//------------------------------// // Ending C // Story: Get a Clue // by S. K. RyDer //------------------------------// Ending C: STOP! THIS IS AN ENDING! GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING UNLESS LINKED HERE BY THE MAIN STORY! “In the dark.” Smiles took a deep breath, flopping down on the floor, “Woof. In the dark, the murderer ran across the hall to the study, picked up the Curtain Tug, and the lead pipe, ran to the cellar, Strangled Candace, ran to library, and stabbed Shining Armor with the pipe. Then, coming out of the library, the doorbell rang--it was the singing telegram. The murderer picked up the gun where Chestnut dropped it, ran to the door, opened it, recognized the girl from her picture, shot her, and ran back to the Living Room! “The Living Room!” Six voices again. Smiles nodded, “Yes.” “But Navy wasn't in there.” Mustard sat on her haunches, chest heaving. “No. But you were.” Smiles stared at her. “So?” “You murdered them all, Mustard Fire. You were the person who was missing when Rainbow Dash and FoxTrot were murdered.” “Why?” the Pegasus looked around, “Why would I have murdered all of the others? There's no proof.” “Well. My Vorpal Blade has vanished. Gentlecolts, turn out your pockets. Fillies, Likewise to your saddlebags. Whoever has the blade is the murderer.” Spitfire sighed pulling from the plant where she discarded it earlier. She brandished it like a sword. “What do you propose to do about it?” She started towards the double doors leading outside. Smiles laid on the cool inviting floor, “Nothing.” He sighed, “I think we’re all too tired.” She looked at the guests, all either sleeping, or exhausted by the evening. “Nothing.” She echoed. “Nothing at all. I don't approve of murder. But it seems to me that we’re all too tired to do anything to stop you.” “But the Royal Guard will be here any minute.” Violet perked up a little, “What happens then?” “Why should they come? Nobody's called them.” Ten eyes snapped open. “You mean . . .” Lord Chestnut turned to look the butler in the eye “Now,” Smiles nodded, “I suggest that we stack the bodies in the cellar, lock it, leave quietly, one at a time, and pretend than none of this has ever happened.” “Great idea!” Spitfire set the Vorpal Blade on the bench by the door; I'll leave first . . . if you don't mind.” “Be my guest.” Smiles nodded to the door, In fact, I think we all owe you a vote of thanks.” Smiles started a small ditty in a higher baritone. “For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow.” The rest of the guests started to sing as well. Even Scarlet took a harmony. Spitfire took one incredulous look around, hardly believing her eyes and ears. They were sitting on the floor, not even going to try to stop her. “Okay, well, I’m going to go now. Big plans for tomorrow. See you.” She opened the door, looking back at the ponies still lying, sitting, or leaning on each other, singing of how good of a fellow she was. As soon Spitfire slammed door shut, the party stopped singing. “You let her go?” Violet glared at the butler, “We all let her go because we’re all too tired to do anything?” Smiles held up a hoof, “Shh, listen.” It took them a moment, but they eventually heard it. Cupcaaaakesss! Don’t be tooooo haaaaasteeeeee! Cupcaaaaaaakessss So sweeeeeeeeeet And tasteeeee! Spitfires’ scream of terror, then after a moment of pain, reached the horrified ears of the surviving guests. “Ah thought you said she wouldn’t kill nopony.” Scarlet turned to the butler, “Ah don’t thank that’s not killin’s.” Smiles gave a tired nod, “Aye, but FoxTrot is dead. Kind of hard to make a dead pony mad.” All gave a nod of agreement, then, one by one, they fell asleep in the hooves of the pony next to them.