MLP: Friends From the BIG House

by JusSonic

Chapter 02: Visit to Grimdark, the BIG HOUSE!

Chapter 02: Visit to Grimdark, the BIG HOUSE!

The scene shows Pinkamena’s place where she was reading another book, Autumn Gem was helping to organize some purchase items with Havis helping her out. While Omega was bringing over a tray of orange juice that the other guys decided to drink up from feeling thirsty. That’s when suddenly a feeling reach one of them.

“Woah! I’m sensing something major going on! It feels like the gang are heading towards Grimdark!” Pinkamena spoke off in sensing something major was going down now.

Then Goldie, Jack Zen & Sombra spit out their drinks to nearly cough from swallowing wrong from what they heard that shock them.

“Grimdark, why would they go there?” Jack Zen asked off shock in hearing this, why would the Mane Six visit such a place.

“Does not compute, they have done no wrong! Only good!” Omega shook his head in knowing the area is a jail for criminals, not heroes.

“Sombra, what are they talking about?” Autumn Gem asked off in not following much of this.

“You see my love, during the time we been away and out of touch, they made a prison that could be on an almost rival pair to Tartarus in holding terrible criminals.” Sombra explained the topic of what they are discussing of the area in question; the place known as Grimdark.

“Could there be a reason behind this action?” Havis asked in pondering the question with a deep thought.

“Only way to find out is to go there and see for ourselves!” Pinkamena responded that the best way is to go and see things for themselves. “Omega, Jack Zen, you’ll be with me and Goldie as he teleports us. The rest of you stay to keep Ponyville safe if trouble starts while we’re aware. Flutterbat is resting, so inform her when she wakes around the nighttime, kay.” She was issuing out these orders in what was gonna go on now.

“Understood.” Those that were staying behind & those that were going responded in agreement here.

It wasn’t long before those apart of Goldie’s team were soon teleported out of the secret dungeon and off towards where Twilight’s group was.


The opening shows a familiar outside prison facility as the entire area was in a dark and gloom kinda atmosphere even if the clouds weren’t dark, it’s like a cloudy day but without sunlight. Soon appearing by Twilight’s teleportation across distance appeared from her and her group. But they yelped in seeing the structure of the prison known as Grimdark.

“Whelp, here we are.” Applejack spoke off in seeing where they are now at, here of where they outta be.

“Goodness, is this REALLY Grimdark?” Rarity gasped off in never seeing this place in her life; looks horrible and spooky.

“Trust me, I’ve seen pictures of it from books and while it’s not as famous as Tartarus, it’s close to being the next best prison for criminals around here.” Ben explained how this prison is supposed to be just as good at keeping dangerous criminals from harming innocent creatures.

Then without warning, another magically flash appeared next to the gang that caught them by surprise, even more so when it was Goldie's Group.

“Golden Heart? What are you guys doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked off in seeing this group was here of all places.

“Pinkamena got a feeling you come here, we didn’t know why though.” Jack Zen explained what their reason of being here was.

“We need to understand what actions are taking place.” Omega stated for the cause of what was going on.

“Oh that’s simple, we’re here to get some pony out of jail.” Pinkie Pie smiled off to simply put this answer to rest.

“O….kay. Wasn’t expecting that to be the reason.” Goldie responded off in thinking that answer was more than what they were going for apparently.

“Well, maybe you can come along to keep us company…um, you know…if you wanna go in such a scary place.” Fluttershy spoke in making this helpful suggestion for those that came could come along with them.

Soon Twilight came up to the double seal doors to knock on it. “Halt! Who goes there?” Then an eye-slider opens up where someone was peeking out and demanding to know who was out there.

“Princess Twilight, Prince Ben & Golden Heart, we’re here with a release document for a prisoner. We need to see the warden.” Twilight spoke in announcing those present along with a document scroll she got that needs to be seen.

“Okay, hold on now.” The guard behind the door said and then after a few short minutes. “You’re clear.” He issued that the group is clear to enter now.

Then the doors open up to allow those entry into the prison. But as the group was going in, one member felt something…

“Hugh? Either this place is making me paranoid or there’s someone following us!” Pinkamena spoke in having the strangest feeling; they are not alone here.

