The Shadow's

by Secret-Lover

Chapter 3

She was having a hard time seeing Vinyl and Caramel together. She understood they were friends. The three of them used to be friends before the whole thing with caramel and her started. It wasn’t a fun thing that happened; yet it did and there was nothing she could do to change it. I mean she wouldn’t change it because she realized her feelings for Vinyl while the whole breakdown happened with Caramel. So that is one thing she definitely wouldn’t change for the world. Yet she was upset the fact Caramel seemed to hate her now. For no reason.

‘He was the one who broke up with me. Yet he’s acting like I did something wrong. All I ever did was care about him. I was always there for him and yet now he hates me. What the hell is that? I guess that's just how some people are. They begin to hate you although you never did anything truly wrong to them.'

That's when she reminded herself of what Granny Smith had told her a few days before. Granny Smith had told her sometimes when feelings were to strong, and a person didn't know what to do about it they would run, they would run away as fast as they could. In order to protect themselves, some people don't like being out on the open and sometimes they run and push away so that they have no chance of being hurt. Weather or not it hurts someone else in the process. That's just how it is.

So Apple knew Caramel regretted it, weither or not he would admit to it. There was no way to get him to anyways, he wouldn't even spit in her direction unless it would be to hit her. She knew that better than anything. The sound of the bell broke her thoughts and she realized Vinyl was trying to talk to her.

".... so yea did you ever do it?" Vinyl asked.

"Do what? I'm sorry i was spacing out ! My bad."

"The homework we had to do? Or did you "forget" about it?" She asked putting air quotes around forget.

"Yea i forgot, i'm just going to nap." Really she hadn't forgotten about the homework, she was just in no condition to present it, there was no way she could. The home work had asked for a poem. A poem describing the one they loved, it was an easy assignment. Yet she wouldn't present it. All because she knew Vinyl would know it was about her the moment she read off the first line. She had it clearly memorized, and she kept going over it in her head:

"It took my breath away,
The clear beauty,
The clear way there was power, and yet so little faith,
Yet who was to know?
A forbidden love? Strung across the world? Held so high above no one would assume.
No way to know? No way to understand,
The eyes the smile the laugh, no way to guess.
I love you my dear. Please believe me, these words have never rang truer,
If Shakespeare himself had spoken,
I love you, please, stand beside me,
And i'll watch fire crash apon us, as we stand together,
Not a single flame touching.
I love you my fair, please don't leave me with this despair?"

She knew vinyl would figure it out, she when the teacher came by her seat of hay, she pretended to be asleep. She could hear the teacher click her hooves, and yet she didn't turn her head up. She couldn't tears were starting to form and there was no way she would let anyone see that, not with Vinyl right next to her. No way in hell.

It seemed as though Apple actually fell asleep, because next thing she knew it was time for Lunch. Though she wouldn't be eating, it didn't matter she had to show up. They take hoof prints in the cafe so they know who was there and who wasn't. She could always just ditch out, yet she knew her brother would rip her tail out if he found out. Which he always did. There was no point in hiding that.

'I'll just got to the office and chill there. They won't mind, they know by now i have issues. Even though the only issues are a torn apart heart. What could being in there hurt?'

She headed over to the office, taking the long way around so she could avoid the crowd of ponies going into there. Yet there was one she couldn't avoid. That was Dr. Hooves.

'Crab apples' She thought. Of all damn stallions to run into it had to be him !

"Hey Apple, what's going on? Aren't you suppose to be going to lunch?"

"Yea i am, i'm just taking the long way around. Easier way to avoid people."

"Yea i guess that's always a good thing. Hey do you think i could ask your advice on something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Well you oviously know that me and Vinyl have this ish thing going on. But well i'm kinda dating someone else. I want to let her down easy, but i have no idea how. Could you help out?"

'OMG this is what i've been waiting for and wanting ! Finally !

"I think the best thing would be to let her know straight up, otherwise it's very messed up. I'll act like i don't know though so she thinks you actually have some balls. Alright ?" Apple had to try so hard to keep her composure and no crack a smile right then and there.

"Yea, that would work best. And Thanks Apple, i figured you would know how to tell her. I owe you one. ! Cya later."

Apple had to try her hardest to not act out of place. She needed to keep her composure. The rest of her school day seemed to fly by and she raced home, she knew she would be getting a text from Vinyl and she needed her phone which she had stupidly left at her house. She got inside and put all her stuff down, made sure she had her phone beside her and turned on the TV.

'Now just to wait, i know it will come soon.'

Yet while she was waiting for the text she seemed to have fallen asleep. By the time she woke up there was Vinyl's text message.

"I can't believe what just happened, i don't believe this! Apple i need to talk to you! answer ASAP! Please!"