//------------------------------// // Glimmer of Inspiration // Story: Twilight the clown // by TechnoPagan9 //------------------------------// Caty and Loopy were leaving the tent and heading out into Ponyville. They remembered Sprinkle telling them that the place they need to go to is called Carousel Boutique, owned by a marshmallow. Caty also thought about the new clown who had a rainbow mane until Loopy started asking some daft questions. "Hey Caty, do you think that Skittle girl's rainbow mane is just dyed or natural" Loopy asked. Caty herself wasn't too sure as it had been a question that a lot of ponies in Ponyville have asked themselves. She thought for a bit and turned to Loopy. "I think it may be natural even though I have seen no one else with a natural rainbow mane." Caty said while expecting another silly question from Loopy. Surely enough, Loopy asked a question with an obvious answer. "Is Sprinkle being honest when she said a marshmallow, I mean how can it make dresses without hooves plus it would have to bounce a lot" Loopy said while thinking of the possibility of a living marshmallow. "Don't take some stuff that Sprinkle or anypony says too literally Loopy. She was probably referring to the owner as having white fur and therefore looks like a marshmallow, you really need your head fixing". chuckled Caty, Loopy just smiled as they made their way through Ponyville. They spotted there intended destination, the Carousel Boutique. It had fancy exterior, giving an upper class vibe not unlike something you would see in Canterlot. It would be easy for anyone to spot as if it were a rare gem found under a hole of matching rocks as nowhere else in Ponyville would you find a grand building. Caty and Loopy stood in place and took the time to observe the building. "It looks like a large tent for some wealthy pony. Do you think Sasha would like her tent to be like that" Loopy asked inquisitively. "I don't think she would want to live in a posh tent though she maybe fine with posh stuff so long as it doesn't take away from the circus theme". Caty repiled while trying to shake off an image of the circus tent looking like the Boutique with Sasha in an upper class outfit with a snobby expression on her face. They proceeded to enter the shop and were both unnerved by the 'boring' upper class outfits and excited at the colour and creativity put in the outfits. "Well this is odd, I am normally not fond of boring snobby wear but these outfits despite all that are very creative" Caty said while looking at a dress that looked like it was related to nature. The interior had many mannequins with most being naked, there were a few changing rooms and a lot of mirrors. "It would seem the owner's doing very well for themselves" Caty said before Loopy asked an interesting question. "Hey Caty why do all the clothes shops have changing rooms." She asked to which Caty rolled her eyes. "Because they are places for ponies to change their clothes without others staring at them" Caty said back. Loopy did bug her sometimes with her questions but she listened anyway. "But why would anypony care about others staring at their body when they are normally naked anyway. Just look at me, I am naked and no one would care since everyone else is" Loopy replied. Caty was speechless at that reply, Loopy had managed to come up with a thought provoking question instead of her daft one but Caty was unsure about how to respond and in the misted of her thoughts, Loopy spoke again. "Ha you don't know what to say, that means changing rooms are pointless and that we should just change clothes in front of others. Wait until Sasha hears this then we can get rid of the circus changing rooms". Loopy said with joy. Caty was shocked at the mention of Sasha who is a human not a pony and would have a good reason for not changing in full view of the public. She quickly thought something up in order to make the conversation less awkward. "Loopy, Sasha's race has a reason for changing rooms, please let us leave it at that and drop the conversation". shouted Caty. Loopy just shrug, not bothered by the shouting or on the reason why Sasha would not get rid of the changing rooms. The shout was loud enough to be heard in the upper levels of the house which had alerted the owner Rarity. She made her way downstairs and found the 2 clowns in the shop. She had not heard them come in and went up to greet them. "Greeting, welcome to Carousel Boutique, my name is Rarity, how can I help you". Rarity said. "Hello, our friend Twinkle Sprinkle said you could help us get some new outfits for the next show" Caty asked. Rarity remembered these two from the show a couple of days ago on the day that Twilight disappeared. She decided to question them a little. "I am sorry that this is off topic but I remember you from the show. I was wondering if you saw my friend Twilight, go anywhere near inside the tent that day as I was supposed to meet her" Rarity said out of curiosity. Caty decided to feign ignorance in order to make sure that Rarity is unaware that Sparkle and Sprinkle are the same until the nose is used. It was clear that like with Skittles, Sprinkle