Once Pinkamena gone in, Adult Nyx was seen sneaking up with Spike & Phobos on her back. They had to stay absolutely quiet with no noises as they were tailing everyone else here. After getting a bit more inside Grimdark, did the gang and those unseen enter an office belonging to the warden of Grimdark Prison. It was an Alicorn stallion with a tan light bronze fur color, black and dark gray mix color short fix mane & short pointy tail, and dark gray/brown eyes. He appears very muscular, his wings seem more military structure and have dark bronze color padding on the top wing edges, he has white freckles and a dark mustache, also a white scar mark on his right side almost covering the whole face and his right eye is gray which means he’s blind in that side. He’s seen wearing dark turquoise body suit and vest along with dark gray boots, a gold badge labeled ‘Grimdark Warden’ on it (almost looking like some warden). And on his flank is a dark violet/red circle that is split across like a bolt, signifying it’s his Cutie Mark and about his talent in the field.

“Greetings, I am…. Warden Mongul. To what assistance can I do for three royals of two kingdoms?” Warden Mongul spoke off to speak to the group while asking of how he can help them.

“This, sir.” Twilight handed the document of the release form for Zebura to the chief warden of Grimdark.

Soon the warden looks over the paper, reading everything carefully and his expression showed no changes in what was written here. After gathering the facts, he looks to the group with this much to say.

“Hmm, I’ve been awaiting your arrival, I’ve been given a heads up by Celestia & Luna over the manner. And with their actual seals, this is no forgery, so it’s been made to release Zebura after all.” Warden Mongul issued the fact that he wanted to have the legit proof of the case and not be a hoax and this has just gone and proved it to him, so he’ll comply to the matter.

“WAIT! ZEBURA! That’s who you’re here for?” Golden Heart yelled out in shock in hearing this info right.

“Ye know de character?” Applejack asked off in seeing Golden Heart may have known about Zebura.

“Just that I’ve heard him say that he’s a super problem child.” Jack Zen issued the fact that Zebura is a very hard case to handle.

“Yep, never saw him before, but then again, I usually heard the stories to listen to some at least.” Pinkamena shrug off to say this much about things she knows about, but she never came to meet Zebura, only heard rumors.

“I do wonder if this prison is secure enough to hold some pony of such caliber,” Omega questioned this out which brought in some attention here.

“Well without further ado, I’ll guide you through the levels of Grimdark’s Prison Holds.” Warden Mongul bows in issuing what he’ll do to make sure those here will know that they shall see how things are done here.

“Hugh?” The others responded in not following what they heard as the warden begins to lead them out.

“While authority & certain prisons are established around Equestria that house criminals whom have broken the laws laid down by the Royal Sisters.” Warden Mongul explained the matter with a straight blank face about the function of authorities keeping tracks of crooked activities. “And while Tartarus holds ancient & powerful villain type creatures that could destroy our ways of life, Grimdark is for incarcerating those whom have been convicted of committing the particularly heinous world conquest & domination.” He spoke with much matter over the subject of where they must contain the crooks that are deem so dangerous that while they can’t be sentence to Tartarus, they are thrown here in Grimdark. “Our number of prisoners can house roughly to just over 100 million. It is undoubtedly the second largest prison in Equestria besides Tartarus, but we have more authority than Tartarus has.” He stated the facts of how many prisoners this place can hold, course Tartarus can hold a heck of a lot more.

“Wow, I don’t think any of us knew about that!” Pinkie Pie spoke off surprise in what they are hearing here right now.

“There is more. We have made sure at the end of the perilous road where you all zip across by teleportation, hundreds of vicious criminals from all over Equestria are transported here daily for sentence or rehabilitation.” Warden Mongul explained the matter of how they get plenty of prisoners to their place on a daily notice. “You were lucky you didn’t run into our Execution Beasts that roam the road to keep guard. They are as powerful as Cerberus that even a large invasion of the Everfree Forest’s creatures couldn’t get by without tackling them.” He issued the fair warning of what would have happened if the group meant up with such creatures.

“Gulp….you mean we were this close to running into such dangerous creatures?” Rarity swallowed hard in not liking the sounds of this, not one bit.

“Continuing, we also have giant kilometer long drawbridges placed in a total of 12 locations surrounding us.” Warden Mongul issued how they have a large number of bridges. “Unless you are a princess or a prince of royalty to bypass it to come directly here, an anti-magic barrier would stop anyone we haven’t alerted their arrival. And have to give strict check of credentials like Import Career IDs will the crossing be allowed.” He stated that only those of the top brass of officials can even get in, but others would need checkpoints and IDs check.

