Phantom Warmth

by LooniestRumble

Phantom Sunset, Phantom Warmth

Just like the day comes to an end with the sunset, the visit of Princess Celestia to the Friendship Castle ends with a cup of tea and a visit to the favorite place of her student, the Castle’s library.

Twilight Sparkle, her faithful student, is now busy solving a friendship problem of some villagers, so Celestia can walk through the place and observe it with detail.

Without being as big as the library in Canterlot, the new public library of Ponyville has nothing to be jealous of, the shelves go as high as the roof itself, and their number is only surpassed by the precious material they hold.

The sun monarch, can only be amazed with the vision created between the light of the sunset, which comes through the window, and the library, the combination of these things gives the entire place an aura of peace and quietness. The perfect place for any study or reading session. Just what any regent requires once in a while.

But her presence in this place has more to it than a simple relaxation wish. Natural sciences, philosophy, magic, all those sections filled with knowledge that Celestia, the oldest alicorn in the kingdom, already knows. Some of them are even accompanied with memories of those how their names appear as authors.

Almost all of them of tea reunions, just like this day.

Almost all of them of farewells and coffins.

The impassive face of the Princess acquires a subtle hint of sadness, so elusive is the change that not even her notice the fact that her stoic mask has fallen.

The numbers of the annual census of Equestria show that every year there are more births than deaths, but Princess Celestia can stop wondering why most of her memories imply the last one.

“At least they died with a smile on their faces,” Is what the Princess mutters when she realizes where she is. “History”.

The place in every library that saves all her memories, but not from her point of view.

If there is any reason why Celestia never wrote a history book or a biography is because she loves all her subjects too much, and lacks the ability to maintain neutrality, something that every historian requires.

“The experience give us the ability to talk about things without losing composure, but it all changes when you want to write about them and your only company are your memories,” Is the phrase that goes though the Princess’ mind, Clover the Clever always lived up to his name.

Books, all of them full with events so old than even when they are recorded they have been forgotten. Buts this section has something more to it, a memory that’s not dead but feels like it does, and it still hurts to see it every time the day ends.

The stars are made out of stardust, just like the planets, just like Celestia and Luna, or that is what the theorist say, but there are doubts about the genesis of the las two things.

“If we tell them my – our story it´ll create more questions than give answers,” So many times it has been ask about the origin of the diarchy that the tangents to avoid an answer without lying started to run low a long time ago.

But the Sun doesn’t need to be understand it to feel her warmth.

And the Sun has gave warmth and life to so many, but only a few had come close enough to feel something more, her love. And even less the ones that were thought to be part of it, because how close they were.

The sundown is still in the horizon, but Celestia is only interested in the sunset she can't feel.

Her eyes fall on the bright reflection of light produced by a mirror, actually her eyes are focus in the machine attached to it. She looks at the amalgam of wires and gears, but stops at the most important piece of the entire construct, a book.

To the normal observer the book wouldn’t look any different for the other books in the library, but those with sensibility to magic, like the princess, can feel its energy, the algorithms, formulas and equations that define the true capabilities of this book in specific.

An historian would call it the worst compendium ever wrote, too much feelings and opinions. A teacher would call it a great tool for teaching, always in touch with their students. For the sun, it’s the last tangible memory of its sunset.

A sunset that still can be feel. A sunset that disappears when the Princess look herself in the mirror, a sunset that now shines for others except its sun.

“¡I HATE YOU!” Words that still linger after so long, that never stopped hurting. The last time the night was so cold the moon refused to descend.

A sunset that still gives warmth, but causes chills.

“Hello Sunset, how are …I was wondering if… I hope you…,” For the first time in hundreds of years the mistress of the sun found herself lacking of words. She closed her eyes and sigh, then looked the mirror once again.

“I miss you Sunset,” Celestia says while turning towards the window that gives light to the room, the sun keeps its descent behind the mountains and with every second that passes the sunset vanish a little more, soon the moon will take its place.

“Everything is in the past, please comeb…” the lump I her throat is almost suffocating, “… if you wish to comeback we will welcome you with open hoofs, your room in the castle is the same way you left it, if you still wish to live in it… with me…. Like before.”

Silence is the only answer she gets.

While turning to the mirror again the only thing she can see in crystalline surface is her own reflection, a bipedal creature with yellow skin just like her hair, but the last one has a few shades of red in it…. Celestia never had a yellow fur and she knows that really well.

Despite the fact that realization runs through her body, Celestia can only contemplate how the figure extends a hand against the crystal, its surface moving like water when it’s hit by a rock.

She is there, the sunset Celestia has mourn for so long, a few centimeters away, a few dimensions away.

