ectoplasm. “Now if you want to live I advise you to stand down.” He looks at me and then to his men. Something about his expression is off. I place hand on the slime prison sending a painful shock into his body. I warn that I don’t like being played and if he wants to live he will do as I command. He sighs and order his men to retreat. “Now if could point me to where this can be found,” I show him a picture of what I am seeking. hhe points down the hall. “Thank you so much, taa,” I teleport into another room; this one was empty save for a white pedestal with a wooden box sitting atop it. Something in me told me that I was close to my goal. I reach out to touch it but blue glowing chains wrap around me. “You shall go no further,” a female voice shots as two blue eyes shine in the darkness. I plead with her saying I am only a mere patsy. She seems to think it over giving time to counter her. I blast her with a ectobeam sending her flying across the room. I phase my hand through the box pulling out a silver and red broche with a red jewel in the middle. I am about to place it on me when the doors swing open and a bright light floods the room. “You may have fooled my gaurds sister but will not trick me!” a pair of magenta eyes shine fierce. I cast a shield over my eyes and fire at her. “Now to see what this can do,” I think of her helpless and a attack. A beam hits her square center forcing her to collapse “Not bad. I am so sorry but I must be going,” I tell her bowing. “I need to find someone to help run this place.” I look down at my toy, “and you argentine friend will help me.” Twilight Sparkle My heart beats wild as my hoofsteps echo throughout the street. I had been down this way a thousand times and but something was different. The whole of Canterlot was deserted and not a pony could be seen anywhere. “Hello,” only my echo replies. “This is just like the movie- Attack of the Pod Ponies,” Spike mutters clinging tightly to my back. I assure him that is not the case and he’s been watching too many monster movies with Rainbow Dash. While I don’t believe the dragon’s inane suggestion I do admit that there is something wrong here. “Why don’t we get something to eat,” I suggest trying not to think about what is going on. I tell Spike we are not far from his favorite restaurant. Spike’s eyes light up and ask if I am talking about the one that serves Jade. I nod as he perks up and races toward it. When we arrive the place is empty although a sign says to wait to be seated. “Hello?” I call out trying to peek into the kitchen but can’t see anything. I suggest we seat ourselves. Spike asks if that wise to do that. “Of course they are obviously on break.” The air gets colder as we walk back. Spike shivers so I wrap my tail around him. “Thanks Twilight,” he chatters as we sit down at a booth. We hear hoof steps approach. “Do you hear that?” the dragon asks as I turn around and see nothing. “Hello, I am sorry…,” a shadow flies past us. “What was that?” I get up to investigate. Spike grabs my foreleg pleading with me to stay. “Don’t worry nothing is going…happen?” the shadow darts again only this time there is something about it chills me to the bone. I follow it into the kitchen which is entirely empty and dark. I use a light spell and ask who is in here. “I am sorry to bar…” the door slams shut. I race over to the door but it’s locked. The shadow flies past me this time I can feel my heart beat. “I…warn you…I am a powerful…uni…corn.” A pair of red eyes shines in the darkness. I try to run my legs are stuck and I seem to have lost my voice and can’t scream. The eyes get closer and closer. I desperately look around but I am alone. I close my eyes and await my fate. “NOOOOO!” I scream as I wake with a start. I look around and find myself in my bedroom with Spike in his basket. “It was all a dream?” My heartbeats return to normal as I look out the window. There is something different about the moon tonight but shrug it off as a trick of the mind in the darkness. “I’ll check it out in the morning…,” I said trying to go back to sleep but can’t seem to drift off Danny "You need to calm down Danny.” Sam says as I look out the window and back to the TV screen. “You should be happy that Vlad has been away for so long,” she had a point. Plasmius has been away for months with even rumors that he left completely until today. The TV shows him giving a speech at town hall. He is talking about his love of art and a gift he has for the town. “I am sure this will enrich all who live and visit our humble hamlet.” I tried to find some sign of an ulterior motive. It also doesn’t help that I have been having the same nightmare for weeks. I am fighting Vlad in the outskirts of the town. We fight for some time until he makes his escape. I chase him into a forest but quickly get lost. I call out for Vlad to show himself but there is nothing just silence. I look up at the sky but can’t see anything. I feel like something is watching and try to fly away but I feel I weigh a ton. The feeling grows worse and I call