Beautiful Rainbows, Unicorns, and Rainbow Unicorns

by GamingWolf

Re-Part II Chapter iii

Queen Chrysalis sat upon the royal throne, cackling over her victory. The white alicorn, broken, bruised, and bloodied, displayed above her for all to see. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna put up a valiant fight, but in the end, Queen Chrysalis proved to the royal sisters how powerful she truly was. Princess Luna struggled to stand, she fared no better than her elder sister. Her once beautiful, dark blue wings, now a mangled mess; her obsidian crown, lost in the ruins of Canterlot; but she was not about to surrender to the tyrannical changeling. A blast of green energy to her ribs knocked her down, Queen Chrysalis' deranged laughter shook the walls. A massive black dragon crashed through the ceiling, its blue eyes blazing through her soul. Before she could react, blue flames engulfed her.
She sat up. Her serpentine eyes wide, heart hammering against her chest and ears, panting. The chains bit into her baked carapace. She screamed in agony and rage.
"Aw, you poor baby," a familiar voice jeered.
In the dark corner of her cell, a pair of recognizable sapphire eyes lit up.
"What do you want?" she spat.
The bipedal dragon sauntered out of the shadow, his hands behind his back, wielding a toothy grin, "Just wanted to check-up on my trophy."
She snarled and bared her fangs, "I am not your 'trophy'!"
He stood a few hoofs out of her reach, his egotistical expression infuriating her, "Now, don't be such a sore loser."
She lurched at him, snapping at his face, the binds biting deep into her exoskeleton. His countenance relaxed. She retreated to the cold stone wall she was connected to. Not wanting to cry in front of him from her pain. He crouched before her, removing his hands from his back, showing her what he was hiding. Her eyes grew wide.
"Oh, so you know what this is?" he gibed.
"It... looks different, but I can feel its power. . ." her mouth salivated at the pink cotton candy like substance in his hands. "How did you get that?"
"How doesn't matter," he stood back up with an evil smirk on his face, "What does matter is: do you want it?"
"I want nothing from you!" she hissed, lying through her teeth.
He knelt, his sapphire eyes leveled with her peridot, viper eyes. He wore a strange expression.
"I know you aren't evil."
Chrysalis guffawed, throwing her head back, "I am evil incarnate!" she shouted in her flanged voice.
"Really?" he cocked an eyebrow at her, "Because everything I've heard and read, only shows your compassion and love for your subjects. If you truly were evil, you wouldn't care about them."
"I-I need to make do with the resources I have. Of course, I would want them to become stronger! Conquering Equestria would be effortless to achieve with a strong army!" The memory of her changelings burning and begging for her help squeezed her heart. She glared murderously at Onyx, "You killed them all!"
"Au contraire," he stuffed the cotton candy into a pouch on his belt, reached into the bag at his side, and pulled out a changeling grub by its barrel. Its blue eyes blinking in terror, "She isn't the only one in the hive."
The changeling chittered happily upon seeing her Queen. Onyx let it go and it flew to her Queen, nuzzling her muzzle affectionately. Chrysalis sighed contently. Onyx grabbed the grub and stuffed it back into his bag quickly.
Chrysalis' soft expression hardened again, "You do anything to my babies and I'LL BUCKING KILL YOU!"
Onyx pulled out the pink, cloud-like treat from his pouch, "I only want to help you."
"Why?" she grew skeptical.
"This land is all about 'friendship' and 'harmony', oui? I believe I can help you and your people," his sapphire eyes smiled.
"Fine. Give me the food," she snapped.
"I wish it were that easy," he sighed, standing up.
"What do you mean?" her eyes narrowed.
"The princesses have some. . . conditions."
"'Conditions' about what?"
"Conditions of your freedom," he smiled weakly. "Don't worry. I'll put you to sleep for the worst of it."
Her eyes shrunk as he approached her.

She awoke moments later, her body feeling sore but refreshed. Her poly-green eyes had to adjust to the bright white light of the room she now occupied. She rested on a softness she had never felt before a bed, covered with comfortable linens, and a fluffy pillow. To her surprise, she found herself unrestrained. She immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to the metal door of the white room.
"Most inadvisable," a raspy voice advised from behind her.
She stopped in her tracks, and spun around, spotting a daunting shade with glowing eyes, standing in the middle of the room. "What do you mean?"
"Do not mistake compassion for weakness for stupidity," he pointed at his head, making her check her horn, she found a metal ring encasing her gnarled horn, she failed to cast any spells.
"What did you do to me?!" she demanded.
"Besides healing you. . . completely. . . moving you to this room. . . and keeping you alive?"
She snorted and stared daggers into the phantom.
"Just be sure. . . to thank Onyx. . . for that inhibitor," it teleported close to her face. "Everyone voted. . . to remove your horn."
The shade disappeared into her shadow as the door behind her was unlocked. She turned her head to see Onyx fill the doorway as he entered with a wide grin.
"Aren't we looking rather bewitching?" he had his hands behind his back again.
"What do you want?" she asked and ignored the obvious truth he spouted.
"In my world, a person said two simple words to another when that person selflessly helps them, I am pretty sure those two words exist in this world, as well," he said evasively, advancing slowly towards the dusky queen.
"Good job," she stated with a nod of her head.
Onyx pouted, "Well, I guess you don't want this then," he brought out the pink, fluffy treat. He drew in a deep breath, preparing to incinerate it.
"Wait!" she cried desperately. He smiled pompously. "Th-thank. . . y-you. . ." she choked out.
"Here," he said as he outstretched the treat to her, "you deserve it."
Her eyes dilated and mouth watered as she inched closer to her beckoning meal. She sank her fangs into the pink fluff, her mouth exploding with an overwhelming power which charged her chitin and muscles, she devoured the love-fluff-ball in three bites. Her eyes glowed, with her powered renewed she thought about getting her revenge on the dragon. A better plan from the depths of her mind reached out to her. She smiled malevolently.
I can play along.
"Thank you," she whispered sheepishly, batting her eyelashes.
Onyx smiled, "Even if you don't do this out of the kindness of your heart, at least do this for your people."
Chrysalis returned his smile, "Don't keep me waiting. What is this plan of yours?"