//------------------------------// // Alicorns are powerful right? // Story: Before Corruption // by theflaminggay //------------------------------// Chrysalis's Origins: Part One 300 years after the Draconequi Alicorn war, middle aged Alicorn Queen named Poison Heart ruled an obscure kingdom just beyond the Everfree forest called the Monarch kingdom. Her kingdom was surrounded by pure majesty as crystals in the shape of flowers grew naturally throughout her land. She ruled her kingdom with 100% loyalty from her subjects; she didn't believe in violence so never trained any pony to hurt another. The only fighting she knew consisted of only defensive spells, and stances to help protect her kingdom from dangers. Only during times of war, which was rare since they had few enemies, she would use the spell learnt through destiny and poison the heart of her enemies. This spell would turn them against themselves and corrupt the mind of the target to destroy them. Every time she saw this happen she was devastated and vowed only to use this spell when in grave danger. Some of her only real enemies were the Crystal Empire, which she despised since they had stolen their main source of income with their "beautiful" crystals. King Rubinus, the king of the Crystal Empire, who had tricked her into loving him creating a young colt named Sombra, also betrayed her. Her spies that she sent to the Crystal Empire learned that King Rubinus had sealed Sombra into a crystal, which could not be broken from the outside. This infuriated Queen Poison Heart, but she knew there was no way to steal her child back with the protection of the crystal army and having no army of her own. Years went by as her hatred grew within her after she learned that King Rubinus had another child, named Mi Amore Cadenza, while she lay in her throne without children. Soon enough though a stallion, unicorn, prince came upon her kingdom in search for a kingdom to keep his subjects safe. Queen Poison Heart accepted and soon married the Young prince named Volcarious, which her subjects were wary about this new presence to rule over them. Volcarious's subjects were highly trained for fighting, but only because they have been fighting every day since their kingdom was destroyed by corrupt beings called Draconequi. They were magical creatures with a special kind of power that caused chaos throughout the land they conquered. As the respect for their new king and fellow ponies grew they learned to follow Volcarious with 100% loyalty like with their own Queen. When word of the Draconequi started to die down, King Volcarious and Queen Poison Heart decided to finally have a child. Their new young unicorn, who was born with inept magical abilities, named Chrysalis now the sole heir to the Monarch Kingdom. Once she learned how to read she was given a magical spell book to sharpen her raw talent. Around the same time her subjects and herself witnessed a large burst of magic come from the Crystal Empire. She later learned that the Draconequi had resurfaced onto the scene of Equestria. Also that her son Sombra, now a young foal, had escaped from his unbreakable crystal and that King Rubinus was killed by the Draconequi. In fear, she sent Chrysalis over to her good friend Princess Luna to be protected by her and the royal guard. Luna took the young unicorn under her wing and mentored her about the magic of Equestria. Sombra also didn't have family when he exited his unbreakable crystal prison, so he ran towards Canterlot when he heard about Star Swirl the Bearded wanted an apprentice. They both became very powerful in the magical arts, honing their skills under their mentor's careful eye. Luna soon grew to love Chrysalis as if she was her younger sister. She also met the young unicorn Sombra when she visited Star Swirl for his advances that he made in magic. She became fond of Sombra, who was all alone under Star Swirl apprenticeship. Chrysalis would sometimes come over with Luna to visit Star Swirl and practice new spells she had learned onto Sombra. Sombra agreed to be her little guinea pig for her experiments, since he secretly had a thing for her. Chrysalis's experiments usually did end in failure, as she didn't know how to control her power. Up until one day when she encased Sombra in an Emerald cocoon; Luna, Star Swirl, Sombra, and Chrysalis were all surprised that one of her experiments was actually successful. With this she released Sombra and gained her cutie mark, which was an emerald crystal heart beginning to be encased in an emerald cocoon, with a black unicorn horn that had holes in it. Chrysalis jumped up in excitement with her newfound ability. Sombra grew jealous of Chrysalis, since he hadn't received his cutie mark. Luna had noticed the jealousy in his eyes and had told him, "It's okay