“So ye let like a duke or duchess or maybe a mayor or tribe chief git in?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in pondering the question.

“Mostly so.” Warden Mongul issued to solemnly say this out here. “Depending on the season here, even the mighty Convoy Beasts we’ve armed are attacked by the Wild Demon of the Forest.” Warden Mongul explained the next part of which seem to spook the others a bit.

“Wait. Um, what was that last part again?” Fluttershy yelps in hearing that, for that message didn’t sound good.

“The one about a Wild Demon of the Forest thing, I’m guessing.” Rainbow Dash shrug off in what they heard sounded pretty bad.

“If you’re lucky, you may get a glimpse of it.” Warden Mongul issued off to say as he was preparing to open a large metal door before them. “No….or perhaps I should say if you’re unlucky.” He stated the correct term that seeing the Wild Demon of the Forest might be unlucky for a poor soul.

“That doesn’t make much of us feel secure to know this.” Ben slowly responded in feeling weirded out by that claim.

“But what about the event involving the Brotherhood’s escape by another Alicorn named Trix Lulamoon?” Twilight asked off in recalling a moment Grimdark had its official prison break.

“Rest assured that was not me being directly involved in the matter.” Warden Mongul stated the matter to settle it for any misunderstanding. “After much struggling, we managed to rebuild and I was elected the new chief warden by Celestia & Luna’s wish, I became an Alicorn from being a unicorn. Now I’ll live to improve this prison so none can escape it unless they finished sentences or are reformed.” He explained how he has become the warden by nominated choice and is seeing to it, such matters of the Brotherhood’s escape never happens in the future.

Soon the group enter through a double door that leads them into an elevator. As it travels down, they have open windows to seeing two giant size Wild Convey Beast type creatures of a dinosaur and a crab monster that are seen wearing armor. There is even a two headed serpent creature with large fangs that look ready to bite the gang’s where they stand. But their appearance was enough that give some of the girly members a real scream. Course even Adult Nyx held her mouth shut while Spike and Phobos shut the other’s mouth while not blowing their cover of being invisible.

“Do not worry, these are the ones that have been tamed. Typically, it’s here that prisoners lose their fighting spirit and accept their fate.” Warden Mongul issued how that the beasts seen are those they have tame to be better under control.

“Man I’ll bet now. You must be really something that you and your staff can tamed all these beasts.” Golden Heart sighs with relief, to control such savage beasts must be no easy feat.

“I can calculate that such measurements are about 43 percent of anyone coming close to taming such creatures.” Omega issued what could even be close to matching such skills.

“Woah! Look at that, are those…numbers?” Jack Zen pointed out in seeing they are going down some floor elevator pads that are label Class 01 to Class 02 and so forth.

“After the Brotherhood broke out, I’ve had Grimdark rebuild by skilled carpenters to my specific specifications to improve things while keeping those of Class 1 through 10 arranged.” Warden Mongul explained how he’s help rebuild this prison structure anew. “The criminals of 1-4 are labeled as rugged bands of thieves that stole from royalty, mountain bandits controlling terrain, pirates that have attacked villages, some that are around near average fighters.” He stated those in that category of who are under such terms of class threats.

“Hey there pretty mare baby.” One prisoner from a cell was calling out to Twilight who made her yelp.

“Why don’t yah come over here?” Another prisoner spoke off towards the Mane Six.

“Oh, ain’t ye a nice type?” Fluttershy & Rarity yelps in worry when some other males were addressing them in such sick twisted ways.

“Hey there handsome, come here often?” A female voice spoke towards Ben that made him nearly freak out.

“Ugh, already I’m thinking these crooks are downright disguising!” Twilight cringed in seeing the acts certain crooks give for her looks, then her personality.

“You’re telling me. And we’re only halfway through this.” Ben rolled his eyes in feeling that this place has it’s own female crooks that make it hard for even the male guards.

“Man, these guys must be the scum that work under bigger and important villains or that the leaders were brainless oafs.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing such actions even performed here.

“Are all your prisoners this….deluded? Or are some just as crazy as the next?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in pondering an interesting question here.

“Only those that haven’t been broken or broke too much to reclaim their sanity.” Warden Mongul issued the case in which some could think either one of those be bad to have.

The ponies are certain as criminals like Minotaur, griffins, more ponies, even Changelings are locked up in here. It's amazing that the Brotherhood wasn't locked in here instead of the level they were once obtained in!

