Take Off Stories: Abandoned

by Sapphire Shadow

Queen Marble's Palace

Today was the day. Moonstone was excited, but also sad to leave her parents whom she loved so dearly.

Princess Sunset, number two in Queen Marble's palace, was coming to pick up Moonstone herself. Moon was very excited to meet real royalty. Maybe she would even get to see the queen!

Turquoise Dream had stayed over the night so she could help Moon's parents give the proper send off. Dream had some more of the fudge and waited patiently, knowing these were her last moments with her parents for a long time.

“I can't believe this day has finally come! I'm going to meet the one and only princess of the Fillypines!! And ride in her carriage!” Moon said as they waited, hopping up and down.

“Yes, it's quite awesome!” Turquoise joined in the jumping.

Suddenly Moon stopped and cocked a pretty white ear toward the door. She could her the clip-clop of big hooves and the rattle of wheels over gravel.

“That's them! That's THEM!” she squealed, then stopped, brushed a stray strand of mane behind her ear, and calmed herself. Peridot and Scarlet smiled at each other. She seemed definite queen material to them. But that wasn't for them to decide.

The foursome walked outside and Moon gasped. In front of her was the most beautiful carriage she'd ever seen. It was silver, with gold and bronze edging, and two, big green stallions with gray manes partially hidden under their armor stood hitched to it. On the top of the carriage near the end was a small replica of the Fillypine flag. A green background with a dark silhouette of two swords clashing with a diamond in the middle.

After gazing at all this, Moon finally fixed her gaze on the gold-etched glass windows, hoping for a glimpse of the princess inside.

An armored stallion unhitched himself and stood in front of the family stern and serious.

“Scarlet and Peridot with their daughter Moonstone Ruby?” he questioned. The named ones nodded. Turquoise did too, for good measure.

“And who is this? We can have no bad-doers here.” he said.

“This is my best friend in the whole world Turquoise Dream and she is quite the opposite of a 'bad-doer.'” Moon answered defensively.

The guard's mouth twitched but he refused the smile and went to open the carriage door.

“Then, welcome to your grounds Princess Pearl Sunset, daughter of her majesty, Queen Quartz-Marble, husband to deceased King-”

“Enough! There is no need for such fuss and nonsense!” came a musical voice from inside. Moon's eyes widened as a beautiful mare stepped out. She was a lot taller than Moon's parents, and a striking color of red-orange that Moon had never seen before. She had a beautiful, curly, flowing, blue and green striped mane, and wore a simple pink dress over her large wings. From her horn hung a tiny blue amulet. Her eyes shone like rubies. She had a simple golden crown with an emerald imbedded in it.

“I am....well, everything my guard was about to say, but you may address me as Princess Sunset.” the mare said.

The foursome bowed, and the guard did, too.

“Now, say your goodbyes and come along. School starts tomorrow so you must get to your quarters at once to get organized. Are all your things packed?” her voice was the smooth and beautiful practiced voice of royalty.

All Moon could do was nod. Then she snapped out of her daze and turned to her parents and Turquoise.

“I'm gonna miss you guys so bad.” she said, hugging her dad.

“Aw, we'll miss you too, sweetheart.” Scarlet agreed as he hugged her back. She gave him a kiss and hugged her mother next.

“Be good, darling, and never forget yourself.” Peridot said as she squeezed her daughter.

“Write letters!” Turquoise pleaded as she took her turn. Then Moon pulled back and looked at them. With a slight sniff she smiled sadly.

“Goodbye, guys.” she said. They waved as she was escorted into the carriage behind Princess Sunset.

“Now. Off we go!” Princess Sunset declared. Moon looked out the window and waved—trying hard not to make it look wild and frantic—and watched her house until she saw it no more.

Finally, with a sigh, she turned back to the tall pony sitting opposite of her.

“I'm excited to go to this school. What do they teach, exactly?” Moon asked the princess.

“Oh! Many things. You will love Queen Marble's school. Queen Marble herself is the best queen you'll ever shake hooves with. Although you won't really shake her hooves, because that would be improper and just weird!” Sunset said, scrunching up her nose at the thought of it.

Moon's eyes widened. “I'm going to meet her?!” she asked excitedly.

“Of course! Every student does when they first come to the school. And of course you'll see her in events, or announcements, sometimes. You'll be seeing her more than you think.” Princess Sunset replied.

“Wow...” was all Moon could say. Princess Sunset was so...Moon didn't even know. It was hard to be awkward and self-conscious around this mare.

“Yes. 'Twill be an honor. But let me tell you how to do things in front of her, since she is a queen, after all.”

Moon leaned in eagerly.

“When we first enter, we will stop about ten paces from the throne and bow. I'll teach you the correct Fillypine way we do it when we arrive. Do not get up or make eye contact at all until she says 'rise.' Don't even make eye contact before you bow. When she tells you to rise, then you may. Do not speak unless you are spoken to and address as her as 'your majesty,' or 'highness.' Don't say 'your grace.' That we use only for kings.” Princess Sunset stopped for breath.

“Bow..wait...rise...your majesty...I can do that.” Moon said, storing the information away in her brain.

“Good. We will arrive shortly.” The Princess said.

So, after traveling for a while past the Fillypines' lush grazing, goat herds, mango and pine trees, and flower-dotted hillsides, they made their way into a valley where Moon saw the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen.

It was a valley surrounded by the green hills, with many trees scattered here and there. There was the black and brown school, and the huge, gray, shining castle with the nations flag on the two topmost towers. It had no moat. It needed none, for it was great without. There were several courtyards, buildings and places Moon assumed were used for things at the school. Events if you will. There was a large fence surrounding all this, and guards at every gate.

“Wow...” she breathed.

“'Tis lovely, isn't it?” Princess Sunset said softly. Moon nodded, then looked at Princess Sunset, who was gazing at the scene with a smile.

When they arrived, the same stallion came and opened the door for them, and then another gray and blue guard came and escorted them to the castle.

The castle was even more beautiful inside. The floor was hard marble colored cream with black and gold swirls. The walls rose up in a beautiful white and rose color, and the ceiling held a giant, glass and crystal chandelier that sparkled and caused beautiful sparkles of light to cast on the walls and floors. It was a happy looking place and Moon felt she could sleep in that very room.

“Thank you, Thorn. You are dismissed. We'll take it from here.” Princess Sunset said. The guard bowed and trotted off. Then she turned to Moon.

“Now. The way we bow, is like this..” and she did the traditional bow.

“Easy..I hope.” then Moon tried to do it herself.

She did it perfectly.

“Wonderful! Now, remember what I told you, and let's go in.

And so they did. Moon couldn't wait.