Sombra you will get yours when the time has come it is all destiny." He looked at her with a stupid face forgetting all about the destiny part. Luna eventually learned of some news that her good friend Queen Poison Heart, was dying of an unknown disease. Luna always knew this was going to happen, just by her cutie mark, she was destined to die of some poison in the heart. Luna took Chrysalis with her to go and visit her mother to see her before it was too late. As Luna predicted Poison Heart was dying of a disease growing out from her heart, she was devastated by this realization. They had stayed in the Monarch kingdom up until Queen Poison Heart's death, with her final conversation being, "I heard that you finally got your cutie mark, come here and let me see." She looks down at her daughter's flank and sees her cutie mark. "It's beautiful, please tell me how you got it?" "I got... when I put... Sombra into an emerald cocoon." Chrysalis tries to hold back the tears welling up in her face as she chokes out the words. "He's... my frie- "It's okay I know who he is," coughs as her head falls onto the pillow, "Anyway I want you to remember that Mama will always love you and I will always be with you in your heart." She points over to Chrysalis's heart, slowly then all at once her eyes began to close; her face went pale and her breathing stopped. "MAMA NOOOO don't leave me, wake up mama." She jumps onto her mom's bed and clutches her lifeless body "Ma... ma... noo" She manages to say before tears flow down her face and into her mom's chest. Luna wipes tears off her face and turns towards Chrysalis, but is so choked up that she cannot speak. She clears her throat and trembles to say, "Come on, Chrysalis we have to go now," Chrysalis looks over to Luna and with her eyes tells Luna we can't leave yet. "We have to go now Chrysalis, I'm sorry but we have to." Luna tries to pull her off with own strength but cannot manage to pull the young foal off of her mother. "NO stop... she is still here stop." Luna pulls Chrysalis off with her magic "NOOOOO MAMA!!!" Chrysalis screams. Luna eyes begin to swell as she pulls Chrysalis out of the room and into the carriage. She orders her guards to fly them back to Canterlot as tears fall down her face. She clears her face with her hoof as Chrysalis jumps into chest, "How could anyone do this to her Luna." "I'm afraid it wasn't a pony, but her destiny. It was bound to happen luckily she lived a long life and had you, her greatest accomplishment." Chrysalis cleared her tears into Luna's mane, "I know your pain Chrysalis my parents were murdered by the Draconequi, when Celestia and I were only fillies." A tear rolls down Luna's face as she remembers when the guard told their advisor that their parents were murdered.. When they returned to Canterlot, Chrysalis told the news to Sombra who cried not for her mother's death but about himself being an orphan. Little did they know that they were brother and sister. Star Swirl didn't know how to deal with this news, since he never experienced a loss from someone close to him. So instead of sympathy he gave her a spell book filled with untold knowledge of magic. Again Sombra grew jealous of Chrysalis since now she received a spell book filled with powerful magical knowledge. Of course this jealousy didn't stop him having a crush on her, since she was a pony that craved the love that Sombra felt for her. As they grew in age they eventually both started to have mutual feelings for each other and started to sneak out during the night to break into the forbidden vaults filled with magical knowledge. On their adventures they found many obscure spells that no pony used since a more convenient spell existed. On a few occasions though members of the royal guard would almost catch them, as they were deep inside the magical scrolls. They both eventually found the ponynomicon that was filled with the dark arts of magic forbidden to be used by anyone. Chrysalis advised against reading it and learning the knowledge held within, but Sombra wanted to have more power than his mentor could ever teach him. As they learned the dark arts, Sombra grew more corrupt from the use of these magical arts. Chrysalis did utilize the dark arts and applied it to her emerald cocoon spell, which now could drain the magical and life force of a pony. She also found spells that would help her drain the magical and life force of a pony without the use of imprisonment, but it was ran by the love somepony felt for her. This slowly corrupted her, but not as badly as Sombra since she had no preconceived notion to use it on another pony. As their knowledge of the dark arts grew, Sombra always wanted more not caring about who he hurt. Eventually Chrysalis was starting to be Sombra's guinea pig, but his experiments