“Oh boy, if mah grandfather was here, Granny Smith fear he never see de light again.” Applejack spoke worried if her own grandfather that rejoin her family ever got caught, he spend time here for who knows how long.

“I’m just glad my own case was cleared to never be sent here.” Pinkamena responded in being thankful for her own luck over the issue of her past, with thanks from Golden Heart’s aid.

“Wait look, isn’t that….what’s his face, Candle-Jack?” Pinkie Pie pointed out some unicorn stallion in a white & dark gray masked costume with white eyes & a ghost Cutie Mark as if knowing the crook.

“We’ve reach the class area for criminals of 5-7, where these are more intelligent schemers, magic hackers, forgery of cash, mechanical genius. Unlike those that fight & steal, these are those that try numerous ways to acquire power in the world.” Warden Mongul explained forth the meaning behind this area of where they keep the next crooks. “Candle Jack was one who used illegal magic of specter origin to steal private equipment & invaluable data and kidnapping important pony head figures while scaring off any that couldn’t catch a creature that was like a ghost. Fortunately, he was caught in the end and is considered a Class 7 Threat.” He explained the actions behind the crook that was now caught here.

“Oh dear, I didn’t even know we had such terrible villains here.” Fluttershy gasped from hearing such things, none of them knew this Candle-Jack, but he must be dangerous indeed.

“With a name like that, he could be a villain similar to Freakazoid!” Pinkie Pie spoke off a random Fourth Wall Breaking statement that earn her much confusion from her pals as usual.

The ponies glances at more criminals like a cave-pony like criminal, a snake-like mare villain, a huge Minotaur, a pony with a big head, and more! These guys must be nasty, there's even those too numerous to mention here!

“Now we enter the class areas for criminals 8-9, organized group members of different bands and talents working together to plan conquest, domination or destruction to Equestria.” Warden Mongul explained forth the next Class of criminals as they have traveled further down. “As far as any of them, they were serious threats before the downfall of their organization, but they are heavily watched on. While the Brotherhood consist of those near Class 3-4 to nearly 5, they were working with Lorcan in nearly succeeding to take over Equestria.” He explained the matter while also informing those of why those like the Brotherhood were station in Class 9 because they were connected with Lorcan who was terribly powerful at the time.

“Don’t we know it.” Golden Heart rolled his eyes in having known a lot considering the first time handling the Brotherhood.

“However, such things were put in Class 8, while Class 9 meant to contain strangely powerful entities that ran amok those like Grogar, Lavan, & Arabus during the Mag’ne’s time when there was once Ponyland before Equestria. But we fuse the two as now both an organization and powerful entities leading them can both be related.” Warden Mongul explained the case of where what was once Class 9 for harder crooks was shared with those of Class 8 even for the Brotherhood that are a band group or a near organization, etc.

The group saw more villains like spirits, Demons, wild beasts, and more being obtained here. Twilight is glad that threats like Grogar, Lavan, and Arabus has been dealt with long ago. She sure hates to run into those guys!

“Well this has been a fun history of learning how Grimdark now functions.” Jack Zen shrug off to say in having seen what they can at this time.

“And who knew there were so many criminals that really have caused harm to it, even without the Three Lords?” Pinkamena stated in never guessing they had so many crooks, scoundrels, etc. running loose.

“But I’m puzzled, if these are the worse criminals to handle that are sentence for long years of life or can be rehabilitated, then what is the purpose of Class 10?” Omega asked forth in being most curious of a topic.

Warden Mongul was silent in hearing this as he seem to choose not to answer it. While the others were puzzled, they are still unaware of their invisible guest tailing them.

“Man, now I see why we weren’t invited.” Spike spoke silently in seeing how this prison looked like.

“Right, we could be targeted by everyone here.” Phobos nods in knowing if they are seen, it won’t be pretty.

“Keep quiet you two or they’ll spot us.” Adult Nyx hushed her two friends from about to blow their cover.

“We’ve reach the bottom floor, everyone, follow me.” Warden Mongul issued from when the elevator reach the bottom, as they all started to move out to follow him along with those still invisible to them.


Soon the scene enters a darken hallway where we see Twilight & Goldie’s group following Warden Mongul towards their destination.

“While the crimes Zebura committed is heavy, he’s a skilled barbarian hunter who has picked fights against those that pose a challenge. Even those around the near rivalry of the Three Lords, he’s what some could call a truly accomplished fighter.” Warden Mongul explain the benefits of though Zebura has committed heavy crimes, his skills are far more impressive to not be ignored. “Well, most of them were unofficial though, since it was mostly vigilant behavior or sorts.” He pointed that out as another fact for the group to understand.

