//------------------------------// // CH2 // Story: The broken song // by 27 //------------------------------// Tavi looked at her watch before replying to Lyra's question. "Around this time she is either performing or getting drunk at a bar." "Day and night are less opposite than you two." Bonbon chuckled. Lyra spoke up "Well like they say opposites attract." "May I take your order?" A grey pony stood there with a notepad in one hoof and a pen in the other. "I will just have a salad and sparkling water please and thank you," Tavi said handing in her menu. "Hayburger." Both Lyra and Bonbon said handing in their menus. The waiter took the menus after writing the orders down "I shall return with your food." He walked off. Tavi chuckled "it seems you two are not so opposite." "Oh, we disagree a lot on things like music taste, shows, fashion, and Don't get me started on her crazy fascination with hu...." Lyra quickly cut her off. "I think she gets it." Tavi just smiled to the response from Lyra. "So may I ask what your's and Vinyl argument was about?" Bonbon asked. "Oh, their fighting?" Lyra replied. "Yes we had a little argument when she broke my cello, but it's fine I had an extra one. She will probably forget the whole thing when she wakes up tomorrow" Tavi said. The waiter came back with the food. "Here is your salad, sparkling water and hay burgers. Please enjoy." "Thank you." All three replied. The three mares ate their food Two of them with proper manners the third...not so much. "Lyra be more careful you have ketchup all over your mouth." bonbon said. "it is not ketchup my dear, it is blood. For I am Lyra the vampony." Lyra replied doing the vampire pose. This did not amuse Bonbon. "Haha, you and Vinyl would be great friends. Hey, Bonbon want to live with me and Vinyl and Lyra can live together?" Tavi asked. "that is a really tempting offer but I have to decline. those two living together would probably mean the end of equestria." Bonbon replied. Lyra stood up "HEY....yeah your right." She sat back down ending her protest. The waiter came back. "we are closing." "Oh ok thank you. Well, let's go get a carriage, girls." Tavi said leaving a tip on the table. The three mares walked out the restraunt doors only to find out the rain had returned, but luckily for them a carriage had just pulled up. All three of them got on. "Nice weather we have been having" Lyra chuckled. "The weather ponies have rainstorms planned for the next week" Bonbon replied. "luckily for me I don't have another performance till next month" Tavi sighed in relief. The carriage came to a stop. "well this is us. see you later and I hope you two make up." Bonbon said stepping out. Lyra followed closely behind. "Me too. Have a safe night" Tavi replied closing the door. The carriage Started moving again. Tavi stared out the small window watching the rain hit the hard ground. for a reason that she could not figure out, her mind kept going to Vinyl Her thoughts were cut short as the carriage came to a sudden halt. "Why have we stopped?" She asked. "sorry miss There's been an accident" The coachpony replied. "Oh, are they ok?" "I do not know." Tavi continued to look out the small window. She watched a stream of water with a red tint flow down the street. She shifted her gaze to a new spot and saw it. The thing that made her heart stop. Laying there broken in half in the middle of the street was a cello...her cello.