were (pony version of inhumane → ) inpomane. As he tried to make himself into an Alicorn. His knowledge of the dark arts far outgrew Chrysalis, as he would abandon Star Swirl with the use of an invisibility spell found inside the ponynomicon. He was trying to create a dark crystal called Arrants, which were highly valuable in the Crystal Empire. They were also used to enhance dark magic from the user to help them become more powerful. Chrysalis feared for her boyfriend as he fell further down into the madness of Dark magic, she would try to drain the magic out of him but her spell started to not work as his heart filled with hatred. One day, when Chrysalis refused to be Sombra's test dummy she was hit upside the face by a large black crystal. Dazed and confused, she looked over to Sombra who was jumping up with glee. "I have finally created the Arrant crystal, all I needed was hatred and jealousy towards someone." Chrysalis began to tear up, "Hatred, but I thought you loved me Sombra." "Oh how silly for you to think of that, why would I a powerful dark magic user need love when I can harness the power of hatred. Of course all I needed was the power boosting Arrant crystal and someone to test this spell on." Chrysalis looked into Sombra's eyes, which were filled with hatred as his the white of his eyes filled with a menacing green. His beautiful magenta eyes became crimson red and a purple smoke began to flow out of his eyes. She also noticed that his cutie mark had finally appeared onto his flank. It was three Arrant crystals with a magenta red crest around it. In fear she encased Sombra inside of one of her emerald cocoons and ran off to go get Star Swirl, knowing that it wouldn't hold him for long. Star Swirl went into the forbidden room with Chrysalis just as Sombra broke out of the cocoon. "Ahh Star Swirl great for you to join us." His voice grew raspy as he spoke, "Now it's time to try out a little spell in this book." He shows the book off to Star Swirl. Star Swirl looks at him in shock, "How did find that book?" "Oh none of your concern but since you're here." He fires a magical attack towards Star Swirl just as Star Swirl fired in retaliation with his own magic. Sombra's powerful dark magic pushes against Star Swirl, and eventually Star Swirl cannot bare it and gets hit by Sombra attack. Star Swirl screams out in terror as he feels his whole body start to shake and wings begin to grow out of his back. With his age though he does not survive the transformation and his cutie mark begins to implode onto itself like a black hole. He then turns into a red ruby crystal and gets surrounded by silver, he gets turned into a necklace called the Alicorn necklace. Chrysalis screams in horror, "Oh my god you murdered him." "Well I didn't mean too hahaha. And look I did exactly what I wanted I made an Alicorn." Chrysalis looks over to next to the necklace and sees a filly Alicorn lying on the floor with the same theme as the necklace. Sombra levitates the necklace onto his neck and a purple, black bubbly magic surrounds the Alicorn necklace and Sombra begins to levitate off the ground. A purple, black bubbly magical orb surrounds Sombra and then gets absorbed back into Sombra as two large black wings come from out of his body. His horn looks as if he stabbed somepony; his eyes oozing purple smoke, and his coat become a dark gray as his Crystal coat disappears. "Sombra WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Luna and Celestia come over to the now destroyed forbidden room of Alicorn magic. "I have done what I was destined to do, I have become an Alicorn." Luna looks around the room and notices Star Swirl's cloak on the ground with a baby Alicorn wrapped in it. She sees Chrysalis shivering in fear of Sombra. "What did you do to Star Swirl?" "Oh nothing just rid of him since he was in my way of becoming an Alicorn." He menacingly smiles at Luna, " And now it's time to get rid of my only other enemy." "Celestia take Chrysalis and the baby Alicorn out of here, I will deal with Sombra." "But Luna that's Umbra's horn you won't be enou-" "I don't care I will deal with him now go!" Celestia ran out with the baby and Chrysalis into the docking port. "Guards I need to you to take these two ponies to the Monarch kingdom where they will be safe." As she says that an explosion happens and Chrysalis looks over to the moon and sees Sombra and Luna fighting each other. "You need to leave now, Chrysalis protect this baby. There's somepony that I know, she lives in th-" A red blast of magic hits the docking port, the docking port begins to break off from the castle, "You need to leave now go off to the Monarch kingdom." "Goodbye Celestia!" tears begin to flow down Chrysalis's face as the guards fly them off towards her kingdom she sees Luna hit