“Hugh!” Fluttershy felt something of blown fog near her as she and the others look up before…

“Waaaaaahhhhhh! WHAT IS THAT THING?” Rarity was heard screaming from what she and the others saw and even the hidden invisible members tried to be brave to not scream.

Before the group were other types of Execution Beast creatures; one being a giant dark, spiky fur and face resemble a boar with two long fangs & jutting out it’s fearsome mane while another was a giant bat that has a ghastly face with pitch black eyes, a pig-like noise and an always open mouth which gives it a ghost-like moaning expression. Truly their appearances were horrible enough to scare any Ponyville citizen out of their minds.

“What your seeing there are A & B Rank Execution Beasts, do not worry, as long as your with me, they won’t attack.” Warden Mongul spoke to insure that the group is safe from harm.

“Wait! You said execution?” Goldie yelped in hearing that word right there.

“I thought mom said this was a life sentencing or rehabilitation facility!” Ben stated in puzzlement, Grimdark doesn’t have an execution system…does it?

“It is those two things, but even so, this is the level class for those truly seen as threats.” Warden Mongul explained that while they keep life sentences and rehabilitation systems, they also perform executions for only the most thrustful terms of evil.

“Then we’re in…” Jack Zen slowly was about to ask, but was cut off.

“The execution grounds.” As Warden Mongul pointed that out, a giant blue crocodile with tusk and an armored shell pass by along with the crab & dinosaur type Convey Beasts. “Level Ten is for prisoners with the harshest sentences that are lead directly here, past the other class levels 1-9. For crimes of being too destructive and cannot be controlled and pose a danger to many others in the world. In other words, all of the prisoners here have death sentences.” He explained the terms of what level 10 here serves to many that are occupied in the area.

“Wait a second! Ah thought Class Level 9 had them strong entity whatever guys 'dat pose threats an' like de Brotherhood!” Applejack asked off puzzled in finding something off now.

“Indeed, but unlike them, they are not charged with to be executed. Besides any prisoners here, we also have dangerous wild beasts and isolated creatures that are being held here temporarily.” Warden Mongul explained the topic and for what reason is behind it. “Some little while ago there was a small weird creature thrown in here. That was quite ferocious, though it was probably still a child.” He stated how there was even a time they had to deal with a ferocious child type creature that proved to be exceptionally hard that it was sentence here.

“Wait! A Child?” Pinkamena yelped in hearing this right over a child case. “You mean there was something so dangerous that it’s not even a full grown adult yet?” She couldn’t believe that, was the world full of surprises or what.

“Correct, the creature is not of Equestria’s world, but from an outside realm. That is why it’s dangerous, and much researchers find that in an adult stage could pose an even higher threat to revel in rivalry to those of Mystic Warrior levels.” Warden Mongul explained a case of where a creature of that high danger capability isn’t even from Equestria, but a realm outside it, like either the Mystic or Dark Realms.

“Man, I’m glad that we didn’t bring Spike, Nyx or Phobos with us.” Ben spoke off to say this with some relief of who isn’t here to see and hear this.

“Hearing that they lock up children would surely frighten them.” Twilight nods in agreement, this was why the responsible parents of little ones had to take such measures.

Course those that don’t see it, Adult Nyx had Spike & Phobos with her and they were pretty surprise in learning just how terrifying Grimdark can be. Doesn’t matter if one’s an adult or a child, if the crimes committed are heavy indeed, they could be thrown away in here.

“One more thing, the one you seek, Zebura is on this floor too.” Warden Mongul issued off to say who else is currently here at this time.

“What!” The Mane Six yelped in hearing this, the pony they want is in the lowest part of the prison’s high level security, and worse, in the execution spot.

“Um, I have a question. Just what did he do, exactly?” Fluttershy meekly spoke off to ask the question of what Zebura did to be here.

“Hey yeah, we don’t even know what this pony did to be here!” Pinkie Pie replied in thinking that is strange, they are picking up someone but don’t know what he did to be sent to jail?

Warden Mongul was silent in hearing that as he gaze at the others with a straight calm, blank emotionless face before….giving an answer.

“He was too loose temper.” Warden Mongul pointed this off with a blank mention of the fact of what happened.

