//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 Newcomer // Story: The Ultimate World of Equestria // by lightningDragon //------------------------------// Today all the X’s want to have a party to celebrate the war we just finished. It would be a good idea to let them relax a little bit. But I Know I will not be attending this party, because I don’t want anyone to worry about me and tell me I need to sleep or I need to see someone about this. I have been cooped up in my office for the past two weeks thinking of a way to stop seeing these nightmares. But today I have no choice but to come out. Because if I don’t come out Sapphalis will come and see what is going on. She is a good friend, but I do not want to worry her. I was walking around the halls to see what all of our students have been up to for the celebration. The Red Xs are doing a fire show, the Blue Xs are making ice sculptures for the event, the Green Xs are doing iron molding (in other words they will sculpt a piece metal of into anything you want), the White Xs are doing the whirl wind of lights (they make a whirl wind and then shoot their light power into it), the Black Xs are doing a shadow dance, the Brown Xs are giving away some pets, the Gray Xs are using a teleporting trampoline, the Pink Xs are doing a concert, the purple X’s are helping out with any weather problems we run into. So many exciting things that will be going on this week, but I will have to miss all of them. Just then I bumped into Sapphalis (I must have dosed off, because she was not there a second ago). Sapphalis asks “are you ok Ultimate?” I respond saying “yea, I am fine.” Sapphalis then sees my eyes and notices the dark lines under my eyes, and asks “have you not been sleeping again?” I respond saying “yea I have been sleeping.” “Ok let me rephrase that, how long are you sleeping?” “Well….. Only 1 to 2 hours a day.” “Ultimate, this is getting serious. You need to get some sleep. Or who knows what might happen if you don’t get enough sleep.” “I am ok really. I am up and moving and my powers are at perfection. I promise I do not need any help Emerald.” “Emerald, now I know you need help.” “Well if you want to help me so much then JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” ………………………………………………. Sapphalis went down the halls upset after what Ultimate did. She was not upset at Ultimate for yelling at her, she was upset at the fact her friend was getting worse and Ultimate was not getting any help. She was thinking this in her head when she came across Ice Fire, who was hanging up posters for the upcoming events that will be taking place next week, and she taped him on the shoulder and said “hey, have you talked to Ultimate today?” Ice Fire responded “No, I have not; she seems to be in her office a lot. Why have you?” Sapphalis replies “yes and I am worried about her. She is not sleeping and she does not seem like she wants to get any help. Ice you’re her step dad can’t you just talk to her and see if you can get through to her.” Ice Fire sighs and says “I have tried, but she is just like her father. Gannondorf is a very stubborn man. So trying to get my daughter to get medical attention is like hoping that every villain in the universe will become heroes, it is hopeless.” “It is not impossible or hopeless; it is just some medical illness,” Sapphalis says to Ice Fire. Just then Nightshade and Barracus walked up and said “Sapphalis, I wish it was just an illness.” Sapphalis says “what do you mean Barracus, what else could it be than just an illness?” Nightshade answered by saying “you might want to read this.” And he hands Sapphalis and Ice Fire a book he was holding. Dear, Super Evil Journal I have done it Ultimate is finally going to get what she deserves. You see Evil Journal I put a spell on her. The spell is called “sleepusnomoreus”, I named it myself. This spell causes the victim to not sleep. Ex: 1st week: nothing happens 2nd week: they can only sleep for only one to two hours at a time before the nightmares hit. 3rd week: only one hour of sleep before the nightmares hit. 4th week: they will end up killing them self from seeing the nightmares 24/7. So yes, I have finally killed her and if anyone asks there is no cure. Love the greatest villain in the world, Nightelf Mohawk. Sapphalis says “oh no. what are we going to do we can’t just sit here and do nothing.” Nightshade responds “we have no choice Sapphalis, it’s over we can’t do anything.” A voice comes out of nowhere saying “yes there is a choice. We can save her we just have to get her there.” Everyone turns and sees Regal Crescent, a man that was noted as the most noble warier. Ice Fire looks at Regal and says “Regal, I am almost surprised that you have not found a way to cure this spell with a counter spell.” Regal responded “I have tried, but this spell is really tuff to get through. I have even tried to use Cresselia but she cannot get through this spell that is on Ultimate.” Then Regal told them that he has a friend that may help but it is still up to Ultimate whether she accepts the help or not. ………………………………………………….. I feel really bad for yelling at Sapphalis, I want to go apologies but I am afraid that she will just storm off or tell me to just leave her alone. I walk into my room where my Dragon, Silver tooth, and my wolf, shadow hound, were staring at this weird statue on my desk. The statue on my desk look like a bunch of animals combined in one body. I simply through it in a trash can and said aloud “this statue is so useless, and it is just plain stupid.” The second I threw it into the trash I heard it say “Stupid and useless who are you calling stupid and useless?” just then the statue turned into monster. I grab my sword and yell at it saying “I do not know who you are or what you are but I do know that you are trespassing. So you need to leave and talk to me some other time.” The creature responded “well of all the nerve, I have never meet an Ultimate with such rudeness. But to answer your question I am Discord the master of chaos and I am a Draconequus .” I then say “nice to meet you Discord and sorry it has been a long week.” “I can see that, have you not been sleeping?” said Discord. “Yes I have but it has only been for two hours.” “Well I know someone who can help you sleep and her name is Lue, Lue” “Lue, Lue?” Then a voice called from the shadows saying “Luna from Eqestria.” I turned to see who said that and it was Regal, though it could be my imagination. He continued saying “She has the power to see inside your dreams and help you.” I said “I am fine Regul; really I can just stay here and help with the party.” Regal then said “fine if you won’t go to get help then go to explore this world you have never been to.” I say “Ok I will go.” but now when I look at Regal he is no longer Regal he is Cipher. I turn to Discord and say “ok let’s go. Oh, can my animals come to or are they not allowed.” Discord replies “oh yes they can come but when we go through the portal they well have to change per say.” I say “change into what?” “Well, your big dragon will turn into a baby dragon and your wolf will turn into a dog.” Silver tooth growled at Discord for that remark. But Discord shook his head and said “do not worry your scales off; you need to be that small because your sizes depends on how greedy you are, He is not greedy is he.” I respond by saying, “no, he is not greedy at all. The only time he is when it is his birthday, only because he wants a specific jewel.” “Good, alright let’s go.” The Draconequus took me and my pet to this Equestria. Who know what I may in counter in this new world or what new creatures I will meet.