Sombra with a powerful magic attack blasting him towards the Everfree forest, almost hitting the carriage. Chrysalis noticed that the Alicorn necklace had fallen off of Sombra and into the bog, where the hydra could protect it. Without the Alicorn necklace Sombra knew he couldn't fight off Luna, so he retreated to the only place that he knew was safe. This place was his original home The Crystal Empire, where the meek crystal ponies lay without a ruler to protect them. Chrysalis knew exactly where she could keep the baby Alicorn, where nopony would ever find her. She has the guards drop her off in Maretonia where nopony from Equestria, except for the Alicorn sisters, knew about. She then returned to the Monarch Kingdom just as the sun shone over the horizon. She tried to sneak back into her old room, but knowing her father that was no easy task. She passed by her father's bedroom and noticed he wasn't there. She was puzzled by his absence from his bedroom where he would wallow in his sorrow over the death of his wife. "Hey you've come back to visit me, I thought you only cared for your mother." A voice from behind Chrysalis boomed. Chrysalis looks back to her father in a nightgown full of stains from food, drinks and even his own tears. She looks at his nappy mane, which has not been washed for at least a week, as he levitates a large container of Vanilla ice cream and a giant serving spoon. Chrysalis also notices many new wrinkles covering his forehead and chin, his teeth as yellow as a full moon and his white coat covered in who knows what. Chrysalis walks over to her father and gave him a big welcoming hug, "You know you look like shit dad." "Yes I know, but ever since your mother died, I just don't know how to cope other than to get really fat." Chrysalis just looked at her father and shook her head in displeasement. "I have tried to cope to, but all the things that surround my daily life kind of just distract me. I mean I guess a dark Alicorn possessing my lover and basically destroying my foundation of life in Canterlot; can distract me from my mother's death." "Well I'm just glad that you've finally came back, and that's sounds like a terrible way to cope." Chrysalis just rolls her eyes, "Anyway, let's get you cleaned up before the guard awaken." Chrysalis and her father trotted towards the royal bathhouses to clean up the mess of her father. While Volcarious washed whatever his coat was made of now, Chrysalis went into his bedroom to see the damage three years without a woman's touch has done. As she swung open the door, she was surprised not to really see that much of mess until... she turned the corner. She then saw a 10 hoof tall pile filed with dirty clothes, half eaten pizzas, some crumpled up scrolls, and Chrysalis went to walk over to the pile and touched the unknown white substance. Once she touched it she jumped back and cringed as she saw this liquid coming from a plushie thrown onto his bed. She levitated one of the scrolls over to her so she could read what it had said, Dear Chrysalis, I don't know if I can live anymore without your mother. And add that I haven't seen you since her death, why don't you visit me anymore. Yes I know you're busy learning the magical arts of Equestria or some shit at least that's what Luna told me. Anyway I'm writing this to just tell you that I'm going to... just end it all... I'm going to kill myself... Most likely when you come to visit me I will be dead already and there will be nothing you can do---- "Chrysalis what are you reading." Volcarious interrupted abruptly Chrysalis threw the scroll across the room then turned towards her father and rubbed her mane with her hoof, "I'm not reading anything I was just looking at your mess in this room." "Oh okay yea it's been like this for a while," Volcarious trotted over to his bed but as he passed Chrysalis he said, "So how did you like my suicide note, also yea I get lonely so I uh used that plushie, yeaaaaa it's weird but what else am I supposed to do." Chrysalis just cringed at the thought of his father with that plushie and to make matters worse the plushie was of this rainbow Pegasus, of which I have never seen. I mean I have one right next to me and it's sooooo cute, anyway back to the story. "Oh how did you know I was reading that lovely note about oh I don't know your death. How about we clean this room of your now." *Cue cleaning montage and music to go along with it. * Later on, when the sun was about to set Chrysalis and her father had finally cleaned up every little spot of dirt in his room and some other liquids too. Chrysalis went into his closet to see what kind of clothes he had to wear; she noticed that he only had color variations of his nightgown. She went through the closet to see if he had any other kinds of clothing, which