out for help but can’t see anything it is about then that I wake up. “Why don’t you go get some rest? You’re no good to anyone in zombie mode.” Tucker suggests as I nod and walk up the stairs. I can’t seem to get that dream out of my mind. Maybe with some sleep I will be able to see things clearly. Applejack “You okay Twi, you seem more jittery than a dog with fleas,” I ask my friend pouring a glass of apple juice. She rubs her eyes saying she is just tired. “You mentioned having a nightmare?” she nods saying she can’t make sense of it. “Are you sure it was just a freak thing? Too many hayburgers before bed?” She rolls her eyes and looks up at the sky. “Is it just me or does the sun look different?” she asks as I look up. It looks normal at first but then I see a tinge of green. I suggest its light reflected off the water droplets. “No if that was the case there would be other colors it looks almost like a halo or something,” I ask if she thinks something wrong. “I am not sure. The strange thing is that the moon was the same way last night. “Do you think something is up?” she shrugs saying that she hasn’t heard from Celestia and Luna recently. “What about your brother and Princess Cadence?” she says she hasn’t heard from them either but remembers that Cadence had a conference to go to. “Thank you for breakfast, I have some things to look into,” she says getting up and walks out the door. I look up at the sun again as if transfixed. “Twilight’s anxiety must be contagious,” I splash some water on my face and start on the dishes. I hear Apple Bloom upstairs racing around for a minute before she zooms down the steps making for the door. “Whoa there where’re you off to?” “We’re trying to get our cutie marks in extreme paragliding. Scootaloo says it’s a no brainer,” I smile telling to be careful as Granny Smith would not be too pleased if she came back with a broken leg. “Don’t worry we’ve watched videos about it.” Ah youth always in a hurry. Head Observant “This cannot go on,” I said addressing the council showing them the image of Vlad hop from dimension to dimension. The congregation mumbled in approval. “Why haven’t you stopped this, Clockwork?” I turn to the ghost of time standing beside me. The old ghost remained silent. I demanded to that he answer me. “Vlad does this all the time. I am the master of time-not a babysitter,” he form shifts into that of a young kid. I explain that if he continues to this Vlad might, “Might what? Destroy space and time? I thought you would be happy about that. It’s your fantasy to see the universe be annihilated?” “Silence Chronos!” A brother seated in the back row shouts standing up. “You dare speak to the council like this?” There was no response only a faint smile on Clockwork’s face as he transformed into an old man. “You want me to take care of this? Fine I will but we are going to do it my way,” the room erupted into chaos at his words. I call out for silence, “we are not savages. We will decide this by the vote.” Though no one was happy with we knew that if we wanted Vlad stopped we would have to play his game. “All in favor of letting Clockwork take care of this?” one by one the brothers raised their hands. “All opposed?” nothing. “That it is the will of this council that Clockwork shall with this as he sees fit.” I warn the ghost not screw this up. “When have I ever ‘screwed things up’?” he asks before swinging his staff and vanishing. I pray to our mother that he will do what is right and not what he wants to happen. Rainbow Dash “So you remember what you have to do?” Twilight asked as I adjusted the helmet cam on my head and placed my goggles over the eyes. She wants to fly up and take pictures of everything. “Not just pictures but information. You’re helmet is equipped with various instruments to gather data from everything.” Geeze you’re taking this egghead stuff to seriously. “Are you ready Rainbow?” I nod and fly in the air. “Everything seems normal I tell her through the microphone,” I can hear her adjust the controls on the other end before she said to go up to the sun and monitor it. “Ok..ay,” I zoom up closer but something seems to be blocking. “There seems to be an invisible wall between me and the sun.” I place a hoof on it only to be hit with a bolt of lightning sending me plummeting. “Oh my gosh,” I hear Twilight say as she teleports away. I try to dive up but my wing is injured. “I’ve got you,” I hear the unicorn say as I land on an air mattress. “Are you all right?” “Ye..ah, my wing got hit but I should fine,” she asks me what happened up there. “I don’t know it was like there was a wall between me and the sun. I went to touch it and got shocked.” She mentions something about whatever created it seemed to be sentient. “I am going to see it responds to magic,” she casts spell toward the sun only to have it come back and shock her. “Okay magic, doesn’t work time to go to plan B. Spike get the balloon ready,” the little dragon races off to prepare the balloon. “We are going to find out what the heck is going on with the sun.”