“Wait a minute. Wha do ye mean he was too loose temper? Ah've handle Tough’s loose temper an’ he never got sent ta prison fer it?” Applejack asked off in finding that statement a bit strange to her.

“AJ’s right. This guy we’re seeing got a death sentence for that. Seriously, why not anger management?” Rainbow Dash asked off in finding the harsh matter of things a bit much.

“It doesn’t matter. Now come this way.” Warden Mongul issued this off before turning to continue leading the others here to their destination.

“I must say, this problem child we keep hearing about….is he really just an upset fellow?” Rarity questioned this off in being puzzled.

“Even so, my processor can’t compute in why this pony got a death sentence.” Omega shook his head in not having the answers they need.

As the group moves on, a cage board made of iron rises upwards to allow one access.

“Is Zebura in a special solitary confinement cell? Seeing that, well…he’s been summoned to be release?” Golden Heart asked this off in wondering the question.

“No, he’s at one of the execution grounds.” Warden Mongul remotely issued this without a single emotion of what he said.

“Wait! He’s being executed?” Ben asked off surprise to hear this, the guy they wanna free is about to be killed?

“Yes. Ever since he came here, he has constantly been having his execution performed onto him.” Warden Mongul issued this while he was moving about in the hall to lead the gang.

“Seriously? Can a pony live after being killed?” Rarity asked this off in finding that kinda treatment a bit over excessive.

“Whose idea was 'dis here arrangement?” Applejack asked in finding that this kinda thing was over kill.

“Wait, what if that might have been his idea?” Pinkie Pie asked off this sudden random question.

“Yeah right Pinkie, nobody would think that random idea would be a right….” Rainbow was about to make a quote when…

“It seems the pink one is very sharp.” Warden Mongul stated this while many of the gang stared at Pinkie Pie in not believing it; that random idea was a right idea over the manner.

“Oh my, so then…he wants the punishment?” Fluttershy asked off shock, who ever heard of someone wanting to be tortured?

Adult Nyx and the baby Dragons discuss this in private of what they have heard.

“Is this guy for real? Wanting to be executed daily?” Spike asked in finding this a bit much to take in.

“Yeah, who wanna beat themselves up?” Phobos questioned the issue as something crazy.

“I’m more concern for how he’s lasted this long. Executions are no easy thing to avoid if you’re strip of magic & your body is chained up. He might be tough after all.” Adult Nyx spoke under her breath in feeling concern over such things, as if Zebura is not bothered by such matters.

“Over here, this is Zebura’s area.” Warden Mongul spoke that brought everyone’s attention towards a wall with three bronze structured open windows.

“Well, time to meet the pony we came here to see.” Twilight sighs in feeling they may as well get this over with.

“Just be careful okay, be on the lookout for any and I mean ‘ANY’ surprises.” Goldie forewarns the group that they may meet something that might be a little more than they can handle.

Soon everyone came near their own open window spot to peek into the area in question. During the moment, some background theme music called ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST is heard as everyone sees a large dark open wide-spread space. But in the middle of it was a pony figure that sat down with huge gigantic chains strapped around his hooves. An Earth stallion with grayish amber fur coat color, he has dark purple mane & tail that are slicked back a bit and messy in style, his eyes are too close in the dark corner to be seen without light in the room. He appears as an incredibly large and muscular stallion, some cut around his ears, appears to have scar marks all over his body, but seems perfectly healthy. On his flank appears a symbol with a black image of some creature calling out….with a sound, as his Cutie Mark and talent for his purpose. And one of the most esteem features shows he has a scary presence when those that look him in the eye (when seen) could quake with fear, and looking at his face (if stared at), some would coward from feeling a monster was in the form of a pony.

“Hello there, Zebura!” Pinkie Pie happily waved out her hooves while she yelled out to the guy below.

“Pinkie! Inner voice, please.” Rarity spoke to have her friend not try to do something that may offend this stallion.

“Yo pal! We came to get you. You’re being released today.” Rainbow Dash explained the issue of why they are even here.

“Um, that stallion is…Zebura.” Fluttershy shyly spoke in studying who Zebura was, so far, they see him as just an earth stallion.

“Hmm, from everything we heard, I thought he would be an Alicorn, but….isn’t he just an Earth pony?” Jack Zen questioned off in seeing Zebura for a first time, expected...more from the scary talk they heard.