to her dismay he didn't. "Here I'll just throw these away for you." She levitated the varied colorful nightgowns out of the closet and put them into the large garbage disposal just outside the window. She then noticed a large box labeled 'Do not open' in big red letters. "What's this, father?" He looked over to the closet and saw the large box and immediately jumps onto the box with fear in his eyes. "It's nothing, I swear, now give it to me." "Um... how about no." She levitates the large brown box with her magical grasp and runs out of his room into the main hall. She felt her father's magical grasp grab her by the legs and trip her. Flinging the box across the room and bursting it open to find that what was held inside had not been used in three years. She levitated the contents of the box with her magical grasp and inspected it, "Why was this hidden away from everypony? Mama gave this to you as a wedding gift, father." Tears started to swell up in Volcarious's eyes as he remembered the day that she gave it to him. He used his magical grasp to levitate the majestic crystal orchid necklace onto his neck. (Ooh I just love a functional accessory ~Rarity). Once it touched his clean white coat, he was immediately lifted off the ground and surrounded by a golden honey magic aura, which had consumed him. A bright golden light filled the main hall and Chrysalis's father landed back onto his hooves. Now in full kingly attire, golden anklets on all of his legs. Honey crystal shoes now adorned his hooves; a majestic honey crystal crown laid rest on his now fiery red mane. Golden honey stripes ran all over his body and a large gold and white cape lay atop his now slender body. His coat now shone with crystal like qualities, and two large honey crystal wings sprung from his back. He levitated with his magical grasp a massive crystal honey sword bathed in flames with a matching hilt to go along with it. (you know what else is massive and on fire *wink wink* *nudge nudge*). "Ooh I forgot the feeling I felt when I had this necklace on, I feel like my young self again." Chrysalis was speechless by the transformation her father had just gone through. Before she could speak though she was interrupted by one of the royal guards. "Your majesty you have to come quick, I think one of those Draconequi are attacking the kingdom." As he finished his sentence a chaos beam was fired directly where he was standing and was completely vaporized by the attack. Volcarious was stunned but eventually said, "Enh I didn't like that guy that much anyway." Chrysalis immediately hit him with her hoof and shook her head. "But he had a family, a wife and two fillies." Volcarious just shrugs and says with his head enh whatever. "Anyway so he said something about the Draconequi right? How about we go and fight that." He flies out of the hole in the castle walls and goes to fight the Draconequi. Chrysalis galloped to main door and flung it open to see a mare with her two fillies standing there. "Ooh princess Chrysalis have you seen my husband." Chrysalis just stared at them knowing that he was just vaporized like a minute ago... But luckily she was saved of an awkward situation by the chaos beam when it hit the rest of the guard's family. (awkward). She saw her father in the sky fighting off the magical chaos bringers, but to no avail as his lack of fighting experience soon rendered him useless. He still didn't go down without a fight using his massive honey flame sword to slice off the multiple appendages sewn about the Draconequi. Their chaos beams were mighty powerful (southern accent out of nowhere) but not enough for the newfound abilities Volcarious had from his Alicorn status. He flung his sword straight into the heart of one of the Draconequi instantly killing her. This infuriated one of the other Draconequi and he immediately kicked Volcarious in the face blasting him down to the ground next to Chrysalis's hooves. "Father you need to get back up." Chrysalis ran towards her father to help him up from the immense power that the Draconequi had. Volcarious sprang up as if his heart was as strong as multiple stallions. He then fired a powerful flamethrower from his horn towards the leader of the Draconequi and as the wife of the leader fell to the ground he grabbed the sword out of her chest. He flew up to the leader and sliced the heads of the other Draconequi that had gotten in the way. He swung his sword towards the leader of the Draconequi and clashed with his horn. His sword was shattered by the power being emitted from the Draconequus's horn. He was surprised by the power of the chaos bringer but didn't give up and used his horn to clash against the Draconequi leader's horn. They then both pushed off each other and Volcarious fired his most powerful flamethrower