//------------------------------// // The First Night of the Rest of Your Life // Story: Moondancer's interdimesional encounter. // by Timewarp321 //------------------------------// Nighttime, in movies its the time when weird stuff likes to happen to random strangers. All of the princesses can attest to this, especially Princess Luna, being the princess of the night and all. But this is not about her. No this is about another mare in the same city of Canterlot. This mares name is Moondancer and as of late she has reacquainted herself with the friends she had before she closed herself off to the world the first time. Now she's shut herself off again and there was many attempts to get her out in the world again but she refused to have anything to do with the outside world and the ponies in them. Why would she do this? Well as she had said, No one knew her pains, what she was feeling, she wanted that to change, and soon. She wished this as she was heading home after another failed attempt to get her out into the world again, one night. This was the night that her life changed for the better, for good. As she got home she headed to her room where she had cried herself almost to sleep thinking of what happened to her to close herself off again when the sound of screaming was heard. She turned towards the noise with a sniffle to see a strange being on her bedroom floor in an awkward heap unconscious . She got up and went to check on it. As she got closer she noticed that it wore clothes and had some weird appendages at the end of its front legs. She adjusted her glasses with her magic and looked closer. She noticed a lack of fur on the creature, with the sole exception of its mane. She checked for a pulse and breathing, once finding both she went back to looking the being over. 'Well I don't think it will wake up anytime soon, I wonder why it came here?' Moondancer thought to herself as she looked him over to see if there was any visible breakage of bones. Just as she finished her thought the beings eyes shot open and it immediately sat up panting looking around frantically. "Where am I?" the being asked, continuing to look around confused then noticed Moondancer and looked even more confused. "What in blue blazes are you?" It asked pointing at her. Moondancer took note of the beings voice and decided it was a stallion, which started to make certain dirty thoughts play out in her mind. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts with a slight blush on her face and replied in a slightly shaky voice. "You're in Canterlot, and I'm a pony, more specifically a unicorn, whose name is Moondancer, nice to meet you sir." She said making the being look at her like he was looking at a unbelievable vine then like he was being tricked. The being then shrugged his shoulders as if he just gave up rationalizing the whole situation. "Honestly, I could be in a worse situation, so sitting in front of a female unicorn in a world, most likely, filled with these 'ponies' isn't the worst possible thing in the world." He said seemingly talking to himself. He then looked her over and gave a small smile making Moondancer feel a little uncomfortable. "Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old." He said playfully. "Names Konnor by the way, pleasure to meet you Moondancer." Konnor said holding his hand out for a shake, Moondancer looked at it warily for a second not knowing what to do at first but put her hoof in his hand and he gently shook it, to her surprise. He noticed how soft her fur felt and wondered if all of her felt this soft. Especially her backside. 'Where did THAT come from?' He thought to himself as his face heated up rapidly as he tried to clear his mind of his thoughts. "So, um, mind if I ask you a question?" Moondancer asked him taking his mind fully off his other thoughts. "Only if I can ask you one." Ethan replied. "Deal." She said confidently. "So what exactly are you?" She asked looking him over again wondering a little more than just that, but didn't voice it. "Glad you asked, I'm what you call a human or homo sapiens." Konnor said. "Now this is a question that involves you're name, now hear me out, have you ever danced under the moon?" He asked politely. The reason why was he didn't want the crap being beat out of him. "No, I haven't, I don't even know how to dance properly." Moondancer said sadly while hanging her head down in shame. "I'm sorry but your name brought up that question. I didn't know it would hit a sore spot." Konnor sputtered out. "No it's fine it's just I never studied the art of dance." Moon dancer admitted with a slight blush on her face. "If it will make you feel better I could teach you how to dance." Konnor offered. "I'd like that. *yawn* Its late and I'm tired it was nice to meet you I wish I could learn more about you, but that can wait until tomorrow, Goodnight." Moondancer said sleepily. "That isn't a bad idea, mind if I join you?" Konnor asked. Moondancer thought about it, arguing with herself on whether or not she should do this or not eventually she decided and said. "No not at all, just don't get any ideas." She said. "I'm too tired to try anything anyways." Konnor said getting in next to her. "Goodnight Moondancer." He said kissing her forehead just beneath her horn.. "Why'd you do that?" She asked. "I honestly don't know." Konnor replied. Moondancer rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. "It felt nice, just warn me next time. Anyways, goodnight Konnor." She replied.