wanted this Rarity to be part of the circus. "I never saw anypony called Twilight but remember seeing you in the crowd why with that stunning mane and glowing fur coat, it would be impossible to notice". Caty said, trying to make Rarity forget her question by stroking her ego. "Well I do a lot to remain radiant and beautiful, I also do the same for all my customers". Rarity stood proud and continued on "Anyway what were we talking about" Rarity replied while blushing. "We came here to look for some outfits for the next performance and were told to come here" said Loopy. Rarity decided to find them the perfect outfit. For 2 hours, Caty and Loopy searched through the shop's outfits. They tried on tutus (much to Loopy's excitement), colourful high class (much to Caty's annoyance) and baggy pants (which were ok but the dark colours didn't suit them). They were not satisfied so they looked through some small bits instead of a full outfit. They placed bows on the mane and tail but felt it just screwed up the hair, tried bracelets but when practicing some performances, they would break from the pressure and after that they tried on some hats but Caty was reluctant to get rid of her own so she didn't choose to buy a new hat and most of the hats just fell off Loopy's mane. "I am sorry I haven't got any clothes for you now but I can design some to be collected later if you wish". Rarity said with a smile. Loopy jumped with joy at the thought of some custom made clothing as she felt it would make the clothing unique to her. Caty decided to give it a shot so long as they don't design a new hat for her. For another hour Rarity sketched new clothes for the 2 clowns, a problem that kept coming up was the lack of a comedic element to the costumes. Sure they looked nice but Rarity's need for make sure the colours go together (despite mismatch colours go well with comedy) and she start making it go against the clown's wishes which was bugging Caty. After enough criticism from Rarity, Caty felt enough was enough. "Rarity, I know you insist on making things match and what not but this is clowning we are talking about. The outfits tend to be mismatched in colour, that is part of the joke". Caty said while getting a little cross at Rarity. "I am doing my best darling but I feel that it just doesn't fit in right." Rarity replied still trying to get it 'right'. Caty, recalling Sprinkle's words to her decided now is the time to transform this snob. She walked closer to Rarity and looked her in the eyes "You seem to be lacking in inspiration Rarity, I just may have something to help" Caty said. "Thank you, what is it darling." Rarity asked with a smile. "This, after all you being a clown will really help" Caty said with a grinned as she placed the clown nose on Rarity. Loopy took notice of this and laughed at Rarity who gave a mean stare as she looked into a mirror. "Really?, this is your inspirat...." Rarity stopped talking as she felt a tingle. She stared with wide eyes at Caty. "I lied when I said I didn't know where your friend was" said Caty. Rarity was shocked at this and felt like restraining Caty. "Where is Twilight?. Rarity said in anger. Caty just laughed and said "Twinkle Sprinkle is who she is now, also she manged to convince Rainbow Dash to join as well". Rarity could not believe what she was hearing, her friends were brainwashed and she was about to go through the same. Rarity mind started to slip and her vision changed to what appears to be a backstage area of sorts. She notice several ponies were wearing very colourful but strange clothing. "What is this, where am I?" Rarity asked out loud as a tiara with a clown face formed on her head which was held on by her ears. "Where did this come from. Is this the noses doing?" she said noticing the tiara which she tried to take off. It refused and she tried to take the nose off but again it refused to come off. She noticed a pony approach her, she was wearing what looked like a mix between a tutu and a clown outfit and was wearing a blue clown nose. Rarity realized who it was when she noticed the light cyan mane with a red and purple flower bow. "Coco Pommel is that you?" she asked as the mare bowed to her. "It is an honor to meet you again Glimmer Joy" Coco said as she pushed her nose letting out a squeak before continuing "What do you think of my clothes?" she asked. Rarity started feeling dizzy as she analysed the Coco's clothes. "Honestly a business suit would be be.......total rubbish compared to your lovely tutu" Rarity said with a smile before realizing what she said. "Wait what no your clothes are appal.....so appealing to my eyes....no why am I saying that" She said as a rainbow bow tied itself around her mane. "Thank you Glimmer, hopefully it will impress the audience. That bow you got from your mother still looks good on you." Coco replied with a giggle as an announcer called her name and she walk towards the catwalk. Rarity noticed a mirror that some of the 'models' were posing in front of and looked at it where she saw the bow. "My mother never gave me this and why was she calling me 'Glimmer Joy' my name is ra...rat....rar....why don't I