attack towards the Draconequus and the Draconequus fired his most powerful chaos beam towards Volcarious. As their beams crossed paths with each other's a large spirit bomb, (Dragon Ball Z), was created from the middle of the blast. They both fired their magical attacks towards each other trying to obliterate the other. With his old age though he couldn't hold out forever as his attack started to weaken and the spirit bomb grew closer to him. He opened his eyes in fear and gave up by ending his attack and throwing the crystal orchid necklace over to Chrysalis right as he was vaporized from the chaos beam. The Draconequus flew down to Chrysalis's hooves and laughed maniacally, "Oh you poor princess now that your father is dead how will you ever defeat me." Chrysalis emerged from the rubble that the Draconequus caused when he landed with full honey crystal coat, "With the power of my parent's love." She was surrounded by a purple crystal heart aura as she fired a powerful sea blue attack toward the Draconequus. The Draconequus was hit fully by the blast and started to be encased in an emerald crystal as his chaos power was being drained out of him. His life force and chaos power drained out of him and into Chrysalis as the power of her parent's love fueled her with immense power. After the chaos and life force was drained out of the Draconequus he crumbled into dust finally being destroyed by Chrysalis. She trotted over to her scared subjects as they shook in fear from witnessing that tremendous use of power. She went up to her subjects and raised their head with her hoof, while she stared into their eyes giving them reassurance that they were safe. Everypony in the kingdom eventually felt safe and went towards the castle where the new Queen of their kingdom lay. They then all bowed down simultaneously to congratulate Chrysalis with her victory over the wretched Draconequi. Once all of her subject's heads touched the ground, she immediately felt a sensation fill her whole body. She then suddenly was encased in one of her own emerald crystal cocoons. She awoken in a very peculiar room, which looked as if she was in space. She noticed that no other pony was here with her in this room, until she saw a hall filled with her lifetime events. She passed them noticing every deed she had committed, every hardship she faced, and every time somepony looked up to her. She then noticed that some other pony was with her in the mystical place. She saw a large white unicorn, no wait those are wings this pony was an Alicorn. As the Alicorn came into the light, Chrysalis grew in confusion on why she was here. Then the Alicorn began to speak, "Ahh Chrysalis it's so nice to see you." Chrysalis opened her eyes to reveal that Celestia was standing in front of her with a welcoming smile. "Oh it's you Celestia." She jumped into Celestia's arms with glee, "But wait why am I here and what is this place?" Celestia looked down towards the midnight blue mare, "You're destiny has brought you here, this place is where I watch what all of Equestria does during the day. But I usually pay attention to special some ponies, so I'm not spying on anyone really. Only powerful unicorns and pegasi that may grow out of control, of course I cannot keep my eye on everyone, I mean it's not like I'm a god or anything." "So what am I doing here exactly?" Chrysalis confusingly said to the white Alicorn. "Oh yes that I almost forgot. Uhm anyway you were always destined to become the Princess ever since your birth." Celestia smiles towards Chrysalis as she shows her basic life story. "And now that you have finally defeated the wretched Draconequi, you have fulfilled your destiny and you are ready for an ascension." "An ascension? What does that mean?" Chrysalis looked at the white Alicorn with confusion set once again on her face. "It means, well how about I just, well show you, or you experience it yourself." As if her words were magical Chrysalis began to levitate in the air and then was surrounded by a midnight blue, crystal heart Aura. She felt magic course through her blood and the given to her by destiny embracing her entire body. She felt two wings starting to grow out of her back as she was transported back into the emerald crystal cocoon. She then broke free of this makeshift prison and flew high into the sky. She flew back down to the ground and saw all of her subjects staring at her in awe and disbelief. She wondered why everypony in her kingdom just stared at her like if they had seen a ghost. She then looked to her right and then to her left and noticed that she had wings. She gasped not realizing what Celestia was talking about. She has ascended from an Unicorn into an Alicorn, making her now the Princess that would protect her kingdom and the power of Love. End of Part One .