Technological Revolution

by sgt Cutting Chipset


Login: cttngchpst
Pass: *****************

Access granted - Admin mode

The login screen disappeared leaving only a blinking cursor which is just waiting for typing a command. But there's something missing. But I don't know what. From everything I noticed system has read almost all necessary files. Almost.

"Something wrong?"
"The best case I suspect is config file modified by somepony, worst one is system being corrupted. But I need further investigation."
"What do you want to do?"
"Let's see what I can do, at least."

I wanted to type something realizing that I don't have any keyboard. I felt confused having no idea to input there. I sat on the ground thinking about how to write on console.

"Did you try imagining writing on console?"

Urgh, this was so obvious. Why didn't I get to this idea? I facehoofed. I typed on console 'help' command. What was the result? It showed up a massive list of available commands I couldn't show up on one page.

"Yeah, you're right."
"Since you aren't from here maybe system has any knowledge about you?"
"I doubt that but it's worth giving a shot." I wrote a command.

Name: Cutting Chipset
Born null in null
Tribe: null Sex: null
Colors: 6abb57f5421a4c (Coat), 6232ba00954fdd (Mane), null (Aura)
Cutie mark: 5f328bba9323c2f0adc24124b
Marital status: null
Currently living in: null, null null
Magic usage I/O:
Now: 153/3 (capacity: 40 000/400 000)
10 min average: 42 811/378 232 (peak: 48 120/432 243)
1 hr average: 37 213/245 243 (peak: 48 120/432 243)

"Uh, what those 'null' mean?"
"Those are missing data that require filling."
"I see. And why there are so big numbers at bottom?"

I looked at IO section. I noticed quickly one important thing. How I could send more magic than capacity of my horn? It was impossible until I realized that data could go under compression.

"Oh, that's explains why I almost fainted. Well, let's fill those data up!"
"You should rest now."
"Don't worry, I'm fine."
"How I could not to worry? First, you appeared out of nowhere, hit a wall so hard, then cast random spells while you was unconscious, then summoned a watch fainting and babbling and you say not to worry?!" She shouted with fury so loud that Spike could hear this from opposite corner of castle. "You're kidding me, right?"
"Fine, you won. I'll go to bed." I dimmed the console.

When I came to my new temporary bedroom which looked like my bedroom on Earth, except it was made of crystals, and after making sure Twilight won't pass nearby, I lighted up console.

I was trying using many available commands to get as much data about Equestria, EquOS, the species, knowledge and other stuff i didn't mention. But one thing was still wondering me: How the magic exactly works in here? Despite all collected data, I couldn't get this.

Suddenly, I found one program I haven't used that yet. That command was looking suspicious for me, so I wanted to use it as last one. I typed a command carefully pressing Enter button.

> Enter lock matrix to access this command.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

The result wasn't what I expected. Totally. How a such program like this will require an additional password from an admin? Maybe it's a command giving powers greater than anyone could think of? Or maybe it's a cursed command which after executing this will spread disaster across Equestria and nopony will be able to face this? Maybe it's not a good time to think about it, especially after few hours of hard work in secret from Twilight. It's almost midnight and I feel tired. I'm gonna log out and go to sleep.


The next morning some time after sunrise I woke up hearing birds from the distance. Their songs were so beatutiful that I wanted to get up from my bed, but something was keeping my body lying. No, it's not a bed. It's a thought that reminds me of ever-wanted peace and posibility to sleep as long as I wished. I sneezed some more time until I heard door opening. Despite the size of doors which could be twice as tall as I was as a human they were moving very quiet.

"Hello, Chipset."
I turned my head towards her and slowly opened my eyes.
"How was the night?"
"Ugh, a bit rough at the beginning, but fine."
"You might be hungry, right?"
"Yeah. So, what's for breakfast?"
"You'll see."

I've gotten up from my bed and headed towards bathroom (How could I look gross in front of my roommates, huh?) brusing my teeth which looked similar to human ones, tail, mane and coat. After short shower and toweling I went down to dining room.

The dining room was almost empty except a little piece of paper with something written on it.

Come down to hall if you want something to eat.
"Another joke?" I muttered. "Who's idea was this?"

After few minutes of wandering in castle to find a hall I finally got there. The doors were shut, but not locked. I opened the door and went inside where is suspiciously dark here.

"Uh, hello? Anypony there?"
Then all lamps (or whatever were those) were light up.
"WELCOME TO PONYVILLE, CHIPSET!" All ponies whose met me before shouted in unison. I took a step back from noise they made.
"Gaah, you almost scared me to death. What the hell is happening?"
"It's your super duper 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, you silly."

In the hall there were many ponies chatting to each other, eating various treats they brought. On the right side there were stalls where ponies took what they wanted to eat. On outside of castle there were many attractions including balloon pop, can tossing and cider stall. The biggest attraction was a pony-like mascot hung on a tree filled with something I cannot recognize.

"Ooh, ooh, I forgot to tell you are also celebrating 'Cutie Mark Piñacera'." I heard from Pinkie later shouting to ponies:
"Everypony, Chipset is going to break a piñata!" And she tied my eyes pushing me away from mascot and twisting me few times.

I felt confused from this while I tried to swing with bat that Pinkie gave me to my mouth with no result. Then I came to idea to take it using magic. I swung the bat few times more slowly coming towards mascot. I didn't hear crack from piñata.

"Well, let's try to do it in my style."

I opened the console, writing a script that disables damage dealt to ponies or objects except piñatas in any way. I saved it and executed. Then I spawned my favourite gun in front of me: Negev. I lifted up the gun and pointed at mascot.

I pulled the trigger.


That's what I heard besides dropping dozens of brass bullets from right side of gun. I released that trigger and and took a band from my eyes. Everypony was shocked, scared or suprised. The piñata was heavily damaged and was bleeding with candy. After some hesitation I realized what have I done.

"Oh crap."