remember my name" Rarity said as she panicked. She noticed a stallion in a business suit in the corner and approached him to find out how to stop all this strangeness. "Excuse me kind sir but I just wanted to ask where....why you are wearing such a boring suit?" She asked failing to realize what she just said. The stallion was visibly annoyed by this. "I beg your pardon. I prefer to dress as a proper stallion" he replied. Before Rarity could respond the front part of her gala outfit formed on her body except there were differences such as the white furry collar, the purple diamond on the collar. It was also a lighter shade of pink and had dark purple frills at the legs. The stallion started poking at the dress in an aggressive manner. "You are one to criticize given you are dressed like a walking punchline" he continued. Rarity struggled to focus as her mind became cloudy. "My apologies, your suit is handso......the true punchline of any fashion joke...no no no stop messing up my words." Rarity responded as she started to laugh against her will. The rest of the models started laughing with her as the stallion got angry and left through an exit door. The back half of the dress formed, a blue and purple skirt held together with the front half by a large blue and orange striped bow. Rarity proceeded to try and rip the dress off but her hove stopped before it can grab it. "This isn't funny, this dress makes me feel ridicu....so beautiful" Rarity said as four shoes formed on her hoofs. They were dark purple with a diamond shard on each which kept them on the hoofs. She noticed Coco coming back in to the backstage area and her body moved on its own will towards Coco though as this happened Rarity felt a strange sensation on her eyelids. "Wow Glimmer, when you said you would blow the other models away you certainly were not joking" Coco said stunned by Rarity appearance. Rarity grabbed her dress with the intention of ripping it off but she started posing. "I love what you did with your make up" Coco said as she pulled out a mirror and showed it to Rarity. The white mare felt her jaw dropping as she saw that her eye shadow had reshaped into a diamond over both eyes. She tried to wipe it off but it seemed like it was now a part of her face. "Its so embar.....Thank you Coco....sto..th" Rarity said weakly as Coco smiled. "Next in line is the Laughtalot's noblest of jokers Glimmer Joy" the announcer said. The voice seemed familiar to Rarity as her body started to leave the backstage area for the catwalk. As she entered the catwalk, she noticed the announcer on the upper balcony who was dressed like an olden style clown where she manged to see her cutie mark which were three different coloured buttons with smiley faces on them. Rarity realized it was her friend turned enemy Suri Polomare. She could barely think as she feared the thought turning into a clown like Suri and Coco "..Noo ple...I don't....to...clown" Rarity said as her mind was at breaking point. As she walked on, she was being forced to smile as she could barely speak anymore and her cutie mark . "I..sto..pl." was all she could say before her eyes were closed, her mind losing its love for fashionable clothes and instead developing a new love for mismatch clowny clothes. When she got to the end, she posed and open her eyes revealing they had turned pink just like everypony else in the hall. "Am I not the most fabulous clown in Laughtalot?" Rarity, now Glimmer Joy asked the audience who cheer at her as her vision returned to normal where she noticed that during her transformation, Loopy had attempted to make her own outfit after getting bored of watching Rarity's transformation. Caty seems to have been trying to stop her from messing about with the sewing machines. "Hello dearies, my name is Glimmer Joy, are you looking for an outfit?". Glimmer said to the two. Caty smiled at the transformed fashionista. "Yes Glimmer we are looking for some new clown outfits for our next performance, Loopy has been trying to use one of your machines but I have been stopping her" she responded showing the damaged sewing machine as well as some cloth that was now linked to Loopy. "Say no more I will create for you 2 some goofy outfits that will have the audience laughing even after the performance". Glimmer said with a grin. "Great will shall leave you to it, come on Loopy before you bring the house down....literally" said Caty, beckoning Loopy to the door "Okie dokie and Glimmer, we will give your regard to Sprinkle for you" Loopy said while bouncing to the door "Ok, bye" said Glimmer while waving. After the two had left, Glimmer looked around the shop and felt that it was unappealing to her now that her mind had been opened. "Maybe its time to give the Carousel Boutique a circus makeover, it will need a new name too, maybe some props for sale" Glimmer giggled at the thought then turned to a mirror, she felt ok with her appearance but felt a change was needed. "Hmmm....maybe I should dye my mane and tail or at least put streaks in it. Maybe even restyle it all together". She said to her reflection before going to her sketching table to design a new outfit.