The Princess can only extend her hoof against the sea that stands between them, only hoping to feel her again. Nothing, only coldness runs through Celestia’s body, but she does not retract her hoof neither dives in the waters, Celestia only stands there, waiting, watching.

The creature doesn’t move, still as a picture, but through the mirror Celestia can see her, her breathing, how she looks to the floor with a few tears running through her cheeks.

“Princess Celestia forgive me, I never wanted things to be this way, I just…I just wanted to make you proud, be like you, and in the end I came to wish to be the only you and I regret it so much, Princess-“Sunset Shimmer looks up towards the mirror that rest in the Canterlot High statue, “-I miss you so much.”

Glances cross through dimensions, Celestia can see her, Sunset´s emerald eyes haven’t change, still fill with dreams and passion.

The only thing that the Princess can do is smile.

A new sensation, Celestia can feel her beyond the waters, the soft skin that now covers her former pupil gives warmth to the Princess once again.

But then, why coldness is the only thing the Princess can feel?

The face of her student is not one of joy, sadness maybe, no, Celestia knows that expression too well, fear. Her hand leaves the crystal, her feet carry her away from the mirror.

The sun has set in the horizon, the moon has taken its place in the skies.

Only one figure remains in the history section of the new public library of Ponyville, her hoof extend it to a mirror and a tear running along her cheek.

“You don´t know where she is Spike, what if she leave a we didn’t say goodbye? That is not really friendly, is it?” The echoes of voices and hooves resonate in all the library, getting closer.

“Calm down Twilight, Princess Celestia is still here and besides that she knows that you have responsibilities,” Spike the dragon and Twilight Sparkle, the closest thing to a family Celestia ever had after Sunset decided to dive in the crystal sea,” Do you really think she would leave without saying goodbye?”

“Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating but-“History section, a Twilight’s favorite after the magic one.

“See, there she is, now you think you could calm down and put me down, please,” whit a little thup Spike lands after being hold by the magic of his caretaker.

The light of the room is now given by the candlesticks hanging to the roof, using magic to light themselves once the sun has set.

Twilight and Spike stand still, frozen by the gelid atmosphere of the room, their mouths shut like wounds cauterized by heat.

No movement, no words, they cann’t do anything besides watch the Princess.

“Is everything okay, Princess?” The temperature increases, warmth run through their bodies again.

“Why wouldn’t it be, Twilight?” –Answer Celestia with a smile on her face, that same smile from when she arrived to the castle, the same smile she has carried for centuries. Silence is her only answer- “I think is time for me to leave, it was a pleasure to share this time with both of you, and Spike, your tea is still one the best I have ever tasted.”

“Thanks,” says he with pride.

“Do you think it would be nuisance to walk with me to the carriage, Twilight?” Celestia asks.

“No, it won’t,” Twilight answers.

But before leaving the room Twilight’s eyes fall upon the mirror, is still connected and energy can be feel around it, not as strong as when she uses but still higher than its usual aura.

The night is still young but Ponyville is not a night life village, that’s why the streets are empty. Only a white carriage with gold coated rest in front of the castle, both of its guards talking, not far away from it.

Princess Celestia stands beside the carriage while both of the guards take their positions.

“I wish we could do this more usually, Twilight” Celestia says before hugging Twilight.

“Is for her, isn’t it? For Sunset” Mutters Twilight while returning Celestia’s embrace, “If you want to see her again I could-“A hoof stops her in her tracks.

“Is for her? Yes,”-Celestia sighs to recover the composure-“But there is nothing you can do, she is not ready, not yet.”

Silence looms over Ponyville in a hot summer night, but for a single soul it feels like a winter one.

“Her face, her warmth, her voice, I still feel them,”Celestia’s eyes meet those of Twilight before turning to the moon above them, “Every time the day comes to an end I can see her again. The sunset is her phantom, just like the moon was the phantom of my sister for a thousand years. I only wish to see her again, to hold her again, but…” Their eyes meet again, “…is not the moment.”

“Princess…”Twilight manages to say while clinging stronger to the embrace with her mentor.

“The day will come when she will see me without fear, and when that day comes I’ll welcome her with open hooves, but until then we cannot rush anything, neither you or me, do you understand, Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess” Are the words of the little alicorn before releasing the hug.

“Just stay with her, help her, be her friend like you have been doing so far. Please,” The guards are ready, Celestia is on board the carriage, Twilight’s nod is the only thing Celestia needs before give the order to her guards.

“Thanks, Twilight.”

The castle and the town become distant, small dots in the magnitude of life.

Canterlot comes closer.

Another night of a phantom warmth going through her body, of not existent cold filling her senses.

Soon another dawn will come, soon the sunset will leave.

“Someday it will come instead of leaving,” The lights of Canterlot become brighter.

“But not yet.”