“Trust me, from what I’ve heard, even Earth Ponies can be powerful like Hiko Seijuro with Alicorn features, which Zebura has.” Golden Heart explained how in this world, there are some stronger than unicorns & alicorns that are just Earth types.

“Hello, Zeb…” Twilight was about to speak out again, but…

“Wohohohoho… Pinkie Sense is going off for some reason! Felt like we get a loud noise!” Pinkie Pie was doing a weird shake down in suddenly sensing something that was to come.

“Mine too, it was the same thing!” Pinkamena acknowledged this that caught everyone’s attention.

“Attention, occupant appears to be in the kinds of recharging.” Omega alerted the gang in sensing something…it was coming from Zebura.

Suddenly without warning, one of the Execution Beasts started to react with movement by its roar which caught everyone’s attention.

“The A-Rank Execution Beast has started moving.” Warden Mongul responded off in surprise in seeing what was going on. “It’s going to pull the chain, listen, we need to get away!” He turn to the others in giving them warning of what’s about to happen.

“Huh? What?” Spike & Phobos yelped silently in not having the foggiest idea in what was going on.

“What’s happening here?” Adult Nyx questioned this under her breath while keeping herself & the baby Dragons invisible.

“In these execution grounds, Zebura has both front & back hooves attached to one Execution Beast each by a chain.” Warden Mongul explained the case with a concerning face as a diagram of a person is seen with four Execution Beast on the other side with chains on their backs to…pull the middle target.

“ROOUUARRRUGHHH!” Soon the scene shifts to where the four giant beasts begin to move out.

“If all four Execution Beasts pull at the same time, his body will not come out unscathed.” Warden Mongul issued the warning that if nothing is done, Zebura will suffer severe injuries.

“Then he’ll be killed?” Jack Zen asked off in what this could actually mean.

Within the area, Zebura was seen that his large chains moved before they reacted to tug him; this was almost it for him.

“Oh no! We have to save him!” Twilight insisted in what they need to do here, ASAP.

“Let’s get in there before…” Ben was about to issue before going in to help out, but…it wasn’t necessary.

But just as the chains were pulled into a straight, something happened outside the hole where they went in by who tug them. “GROOUUAARRRROUGHHHH!” But in truth, what happened was that the giant powerful Execution Beasts were pulled back each from being unable to pull something or like something stopped them.

The scene then focuses in where everyone was seeing something that left them with wide-eyes filled with shock & unbelievable reactions to just about sweat in worry and some even looked terrified. From the Mane Six, Ben, Warden Mongul, Goldie’s group (with the exception of Omega that doesn’t show reactions), and even the invisible party of Adult Nyx & baby dragons saw this. As the scene finally shows Zebura, who stood up and in a surprising shock scene, held his own from letting the giant chains or powerful giant beasts pull him; it’s as if he was the superior being to not go down so easily.

“It looks like my playtime with you guys…” Zebura spoke with a hoax echo voice in sounding super scary as he is seen flexing his large muscles in keeping his executioners from pulling him. “Ends today, too.” He issued how that his time of being executed as a form of ‘playtime’ was now over with. “So long.” He issued off with a crack smile from his sharp teeth that he exposed. “Huuuooooooouughh….” Then he opens his mouth as if inhaling a large breath of air.

“Yikes! Now we know what our senses told us! This is bad!” Pinkamena yelps in suddenly realizing what was going on here. “Everypony cover your ears!” She shouted off in wanting those here to shut their ears.

“Hugh?” The others responded confused, why do they need to do that?

“It’s our alert sense, so hurry up and cover your ears!” Pinkie Pie insisted that they cover their ears.

“Should we?” Jack Zen asked Golden Heart, but…

“Just do it! If it’s serious than we best listen!” Golden Heart ordered that they not question, but do.

Soon the theme was coming to an end of the first verse before it would pick up later, but the main focus was what was going on inside Zebura’s chamber of execution. “SOUND BAZOOKA!” Zebura is seen in announcing forth a name of something as he opened his eyes to show a dark golden bronze color while opening his mouth too. “POWFRUUVHHMMMFRUVHHMMM…..” Then without warning, a ’sonic-boom’ of red aura was unleashed that shook the whole room.

“Here it comes!” Applejack responded in what was coming.

“Yikes!” Fluttershy cringed down from the window view to shut her delicate ears.

The gang duck down with their hooves over their ears, even those invisible had to brace for what was to come.

