Building a Better World: Origins

by Cookie_Girl

Episode two sneak peek!

I awakened in a forest. Regular looking trees with nothing special about them. There were strange creatures running around here, and there. Though at that moment I could not care less.

Freedom! I was free from my imprisonment! I thrust myself from the ground so fast that my hooves touched nothing more than air for a few seconds, and I was not even flapping my wings.

How did this happen? Was the first question I asked myself. I suspected it to be some trick, but as I walked my magic told me all that I needed to know. It was no illusion!

But where am I? That would be a great deal of help to know. The trees were not of the kind that grew in my jungle homeland. The creatures were unfamiliar. I had no clue where I was.

“Well now what do we have here?”

I turned to see the speaker. It was a strange looking biped dressed in green clothing with purplish hair. Beside this biped was a shorter one whose body appeared to be the inspiration for the design of the the taller one's clothes. They were both looking at me like I was some sort of prize.

“Never seen a pokemon like this before, Cacturne. Let's see what it can do, and if it's good enough we'll catch it.” the taller one said.

“Right, Master!” the shorter one responded, and raised its arms to ready itself for a fight.

They actually thought that they could simply do this. Just attack, and capture me like a trophy? I laughed. Unknown to them, I had already begun to feed on the love they shared. It was not the love of two hearts like what I took from Shining Armor, but was enough to give me an edge.

“Come then!” I challenged them. “Test yourselves against Queen Chrysalis!”

I was uneasy. There was...something! I do not know what, but it was there. Like someone was watching me through a screen of some sort.

“Stop watching me!” I yelled to no-one in particular. Unfortunately this resulted in everyone looking at me. “What are you looking at? Can't a snake yell at nothing without everyone giving him odd looks? Stop looking at me!”

They all shrugged, and went back to what they had been doing. This was good because we had a mission. It is a simple, but very important mission. We were taking away the humans’ ice cream!

Yes, I see that you understand how important this is. Ice cream looks like a pokemon! And humans eat it! So we will take the ice cream from the humans, and turn it into milkshakes for ourselves because milkshakes do not look like pokemon.

“The humans will surrender all of their ice cream to the Pokemon Liberation Army!” For some reason this got a very big cheer of approval from my soldiers. I raised my tail blade high as I gave the order to attack. “Take the ice cream factory! So says, I the great Commander Sev!”