“WUURROOOAARRRRRRROOUUGHHHH…../BAM-BAM-Boomvhhmmm….” Zebura’s was letting out an unbelievably loud scream as it was heard over the sonic-boom feature, it was blasting out in all directions in destroying the walls.

“Nrruaagh….” Warden Mongul grasp his ears from feeling the power of that scream.

“Uuuuaagh….” The Mane Six & Ben are seen struggling to prevent themselves from going deaf here. “Nrruughhh….” Goldie, Pinkamena & Jack Zen were clasping their ears shut and Omega tried to block the sounds, but he showed sparks that the force was almost breaking through it’s hard metal body. And even those invisible were shown having difficulty trying to stand up against such an attack that Adult Nyx’s magic was fading off in what she cast.

“What is this?” Spike yelled out to say, but his voice could barely be heard even if he wasn’t silent.

“HUURROOARRRUGHHH!” Then Zebura redirected that force to his chains, and… “Breakfrisshvmmm…” What happened next was that the technique shattered the enormous chains easily. “OOUURRRAAAOOUUAARRRRUGHHHHH!” Then Zebura lets out more of his scream that was being unleashed like a blast range. “HUURROOOUUAARRRUGHHHH….” Outside the area, the Execution Beasts were being hit by Zebura’s power as it caused them to pass out and fall on the ground.

Finally the sound shockwaves were slowly ending now while everything within the area was a complete mess. Everyone was alright, but they looked like their bodies were recovering from that power. And when they looked out, they found the baby Dragons and Nyx reverted into her filly form with them.

“Spike! Phobos! Nyx! What are you three doing here?” Twilight asked off in seeing the ones that were left back home are here, why?

“Hugh? Why aren’t we invisible no more?” Phobos asked off in not seeing they are invisible, what happened.

“That scream of his must have knock Nyx’s focus so much on the ears, it tired her out and lost focus to keep her form.” Spike stated from guessing that Zebura’s attack must have been so powerful, Nyx couldn’t focus on so much while shielding her ears.

“Um, sorry…we just didn’t wanna miss out on this was all; but I think we’ve seen how scary this is that you left us out of it.” Nyx apologized for sneaking with the gang to join up.

“Ugh, looks like your stuck with us until our splitting headaches are gone.” Ben sighed in feeling they can’t be mad while they are recovering from what happened to them.

“Speaking of headaches, what about that stallion that did this?” Rarity asked off about the one pony that caused that unnecessary action.

“Hey pal! Are you trying to destroy us too?” Rainbow Dash stood up near the window to yell down in anger about what the stallion that caused this mess did.

Soon the theme that was on quiet continued to be heard that brought in the mood.

“Nurhahahaaah….How was that, everyone?” Zebura laughed off in finding that somewhat amusing to perform. “Did my voice wake you all up?” He asked off this bizarre question out of nowhere here. “Looks like some of you got an idiotic peaceful look on your faces…” He made this little wise crack of a joke to those around that came for him.

“What in Sam Hill?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in what was the deal with the fella here.

“Oh, sounds like he wants a fight. But….first time someone said my face was something else besides creepy.” Pinkamena spoke off one thing while never gotten anything about her face other than it was just creepy.

“Really not the time for that, sis.” Goldie insisted that his sister not focus around such things.

“Well now….it looks like the world was pretty boring without me.” Zebura responded off mentioning how things seem boring without him to mix it up. “Humph!” He made a light chuckle on the matter that the only reason he’s getting out is because without him in Equestria, things haven’t been as interesting.

“That is not true! Wait, is it?” Pinkie Pie responded before being puzzled, has Equestria been boring without him?

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy shrug off to say in not knowing much herself.

“Damage to output is near 50 percent breached, beginning internal repairs. But I must say, Zebura has quite the power to be considered a strong ally.” Omega responded from checking himself, a bit banged up, but he’ll repair in due time; the main fact is how strong Zebura is to do all this, how was the bigger question concerning what element he possesses?

“Hugh, this….could take time to handle than facing the Apocalypse Ponies or the Dark Mystics.” Twilight sighs in feeling that she might be seeing a ‘bit’ of Zebura’s colors of being known as a problem child, if not a super problem child. But she was asked to discharge Zebura from Grimdark Prison by Celestia & Luna to help in the battles against the Three Lords, so…the Princess of the Friendship Kingdom will have to do her best. And knowing Twilight and her group, they’ll most certainly need it here. As the theme in the background ends, the scene goes dark with many questions to ponder what is going to happen very soon….indeed.